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For Today: Arnold Schoenberg and Expressionism Igor Stravinsky and Polytonal Music

Expressionism: a broad

artist movement that flourished in music, painting, and literature in the early decades of the twentieth century. Use of exaggerated imagery and extreme colors to create art that focused on stimulating the mind. Strove to speak to the unconscious, to make apparent humanitys deepest and often darkest emotions. Id versus ego.

Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951)

Though Schoenberg

considered himself to be a traditionalist, he was widely regarded as a musical radical. Moved several times between Vienna, Austria and Berlin, Germany until the Nazis assumed power in Germanyhe then moved to the United States. Developed a new means of composing music: twelve-tone composition.

Pierrot Lunaire, Schoenberg, 1912

Pierrot: pale,

moonstruck clown of commedia dellarte, type of improv. theater from Renaissance Italy. Essentially a song cycle, a set of lieder. Schoenberg set his music to Albert Girauds cycle of poems, Pierrot Lunaire.

New musical concepts in Pierrot Lunaire

Sprechstimme: Speech-Voice Schoenberg

calls for the singer to hitbut not sustain precise pitches. Eerie, disassociated quality.
Similar to recitatives in classical operathink Le

Nozze di Figaro.
AtonalityMusic lacking any sense of tonal

center, resolution, or harmonic closure.

Some people love atonality, some people hate it.

Columbine from Schoenbergs Pierrot Lunaire

The book suggests: Columbine is not beautiful

in ay conventional sense. Schoenberg purposely set this anguished text to music that is equally tormented. He saw no point in trying to project pain through beauty. Instead, his music captures pain itself.

Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)

Collaborated with

Sergei Diaghilev and the Russian Ballet in Paris, along with Gabrielle Chanel and Pablo Picasso. Best known for his ballet music, ie. The Rite of Spring, Firebird, Petrouchka, Pulcinella.

The Rite of Spring

Part One: The Adoration of the Earth
Springtime celebration centered around ritualistic

Part Two: The Great Sacrifice

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