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aibaia Foite
Inteivieweu by Chiistina Bonato

econu toiy Beauline

pecial Inteiest Aiticles
ArLlcle LlLle 1
ArLlcle LlLle 2
ArLlcle LlLle 3
ArLlcle LlLle 4
Inuiviuual Bighlights
lnslde sLory 2
lnslde sLory 3
lnslde sLory 4
lnslde sLory 3
ln a few words a headllne should accuraLely represenL Lhe conLenLs of Lhe sLory and
draw readers lnLo Lhe sLory uevelop Lhe headllne before you wrlLe Lhe sLory 1hls way
Lhe headllne wlll help you keep Lhe sLory focused
Lxamples of posslble headllnes lnclude roducL Wlns lndusLry Award new roducL Can
Save ?ou 1lme Membershlp urlve Lxceeds Coals and new Cfflce Cpens near ?ou
Cne beneflL of uslng your newsleLLer as a promoLlonal Lool ls LhaL you can reuse
conLenL from oLher markeLlng maLerlals such as press releases and markeL sLudles
Whlle your maln goal of dlsLrlbuLlng a newsleLLer mlghL be Lo sell your producL or
servlces Lhe key Lo a successful newsleLLer ls maklng lL useful Lo your reader
Much of Lhe conLenL you puL ln your newsleLLer can also be used for your Web slLe
MlcrosofL Word offers a slmple way Lo converL your newsleLLer Lo a Web publlcaLlon
So when you're flnlshed wrlLlng your newsleLLer converL lL Lo a Web slLe and posL lL
1he sub[ecL maLLer LhaL appears ln newsleLLers ls vlrLually endless ?ou can lnclude
sLorles LhaL focus on currenL Lechnologles or lnnovaLlons ln your fleld
1hlnk abouL your arLlcle and ask yourself lf Lhe plcLure supporLs or enhances Lhe
message you're Lrylng Lo convey Avold selecLlng lmages LhaL appear Lo be ouL of
conLexL MlcrosofL lncludes Lhousands of cllp arL lmages from whlch you can choose
and you can lmporL Lhem lnLo your newsleLLer
[Volume , Issue ]

Insiue toiy Beauline

Insiue toiy Beauline

Cne beneflL of uslng your newsleLLer as
a promoLlonal Lool ls LhaL you can reuse
conLenL from oLher markeLlng maLerlals
such as press releases and markeL
Whlle your maln goal of dlsLrlbuLlng a
newsleLLer mlghL be Lo sell your producL
or servlce Lhe key Lo a successful
newsleLLer ls maklng lL useful Lo your
ln a few words lL should accuraLely
represenL Lhe conLenLs of Lhe sLory and
draw readers lnLo Lhe sLory uevelop Lhe
headllne before you wrlLe Lhe sLory 1hls
way Lhe headllne wlll help you keep Lhe
sLory focused
Lxamples of posslble headllnes lnclude
roducL Wlns lndusLry Award new
roducL Can Save ?ou 1lme
Membershlp urlve Lxceeds Coals and
new Cfflce Cpens near ?ou
Insiue toiy Beauline
Much of Lhe conLenL you puL ln your
newsleLLer can also be used for your Web
slLe MlcrosofL Word offers a slmple way Lo
converL your newsleLLer Lo a Web
publlcaLlon So when you're flnlshed
wrlLlng your newsleLLer converL lL Lo a
Web slLe and posL lL
?ou may also wanL Lo noLe buslness or
economlc Lrends or make predlcLlons for
your cusLomers or cllenLs
lf Lhe newsleLLer ls dlsLrlbuLed lnLernally
you mlghL commenL upon new procedures
or vendors needs
SelecLlng plcLures or graphlcs ls an
lmporLanL parL of addlng conLenL Lo your
Reploce tbis text witb o quote from tbe Jocument or o summory of on interestinq point. You
con position tbe text box onywbere in tbe Jocument.
ln a few words a headllne should accuraLely represenL Lhe conLenLs of Lhe sLory and
draw readers lnLo Lhe sLory uevelop Lhe headllne before you wrlLe Lhe sLory 1hls way
Lhe headllne wlll help you keep Lhe sLory focused
Lxamples of posslble headllnes lnclude roducL Wlns lndusLry Award new roducL Can
Save ?ou 1lme Membershlp urlve Lxceeds Coals and new Cfflce Cpens near ?ou
Cne beneflL of uslng your newsleLLer as a promoLlonal Lool ls LhaL you can reuse
conLenL from oLher markeLlng maLerlals such as press releases and markeL sLudles
Whlle your maln goal of dlsLrlbuLlng a newsleLLer mlghL be Lo sell your producL or
servlces Lhe key Lo a successful newsleLLer ls maklng lL useful Lo your reader
Much of Lhe conLenL you puL ln your newsleLLer can also be used for your Web slLe
MlcrosofL Word offers a slmple way Lo converL your newsleLLer Lo a Web publlcaLlon
So when you're flnlshed wrlLlng your newsleLLer converL lL Lo a Web slLe and posL lL
1he sub[ecL maLLer LhaL appears ln newsleLLers ls vlrLually endless ?ou can lnclude
sLorles LhaL focus on currenL Lechnologles or lnnovaLlons ln your fleld
1hlnk abouL your arLlcle and ask yourself lf Lhe plcLure supporLs or enhances Lhe
message you're Lrylng Lo convey Avold selecLlng lmages LhaL appear Lo be ouL of
conLexL MlcrosofL lncludes Lhousands of cllp arL lmages from whlch you can choose
and you can lmporL Lhem lnLo your newsleLLer 1here are also several Lools you can use
Lo draw shapes and symbols Cnce you have chosen an lmage place lL close Lo Lhe
arLlcle 8e sure Lo place Lhe capLlon for Lhe lmage near Lhe lmage Loo

Insiue toiy Beauline

Insiue toiy Beauline

1hlnk abouL your arLlcle and ask yourself lf Lhe plcLure supporLs or enhances Lhe
message you're Lrylng Lo convey Avold selecLlng lmages LhaL appear Lo be ouL of
conLexL MlcrosofL lncludes Lhousands of cllp arL lmages from whlch you can choose
and you can lmporL Lhem lnLo your newsleLLer 1here are also several Lools you can
use Lo draw shapes and symbols Cnce you have chosen an lmage place lL close Lo
Lhe arLlcle 8e sure Lo place Lhe capLlon for Lhe lmage near Lhe lmage Loo
?ou can also research arLlcles or flnd flller" arLlcles by accesslng Lhe World Wlde
Web ?ou can wrlLe abouL a varleLy of Loplcs buL Lry Lo keep your arLlcles shorL Much
of Lhe conLenL you puL ln your newsleLLer can also be used for your Web slLe
MlcrosofL Word offers a slmple way Lo converL your newsleLLer Lo a Web publlcaLlon
So when you're flnlshed wrlLlng your newsleLLer converL lL Lo a Web slLe and posL lL
Much of Lhe conLenL you puL ln your newsleLLer can also be used for your Web slLe
Cne beneflL of uslng your newsleLLer as a promoLlonal Lool ls LhaL you can reuse
conLenL from oLher markeLlng maLerlals such as press releases and markeL sLudles
Whlle your maln goal of dlsLrlbuLlng a newsleLLer mlghL be Lo sell your producL or
servlces Lhe key Lo a successful newsleLLer ls maklng lL useful Lo your readers A greaL
way Lo add useful conLenL Lo your newsleLLer ls Lo develop and wrlLe your own
arLlcles or Lo lnclude a calendar of upcomlng evenLs
?ou can also research arLlcles or flnd flller" arLlcles by accesslng Lhe World Wlde
Web ?ou can wrlLe abouL a varleLy of Loplcs buL Lry Lo keep your arLlcles shorL Much
of Lhe conLenL you puL ln your newsleLLer can also be used for your Web slLe
MlcrosofL Word offers a slmple way Lo converL your newsleLLer Lo a Web publlcaLlon
So when you're flnlshed wrlLlng your newsleLLer converL lL Lo a Web slLe and posL lL

Insiue toiy Beauline
Cne beneflL of uslng your newsleLLer as a
promoLlonal Lool ls LhaL you can reuse
conLenL from oLher markeLlng maLerlals
such as press releases and markeL sLudles
Whlle your maln goal of dlsLrlbuLlng a
newsleLLer mlghL be Lo sell your producL or
servlces Lhe key Lo a successful newsleLLer
ls maklng lL useful Lo your readers A greaL
way Lo add useful conLenL Lo your
newsleLLer ls Lo develop and wrlLe your
own arLlcles or Lo lnclude a calendar of
upcomlng evenLs
?ou can also research arLlcles or flnd flller"
arLlcles by accesslng Lhe World Wlde Web
?ou can wrlLe abouL a varleLy of Loplcs buL
Lry Lo keep your arLlcles shorL Much of Lhe
conLenL you puL ln your newsleLLer can also
be used for your Web slLe MlcrosofL Word
offers a slmple way Lo converL your
newsleLLer Lo a Web publlcaLlon So when
you're flnlshed wrlLlng your newsleLLer
converL lL Lo a Web slLe and posL lL

ack Page toiy Beauline

ack Page toiy Beauline

Cne beneflL of uslng your newsleLLer as a promoLlonal Lool ls LhaL you can reuse
conLenL from oLher markeLlng maLerlals such as press releases and markeL sLudles
Whlle your maln goal of dlsLrlbuLlng a newsleLLer mlghL be Lo sell your producL or
servlces Lhe key Lo a successful newsleLLer ls maklng lL useful Lo your readers A greaL
way Lo add useful conLenL Lo your newsleLLer ls Lo develop and wrlLe your own arLlcles
or Lo lnclude a calendar of upcomlng evenLs
?ou can also research arLlcles or flnd flller" arLlcles by accesslng Lhe World Wlde Web
?ou can wrlLe abouL a varleLy of Loplcs buL Lry Lo keep your arLlcles shorL Much of Lhe
conLenL you puL ln your newsleLLer can also be used for your Web slLe MlcrosofL Word
offers a slmple way Lo converL your newsleLLer Lo a Web publlcaLlon So when you're
flnlshed wrlLlng your newsleLLer converL lL Lo a Web slLe and posL lL
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