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Until what age do you think people should be encouraged to remain in paid employment?

Imagine the world without labour, human beings, I believe, could not prolong their existance. This hypothesis raises our awareness of the importance of working. Different country has different age of retirement. In some countries the average worker is obliged to retire at the age of 50, while in others people can work until they are 65 or 70. From my point of view, 65-70 is the appropriate age to stop working. When the world becomes more modern with lots of high technology especially in health issue, people are taked care more careful so we can live longer than we used to in the past. Nowaday, the average age of human beings is about 70 years old that isnt mentioned to few people can live more than 100 years old. So 65-70 is the right age to stop working due to health problems. On the onther hand, early or late retirement both causes disadvantages. If people retired earlier, there would be a significant waste of talents because this age people can be very creative and dynamic in working in business, for instance. And if people stopped working later, bad health can cause lots of damages not only for themselves but also for social burden. Life doesnt mean working at all, its also the enjoyment in our lives. From 65-70 on is the time people should enjoy life with their families and their pastimes. They can spend more time to think, to love deeply their wife/husband and their children. And they can have time to pursue their hobbies such as swimming, tennis, fishing,that they didnt have chance to do in the past. For example, you can see few people with the age over 60 still take the entrance exam to the university they like. Overall, I personally think that 65-70 is the most appropriate age to retire due to health proplems, disadvantages and life enjoyments.

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