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% LxecuLlve summary
a llrsL sLep
b Summary of Lhe paper ln an acLlve form
c Summarlze flndlngs legal prlnclpals and recommendaLlon and acLlve form
d ldea ls Lo gulde someone as Lo how Lhey should be acLlng ln a glven case
l Several problems were noLed ln Lhe 1hls ls whaL should be done
ll WhaL ls Lhe ouLcome
2% lnLroducLlon
a 4 Lhlngs
l urpose of Lhe paper
Cb[ecLlves wlsh Lo accompllsh
ll MeLhodology
lll 1alk abouL Lhe buslness/buslness relaLlonshlp
lv WhaL sLeps do you Lake
3% Lxplaln Lhe conLracL
a Lxplaln Lhe formaL
b resenLaLlon
4% lnLerpreL f Lhe clauses
a on'L have Lo Lype Lhem refer Lo Lhem Lxample s6
b Consequence when lL ls breached
3% ull ouL legal prlnclples from every (Lry% chapLer
6% pply correcLlve measures Lhen drafL Lhe rlghL clause
a Lx Clause 6 lsn'L falr
7% rovlde recommendaLlon and lessons learned

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