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Being Organised Empowers us to Achieve Name: Noam Were we able to organize ourselves in order to be able to prove or disprove our

hypothesis? Science Skills

Identify or create a question to explore and write a hypothesis to test.

-Identified/created a question to explore. -Wrote specific hypothesis to test.

-Identified/created a question to explore. -Wrote hypothesis to test.

-With some assistance Identified/created a question to explore. - With some assistance wrote hypothesis to test.

-With a lot if assistance Identified/created a question to explore. -With a lot of assistance wrote hypothesis to test.

Decide how to record the data gathered in the experiment. Gather the equipment needed to carry out the investigation in an organised manner.

-Designed very efficient tool to record and organise data. -Gathered equipment needed to carry out investigation. -Efficient, quick, organised manner.

-Designed efficient tool to record and organise data.

-Designed tool to record and organise data.

With assistance, designed tool to record and organise data.

-Gathered equipment needed to carry out investigation. -Organised manner.

-Gathered equipment needed to carry out investigation. -Needed some assistance.

-Had difficulty gathering the equipment needed. - Needed a lot of assistance.

Carry out the investigation in an organized way.

-Followed instructions to carry out investigation. -Explored question/ hypothesis deeply.

-Mostly followed instructions to carry out investigation. -Explored question/ hypothesis. Presented findings focused on audience needs.

-With some assistance, followed instructions to carry out investigation. -Explored question/ hypothesis. Presented findings.

-Had difficulty following instructions to carry out investigation. -Needed a lot of assistance.

Decide on an appropriate media to present the findings.

Presented findings clearly, focused on audience needs.

Needed assistance to present findings.

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