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Two Sample t Test For Mean (Independent) Assumptions: 1. All observations must be independent of each other 2.

The dependent variable must be measured on an interval or ratio scale 3. The dependent variable must be normally distributed in the population (for each group being compared). 4. The distribution of the dependent variable for one of the groups being compared must have the same variance as the distribution for the other group being compared.

Example: The number of netball score for Selangor team and Kedah team are shown below. At =0.05, is there a difference in mean of both team.

Selangor score 22 18 15 27 21 19 20 22 16

Kedah score 28 29 32 21 26 30 36 24 18 22

Step 1: Hypotheses H0 : 1 = 2 H1 : 1 2 (Claim)

x1 20 s1 3.6056 n1 9

x 2 26.6 s2 5.4813 n2 10

Step 2: Critical Value Refer to the table T at =0.05 Critical value = 2.306

Step 3: Test Statistic

t ( x1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) s1 s2 n1 n2
2 2

(20 26.6) 0 (3.6056) 2 (5.4813) 2 9 10

t 3.129

Step 4: Decision But by using traditional method, we get t test value is -3.129 which is less than the critical value is -2.306. -3.129 falls in critical region. So, we reject H0

Step 5: Conclusion There is enough evidence to support the claim that there is a significant difference between the means of netball scores for Selangor and Kedah.

By using excel:
t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances SELANGOR 20 13 9 0 16 -3.12909073 0.003236481 1.745883669 0.006472961 2.119905285 KEDAH 26.6 30.04 10

Mean Variance Observations Hypothesized Mean Difference df t Stat P(T<=t) one-tail t Critical one-tail P(T<=t) two-tail t Critical two-tail

From the result using excel, we know that the critical value for two tails is 2.1199. We compare the critical value with the t stat which is -3.1291. Therefore, the critical value is larger than the t stat. So, we reject H0. We can conclude that by using Microsoft Excel, there is enough evidence to support the claim that there is a significant difference between the means of netball scores for Selangor and Kedah.

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