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Twos Direction the matter will take. May be a 1st meeting point.

. Threes The point at which details grow and the matter solidifies. Fours Foundation has begun. Roots are put down in order to build. Fives The first challenge or glitch in the situation. Sixes Issue changes & grows;If it stagnates, it will not continue Sevens Variety added, Scope of the idea/project may be expanded. Eights Evaluation period. People & ideas may be put to the test. Nines Moving forward. The issue is nearly completed. Tens Completion of the cycle, project, or issue. Pages Signify risks and messages. Knights Indicate movement and direction. Knaves / Jack Youth of either gender Queens Female The matter was completed last season. Kings Male The matter was completed last year at this time Aces Week at the beginning of the season. The beginning of a situation. e.g. - Ace of diamonds would be the first week of the Spring Equinox

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