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Elio DAnna

You came here to learn how to dream a new dream. It is a revolution that will turn upside down your old, narrow vision with its dreary projections which you have nurtured for so many years. Wars, disease, misery and death will disappear from this planet if you understand that all comes from within and that all can be changed through a new dream - a powerful movement that will give birth to a brand new reality. The Dreamer


I Qualitative economy; A negative association about money; They taught you to believe Economy is a way of thinking; The measure of your own being This is economics II You, like billions of people; At the mercy of lesser gods; Away from home The games of life; No war within, no war without; Commitment and identification Business and self-knowledge; Self-government III The world is such because you are such; The difference between the inner and outer journey The parenthesis of life; Observing your inner war; Whats fair and whats unfair Win it before it happens! IV Technology and ignorance; Learn to be still; A conquered powerful silence The forgotten immortality-dream; The era of thought is ended When reality appears V Believing without believing Something unknown to man; Integrity as a permanent state Permanent victory VI Talks with the Dreamer: Questions and Answers

Qualitative Economy

A mere act of attention due to self-observation, may change your inner state, your position in yourself, and get you into a better position in life. You know a lot about being in the wrong or right place in life, but very little about being in the wrong or right place inside yourself. But remember! The internal is the very cause and so much more important than the external. You cannot expect to make the right decisions when you are in the wrong place internally, when your level of attention is zero. When you are in a bad, narrow, evil place internally, the world that you yourself project becomes colder, denser, thicker, heavier. A quantitative economy is based on calculation, programs, plans and mathematics; and mathematics cannot deal with qualities, but only with quantities. If you live in a merely quantitative universe, nothing is possible for you - neither change, nor transformation, because transformation is a question of quality. Life can be transformed only by changing your dream - that is, by turning something lower into something higher. An ordinary man, a machine-man is a function of the nature-machine, guided by nature and obedient to nature. A man of School starts to work in a different direction, turning upside down his own vision. A man of integrity, a fully understanding being, contains life, and through his revealed Will can move mountains in the world of events. An ordinary man sees everything as opposites - a higher level of integrity sees all sides of a question simultaneously. In a qualitative economy, the amount of efforts is useless in comparison with the quality of efforts. Your position and role in life is determined by the quality of your own being.

A negative association about money

A false, negative association about money could wipe out all your ability to succeed in any field in life. You will never climb above a certain earnings, or succeed financially , if deep down you associate having money to greed or to being judged, or to stress, or with immorality or a lack of ethics or spirituality.

They taught you to believe

They let you believe that if you desire something long enough and hard enough, sooner or later, you tend to realize it. They let you believe that after you have paid the price and observed the required laws, the object of your ambition will one day be yours. They taught you to believe that a successful individual has to visualize his success long before it becomes a reality. They let you believe that the constant and dedicated attention to the goal you have set for yourself, is the only formula for its achievement. But remember! Beliefs, hopes, expectations and desires are all in time, and in time nothing real can be achieved. What you call success, victory, happiness, truth or even financial power, can only be produced and released in this very Now, by the most real thing that you possess: the Art of Dreaming the most practical way to hit the mark, win all battles, overcome all limits and achieve the inconceivable.

Economy is a way of thinking

At the forefront of the new millennium the human race is still a species in transition between the past and the future. Under many aspects is at the dawn of the conscience. This old humanity has an obsolete psychology founded on a conflictual logic, its rationality is armed and operates only through the game of opposites, and its civilization is still the product of war and of a predatory spirit. Even science is the product of the juxtaposition of antagonistic concepts: good and evil (ethics), beauty and ugliness (esthetics), truth and falsity (philosophy) etc. As long as humanity remains a conflictual species -victim of fear and pain, poverty is economy, and crime is economy. The poverty and crime of vast regions of the world will continue perpetually until mans reason remains armed, until antagonists such as poverty and wealth continue to fight each other, not in the world but in the conscience of every man together with good and bad, pain and pleasure, fear and love. Economy is a way of thinking. The economy is the reflection of our way of thinking and feeling, of our convictions and of our system of values. As long as the psychology of man remains ill, then war, poverty, crime and pain will continue to be the big pillars of the worlds economy. For this reason there is an economy of illness just as there is an economy of war and an economy of poverty. Legions of young people prepared in schools without love and without freedom, add themselves to the sad army of the adults and perpetuate the professions and the roles available in an economy fueled by pain and fear. Thinking is Destiny. By our own way of thinking and feeling we have plotted our destiny until now. Now, if we are capable to think in a new way, then we have the power to change the future. And moreover, we can change the economy and the financial destiny of an entire country. All schools and all universities of the world perpetuate and spread the old way of thinking. They are the guardians of old humanitys way of thinking and feeling whose pivotal element is the idea that death is unavoidable. Believing and creating is one and the same thing only divided by time. Whatever I see is the creation of my beliefTo believe means to create B+t=R Belief+ time = Reality (Life or world) If nothing else kills us before, then the idea that death is unavoidable will. This explains how still today a large part of the economy is the product of the industry of death.

The rationality of man is armed. His logic is conflictual. His psychology is incomplete. For this reason our economy is still a primitive activity if not downright criminal. Old humanity knows only to gain profit from division, misfortunes and friction between opposites. Enormous machines like wars, genocides and poverty pushed by blind destructiveness, egoism and vanity have been, up until now, the only way known to man and to civilizations to move towards higher levels of progress and economic prosperity. Just look at what happened to the economies of the defeated countries, nearly completely destroyed by the World War Two: Germany, Japan and Italy. Unconsciously but periodically humanity turns on a destructive mechanism in order to move forward. It knows no other way. The economy of the future, an economy of well-being must be created by men that love, by dreamers. To fight and win poverty in the world we must render bountiful our intelligence, nurture and elevate our being. Poverty and crime are illnesses of being. The individual must be overturned: he must free his psychology from conflictual thinking, negative emotions, especially from doubts and fear, and his conscience from scarcity. This is the individual revolution: a revolution of being. The slightest rise in your level of being moves mountains in the world of economy and finance, it can remove the historic poverty of nations and entire civilizations, and it can conduct eras of war and fear towards peace. A new species, completely transformed is about to appear on the scene. A new man, the vertical man is the man that has broken the psychological vortex and the old ways of thinking that have imprisoned the old humanity. The new man has a complete psychology, free from conflicts and that does not see only through opposites but sees reality made up of different layers, the levels of being. The central role that education will have in the new era of man must be deepened and this is vital for the survival and evolution of our civilization. New schools and universities that are able to express a system of vital ideas in order to prepare this new species, a governing class free from conflicts, businessmen and managers capable to redefine the central concepts surrounding ethics, the economy and spirituality, a generation of leaders that are able to harmonize the seemingly apparent antagonisms of all time: economics and ethics, action and contemplation, financial power and love. Special schools and new universities are needed. Their first task is to teach the revolution of being and at the centre of their attention and at the top of their every priority there must be the individual. The seed lies in the being of the individual. We have to start from within. It is a process inside-out just like when healing a wound. Every other revolution in history has failed. True transformation, the solution to the millenary problems of man can be only be the product of a mental revolution. We have to think differently. Who commits a crime or is poor has a distorted vision of the world. He thinks that the external world can make him rich and happy but the truth is that the world and all its events is nothing but the effect, the consequence, the shadow of being. The world is the projection of our way of

thinking and the economy is the reflection of our values and our ideas. He who does not give attention to his being will not be able to prosper but is destined to lose his possessions, all that he has and also what he merely believes to have. Man is made up of layers. He can produce falsity and pain just as he can produce truth, beauty and goodness. We must teach how to bring forth his own uniqueness which the world as a consequence will reflect. Only the individual can change society. The revolution is purely individual therefore it is the individual that must understand, harmonize and balance his being. ESE is dedicated to the individual, to his intellectual and humanitarian preparation, which it puts at the centre of every activity. ESE teaches the Individual Revolution and is dedicated to the preparation of men that have omitted from their being egoism, conflict, poverty, prejudice and even the idea that death is unavoidable. It is for these reasons that they will be able to attract and create wealth. Man is ready - intelligence and love lie already within. It is visible in every student. The School does not have to add anything, but to bring to light their originality, and the beauty of their uniqueness. For this reason there is no need for external teachings. The root of educate is to take out : Ex-duco. This has to be the main principle for a School of liberty, of self-knowledge a School of integrity. The school of the future has to eliminate more than to add on. To eliminate old structures, rusted concepts, obsolete ideas, to abandon preconceived notions, false sentiments, imaginary fears and identification, to destroy negative emotions, destructive thoughts and the certainty of death that has been rooted in every man since childhood.

The measure of your own being Try to hold the largest thought you can have. For how long can you hold it? This is the measure of your own being, of your inner responsibility, and externally, of your financial destiny.

This is economics

If you were to find an object even if it were a jewel studded with diamonds your first thought should be to give it back, to deliver it immediately! That object is there to measure you it is a measuring stick of your life, of your worth. It buys you and it sells you. Only a dishonest person or someone who is about to become a dishonest person can find an object A man destined to become rich doesnt find anything by chance He builds his wealth. This is economics. If you find an object dont even think about making it yours because that object would destroy you one lifetime wouldnt be enough to pay for it. Only those who are balanced between honesty and delinquency can find an object think it over a couple of times weigh up its worth its already too much To find an object, money, is a trick to test you because you dont know yourself That object could tempt you buy you Even just thinking about making it yours would make you fall into an area of crime where you would be stuck for decades. Harvard, M.I.T., they dont know that this is economics. Those who that are meant to be rich become so through their own efforts Even just buying a lottery ticket.. or betting money just once at a gambling table means showing signs of impotence, of distrust of yourself it means excluding yourself from health, from prosperity, from powerfrom happiness. It puts you out of the game You have already lost!... You have traded the immense power to do things using your own strength with the false hope of winning This makes you enter into an inferno of addiction, of fear, of poverty into a area of crime, of unhappiness, of shame Observe them well The players are all irresponsible, addicts A gambler is an employee who doesnt have the strength to support wealth He cannot deserve to become rich. Everything always goes against him Placing a bet is the exposure of your incapability to be generous to be responsible to love. This is economics. Never forget : whoever finds a precious object is dishonest that object that you think you found by chance is there to buy you. It is saying: I will buy you I will reveal your true nature, that which you dont know about yourself: that you are a criminal that you arent ready to become responsible, independent, financially rich So be careful A person who believes in themselves, in their capabilities, never finds anything... even finding it means that you are corruptible it means you are an irresponsible person who clings on to others whoever finds it is already a thief Even only thinking about keeping it opens a wound that will continue to bleed and will take years to heal No one can tell you this. Whoever applies these principles to his own life creates wealth and prosperitywithout limits.

You, like billions of people

The inner realization that everything comes from within and has to have your own consent to manifest, makes all the events and circumstances happen only for your advantage and growth. On the contrary, if you believe that your world is an entity living outside yourself, you, like billions of people, in eons of time, have to go through all troubles and difficulties, aging and disease, to one day understand that you are the very one who emanates this world you believe to be external. The Dreamer

At the mercy of lesser Gods

For thousands of years youve lived at the mercy of lesser Gods be it through the voice of prophets or that of ideologists, be it through that of scientists, technocrats, statesman or politicians. Yet nothing has changed. For you the world remains hopelessly conflictual, violent and mortal. All attempts to evade through external devices like music, art, poetry, politics, and sciences, have been vain. Another Power, then, is needed, thats been buried all along in the most hidden recesses of your being, able to defy the law of gravity, and challenge the laws of sickness, ageing, and death able to contain and govern the wondrous unpredictability of life. Real life is not somewhere else, in some distant ethereal beyond, but down here, in this very body which dies not for consumption, but for absence of light.

Away from home

Our identification makes the unreal real. There outside, what you call reality is harmless, inexistent Protect yourself from yourselfyou are the real threat to yourself. The real enemy is inside youthe fight is only with yourself. One day youll discover that even this fight is an illusion, a comedy that you yourself have put on. Now, with this intelligence even the evils of the world will be resolved. Just a little self-attention would be enough. But were always away from home. When we come home we find it devastated, empty, and blame the ghosts. When you turn towards yourself, when you begin to give attention to you being, the pain comes to the surface and becomes even more intense. But this is good. Its the sign of an internal work, a fight against time, against unreality, the description of time. The imagination of the future and the memory of the past is unreal - something inexistent that nevertheless governs your life and is at the origin of all your troubles. Whatever your state of being is in this moment, this is your past and your future, always and forever. The smallest change in your being projects another world, another story and another destiny. This is the greatest freedom to which you could aspire. Everyone says yes to a new octave in his life, to reach a higher state of being But as soon as the opportunity to enter into this world presents itself, you take steps backwards. Because its not true that you want to change. Mediocrity has become your house it protects you, makes you feel safe. If you listen to yourself, if you record what you feel, what seems to be happening inside of you in just this moment is instead what happens throughout the whole day, every day of your existenceIdentified as you are with the world, with superficiality and all that keeps you strenuously occupied every dayyou cant realize that these states of being that you rarely are able to see within yourself govern your life. They darken you and curve you through thousands of deaths every day until bringing you to physical death. Why should you stop? To bring out all the pain in the world. This is doing. You go around believing you are doing ( doing something) You study or go to school, work on the computer, travel, hold conferences, but you are sleepwalkers like thousands of othersshadows. The Dreamer has given you roles, has built a School, but not to give you an alibi to hide yourself, to return into your infernos, in your ghettos Looking inside oneself is painfulYoud like to stay next to me, enjoy the victories and healing and live with one foot in and one foot out. If you could stop more often and realize in the flesh, in your bodies that the world is a projection, something laughable, chaotic, disorderly, youd dedicate your every breath to coming out. This disorder, appears to you as life being tossed around by the world makes you feel busy and useful. But ask yourself: how can something that is virtual and inexistent give you security, offer you a job, make you happy, give you life? Something is crying inside you and you dont listen... the external roles keep you busy, satisfy you, but thats not lifeyou can go ahead for another hundred years Before he can break out of the prison of his roles, a man must feel disappointment for the sterile repetitiveness

of the events and circumstances of his own life. Theres not one of you who gets up in the morning and sees this slime that pollutes you and governs it insideand missing this work, I know you go into the world and loose yourselves in the shadowsForgetBecause you can only remember what is at your levelthe vertical memory that Dreamer is talking about is another thing entirely. The fact is that there is not an inner reality and an outer one---there is only one reality. You go into the world and beg for a job, some satisfaction, some are without dignity - the dignity of a warrior that doesnt lower himself in front of anyone and does not want anyone to lower themselves in front of him. But you dont know what Im talking about. You are shadows and want to remain that way. Something tells me: Leave them to themselvesif they want to get lostlet them. There is an involuntary will that pushes every man to stay in that inferno. There is no external reality. The world takes orders from here. Dissolving roles, abandoning this hypnotic dependence on the world, everything would take on significanceWealth, prosperity, and order would belong to you, unfailingly, effortlessly. Your body would create and emit freedom. But you want things to remain as they are and I cant allow it. I cant stop and wait for you, not anymore. Here, will remain only who has the strength to follow me, to run. From Conversations with the Dreamer

The games of life

The Dreamer uses the games of life to allow you to return to your inner aliveness and integrity. He uses religions, politics, educational systems, communication and media, and all kinds of business, relationships and affairs as a mirror and reflection of yourself, so that you can remember the very source of all and everything. The Dreamer uses also all human crimes and natural disasters and whatever you mistakenly believe to be coming from the outer world as a School of Being, and this for the sole purpose of awakening you to a new truth, to a new life. The Dreamer

No war within, no war without

Q. As you know, throughout the world there are factories of armaments which are being produced and stored to cause damage or even destroy humanity, how can we counteract or protect ourselves from such a destructive power? A. By taking yourself out from under the influence of every form of hypnotism, dependency, superstition or identification with the world outside. Do not lean on anybody's knowledge, fantasy or prophecy. Know that there is no power 'out there' that can destroy you. 'Out there' nothing can happen without your consent, inner approval or intent. Be vigilant! Cast off all your ignorance and darkness. It is your vision that needs adjustment and not humanity. If you integrate yourself, if you become a unity, then the world is safe. In the world of duality everything is perfectly balanced a period of obscurity and destruction inevitably alternates with a period of creativity and constructiveness, but only as a mirror of your inner states. So don' t worry about the world, worry only about yourself - this is the only way you can help. The world of events and circumstances is totally depending upon you. The conditions of the world correspond exactly to your inner states. Remember! Nobody and nothing can do anything if it is not commanded and directed by your own Dream. No war within, no war without - this is the Law. The Dreamer

Commitment and identification

You can survive only if you act impeccably the role the circumstances require. When you stop acting you are dead. Acting intentionally is more real than the reality they taught you to believe. The belief of an ordinary man is total identification. It doesnt matter if you identify with an object or with God. Identification is always death. A man of integrity acts his roles intentionally and impeccably, that means believing without believing. Only a man free from identification can stay alive in a world that demands his total involvement. Act your role in life as a great actor does on the stagealways. Believe without believing! Q. Can you explain the difference between commitment and identification? A. You can be committed without identifying. This is the way of a man of integrity. You can be identified without commitment and this is the way of most people on earth. Commitment is a vertical way, a new life which transcends itself endlessly. Identification is a vicious circle in which you get lost and die. Identification is a mere reaction to something you believe has already happened. Commitment is the creative power that projects what is going to happen. Identification is a self-created prison. Commitment is freedom.

Business and self-knowledge

Q. What does business have to do with self-knowledge? A. At the time of a great financial crisis many bankers, businessmen and stockbrokers crash also because they totally identify with the failing economy. In what should be a marvelous game of creativity and intuition, they instead are hypnotized to the point that they no longer realize to be the players and not the pawns, the observers and not the observed, the dreamers and not the dreamed. They depend upon external conditions to plan their strategies, and rely upon budgets, reports and financial forecasts to unconsciously build nothing more than a house of cards. But what happens then, when the slightest tremor comes unexpectedly razing it all to the ground? Self-knowledge means freedom from any conditioning or identification with the world around. Self-knowledge puts harmony, order and justice in every atom of your inner world. Its power spreads out in all directions creating a new history and a new destiny, a new past and a new future, a new life and a new man. Self-knowledge is the very basis for success in any field of life. A man who really knows himself, free from any external conditioning reveals his inner integrity and projects the unfailing world of his Dream.

Self-Government Self-government is the only way to govern the world. Self-government is the real government. The power of will, once unburied from the most hidden recesses of your being, projects a place where there are no divisions, no boundaries, no conflicts between yourself and the others. Where suffering is, your inner blindness is its very cause, and where conflict is, your misery is its very root. Your healing is their healing and your inner victory, the salvation of the entire world.

The world is such because you are such

When you understand that you are the cause of everything, such a deep sense of loneliness comes and grips the soul. You are alone, facing the abyss of yourself and the sense of responsibility that weighs on your shoulders. Yet, in a moment of sincerity you begin to see the outside world as something that is profoundly part of yourself, that reflects and amplifies the vision of all your states of Being. You are used to moving in the world in search of experiences, with the clear conviction that it is your hunting ground. When you meet others, when you go to work or to school, when you amuse yourself in whatever way pleases you, you never look at the world as your reflection distorted by time but with, the conviction that there is something to take from the outside world a conviction that has cost you your integrity, and even your freedom. As you read you may seem to understand everything, but it is only a fleeting moment. It passes, and when you return to the reality that belongs to you, you can do nothing but forget that moment and continue to nurture your reality as it is, recreating it with every breath you take. The truth is that the world is such because you are such. You mark the passage of time in hours, months and years, and this is the first step of your journey through the forest of identification. At the hour of reckoning you realise that something doesn't add up - that time has tricked you. You are here because you are in pain. Wake up! Know yourself! Be yourself! The end of pain lies not in pleasure. Remember! You are beyond pain and pleasure, aloof and unassailable, beyond the pursuit of happiness and the resultant sorrow. In the ultimate state there can be neither happiness nor sorrow, but only freedom. This is why you are what you are because you keep falling into this forgetfulness, and the world is the faithful mirror of this amnesia. You shrink and drown in the lake of your own tears, you give in to the call of self-pity until you are small as an insect, lost with the other millions of insects. You transform yourself into a pawn in a game that you have invented, you are like a robot. Your desire to lose yourself in things is so strong that you manage to design a system of government that can actually enslave you. Q. When you say that the world outside is only 'apparent,' do you mean that there is nothing like pain, suffering and war - that this is a lovely world? When they take away your job or you are full of misery and have no food for your family or when your son dies in an absurd war, you say that this is not real?

A. Yes, this is only an imaginative ideological concept that you believe to be true just a world of theories, a mere description of reality and not reality itself. Violence, fear, loneliness, pain, war, birth and death are just concepts generated by your memory and imagination, which are in their turn mere shadows and not facts. Q. What are the facts? A. What you yourself are in this precise instant is a fact. You yourself free of all fears is a fact. You yourself free of that bundle of lies which constitutes history, tradition, knowledge, religion, culture, and experience, is a fact. The timeless you is a fact. And all that which apparently exists in time and which you believe to be external, will reduce you to dullness and impotence. Remember! Only what has been 'done' inside is real and can be permanent, the rest is just a short film disintegrating as it is made. The laws of life reflect more subtle and invisible laws, and in reality it is a game to be played if you are aware of it - otherwise you are your own victim. Every time you meet with conflicts, disputes or an accident, is a signal that you have to return to yourself, remember that you are projecting that event which is the materialisation of your own internal conflict. If you find yourself in war, you must have secretly cradled it in your bosom. Yet this is the real knot, this is what you do not want to admit to and this is what troubles you acceptance of the fact that what surrounds you is really what you want. You have it because you love it! How is it possible to dream of a companion who makes you suffer, or a family conflict or even sibling rivalry? And above all, how can you accept that you are both the producer and director of this horror movie that you call life? Christianity has gold-plated Jesus' words, promising an imaginary paradise to come to the good and eternal punishment for the so-called sinners, and earthly life is described as the wrong side of an embroidery whose beauty can only be admired once we are gone.. Cradled by these words you unconsciously condemn yourself to a preordained destiny, you are in a valley of tears in which suffering is right indeed, the more you suffer, the greater will be your reward. But youve forgotten about the Individual Revolution! The strength of the message that the Dreamer has revealed is in this: If you really want to make a paradise on earth and a masterpiece of your life, there is no other way. Now, immediately, take responsibility for every event that happens. This 'mea culpa' is the power to emerge from those events. It is the simultaneous remembrance of your ability to dream, and it is the possibility to dream thousands of different dreams.

The difference between the inner and outer journey

Q. What is the difference between the intrepid, adventurous inner journey and the empirical, scientific outer journey? A. None. You see the difference only because you are a child of time. The inner journey is through timelessness which is in its turn the creator of anything existing in time. The Dreamer

The Parenthesis of Life Every one of you believes that his life holds a future full of events and circumstances that will, in time unfold. You are convinced that these circumstances will surround and contain you, and that they are out there waiting for youevents that we will either resolve or that will absorb you. You are trained to be projected in time not to live the moment. No country, no school tells man to the live in the absence of time, because he thinks he is a time body. That he is this parenthesis he calls life a body that has a beginning and an end, and that he is captured between an imaginary birth and death. No one sees this moment as the only one there is. And so you lose the moment because you have no discipline to adopt - no training that brings you back to real time - the only time - so its such a painful effort every evening to just stop even for a few minutes to be in the absence of time. If there is not a state of disappointment you will never seek out these moments for yourself. You will live your life in the clutches of time strangled by this time body you now inhabit as if it were all you had, and youll look back over your life as if nothing has happened. In reality nothing has happened! Youll find yourself looking at all your photos, and telling stories in hopes to feel youve constructed something for yourself when behind your mask of time there is nothing. Nothing has changed and nothing remains. Youll look back over those images and feel it was all unreal. The people who were seeing you merely projected themselves on you, but you were not that character. You can feel this, but you have no idea of what you really are just the same. You feel the falsity, but have never stopped long enough inside yourself to touch the truth - your real essence. It is your time body that the world sees, and this is a line that curves upon itself endlessly becoming harder and harder to escape every time as the tracks are inscribed over and over again, deeper and deeper. You have flashes of another level of being of a parallel existence - of a way of life that grows like a tree vertically from that flat plane you live on from day to day but you ignore them and settle for living in the shadows day in and day out. The Dreamer realized that in the world of events, everything repeats itself you can overcome this repetition the moment tells you how if you just learn to listen to it! You can leave the game of contrasts, the light and dark of known and unknown - you can go beyond to the unconceivable. Its at hand. Its called it unconceivable because it helps conceive something that cant be explained. The unknown is an easy doorway. Many schools believe to have conquered a description of existence and offer explanations and maps to the unknown as if it were the beginning and the end of all but this is not everything. What is known is past. Its opposite equally false and imaginary - is the future, or what is traditionally called the unknown. The tree

that grows from this is the unconceivable the vertical shaft that is the only way for man to ascend . It is the surrender to living this very moment, the razing of descriptions with a breath that welcomes and makes room for what has never been touched in oneself this is the unconceivable. Every man has a horizontal line of work to do, but its all useless unless there is this vertical movement. Fear is only fear when you dont know you have it become aware of it look at it to make it disappear! The awareness of this deeply worn path within yourself sets you free from it. You change from one personality to another it seems like insanity seen from the outside, but its the only way to survive in a flat world. If you know you are acting the role of someone living in an inferno its no longer hell for you. You can wear many masks its a beautiful game you have created for yourself. How can you get bored? You damage yourself as soon as you distance from this moment from this perfume of your own very essence. How can you exist even a second without feeling the vibration of your own body? This never changes unless by your own neglect, and the energy that vibrates in you comes not from your body, but from something even deeper. It is the very movement of your being its life breath that you perceive in shivers through your body like ripples on the surface of a deep sea. Feel the perfection of your body when you are aware of it, it becomes even more perfect. Dont waste time. Your body wants to narrate a story it finds in passing thought like objects fished from a river and taken as ones own like a man who feels hungry and so in desperation eats his own tongue to satisfy a suggestion his mind has made to him instead of waiting for dinner. Your body narrates you with stories of parents, of a birth, of a life whose descriptions are just the flagpoles of our own limits. In history there are stories of great men, JFK, Martin Luther King, Lenin, Plato, Einstein..even Buddah all of them happen in a time-body . They were seen as rebels, and they are remembered as such but were merely men who felt this suffocation of their own descriptions of life. You, too, should be a rebel, but intentionally. Guided by glimpses of light . You can escape from your prison only if you move in a vertical direction to all that happens. Escaping mechanicalness can only happen in this moment, in the absence of ignorance. Only in this moment can you go beyond stop losing, stop dying. Terror exists only in and of itself when you are free from identification everything obeys the command of your being. From The Dreamers Discourses

Observing your inner war

The moment you observe the struggle of opposites within, your fear dies. It dies just as a seed dies and gives way to a new life. Observing your inner war without identifying with it, awakens you to a higher dimension, eliminating all forms of conflict and injustice in the world of events.

Whats fair and whats unfair

An entire family being slaughtered in the middle of the night without any reason. Pulling the plug on a dying man in the name of euthanasia. A dictator, merciless assassin, responsible for the death of thousands, being sentenced to death. A flood wiping away entire villages and thousands of Time Magazine, The Chronicle, 60 Minutes, Today, Good Morning America, Sole 24 ore, the New York Times, World News Tonight: all instruments of time and communicators of death that, you yourself have produced for your own entertainment - an amusing comedy, an extraordinary game that you yourself have turned into a concentration camp -creating history to delineate a territory of death, and marking its boundaries with your memory as a wild animal does with urine. Apparently, memory gives you certainty and security, but like all that which has a beginning and an end, a birth and a death, it will leave you sooner or later in the middle of nowhere. All that which is history, all that which is time, all that which is memory has never happened and can never happen except in your imagination. History is a nightmare that you impose on yourself to justify your lack of will and freedom, and perpetuate your own limits, fear, forgetfulness and death. History is an addiction you would never know how to live without. Q. What should we do then? Stop reading newspapers? Stop listening to broadcasts? Or what? A. Continue to read and listen to them as before, but conscious of the fact that all that stuff is not coming from the world outside but from your own dark, compromised inner being trapped like a spider in its own web. Exercise your inner Integrity and the world will stop being conflictual. Exercise your inner prosperity and poverty will disappear from this planet. Exercise your Immortality and you will not see death anymore. Learn to discern. Learn how to believe without believing. Learn how to exorcise your self-fulfilling prophecy of disaster. Learn how to laugh at your own deadly negative imagination. What's 'fair' and what's 'unfair'? Remember! Everything under the jurisdiction of time is false.

Win it before it happens!

Q. Everywhere around me things are falling to pieces. How can I overcome all this? A. Win it before it happens! Winning the impossible is what you' re called to do. Q. But if it' s already happened? A. Nothing can ever happen before Now. Believing to have lived through what' s 'already' happened is mere imagination. It' s a lie. What' s 'already' happened can only happen Now. Things are not falling apart everywhere around you, but only within you. Your 'feeling' of things falling to pieces is none other than your unconquered fear still acting within you, and projecting itself into an imaginary past. Overcome fear and winning the impossible not only will be possible, but inevitable. The Dreamer

The solution comes from inside. What happens outside is only a consequence. Win it before it happens, is a state of proactivity. When a problem arises it is defeat that rears its head as a warning signal of a fault inside a crack in your being. Go back to the source, and there, in timelessness the problem is already resolved. The Dreamer addressed us yet another time on what was one of the most contagious phrases Hed coined in some time and explained, If you are alive inside , everything will arrive you cant just do things because everyone does! We win here because we do things differently, He said placing great emphasis on both here and differently with which he took great care so as not to be misconstrued. This differently was not

a horizontal difference between two similar things, but a vertical difference rising from the order of things existing to a higher plane. Victory is a state of being, He repeated.Victory is a state of being! You will find it only in the timelessness suspension when you are neither described nor created by anything, but yourself. When you are the creator! Win it before it happens!He said again. To do this, you must pay attention to yourself in every moment to intervene as soon as you feel pain inside just with your attention, to remain in the state of victory. When you face someone you have to contain them feel the space around you, and that pain you feel can no longer surround and limit you. How can you be defeated be your own creation? The Creator lives with a sense of dignity.When the Creator arrives, even the atoms know and acknowledge him the same goes for when you are afraid.He paused to let us catch up with Him, then set off on a tangent. We are deceived by the visible world. You should do everything there is to do, but without expecting gratification from the outside.because even if it comes when you are in a state of expectancy, you will feel vulnerable and afraid of losing it all. Its terribleEvery one of us can meet with his own reason for being his purpose. Dont be taken in by the others dont be hypnotizedHe said trailing off as He began to consider the argument from another point of view. Being famous is internal it is a state of being. When you have success inside you dont want anyone to know you will not be able to stay aloneWhen Jesus lived success He had to go out onto the water to escape the crowds. Your state of victory spreads out at 360. Internet isnt even an atom of what we have inside real communication is inside He emphasized, and occurs within you! When you have this inner communication this communion, the world will be at your service! Win it before it happens! The lowest form of vanity is believing to believe. You have to do everything externally without believing in it. The more violent you are inside the more you occupy the lower levels in the world of opposites in your job, the role you play. By harmonizing your inner conflicts you enter into a state of permanent victory and these will never have to manifest themselves in the world of events. Who really loves does not work. Eliminate all that obstructs this creative idleness and love yourselves inside in order to be put the pieces of your fragmented being together, to collect yourself and live a moment of integrity as state of success. You have to create and enjoy

these moments of calm and solitude and stillness otherwise you will get lost ( resolving one conflict after another in the outer world as your inner fragmentation manifests itself). Believing merely to believe blindly following something outside yourself- be it the noblest idea or most base desire is always identification and as such, a defeat. ( Lose it before it Happens!) How can your own projection elect you and how can you desire for your creation to create you? Rely on no one! When you think about this, you feel a sense of freedom arrivingit encroaches uncontrollably, and where before there was an absence now there is integritysuccess. Do you have a problem outside? Win it before it happens! The greatest defeat a man can have is Having without Being. You must live and experience an inner success before conquering it outside, otherwise you will lose it. It will defeat you. Win it before it happens, is you in timelessness building a future free of obstacles and full of success. Success comes from within. Integrity is a permanent state of victory. From The Dreamers Discourses

Technology and ignorance

The more technologically advanced you are, the more ignorant you become. You dont need anything outside of yourself. You already have everything. Self knowledge is the only knowledge you need.

Learn to be Still

Being is not a fixed commodity. It is not for granted if you neglect it long enough you will surely succeed in stifling your will and destroying it forever. Your will is the yolk of being the elastic substance that when strengthened is able to stretch and enlarge your being - your very self. Attention is the life of being the oxygen for its fire. Only through your self-observation and inner attention the third force - can you nurture Being. Youve spent so many years making do with only the most marginal results. Success for you is as foreign as color to a blind man or pure oxygen to a sea urchin. You consume your energy in useless activities in uneasiness...anxiety and negative imagination until you are exhausted and therefore can justify defeat you know so well. You think that if you succeed in avoiding the vibration of transformation which you so wrongly call discomfort and even hunger, that you have accomplished something, when in fact youve only succeeded in killing your bodys own life impulse, and eliminating your only chance. Learn to be still. Seek the quiet inside - not through violence and by force.but through comprehension. Every voice within you cries out to be heard calls for attention your ignorance will only constrain them to silence but their needs persist regardless. Real quiet and inner solitude can only be reached by consciously facing touching every part inside. Then you will see and understand that nothing is accomplished from outside - even the body is outside and cannot be used as a weapon against your being. You cannot by mold it through the application of disciplines into unfamiliar forms and functions without hopelessly ruining both. The body will become a consumed empty shell, and the being not any more needed will emaciate from a seed bursting with energy to a mere and dreary hull. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust. The world is as you dream it. Your being, to thrive needs the life breath of attention. From The Dreamers Discourses

A conquered powerful silence A conquered powerful silence spreads out in all directions and transforms our trembling, insignificant life in the most beautiful, intrepid adventure. The Dreamer October 23, 2011 This moment is infinite and unrepeatable. The infinity of this instantin the moment you said this instant hasnt time already passed? No! Time is a concept. This moment is forever. Tomorrow there is something important to face you have to bring it close to you we have an interpretation of reality that tells us everything comes from outside and we are helpless before what we have learned to call life that it is merciless. We forget that life is nothing more than a mirror image of our being. Our every movement emanates a reflection that we call universe, world, reality, and not recognizing ourselves as the source of this projection, we think it has its own life, that our reality is made up of a series of events we cant control. Life is a battlefield we dont know to have created ourselves and we are our very own unconscious victims! Bring that battle close to you and without desiring to win or change anything reflect it inside yourself and look at what your thought creates. more than looking at it, try to see the state of being that is behind it. Recognize yourself in that reality you have projected! Lets see if there is a complaining a state of defeat that projects the event, because what will happen tomorrow is happening now. Visualize the event as its been told to you - look behind it - at the light that projects this event see it reflected in your being. There is this kind of pain worry the taste is always the same. We conceal it from ourselves not willing to assume the responsibility. It is the anxiety and fear we try so hard to blame others for - a grimace we always have no matter what you call it. But we dont even realize it that bitter taste is where you have to bring your attention. Focus there, and the event is no longer clear go try to concentrate on the state of being what remains? Nothing! You are free! There is nothing more satisfying than to possess and master the belongs to you in every cell in this moment. Feel the victory. No one can contest it if you have won it if you have eliminated doubtyou have the ability to transform this doubt into certainty to self-giving. There is no space for something that comes from outside not even the voice you are hearing now is external Nothing is external. You think in this room there are many people each with his own story NO! No one here is by himself separate No one here now could voice his doubt Dont stop dreaming! It is there you will find uniqueness and certainty. In inner silence you will conquer the world!

The forgotten immortality-dream

The belief that misery and suffering are necessary to experience abundance, joy and beauty in life, is a devastating self-sabotage common to all men who have forgotten their own integrity. They need such a contrast to still imagine and experience some glimpses of their lost immortality- dream. The Dreamer

The era of thought is ended The era of thought is ended. Man has lived up to now by thought. Thought has produced an extraordinary world of science and technology for the convenience of human Beings and for their destruction as well. It is thought that has invented religions, commandments, disciplines, ideologies, the soul, the efforts and super efforts, the teachers, the saviors, and the gods. Can you look at or listen to something without having the description, the image of that thing? In other words, can you observe without images? If you don' t project any image about yourself, what are you looking at, then? There is absolutely nothing to see, and everyone is scared of that, that is, afraid of being absolutely nothing -that' s why you create those images about yourself - sociological, political, psychological images. Real freedom is freedom from all images. Thought is distortion, interference, because it comes from the outside and so belongs to the past. Through thought you cannot destroy the images that the thought has created, so you are caught in a vicious circle. Now can you understand what can substitute thought and transfer you into the absence of thought and images that is, inner silence - only thoughtlessness! You can enter into thoughtlessness only through attention, and awareness, and that is not the result of practice, which is again thought.! Thoughtless does not mean one who exhibits a lack of consideration for the others, but one who, with great effort is able to live above it - separate from the random influences of the world, transient emotions, imagination and negativity. Thoughtlessness is a state of being in which you live in observation of your thoughts, free from identificationone day youll see that everyone talks about thoughtfulness as a primitive state of being for troglodytes who enjoy being lost in identification, and thought. Who identifies reveals himself only by contrast. You have to transcend the game of opposites there are new games to play . You have to enter into a zone where there is no antagonism. Where there is no yes and no, and no thought. If you are intelligent, you dont need to think the mirror does not think! From The Dreamers Discourses

When reality appears

The body and the world are reflection of your own dream. The dream is not a state of being, it contains all states and is subordinate to nothing. It is entirely uncaused, independent, complete in itself, beyond time and space, thought and matter. When all names and forms have been given up, and all searching for truth and perfection stops, reality appears. The Dreamer

Believing without believing

At one of the traffic lights, while the stale red seemed endless, I glanced out the window. There, on the side of a bus, just at eye level, I saw a slogan from the new campaign of the London transport authority: The bad news is that God is dead. The good news is that you dont need Him. As I considered its meaning, something the Dreamer once told me came to mind: The desire to eliminate God by those who call themselves atheists is their attempt, secret even to themselves, to exorcise their fear of death. A fear that grips and torments them more than any other. Thus the Dreamer overturned the common prejudice that views the atheist as a person of strength, one who refuses to lean on the illusory crutch of a God, unlike the rest of humanity. He was affirming that, in reality, weakness was their common denominator and the very foundation of that doctrine. For an ordinary man, for those who have not attained an interior unity, believing and not believing are the same lie. The atheist has first transferred divinity outside himself, and then denied its existence. The mortal sin of atheism therefore is not disbelief in God, denial of His existence, but disbelief in oneself. These words recalled something else the Dreamer had said on that subject, something of such vastness that I could hardly believe that Id forgotten it for such a long time. I couldnt visualize where, or in which of our encounters I had heard those words from Him, but they were deeply carved within me and now they resurfaced in my memory. To believe is not difficulteveryone believes in something

But forcing oneself to believe is for the few, the Dreamer had said, expressing a concept capable of thrusting thought to heights beyond reason. The paradoxical phrase Hed coined, Believing without Believing, concealed a cathedrals powerful structure beneath butterflys wings. At the time I had been unable to absorb the greatness of this message, but now its pitiless light was showing me how much encomiastic rhetoric was bound up with belief, and how perilously close it came to the root of all fanaticism.

Every creed, any faith you choose to embrace enlists you in an army of liars. Belief makes you a follower of the doctrine of lying. In the Dreamers vision, believing induces membership to the masses of those who profess faith, the multitude of persons who spend their lives in a state of identification, of belonging, that sticks them to the flypaper of time. Even disbelief in God, as the atheists assert, is a belief that equally sinks them in the mare magnum of fundamentalists, dogmatists, the intolerant, and ideologues of every persuasion. The Dreamer had never wanted to meet or otherwise have any contact with those who characterized themselves as spiritual persons or seekers of truth. He told me once, How much better off theyd be, and what greater benefit theyd derive if theyd stop looking for the truth outside and find the lie inside themselves.

Once Id asked the Dreamer, Why do you refuse very often to meet spiritual seekers? He answered dryly, Many of them are stuck in a vicious circle, entrapped in an unnecessary struggle. they have transferred the struggle for worldly goods to the struggle for heavenly riches but nothing is changed they were lying before and they are still lying now. Instead of enjoying the world and laughing, they grunt, blame and complain. Not in opposition, but in a dimension vertical to the supine flatness of belief, there is believing without believing, the Dreamers liberating vision of enfranchising the individual, setting him free from the captivity of superstition and credulity. There is no fault, no sin, no karma or punishment. There is no life beyond and no universal judgment, no heaven and no hell. There is only this instant, sacred, infinite, and omnipotent. Use it well! You will never have another chance.

Believing without believing means to choose ones own intention and follow it to the end, unshakably. It is a high state of being that demands the elimination of falsehood, and it can be attained only by men of integrity who know and practice the Art of Acting. From The School for Gods

Something Unknown to Man

How can you do well if you are infected and governed by negative emotions? Real work is based on the transformations of this emotions in something that is completely unknown to man. New sciences, new technologies, and new religions have nothing to do with this transformation. What we call the new humanity, the technological age and the apparent new discoveries will never transform an atom of our inner consciousness. A man who recognizes this is ready to escape from his own self-created prison. The gate for freedom cannot be recognized by anybody who doesnt know anything about the Art of Dreaming. The way to escape is upwards. The Dreamer

Integrity as a permanent state Q. Can you tell me how to deal with negative emotions? And how to get rid of them? A. Give attention to your inner states whatever they are. Through earnestness and patience you will discover something very precious and very powerful that hides behind their apparent unpleasantness. Courageously dive deep within and draw closer to your negative states. The light of your awareness will make them disappear, and allow you to reach the summit of perfection and integrity as a permanent state. From Conversations with The Dreamer

Permanent victory

The most difficult and painful moments are opportunities to penetrate in an area of power. When you feel that pain inside, don't run away from it... stop! There, in stillness, is where you need to stay. Without the ability to grasp these opportunities and live moments of suspension, you pass existence in a continual state of identification; it degrades and in time, without realizing it, you find yourself repeating the life of your parents and even that of your grandparents. When you are in pain, learn to not touch the world, to not even brush shoulders with it. Stay still. Outside you would find the only thing waiting for you is your defeat. The world is your creation. In its language made of events, meetings and circumstances, it would say to you: you're in deep trouble! You should only ever win. Victory is a permanent state of being. To eliminate every interruption in this state, it must be continually transcended Victory, like success, has no opposite. Ordinary mankind lives in a world of opposites... it has made its own god of duality. This is why mankind submits to the law of the pendulum and accepts this vision as completely natural that a victory is followed by a defeat, that every success sooner or later will be met with failure. In order for victory and success to be continuous, you must eliminate every form of conflict from inside. The world is you. The world lives everything that you live. The Dreamer has brought you the most advanced technology for living a life without opposites... a life from which war and sickness have been eliminated. Impose happiness, integrity, beauty and the joy of living upon yourself. This is the secret to unceasing happiness, to never-ending victory and success, because it continually transcends itself. But you are divided inside and your thinking is conflictual, and because of this you do not know how to live in a world without opposites and antagonists. Believing that the world is a separate reality from you, that inside and outside are in opposition and unrelated to each other, you accept pain, unhappiness and defeat as your natural destiny. This is why you do not know stillness, condemned as you are to be in constant movement, permanently agitated by the disaster you carry inside. In stillness, which is the real root of every action, and alone with yourself you can finally flush out that pain which you carry inside. That pain, not recognized and not circumscribed, broods in a rift in the being and is the real cause of all your failures. On the surface, everyone wants to be successful, to be rich and happy. The truth is that you find every way to stop this from happening. The roles that you have been given to carry out are there to be acted. The law for a happy life given to you by the Dreamer is: believe without believing. He who remembers that he is acting cannot lose himself in everyday activities, nor identify with a world that is his own projection. He

who remembers, who maintains this double focus - one arrow pointing outwards, towards the world, and one constantly pointing inwards, towards himself - is no longer subject to the law of opposites. Carry these principles in your heart, day and night. When you win the antagonist inside, you will no longer have to meet him outside. He will disappear from your world and everything will lead to your success. You will know only victory. Victory is the natural state of mankind. If you are here, it is in order to go beyond, to do incredible things, accomplishments which others consider impossible. So do not waste time doing or copying that which has already been done. Search for the thing that you truly love, that unique, original thing for which you were born. The Dreamer has brought you a new technology. It is possible to eliminate war, poverty, old age, sickness and death. You can do it in this very instant. To do it, you must take the world on your shoulders, like Atlas. You must take responsibility for making all suffering disappear from the world, including death. When you know that you are the origin of everything, you also know that every evil eliminated on the inside also disappears from the outside. Only a warrior knows that the world is his reflection and he can intentionally reach such a state of innocence. You want to change the world? Change yourself. Don't waste your life trying to change the world from the outside. Start with you. Man is a prisoner in a self-created prison. He has one freedom to count his steps inside his cell, but he never dreams of escaping it. Leaving this prison would be more painful than staying in captivity. It takes courage to abandon the worlds description and rebel against its diabolical project of ageing, getting sick and dying. You create failure and defeat. Confusion, doubt, fear of not succeeding and you live these things inside, even if you don't know it. Mankind secretly loves suffering, defeat, and even poverty and sickness. You have it, because you love it. When you realize that it is your no attitude that creates the world outside you, that world will no longer have power over you. You will be master of your emotions, and life will become a paradise on earth. When you have eliminated all doubt, right down to the last atom, and filled your whole being with a sense of permanent victory, the world can do nothing but reflect it. This state of completeness, this totality of Being is what Christianity calls faith. This is not spirituality, it's the Art of Doing.

Questions and Answers

Changing the future Q. What about the future? Can I change my future the way I'd like it to be? A. Yes, you can easily change your future if you first understand that your future is not in the future at all but right Now, under your nose. Both future and past are non-existent. They live only in your imagination. Whatever comes from the world outside is a reflection of this precise moment. Look at yourself and you will know what is going to happen. Remember! "The slightest change in your being moves mountains in the world of events." The trap of time Q. We are worried about tomorrow, about the future, the uncertainty of the future. We don' t know how to deal with this uncertainty. A. First of all, ask yourself what 'time' is all about, the meaning of time. Time is a trap, a self-created prison. Time is generated by your own way of thinking. So, thought breeds fear, and fear creates all that which you are afraid of. In the omnipotent state of timelessness, fear disappears and with it, all the absurdities and limitations of this world. Only you can save the world Q. How is it that a humanity that can think about the complexities of sub-atomic space, investigate the possible origins of the universe, understand the processes underlying life itself, live beneath the seas, travel at supersonic speed, stand on the moon, and create anything it desires, is not able to ensure the happiness of every man on earth? : As long as you believe that the root of all problems is outside and not within you, the crises, the wars, the crime, the degradation and unhappiness that you see around you will only perpetuate and worsen. The world is as it is because you are as you are. A conflictual world with all its misery is still reflecting your narrow vision of life. Change it! And reality will follow. Remember! You yourself are the only one who can save this world. The Dreamer


Q. How do we get happiness? A. The same way you get clarity, love, flexibility, certainty, confidence, cheerfulness, vitality, and prosperity. You just decide to feel it. If you could only love yourself enough, you could be the most powerful person in the world. Flexibility is for example, the ability to change instantly your approach. Choosing to be flexible is choosing to be happy at will. Confidence is a muscle that you have to exercise all the time. Youll be amazed at the dividends it reaps in every area of your life. Cheerfulness eliminates fear, anger, frustration, guilt, discomfort and inadequacy from your life, makes you live in a state of intelligence and pleasure, and can meet any challenge coming your way. A purpose in life

Q. Should we have a purpose in life - a goal to achieve, like 'Integrity' or 'beauty' for example? A. Purpose implies time, movement, change and a sense of imperfection. Would you say that a flower is trying to be beautiful? It is beautiful by its very nature. Bliss is the essence of beauty. Be fully aware of your own being and you will be whole and beautiful without any effort. The real cause of suffering

Q. What is the real cause of suffering? A. Your identification with the limited. Your addiction to thinking. Your identification with the outer events. But remember, there are no external causes to your suffering, for nothing is external. The yes attitude

Q. What does yes attitude mean? A. No birth, no death. No beginning, no end. No history, no destiny. No time, no space. No guilt, no split, no limit. No past, no future. No memory, no expectation. No fear, no doubt, no worry. No pain, no claim. No name, no fame, no strain. No sin, no fault, no mean. No anger, no hatred, no regret. No hope, no help, no need. No planing, no complaining, no measuring. No self-piety, no self-justifying, no self-victimizing, no self- sabotaging. No dependency, no addiction, non-identifying. No outer knowledge, no culture, no training, no discipline. No politics, no nations, no religions, no cults, no occults, no idols, no Gods.

This world is for you Q. What is the reason for living in such a conflictual world so full of evil and disease, wars and misery? A. This world is a School for Gods. It would take thousands of years to achieve what can be accomplished in one short Lifespan. This world is of a tremendous importance for you, because by going beyond it, you realize your perfection. Q. When did it begin? A. Now. Q. When will it end? A. Now. Dont lean on anybodys knowledge Q. As you know, throughout the world there are factories of armaments which are being produced and stored to cause damage or even destroy humanity, how can we counteract or protect ourselves from such a destructive power? A. By taking yourself out from under the influence of every form of hypnotism, dependency, superstition or identification with the world outside. Can war be stopped? Q. Can war be stopped? A. Yes.....the moment you 'stop believing' that war is outside yourself. Nothing to save Q. Is there any salvation for the world? A. Which world do you want to save? The world of your projections? Of your own nightmares? Of your own despair? Get rid of the belief that people need your help and see whether there is anything left to save.

The most important thing in Life

Q. Which is the most important thing to do in Life? A. Dealing with your inner pain and be permanently in touch with the Now. Freedom from desire Freedom means essentially freedom from desire and fear. Do not pay any attention to your desires and fears. Let them come and go. Even desire for Truth, one day, has to be abandoned to make further progress possible. Q. If desires disappear then, what remains? A. All that which can never change, all the Truth, goodness and beauty of this world, remains. The infinite, almighty, immeasurable You, remains. Self-knowledge

Q. What is the use of Self-knowledge? A. It helps you to understand what you are not, and keeps you free from wrong ideas, false desires and actions. To know yourself is bliss... to forget instead, is sorrow. What you call meditation is just the observation of the true and the false in yourself, merging finally into something which is neither true nor false. The fate of your own world If you really want to cleanse the world of all crimes, wars and violence, you have to get rid of all your evil psychic dirt, inner conflicts and lies. You are behind the fate of your own world nothing can harm or save it without your consent. Q. But how can i get rid of all that useless stuff? A. Just watch it, and it dissolves.

Life stands magnificent Q. You said that birth and death are just descriptions, concepts, false beliefs, and that Life doesn't come from our parents but stands Real, Eternal, Magnificent, with neither beginning nor end. I have witnessed two great happenings in the last few months which have deeply marked my Life: the birth of my son and the death of my mother. Do you think I was just imagining all that? A. What you have witnessed with your own eyes is none other than the fairytale of your own birth and death that nobody else, but you yourself, in this precise instant, are producing and projecting on the imaginary picture screen that you call 'reality'. Getting rid of conditioning

Q. How can we get rid of our conditionings? A. Self-awareness is the way to be free of all conditionings. When you are conscious of the fact that you are wholly conditioned, you become silent. The Arab, for example, conscious of his conditionings would stop fighting the Israelis. And that is what happens to anybody who starts enquiring into himself, he gets free of his turmoil, of his misery, of his inner war. He wins inner space. He lives in another dimension (state). Act your role

Q. It seems to me that I am living two different lives in two separate worlds that fight each other for survival. How can I find the right balance between the 'Work' and the business of the everyday Life. A. Act your role in the world as an actor does on the stage. There is nothing wrong with play and nothing wrong with the role you act. The problem arises only when you forget to act and identify with the role itself. All that you secretly hide Q. What is the necessity of an external world, when everything comes from within? A. You meet in Life all that you secretly hide to yourself. When you look at yourself in the mirror of the world, you see what you have to get rid of in you

Only good news exists Q. For me it s impossible to accept the idea that only good news exists. What about if a young person very dear to you dies, do you think you receive it and react to it as the arrival of good news? A. You have to understand that whatever happens outside yourself has to have your inner approval to manifest. This means that anything happening in your own Life is the faithful reflection of your will power in action. If you unconsciously love complaining, justifying, accusing, or indulging in self-pity and suffering, that very dear person dies to make you realize your hidden, mortal vision of Life as the very cause of all your troubles. Remember! Anything that allows you to understand and know the Truth about yourself, even if unbearable, is always good news. Power over time Q. Can we ever manage the flow of time? A. No. Time flows on and on and you, slave of nature, like a small craft, are carried away by the great current of Life. You can never manage or control the flow of time or the economics of a nation or other people' s actions, because you are unable to deal with your own pain, despair and misery, and find it impossible to focus on your inner Being, the only place where you can have a large measure of control over the hypnotizing forces of Life. Lack of inner creativity Q. You say that the world is perfect. How come none of us is able to see the world the way you see it. Are we all blind? A. What you see reflects perfectly your level of Being. It' s your inner conflict and violence the identification with your negative emotions that makes the world appear to be 'hell'. In your Life, violence and crime has become a substitute for inner creativity. Lack of creativity is also expressed through environmental pollution, overeating, over population, global warming, diseases and accidents, poverty and war, the unfair play in politics, economics and justice.

Freedom from desire and fear Q. With all the responsibilities I have, how can I ever be free? Freedom means essentially freedom from worry. Do not indulge or identify with your worries, fears or desires. Observe and let them come and go. Even desire for Truth, one day, has to be abandoned to make further progress possible. Q. But, we are worried about tomorrow, about the future, the uncertainty of the future. We don' t know how to deal with this uncertainty. A. First of all, ask yourself what 'time' is all about - what is its very meaning. Time is a trap, a painful, mortal, self-created prison. Time is a crime generated by your own way of thinking. So, thought is time, and time breeds fear, and fear creates all that which you are afraid of. In the powerful state of inner awareness, time will disappear and with it, all the absurdities, illusions and contradictions of this world. Dreaming and desire

Q. May I ask you what is the difference between dreaming and desire? A. It is easier to tell you the difference in terms of Being. The one who desires is identified and lives unconsciously guided by all that which is subject to the forces of gravity and time-memory, mechanical thought, imagination...he is a prisoner.... he is a victim. The one who dreams instead is guided by an inner pilot who has all things aligned in 'service' to his one aim. His total integration...all that he encounters is carefully selected by his dream to contribute to his own inner evolution and nothing else. Desire can be sensed by its companion anxiety...dream by its own comprehension and aspiration. Dreaming is fueled by all-embracing Love...desire grows with Fear. To know the difference one need only take the idea object or image within himself and reflect it inside against the candle of observation.

What it is that you dream

Q. Imagine yourself experiencing something you don' t like. Is it possible to want that experience to stop? A. That experience will disappear when you stop 'wanting that experience to disappear'. Again you have commanded an experience of want, desire, or need into your own reality, so you find your situation either continuing unchanged, or worsening. You should be commanding the Universe 'what it is that you dream,' and not 'what it is that you want'. All that I am right now Q. You say that Time is an illusion and non-existent. Well, we would like to ask You then, what is going to happen to all of us in the next few hours, few years or in a few centuries if Time is, as you say, a fanciful matter? A. The answer I am going to give you will not satisfy your expectation but one day you will understand. There is no difference or distance between one second and one million of light-years. They are all contained in this omnipotent, everlasting Instant..... "ALL THAT I AM right NOW" is not only happening in the next few hours, years or centuries but also and simultaneously in the past hours, years and centuries. The Secret of all secrets Q. How am I to be rid of every image, description, prejudice or concept, so that my vision is completely free, fresh and young, so that I can project a new world, a new life?? A. Believing that you are incapable of facing the complexity of life, you have created super-images like the soul, the self, innumerable gods and idols, clubs, entertainments, reading books, the government, the State, and never to find out how to stop that evil mechanism in yourself which is the very cause of all conflicts and failure. You have to find out how to stop all the descriptions and images 'instantly.' You have to find out what pure observation, pure seeing is. You have to find out how to go beyond time, which means how to get rid of inner dialogue, criticism, judging, liking or disliking, accusing, condemning, etc. etc.?Self-observation makes you attentive, vigilant, and in that attention all sense of the past and future disappears, and with it all concepts, images and descriptions will dissolve. So the secret of all secrets is absence of death, which is 'love'. Love is not a concept. It is not pleasure. It is not desire. It is not memory nor imagination. Love is the amazing awareness of this very instant.

Be and become!

Be and become! Be and you' ll become! Be a King and the Kingdom will come. You cannot have a Kingdom before being a King. Q. What is the difference between dream and desire? A . Just an eternity. Dream is absence of Time, and desire is Time itself. Only what is in absence of time can realized, and that means 'dreaming'. Your reality, whatever it is, is such because you are dreaming it as it is, and your desire to change it cannot come true because desire acts in time. To be a King means to be in absence of time, that is fearless, guiltless, desireless, whole. To be a King you have to love, and love like dream cannot be in time. Love cannot be planned, organized or measured. Real love can only happen Now. Remember! You cannot dream a Kingdom, you can only desire a Kingdom, that' s why it can never happen. Be right Now what you want to be, and do not desire! If you are whole, in this precise instant, you will receive much more than you might ever desire. Money is an inner matter Q. You say that love and financial power are one and the same thing. Don' t you think that this similitude is absurd, paradoxical or even profanatory? How can the financial world with all its criminality be compared to a world as pure as that of love? A. Money like love is an inner matter. Money is a state of Being. Money-affluence manifests in time what you have conquered through inner responsibility and creative victory, which is love. In the same way, any fault in your Being makes you weaker and poorer. Any crack in your dream shatters the foundations of your financial power. Remember! Love means absence of death (a-mors)..... and in absence of inner death you are an unlimited, omnipotent Being.

The power to move mountains Everything outside is but an imagined diversification of your inner being. All the events and experiences, senses and emotions, thoughts and images, the drama of opposites - attraction and aversion, war and peace, sickness and health, Life and death, all happens in you yourself as the Dreamer and creator of all and everything. Q. If I am the Dreamer and creator of this world, why did I create so much trouble and suffering in it? A. Look upon this world as a movie and you will know why you create it as it is. If you watch a movie, you like to see in it a series of actions, adventures and dangers rather than something dull or boring. And this is the way you have to watch and enjoy your world - a spectacular, electronic play of light and shadows, good and evil, victory and defeat, joy and sorrow. Everything is then the projection of your own being condensed into an appearance of characters and events. Now, if you can remain firm, unattached and not identified with what happens in Life, you will have the power to move mountains. Identification or emotional involvement with the world is but the silent, invisible cause of all suffering and a mortal attempt to your own happiness.

Letting go of fear Most of you are conditioned by the culture, by the knowledge, by the environment, by food, by clothes, politics, religion, sex and so on. Can there be intelligence where there is identification? Can there be freedom where there is conditioning? Q. How can we get rid of our conditionings? A. When you are conscious of the fact that you are wholly conditioned, you become free (silent). All wars would end if people could become aware of their conditionings. The Arab, for example, conscious of his conditionings, would stop fighting the Israelis and vice-versa. And that is what happens to anybody who starts inquiring into himself, he gets free of his turmoil, of his misery, of his inner war. He acquires inner silence and freedom. He lives in another dimension. He projects a new world. Do not pay any attention to your desires and fears. Let them come and go. Even 'desire' for Truth, one day, has to be abandoned to make further progress possible. Q. If desires disappear then, what remains? A. All that which can never change, all the Truth, goodness and beauty of this world, remains. The infinite, almighty, immeasurable you, remains. Q. We are worried about tomorrow, about the future, the uncertainty of the future. We don' t know how to deal with this uncertainty. A. First of all, ask yourself what 'time' is all about, the meaning of time. Time is a trap, a self-created prison. Time is generated by your own way of thinking. So, thought breeds fear, and fear creates all that which you are afraid of. In the omnipotent state of timelessness, fear disappears and with it, all the absurdities and limitations of this world. All your efforts revealed to be a failure Q. Don' t you think that the real facts are right under our nose: the horrors of war, the suffering of refugees, the poverty in many countries, religious strife and separation, economic and social injustice, hatred and every form of corruption in the world? A. What you believe to be real facts are just the outer expressions of an alchemical phenomenon which is happening, right Now, within you and nowhere else. By believing that all this is happening outside yourself, you have been forced to find external solutions to the endless problems of the world. But all your efforts, all your strategies to change the world from political reforms and revolutions to a religious, spiritual Life of denial and solitude, from a Life of sacrifice and discipline to the social fights for the recognition of human rights revealed to be a failure. You have tried so many things, even being sincere and honest with yourself, but without being able to focus your attention on the real cause of all this confusion: your inner fragmentation and deaths.

Why war and not peace Q. Why does war dominate humanity and not peace? A. Remember! There is no war, and there is no peace in the world. War and peace exist only in your imagination. War and peace belong to your personal speculation and lie. For an ordinary man there is no pain more painful than the absence of pain. Pain is his daily bread, and war, his permanent inner condition. All wars would end Most of you are conditioned by culture, by knowledge, by environment, by food, clothes, politics, religion, sex and so on. There can be only weakness and slavery where there are conditionings. Q. How can we get rid of our conditionings? A. When you are conscious of the fact that you are entirely conditioned or lost or identified with something, you become free. All wars would end if people could become aware of their conditioning. The Arab, for example, conscious of his conditioning, would stop hating the Israelis and vice versa. The Pakistani would stop fighting the Indian. Protestants, conscious of their conditioning, would stop fighting Catholics. And that is what happens to anybody who starts inquiring into himself, he gets free of his inner fragmentation, of his misery, of his inner war. He acquires inner silence and freedom. He lives in another dimension. He projects a new world. The only thing happening in the world Q. What's happening in the world? A. In the world You are happening..., nothing else but You. Q. And what will happen to the future generations, governments, politics and world economy?? A. All the Now that you are able to stand will happen... Remember! The future of the world is in your hands.

How can we approach life Q. Can you tell us how we can approach Life knowing that one day we are going to die? A. Instead of waiting for the end of your time, try to go back to your supposed beginning, and simply realise that you have never been born and that all the past and the entire story of your Life is just a projection of this very instant. This realization will make you whole, happier, stronger, healthier, wealthier and more than anything....indestructible. What is a fact Q. When you say that the world outside is only 'apparent,' do you mean that there is nothing like pain, suffering and war - that this is a lovely world? When they take away your job or you are full of misery and have no food for your family or when your son dies in an absurd war, you say that this is not real? A. Yes, this is only an imaginative ideological concept that you believe to be true just a world of theories, a mere description of reality and not reality itself. Violence, fear, loneliness, pain, war, birth and death are just concepts generated by your memory and imagination, which are in their turn mere shadows and not facts. Q. What are the facts? A. What you yourself are in this precise instant is a fact. You yourself free of all fears is a fact. You yourself free of that bundle of lies which constitutes history, tradition, knowledge, religion, culture, and experience, is a fact. The timeless you is a fact. And all that which apparently exists in time and which you believe to be external, will reduce you to dullness and impotence. Remember! Only what has been 'done' inside is real and can be permanent, the rest is just a short film disintegrating as it is made.

No power out there Q. As you know, throughout the world there are factories of armaments which are being produced and stored to cause damage or even destroy humanity, how can we counteract or protect ourselves from such a destructive power? A. By taking yourself out from under the influence of every form of hypnotism, dependence, superstition or identification with the world. Do not lean on anybody's knowledge, fantasy or prophecy. Know that there is no power 'out there' that can destroy you. 'Out there' nothing can happen without your consent, inner approval or intent. Be vigilant! Cast off all your ignorance and darkness. It is your vision that needs some adjustment and not humanity. If you integrate yourself, if you become a unity, then the world is safe. In the world of duality everything is perfectly balanced: a period of obscurity and destruction inevitably alternates with a period of creativity and constructiveness, but only as a mirror of your inner states. So don' t worry about the world, worry only about yourself, this is the only way you can help. The world of events and circumstances is totally depending upon you. The conditions of the world correspond exactly to your inner states. Remember! Nobody and nothing can do anything if it is not commanded and directed by your own Dream. No war within, no war without , this is the Law. God and the others

Q. What about God? A. You exist right here and right now. Forget about God. Find out who you are first and then inquire about your God.

Q. What about the others? A. Interfere the least possible with the affairs of others and be patient, compassionate. Learn how to be still and silent. Looking at yourself in silence will accomplish more than all the affairs and speeches of men.

Experience Q. Do memory, experience, culture, knowledge, tradition or anything belonging to the past, bring you understanding?

A. Understanding, clarity, Integrity, freshness, newness belong to the present to timlessness. And the past can never be an aid to understand the present. Q. Doesn' t your experience of the war help you to prevent all wars? A. Behind all wars there is fear, and the experience of the war can only perpetuate fear. The very cause of all fears and consequently of all wars is your fragmented Being. Your inner fragmentation gives birth to all divisions in the world: your nationality, your race, your tradition, your culture, your religion, your past. Thought is always old. Thought is the old. Laughing at the past Q. You say that the past can be changed. How can I cancel something horrible that happened in my Life? A. By laughing at it! Laughing at something horrible makes it lose its power and reality. Laughing transcends time and projects you into Eternity. If you had the strength to consciously laugh at something horrible, that very thing could never have the power to manifest and reach you. If you can laugh at something you consider to be horrible, it loses substance and disappears. Remember! The past is a projection of Now. In Now you can create and discreate your past and future at will. In other words, whatever happens in time has its roots in you, in your timeless and omnipresent Being. The future of humanity Q. What do you think will happen to humanity in the next twenty years? A. All that which you yourself believe may happen, will happen. That' s why you should be very careful about your thoughts and entirely aware of what you are right Now. Humanity is in 'time' the perfect manifestation of all that 'you are' in this precise, everlasting instant. Austerity and discipline Q. Are austerities and disciplines of any use? A. To meet gratefully whatever Life brings is all the austerity you need. Don' t invent self-inflicted tortures. Accept what comes as it comes. One day you will realize that everything in the world is part of your conscious creativity, and that you don' t need any discipline to become what you already are: the Cause of all causes.

The difference between happiness and pleasure No problem can be solved on its own level. The very desire to live is the messenger of death, as the longing to be happy is the outline of sorrow. Try to reach the state in which there is no knowledge, but only Being, in which Being itself is knowledge. To know by Being is direct knowledge. The same with happiness. True happiness is uncaused and independent, it cannot disappear for lack of stimulation. It is not the opposite of sorrow, it includes all pain and suffering.

Q. When we are in trouble, we are bound to be unhappy. How can I be happy when I am really in trouble? A. Fear is the only trouble. Fear is behind all pain. Q. What is the difference between happiness and pleasure? A. Pleasure depends on things, happiness does not. Self-giving Self-giving is the sole, real giving. You give to the world only what you truly give to yourself. Q. In order to give, you have to take... Where do you get all the energy from in order to give? A. Before storing energy you have to learn how to stop leaks. You spend all your energy in the wrong way on identification and negative emotions, complaining and accusation, on lying and idle talks. These are open taps from which your energy runs out. Stop this leakage and you will accumulate an enormous amount of energy. Remember! You are the very Root of the world. You are the inexhaustible Source that nurtures all and everything. You are the Supreme Vision and the infinite Reality. That means that you are the Giver and the Receiver at the same time. Q. What about egoistic, greedy people who can only take from the world? A. Nobody can take anything from the world because the world has nothing to give. You are the sole Dreamer, producer and the only distributor and the world is only a shadow, a pale reflection of what you really are. Not even the most clever thief can ever steal anything from you without your 'consent'. Something can be taken away from you, including your Life, only if you first 'give it... up'.

Reluctance to discipline Q. My reluctance to any discipline is for the fact that I could be asked one day to abandon the things I possess or the people I love, just for the sake of it, and that is unacceptable. A. 'Here' there is nothing and no one to sacrifice save your negative inner states - your suffering. The theory of evolution Q. There are so many theories about the nature of man and his evolution. Which is true? A. All are true, all are false. You can accept whichever you think best. Theories are neither right nor wrong. It is the way you approach them that gives results. If you are truly earnest and sincere, any theory will be the right one for you. It is your earnestness that makes you free and not the theory. The motive for action Q. Without fear and desire what motive is there for action? A. None, unless you consider love of Life, of righteousness, of beauty, motive enough. Do not be afraid of freedom from fear and desire. It enables you to live a Life much more intense and interesting than all you know.

Harmonization of opposites Q. How can I bridge the gap between vision and reality, intuition and action, financial power and love? A. At the moment you cannot do it, because you are strongly convinced that the Universe is a hostile place where you are victim of forces outside, over which you have no control at all. You have taken your internal divisions and distortions as something brought about by the world outside when, in reality, they are merely projected out into the screen of external reality from your inner, fragmented Being. In order to fill the gap between dream and reality you have first to get rid of your belief in illusions, you have to realize that your beliefs in separation, limitation, lack, loss, pain, struggle, sickness, birth and death are not real but only a description of reality. "Heaven and Earth shall pass away," the Bible says. That means that they cannot continue to exist as separate states , and so the gap between vision and reality, intuition and action, financial power and love will disappear when unity of Being will manifest as the result of a long, hard work on yourself. The only sacrifice Q. What do you suggest we have to sacrifice because we can reach a higher level of understanding? A. In this work there is only one thing you can and have to sacrifice, and that is your suffering. Here, you learn how useless is suffering. Here, you learn that there is no tool, no method, no system, neither religion nor ideology that can help you to release it. You have to do it all by yourself and from within. Know yourself as a whole Q. As I look at you, you seem to be sure of yourself and safe - without limits and without problems. How is it that your experience is so different from ours? A. You can see the world only through the idea you have of yourself. It' s your inner attitude that differs and not the outer experience. As you think yourself to be, so the world appears to you. The difference lies in you alone. Know yourself as a whole, and you will see the world as it is - a single, indivisible, complete and harmonious unity.

Love and financial power Q. You say that 'love and financial power' are one and the same. Don't you think this comparison is paradoxical or unrealistic even? How can the financial world with all its criminality be compared to a world as pure as that of Love? A. 'Love' means absence of death - in the absence of death one is omnipotent. One who really loves governs himself and the entire Universe. Living without problems Q. Could we live without problems? A. Of course you could. But as you are you cannot do without. You need them. Problems exist to let you see how to transcend your poverty. Remember! What you call problems are only solutions not yet recognized travelling fast towards an imminent Fortune. Time-worshippers There is nothing that happens outside of Now. Everything happens Now and...'for the first time.' You yourself are happening 'for the first time' right Now with all your personal history and destiny, people and events, your past and future, memories and expectations, fears and desires. The closer you are to Now, the clearer your understanding, the closer you are to your Being, the more powerful your creativity and the capacity of doing. Q. For what you say then, I could cancel all kinds of problems, difficulties, faults and debts 'right now' if I only wished? A. Yes. Q. Why doesn't it happen then? A. Because you yourself don' t want it to happen. You are a Time-worshipper, and as such, you believe that only 'time' can change things. For you, 'time' is God. Try to understand. What is really happening Now is unique, original, absolute, it has never happened before and will never happen after. All kinds of things that you are witnessing Now are the simultaneous effect of your infinite creativity that happens just once... forever.

Changing your world Q. So many saints, mystics and great people have lived and died, and they did not change my world. A. How could they? The world is as you dream it. Only you can change it. The truth of theories Q. There are so many theories about the nature of man, his evolution and destiny. Which is true? A. All are true, all are false. You can accept whichever you feel best. Theories are neither right nor wrong. It is your inner attitude, the way you approach them that gives results. And this is also meant for any ideology, philosophy and religion you follow. If you are truly earnest and sincere, any theory will be the right one for you. It is the earnestness that makes you free and not the theory. War is within Q. Can you tell us about the wars in the world and what should be our attitude towards them? A. Have you ever seen a war?....(silence)... you will never see one. War, like poverty, is not an objective status, but a subjective state of Being. War, like poverty, is an inner matter and never an outer reality. The world in its apparent objectivity is only a projection. War, poverty, horrors, disease and death are only within. They all come from within. The objective world is only a reflection of your subjectivity, only you can heal and save the world if you know how to heal and save yourself. The path to travel takes the form of its traveler. Q. What about the media? Are they not telling us what is really happening in the world? Are they not telling us the Truth about the real conditions of people in the world? A. No! . . . . They are only telling you about your own inner states and conditions. They are only telling you what you yourself want them to tell you. They are only giving you what you unconsciously ask for.

You are not one, but a multitude Q. If there is a God or a higher Being governing the Universe, why does He not make this Earth a peaceful place to live with enlightened human Beings that love and trust each other unconditionally? A. Look at yourself, study yourself and you will know the answer. You are not a unity but a multitude, a legion, a multiplicity. Inside yourself you are a crowd of negative people fighting each other, full of negative states which destroy your own happiness and make you miserable and ill. This is why the world appears to you as a theatre of horrors, cruelty and wars. There is no God to blame but only yourself. Humanity in time Q. What do you think will happen to humanity in the next twenty years? A. All that which you yourself believe may happen, will happen. That' s why you should be very careful about your thoughts and entirely aware of what you are right Now. Humanity is in Time the perfect manifestation of all that You are in this precise, everlasting Now. What can free the world Q. What can free the world from so much suffering? A. You can. You can do it by giving up pain. The world suffers the evils you inflict on yourself and is free of everything you are free of. The world suffers of all that you have yet to forgive inside. Stuck in a vicious circle Q. Why do you refuse very often to meet spiritual seekers? A. Many of you are stuck in a vicious circle, entrapped in an unnecessary struggle. You have transferred the struggle for worldly goods to the struggle for heavenly reaches but nothing has changed you were lying before and you are still lying now. Instead of enjoying the world and laughing, you grunt, blame and complain.

No degeneration, no death Q. If men didn't die, their bodies, with age would become irreparable and useless. A. No, look at things from another point of view. Death becomes necessary because the body degrades, declines and becomes unusable. The idea of never being born the renunciation of a time-conditioned nature does not permit the body to degrade. Not being able to degenerate, the body no longer needs to die. Accepting your birth as something truly occurred is the main reason of aging and dying. Questioning your birth will greatly improve the quality of your being and empower the idea of living forever. The cause of all calamities Q. Can you tell me which is the cause of all the world' s sorrows poverty, hatred, violence and wars and if there is any remedy? Your theory about a causeless world is very difficult for me to understand and, I feel, beyond my control - this removes all hopes of the world ever changing for me. A. Sorrow in the world is due to your having forgotten your own Being having given reality to the picture on the screen. This world can be changed if you work on yourself. Causes or no causes, you have made this world and you can change it. The reason why you don' t understand is because you believe that you are in the world and not the world in you. To take appearance for reality is a mortal error and the very cause of all calamities. You are the only one who suffers Q. If no law of karma, punishment or injustice exist in Life, why then is one child born deformed and another perfect? Why does the destiny of one man lead to joy and success and another to failure and destruction? Why does one race live in peace and prosperity and another suffer continual prejudice and persecution? A. Because of you. When you will stop believing in Time as something real, these abyssal distances and paradoxical contradictions that you see in the world will cease to exist. Look at things from within and you will realize that there is nobody suffering but you. You are the only sufferer. The apparent law of cause and effect is just a way of thinking. In reality all is Here and Now and all is One. Q. What' s the use of knowing that "all is Here and Now and all is One?" A. If you realize this in your body, nothing will ever be impossible to you.

What is beauty Q. What is beauty? A. Whatever is conceived in bliss is beautiful. Bliss is the essence of beauty. Be fully aware of your own Being and you will be in bliss, that is, you will regain your sense of well-being and beauty. Fear comes to an end Q. How can I get rid of fear? A. Once you realize that all comes from within, that the world in which you live has not been projected onto you but by you, your fear comes to an end. The world outside is an empty screen on which we project the shadows of a disintegrated psychology. Man, governed by a mortal, impotent god, has forgotten his Integrity and can only produce fragments of himself. On the thread of your Being Q. How can I improve the world? A. It is not the world that you have to improve, but your way of looking your inner attitude. You can see the moon dancing on the restless waters of the lake, but it is all appearance. The world has no existence apart from you. You create it, you destroy it. You improve it, you disprove it. The world hangs on the thread of your Being. No Being, no world. Immortality Q. Which discipline or technique amongst many can be more effective to make us immortal? A. You don' t have to do anything to live forever but to accept yourself as a birthless, deathless Being. If you are not immortal Now, then you never will be. Immortality is not a final destination. Immortality is not a process of growth that makes you one day perfect. If you try to improve yourself through some discipline and apply it to become immortal, you will never succeed. Immortality cannot happen in time. Immortality is something you already are. Living forever is all about transforming the quality of your Life from within, by focusing all your attention on the Real Cause of all and everything........the Omnipresent Now.

Isolate yourself internally Q. What should we do when the world outside gets tough or threatening? A. Let' s start with what you shouldn't do: You must not react - not react as you always do to everything. If you find the strength to not react to the outer circumstances, you will no longer be at the mercy of Life. So, do not identify with the difficulties and unhappiness of the outer world. Isolate yourself internally from Life and don' t let its events crush you. No one and nothing can hurt you or even touch you if you neither identify nor react to the external events. Non-identifying means not getting lost or drowned in your own image reflected in the troubled waters of the world. This work Q. What is this work about? A. This work is for those who are disappointed with their ordinary Life and are looking for something they have lost or forgotten for so long... something special. This work is about your inner states and deals with your inner reactions to others and the outer world. Self-observation is the starting-point of this work. Only you can know your inner states and only you can move yourself from useless, painful or negative states. You have to learn to distinguish, through self-observation first and double attention later, between yourself and the external world - between cause and effect - between what is Real and what is not.

Q. How would the world be if we stopped dying? A. It would be a very funny world, surely more alive! Try to visualize a humanity without conflicts, wars, persecutions, diseases, poverty and injustice. Try to imagine a world without tribunals, police, prisons, hospitals and cemeteries and you will know how an intelligent, joyful, immortal humanity would live. Remember! Immortality doesn't mean the Life 'after' death full of imaginary angels, ascensions, heavens or reincarnations, but it is about Life 'without' death... Life with all Its infinite possibilities.

A very funny world

Q. When and where can I meet the Dreamer? A. You can meet the Dreamer right Now if you know how to create a crack into the thick encrustation of 'time' hypnotism.

Q. But 'living' takes time. 'Living' happens in time. 'Living' is time, isn't it? A. No. True Life happens only in the absence of time. Real Life has neither beginning nor end, birth nor death, sorrow nor happiness. Only Freedom... Freedom from all bondage, limitation and hypnotism. Real Life belongs to the almighty beauty of 'Now' overwhelming All and Everything. What really matters is now A few minutes of absolute silence are enough to adjust the world. You are always dealing with yourself. Once won the war with time, there will be no more wars neither inside nor out. Only Now counts...the past is imaginary... history is mere imagination... historic characters are actors in a comedy written in this very instant, who enact a script dictated by your own fantasy. There is no one and nothing else outside of Now. Everything is a marvelous invention. Everything happens Now.

Q. How do you explain, then, that I know and remember perfectly having parents, being a child, having experiences, traveling all over the world, meeting thousands of people and having a wife and children, a profession, a business, defeats and victories, joy and sorrow? A. All that you believe to have happened in the past is happening in this very instant. There is no moment before and none after. Everything happens Now...There is nothing outside of Now. Now is the beginning and end of every cycle - from the atom to God - past, present and future. Defeats don't exist in 'Now', but only victories...There is no sickness in 'Now,' but only healing. Problems, defeats and errors are only in your imagination.

Q. How can we believe in something like 'Now' that barely lasts an instant? A. That which does not have limits cannot be governed by time. Now is omnipresent and almighty. 'Now' there is no space for lying, and no time for dying.

Injustice in my country Q. What should be my attitude toward the present upsetting social conditions, political intrigues and injustice in my country? A. Right now do not give them any attention at all, and dedicate all your time and energy to your own inner transformation. The injustice you feel in the world is an illusion. The injustice that you see is not coming from outside but from all the poison you carry within your inner Self. One day you will realize that the very cause of all poverty, violence and political crimes, which you claim your country to be victim of, is the fragmentation of your inner Being, the projection of a mental disease which can be healed only when you recognize yourself as the sole responsible. The moment you yourself become an inseparable 'wholeness', your country will be free from all tyranny. A limited vulnerable body Q. My grandmother's dying, should I go to see her? A. You still perceive yourself as a limited, vulnerable body that was born and a little later dies it is an illusion. Birth and death are the symbolic manifestation of the insane, self-hypnotized human mentality. Remember that what you perceive as real is just the materialization in Time of your inner states. The slightest change in your own Being will make you project a completely different world, a new order of reality. Birth and death will then totally disappear if you allow the power of Now to have the upper hand over the obsolete, dreary, self-imposed description of Life. About the future Q. What about the future? Can I change my future the way I'd like it to be? A. Yes, you can easily change your future if you first understand that your future is not in the future at all but right Now, under your nose. Both future and past are non-existent. They live only in your imagination. Whatever comes from the world outside is a reflection of this precise moment. Look at yourself and you will know what is going to happen. Remember! "The slightest change in your being moves mountains in the world of events."

Sooner or Later If you believe or simply think that Life is something coming from out there, sooner or later, you are destined to succumb. Remember: "Nothing is external", so nothing can hurt you unless you hurt yourself. If Life comes from within then nobody and nothing outside yourself can ever take it away. Q. What about Jesus Christ then? Wasn' t he betrayed, tortured and put to death by mean people and negative forces coming from the outer world? A. It is impossible to see someone suffering or dying if you are not dead inside. What you are really witnessing is not somebody else' s death but your very own. Real Life comes from within and nobody and nothing can ever destroy It. How can this chaos be governed Q. Life has never been as precarious and dangerous as it is today. People seem out of their minds and out of control. How can this chaos be governed or managed? A. Stop believing that all this is happening outside yourself... Look at yourself inside and you'll know the real cause of this craziness... The world is as you dream it. Changing the Future Q. What about the future? Can I change my future the way I'd like it to be? A. Yes, you can easily change your future if you first understand that your future is not in the future at all but right Now, under your nose. Both future and past are non-existent. They live only in your imagination. Whatever comes from the world outside is a reflection of this precise moment. Look at yourself and you will know what is going to happen. Remember! "The slightest change in your being moves mountains in the world of events." Birth is not a fact Q. How can we never be born if we already are? A. The simple realization that birth is not a fact but only a description, makes us "Unborn and Immortal." Remember! The memory is a lie you tell yourself. Memory is a private liar. Once free from lies, you won't have limits any more, and being born and dying will be forgotten forever.

Improving the quality of your life

Q. If our thoughts create our personal reality, what kind of thoughts should we have then to change things we don't like in life? A. You can improve or control the quality of your thoughts and consequently change the corresponding outer circumstances only if you know how to raise your level of Being. To do this you have to study and work in a special School and apply Its teachings and ideas to yourself. The beginning of all creation Q. Are we inheriting the past or are we projecting it? Are we the final result of our past or are we projecting it with our imagination? A. How can you come from something that does not exist, "time" for example? Remember! Here is where you have always been, and Now is the only existing Time. If there is no past, then there is no race, no family inheritance, but only Freedom. There is no condemnation of sins nor debt of Karma, but only your magnificent Being that creates, in this everlasting instant, the incredible theatre of your existence. Yes, the beginning of all creation is in You. Madrid, March 11 Q. What about the violence in the world? How can we stop it? A. Everything a man does in the world is unreal and useless because he is not doing it from himself. "Doing" means to have a Will. "Doing" means making decisions. "Doing" means Integrity. Man, as he is, cannot "do" unless he overcomes, through enormous efforts, his own inner violence. Man cannot "do" unless he understands that all the external phenomena are none other than the dramatic result of his own inner states and attitudes. As long as a man is governed by outer circumstances he will never be able to see where all the violence in the world is coming from. Violence always breeds violence. Violence destroys in man any possibility to change. The Dreamer The dream to become rich Q. My dream is to become rich. How can I? A. This is impossible to achieve because you cannot become what you already are. What you have to do is to get free of all that which impedes your inner power to manifest. Quality is power. Quality creates quantity and not viceversa. The level of your inner freedom determines your financial fortune. If you want to be rich you have to hold all your attention where the only freedom in the universe comes from: Your Own Inner Being. The purity of your Being makes you inevitably rich.

The only real help Q. Don' t you think that our mission on earth is to help others and love each other? A. How can you help the world if you are the very cause of its tragedy and misery? The only way you can help the world is to wake up from the nightmare. The world incarnates your very Being. It is just the replica of all that you are the world is such because you are such. If you were concerned about the world you would abandon your daily routines and afflictions, and enter the state of Self-awareness from which alone you can really help. Shedding light on the darkness Q. There is so much darkness present in the world at this time, what can we do to help or influence it positively? A. There is no darkness nor evil in the world, but only your degraded inner vision projecting its own sorrow. Try to focus your attention upon the Light instead, and you will meet a powerful world surrounded by harmony and beauty. Things happen just as you want them to happen, because you are all and all is you. How can you help the world if you are all? How can water help the water, or fire the fire? Be very careful! Behind the apparent will or desire of helping the world or others, your vanity, greed and complacency hide undisturbed. Being anonymous and working from within is the most powerful and compelling way to improve the world and uplift every human being.

You can only lean on yourself. There is no God, no religion, no philosophy, no knowledge, no ideology, no technology, no book, no man you can lean on. Everything is within you and caused by you. The Dreamer

The Dreamers technology

Think about what the Dreamer has brought us: the elimination of every war, conflict, illness, poverty, failure perpetual victory, success prosperity without limits the elimination of death, of illness, of poverty But the world, as we see and touch it, continues to be ravaged by the same ills Are there then two realities? Your reality and everyone elses? No, there is only that of the Dreamer. Your vision, that which is still perpetuated by conflicts and disasters, is false Cast off all ignorance and darkness, integrate yourself, become a unity. It is your vision that needs some adjustment and not the world. The Dreamer brought you the most revolutionary technology, a personal and universal technology. Internet and the most advanced products of modern science are flint and clubs in the hands of cavemen compared to it. Follow the principles of the Dreamer and you will see governments and nations fall, you will see ideologies, philosophies and religions, knowledge, fantasies and prophesies and all that in which man has believed until today, all swept away. Have you ever imagined humanity without hunger and without anger, a humanity which lives for the sake of beauty and not for need? A world without starving children, without wars, without disease, without poverty? A world dedicated to its own conscious awakening and harmony? But humanity is not ready to live in a world without wars, conflicts and divisions a world without antagonism, without time, without death. In that case it will take a long time to realise this dream No, this revolution cannot happen in time, but in the complete absence of time, in a vertical time. There is no evolution in time. In linear time humanity can only repeat itself and its history of conflicts and crime. Between a man from the stone age and a modern man there is no difference. Millions of years have passed if we want to believe in time, without anything having happened. Only in the absence of time does the Antagonist disappear and with him every conflict. But how could you live without the Antagonist? The Antagonist gives you a role, a job and even a name, a family, a purpose in life

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