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hedonist (n) one who believes that pleasure is the sole aim in life A thoroughgoing hedonist, he considered only his own pleasure and ignored any claims others had on his money or time.

insatiable (adj) not easily satisfied; greedy Lexys passion for new clothes is insatiable; she can shop till she literally drops.

ingrate (n) ungrateful person That ingrate Bob sneered at the tie I gave him.

vacillate (v) waver; fluctuate Uncertain which suitor she ought to marry, the princess vacillated, saying now one, now the other. oscillate (v) to swing backward and forward like a pendulum; to vary between opposing beliefs, feelings, or theories Test driving both cars many times, Shelby oscillated between buying the Honda Civic or Toyota Prius.

irresolute (adj) uncertain how to act; weak She had no respect for him because he seemed weak-willed and irresolute.

stupefy (v) make numb; stun; amaze Disapproving of drugs in general, Laura refused to take sleeping pills or any other medicine that might stupefy her.

Changing Quickly
arbitrary (adj) unreasonable or capricious; randomly selected without any reason; based solely on ones unrestricted will or judgment The coach claimed the team lost because the umpire made some arbitrary calls.

volatile (adj) changeable; explosive; evaporating rapidly The political climate today is extremely volatile: no one can predict what the electorate will do next. Maria Callas temper was extremely volatile: the only thing you could predict was that she would blow up. Acetone is an extremely volatile liquid: it evaporates instantly.

expedite (v) hasten Because we are on a tight schedule, we hope you will be able to expedite the delivery of our order.

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