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Daily Digest

Who is who CNBC’s New Online Strategy: Partner

With LinkedIn
John McCarthy was born in Boston on September
4, 1927 to two immigrants, John Patrick and Ida Glatt We’ve seen TV news networks make quite a few for-
McCarthy. The family was forced to move frequently ays into social networking. Conspicuously left out have
during the depression, until McCarthy’s father found been CNBC and LinkedIn, but today they’re announc-
work as an organizer for the Amalgamated Clothing ing a partnership that actually makes some sense.
Workers in Los Angeles, California. McCarthy showed LinkedIn is the social network for careerists: every-
an early aptitude for mathematics; in his teens he taught one’s resume on the Web. Presumably a larger per-
himself mathematics by studying the textbooks used at centage of LinkedIn’s 27 million users are interested in
the nearby California Institute of Technology (Caltech). business news than, say, Facebook, MySpace or Bebo
As a result, when he was accepted into Caltech the fol- users, and the two share higher-income demographics.
lowing year, he was able to skip the first two years Under the terms of the deal, CNBC will provide news
of mathematics.[2] Receiving a B.S. in Mathematics in to the network, and tap the LinkedIn community to
1948, McCarthy initially continued his studies at Cal- develop content for TV such as polls, surveys, etc.
tech. He received a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Prince- In addition, CNBC will integrate LinkedIn function-
ton University in 1951 under Solomon Lefschetz. After ality into its Web site. That’s probably a bigger deal
short-term appointments at Princeton, Stanford, Dart- for CNBC than LinkedIn, given the site reaches just 3.2
mouth, and MIT, he became a full professor at Stanford million people a month, according to Quantcast, but
in 1962, where he remained until his retirement at the the availablility of business information, stock quotes
end of 2000. He is now a Professor Emeritus. and headlines on LinkedIn can’t hurt, either. CNBC
will add another source of news for LinkedIn users; the
network added headlines from the NY Times in July.

The Ruby way

National Enquirer Web Traffic Spikes
Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, general purpose object- On Edwards, Palin Scandals: Tabloid
oriented programming language that combines syntax Not Doomed?
inspired by Perl with Smalltalk-like features. Ruby
originated in Japan during the mid-1990s and was ini- The struggling National Enquirer may want to re-
tially developed and designed by Yukihiro ”Matz” Mat- think its strategy of spurning the web to protect its
sumoto. Ruby supports multiple programming paradigms, dwindling print business. Ever since the John Edwards-
including functional, object oriented, imperative and Reille Hunter affair, traffic has spiked to NationalEn-
reflection. It also has a dynamic type system and au-, and new allegations of a Sarah Palin affair
tomatic memory management; it is therefore similar will no doubt keep American Media’s servers busy.
in varying respects to Python, Perl, Lisp, Dylan, and In keeping with the tabloid’s practice, it’s keeping
CLU. In its current, official implementation, written in its reporting about an alleged Palin affair off the Web
C, Ruby is a single-pass interpreted language. There to drive print sales, one reason it still not in same league
is currently no specification of the Ruby language, so as other celebrity/gossip sites.
the original implementation is considered to be the de Here’s how compared in July
facto reference. As of 2008, there are a number of unique visitors, according to Quantcast. Note that
complete or upcoming alternative implementations of massive Edwards’ spike.
the Ruby language, including YARV, JRuby, Rubinius, 906,000
IronRuby, and MacRuby, each of which takes a dif- 3.9 million
ferent approach, with JRuby and IronRuby providing 3.5 million
just-in-time compilation functionality. 11 million

JP Morgan Cuts 2008 Outlook For The problem for how people perceive PAX is that
Online Display Ads there is no precedent for this sort of thing. While things
like ComicCon may come close, even that wide-open,
JP Morgan’s Imran Khan cut his 2008 and 2009 varied show doesn’t have the type of intense focus and
forecasts for online display ads in a research note today, community that PAX enjoys. Others argue that PAX
predicting increasingly conservative marketers will shift is the new E3, which any game writer will tell you is ab-
dollars to search and performance-based advertising. surd. While it’s wonderful that the public gets to play
His new view: U.S. display ads will grow 14 in 2008 all those great games at the very public PAX, there is
to 8.2 billion, down from his original forecast of 20 precious little news that comes out of the event. In-
growth to 8.6 billion. Khan also dialed back predicted terviews and hands-on posts are great, but many of
2009 growth to 16 to 9.4 billion, down from 17 to 10 the booths are stocked with PR people, not develop-
billion. ers. More than one prominent writer in the press room
”As advertisers become more conservative with their complained about not knowing exactly how to cover the
ad spend, we think that the long-tail advertisers will show. Other writers complained that doing any kind of
shift toward performance-based advertising forms,” he job at PAX is nearly impossible; the show makes you
said. But even as dollars shift, search won’t grow as want to quit your job and join the mob of gamers as
fast as he once thought it might. Khan is calling for everyone chases their own idea of what PAX should be.
27 growth in search advertising in 2008, down from an Anyone who goes has an easy word for what PAX
earlier prediction of 32. is: magic. The best things, the things that people re-
Khan joins a growing club of analysts that have member after they go home, are rarely planned events.
revisited their online advertising predictions, in some Rather, the impromptu and collaborative nature of the
cases multiple times, over the past year: events, mixed with a community that has a strong sense
* August 27: Carat drops overall ad forecast, but of giving and friendliness that extends to every line,
raises online advertising outlook to 23.7 growth in 2008 game, and happening, means that the best way to ex-
* August 13: eMarketer plans to drop ”a few per- perience PAX is to fall into it, and to let the event
centage points” off its March estimate of 22.7 growth create itself minute by minute around you.
* July 7: BMO Capital Markets cuts its 2008 U.S. Not everything is wine and roses, however, as a few
forecast to 1.8 from 3.6 cracks have begun to show at PAX08. Let’s take a look
* June 30: Zenith Optimedia cuts its U.S. ad fore- at the highs, and lows, of the show this year.
cast for the second time in three months As we arrive at the gates in Seattle’s airport, every-
* May 30: Lehman drops 2008 U.S. online ad fore- one at SEA-TAC knows something is up, but no one
cast from 24 growth to 23 can quite put their finger on what. The airport is fill-
* March 19: eMarketer cuts its 2008 online ad fore- ing up with a very specific crowd: almost completely
cast 6 male, almost exclusively white, and mostly unshaven
* September 14: Oppenheimer cuts 2008 U.S. online and looking either malnourished or over-fed. The pre-
ad estimate 26 growth to 25 ferred uniform for the crowd milling about the termi-
nals is beat up jeans and T-shirts bearing arcane look-
ing symbols and images. For anyone with eyes to see,
the geeks have arrived.
PAX Technica: Ars goes inside the As the hordes of bodies make their way from the air-
gamer’s ”Burning Man” port to the convention center, the line begins to form at
the center’s entrance, and no one is surprised or rest-
Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) is one of the biggest less. Tens of thousands of Nintendo DS systems, the
yearly events in gaming, and the draw is easy to explain. preferred way of passing time at the show, come out,
The lineup of developers and publishers who hawk their and groups form up around specific games. Those at-
games at the show is much larger than even E3’s list this tending dressed up as game or anime characters, espe-
year, and the games to be seen and played comprise a cially the attractive women, are asked for pictures and
list of the biggest-name titles coming out this year and are very nearly mobbed.
next. The best in geeky music, including video game A few hours later Ken Levine delivers the keynote
cover-bands like the OneUps, nerdcore rappers like MC for the show, and, remarkably, he doesn’t mention his
Frontalot, and troubadours like Jonathan Coulton, are signature achievement, Bioshock, once. In fact, Levine’s
performed during the two nights of concerts. In short, story ends with his first job at Looking Glass. Instead
PAX has become the destination for gamers all around of talking about his latest game, he talks about growing
the world who wish to connect with the community of up young and nerdy, of being ashamed of his enthu-
games, music, and all other kinds of Internet culture, siasm for comic books and games like Dungeons and
and this year was no different. Well, except for one Dragons. He talks about how the issues dealt with in
thing: it was much bigger. favorite comics like Spiderman may have made him feel

more grown-up than his peers, while noting that he was interminable wait for the game, this is more than many
mocked for his choice of reading material. can bear, and it was there that we saw the first signs
He describes his first Dungeons and Dragons source of bitterness at the vastness of the show.
book, read under the sheets in the dead of night, as ”I got in line for the Fallout 3 preview in the main
if it was pornography that he was afraid to be caught theater, as it was supposed to start. The main theater
with. He describes how the gift of an Atari system filled up after 20 minutes and the preview began while
one Hanukkah changed his life. ”This was my Nerd there were still hundreds of people waiting in line. Ev-
Siberia,” he tells the packed auditorium, as they nod ery panel seemed to be packed; if you didn’t line up a
in understanding. No friends. Picked on at school. half-hour or an hour early, you weren’t getting in,” one
Ashamed of a growing comic book collection. reader angrily commented.
He shows a picture of Farrah Fawcett. ”Believe The best lines were the ones that turned into a
me, this was the shit back in the ’70s,” he says, be- party, and of course those lines belonged to Guitar
fore changing the slide to a scantily clad illustration. Hero: World Tour and Rock Band 2. ”It’s pretty mind-
”Me? I wanted to fuck the Scarlet Witch.” The room blowing. I was at PAX last year when we were debuting
erupts. Rock Band and it was... amazing to see everyone who
He describes meeting his first friends and joining couldn’t play drums and no one could sing and they
an ongoing Dungeons and Dragons campaign, who he were performing on stage. This year it’s so surreal to
refers to as his ”tribe,” and how girls somewhat broke see players come up, play on expert, and nail everything
that group up. He then goes on to speak about his on expert,” Dan Teasdale, the Lead Designer on Rock
failed script for a vampire movie, as well as a rejected Band 2, told us. ”It’s very rewarding.” It seems like it.
script for a romantic comedy. Years of nothing followed, The Rock Band 2 booth was hopping throughout the
until he found himself working at Looking Glass, a entire show, and the line was even treated to an early
place where employees watched Blade Runner on VHS, look at Jonathan Coulton’s ”Skullcrusher Mountain,”
played games in between making games, and generally which will have been released as downloadable content
were at peace with being geeky. by the time you read this.
”After many years running from things I love, it’s Teasdale told us he thinks there is room for a wide
amazing to come here and see what Gabe and Tycho variety of music games when I grill him on Guitar Hero:
and so many others have built together,” he said. ”We World Tour, and claims he hasn’t had a chance to play
are united by a common element, but it’s not the color the new guitar yet. I did brave the line for the new
of our skin or our ideology or politics,” he went on, his guitar and drums, and the new features on the World
voice rising. ”What brings us together at PAX is that Tour guitar-including the button for star power located
we are a giant bunch of fucking nerds.” The kids sitting near the heel of your hand and the touch panel on the
to the right of me, wearing Magic: The Gathering shirts neck-seem to work well, and the drums are solid and
and suffering through what looked like hard bouts of attractive. My main complaints would be how floppy
acne, almost bowl me over as they rush to stand up, the cymbals felt; they bend down when you slam them,
applaud, and cheer. I believe one of them is crying. in a way that feels less satisfying than either a harder
The part of PAX that most resembles a classical surface or an actual cymbal. It’s also hard to get over
gaming show, the part that makes people claim PAX is being used to Rock Band’s four-pad layout.
the new E3, is the show floor itself. Filled with themed The people having the most fun on the show floor
booths, flashing screens, things to buy, and, of course, seemed to be those happy to just walk around and take
long lines, this is the section of the floor where the the scene in, playing games as they became available.
hardcore go to find out what they’ll be playing in the It’s an odd mixture of old-school E3 and fan events,
future. while being somehow better than both. There was even
The problem is that the number of people this year the odd surprise to be had, such as finding The Conduit
has skyrocketed; it has now been confirmed that over somewhat hidden at Nintendo’s booth, or finding that
58,000 people showed up for PAX this year, and while many gamers just wanted to sit down and play Castle
the Convention Center can easily handle that amount Crashers, a game that had been available for a few days
of people, the individual things people have come to see at that point. For many, the lines and the crush of
can’t. For the entirety of the show, it took most of the greasy gamers was more than worth it; I witnessed one
afternoon spent waiting in line to play Fallout 3, and teenager who finally got a chance to play StarCraft 2,
StarCraft 2 also required dedication if you wanted to his face breaking into a wide grin, his arms shaking
put your hands on a mouse and keyboard. This is a with anticipation.
big show for Bethesda, as the company promised some ”Back then, a year ago, before ’Still Alive’ had come
new, never-before-seen content for Fallout 3 in the main out, it was a huge bump up in that feeling of being fa-
theater. Unfortunately, the theater could only handle mous,” Jonathan Coulton told me. We were sitting
around 5,000 people, and masses of gamers were turned in an interview room, and he seemed happy to have
away without being able to see anything. After the a chance to sit down and relax a few hours before his

show. He contentedly ate candy and answered my ques- These are the people who become pop stars at PAX,
tions. although the ability to create your own fame certainly
We discussed his now-legendary show at PAX last exists. Cosplayers were numerous, dressing like as many
year. ”Everyone was singing along, and cheering, and characters as you can imagine. Get a good idea, create
the zombie thing... I had done it before, but never a good costume, and you can pose for pictures all week-
with such a huge crowd... It’s the greatest feeling in end. There was also a group of gentlemen who decided
the world.” to try to create a real-life ”rickroll” by dressing as the
”I’ve always felt like I don’t want to be a super- bad horse singers, handing people a letter, and then
famous person who gets recognized all the time. That performing the song when it was opened, an homage to
doesn’t sound so nice to me,” he explained. ”I’m sort Dr. Horrible. Felicia Day herself fell into this trap.
of glad it’s a niche thing. I get to come to a place like PAX can feel almost like its own world, with its own
this and be a rock star, and then I go home and the rules and tropes. Wheaton’s law, which consists solely
rest of my life is still normal.” of ”Don’t be a dick,” was vigorously enforced. The
That night he played to a packed house, and ev- great thing about creating a world from scratch is that
eryone greets every song like it’s the biggest hit in the you get to choose who to make famous, and luckily, the
world. As a surprise he brings Felicia Day onstage to crowds got the celebrities they deserved.
handle vocals on ”Still Alive,” the song that capped Jerry ”Tycho” Holkins often held court at differ-
off the end of Portal. The crowd here, filled with fans ent places around the show, swarmed by Penny Arcade
of The Guild, which Felicia Day writes and stars in, fans. One of them approached Holkins hesitantly. ”Can
and of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along blog, Joss Whedon’s I shake your hand?” he asked.
web-series, absolutely adores Day, and the duet brings ”Sure,” Tycho told him. ”This hand belongs to you
cheers. guys this weekend. Do whatever you want with it.”
Felicia Day with The Guild co-star Sandeep Parikh Luckily for him, the gentleman gave it two brisk pumps,
at PAX08. and simply walked away smiling.
The idea of the ”stars” of PAX is an odd one, and we We pass the Serpent Theater, which houses the table-
adored an odd mixture of people at the show. Jonathan top role-playing crew. We walk in and take a deep
Coulton is something of a rock star here after his show breath, check out the giant Beholder... this is the very
last year, and of course the success of ”Still Alive.” essence of geek. The tables are filled with games, cards,
Later in the show I saw him being whisked to some se- and all manners of dice. There is much concentration,
cret location, flanked by a PAX enforcer, batting away a lot of frowns, and some slammed hands on tables as
adoring geeks. games of Magic don’t go as planned. They may look
Felicia Day also had to contend with the same level miserable, but don’t believe the faces. These guys don’t
of hyper-fame at PAX. ”You know, I don’t really get want to be doing anything else in the world. Here, the
creepy fans,” she tells me. ”What I see more often is only stops are for water out of the fountain and bath-
people who start to sweat and shake when they meet room breaks.
me.” She pantomimes a nervous person, her arms out. Few sights are as sobering as a room full of passion-
”Only people who come back like eight or nine times ate CCG players.
a day to take my picture, from like, afar, that gets a We pause for a while to watch a Jenga tournament
little creepy.” on the third floor of the Serpent Theater, and it is one of
I interviewed Felicia with Sandeep Parikh, who plays the most nerve-wracking things we have ever witnessed.
Zaboo in The Guild and has his own web show in ”The The Omegathon is the on-going tournament of games,
Legend of Neil.” It’s a surreal experience, even though both real and virtual, that runs throughout PAX. The
the pair are incredibly nice and outgoing. They smiled first prize is a trip to the Tokyo Game Show, 5,000, and
and greeted fans warmly during the signings, and a a set of Penny Arcade-themed consoles. Second prize
screening of The Guild and Legend of Neil at PAX gets the consoles, and a ”lifetime supply of shame.”
proved to be draws. At other times you could catch One of the contestants prowls along the table, studying
a glimpse of Felicia being whisked somewhere, looking each piece, looking for his way in. Each successful grab
slightly hunted. results in polite applause, as if we’re watching golf. For
I was also able to greet Wil Wheaton at the start of a little under an hour, no one breathes. Flash photog-
the show before the general public is let in, and he re- raphy is forbidden. When the tower of blocks finally
mained one of the friendliest folks at the show. At PAX goes down, I imagine the gamers beneath us frowning
his book signings draw large lines and his panels draw at the distraction.
standing room-only crowds. People absolutely adore Jenga felt more like a tight-rope walk than a party
the once-Star-Trek-actor-now-writer at PAX, and it’s game
no wonder: he drops inside jokes, playfully bats at his This mirrors the first round, which was Peggle. ”Peg-
own image as a professional geek, and is an honestly gle is a weird crossover game, it’s from PopCap, but it
talented public speaker. has this odd crossover with hardcore gamers. [For the

Omegathon] we want it to be a fun game, but also... Traffic jams are something nearly everyone can re-
Peggle is great contextualized, if you’re not just play- late to. While driving is ideally a communal activity,
ing it by yourself at home in the dark,” Jerry ”Tycho” where people pay attention to each other and follow
Holkins tells me while we watch the game together. ”If the rules of the road, most people seem to follow their
it really matters where that ball goes, and you’re try- whims, only occasionally within the confines of common
ing to think about and really break down Peggle, my sense. This urge to do what is best for the individual
guess is that it’s completely harrowing.” I agree. If leads to headaches for the group, increasing the total
you’re lining up a shot in Peggle with that trip and amount of time everyone has to spend on the road.
those thousands of dollars at stake, it must turn your In a paper set to be published in an upcoming issue
bowels to liquid. The Omegathon is brilliant in that of Physical Review Letters, physicists Hyejin Youn and
it adds insane stakes to common games, and reduces Hawoong Jeong, along with computer scientist Micheal
gamers to piles of jelly. Gastner, look at the result of self-interested drivers
I grab one of the Omeganauts, and ask him how traveling on both hypothetical and real-world networks.
Peggle was. ”It was fine,” he tells me. Then he breathes The abstract describes what happens very clearly:
out. ”That’s just about the most scared I’ve ever been.” Uncoordinated individuals in human society pursu-
After Jenga I try to grab one of the Omeganauts for ing their personally optimal strategies do not always
an interview, but he’s pacing the floor, wide-eyed, and achieve the social optimum, the most beneficial state
hyperventilating. to the society as a whole. Instead, strategies form Nash
The final event of the Omegathon closes down the equilibria which are often socially suboptimal. Society,
show, and it occurs in the main theater. This, of course, therefore, has to pay a price of anarchy for the lack of
means another long line, which is something PAX08 coordination among its members.
gamers are getting used to. Luckily, in true geek style, To illustrate this principle, the authors discuss a
everyone finds something to do. Someone passes around trivial example: two points A and B are connected by
huge handfuls of pipe cleaners, and the geeks get to both a short bridge and a long freeway. Here, the total
work. One woman creates a large weighted companion number of travelers going from A to B is constant, but
cube. Another creates a hand-held bat-signal. We see the bridge is narrow and prone to congestion, while the
logos for PAX, spiderwebs with real spiders; it’s amaz- freeway is wide and is less susceptible to traffic jams.
ing. And it’s happening up and down the line. We’re In this setup, the ideal situation for everyone is for half
finally let in, and then we begin to wait, thousands of the traffic to take each path. Even in this trivial ex-
gamers strong, and then Gabe and Tycho get the bright ample, however, what is best for everyone is not best
idea to pipe in easy listening. to each person. Using their example numbers, a driver
Suddenly, a few rows up, a large group of promo- taking the freeway under ideal conditions would reduce
tional Pip-Boy puppets from Fallout 3 begin to dance his or her individual delay by 40 percent over taking
over the heads of the crowd. They move in unison, the bridge.
and switch their moves every few minutes, but almost But as more and more people move away from the
always perfectly instep. ”That’s a lot of puppets!” Ty- global optimum and take the bridge, the total time in-
cho exclaims when he takes the stage. ”Look some- volved in traveling from A to B increases and a Nash
where else!” he tells them, sounding slightly creeped equilibrium is reached. This is the point where ”no sin-
out. Dutifully, they turn the other way. gle user can make any individual gain by changing his
The final game is played, Excitebike VS., a Famicom own strategy unilaterally.” In other words, no matter
disc game that never made it to the US. One Omega- what route you take, you’re going to be stuck in traffic.
naut beats the other handily, and then Gabe and Tycho By looking at the ratio of the cost at Nash equilibrium
take their expected turn. Gabe wins in the end, and to the equilibrium representing the global optimum, one
the expected thanks are given out to the crowd. It’s can calculate the price of anarchy (POA)-a measure of
all slightly anticlimactic, and no one seems to have a inefficiency caused by the lack of coordination.
graceful way to leave. The cosplayers, the gamers, the Imaginary bridges and freeways can only take us so
table-top kids, the weekend Rock Band rock stars-no far, so the authors decided to apply the analysis to the
one wants to go. The city is being broken down, and real world. They calculated the Price of Anarchy for
the world we have created here is almost over. The Pip- three real-world commutes: from Harvard Square to
Boys begin their walk towards the exit, bobbing up and Boston Common in Boston, from Washington Market
down in unison, and soon they are lost in the crowd of Park to the Queens Midtown Tunnel in New York, and
people heading into the night. the trip from Borough underground station to Farring-
don station in London. Using a well-established func-
tion to model traffic delays, they find that at an average
traffic flow of 10,000 vehicles per hour in Boston-a typ-
Selfish driving causes everyone to pay ical number-the POA peaks at 1.3. This means that
the Price of Anarchy drivers waste 30 percent more time because they are

driving with their own interests in mind rather than worry, and we’ve seen it in Canada when Bell Canada
a group concern (not a news flash for anyone who has started throttling P2P traffic (too much bandwidth!)
driven in Boston). New York and London had similar and then opened a bandwidth-intensive movie down-
peak POA values of about 1.27 and 1.22, respectively. load store of its own. Similar concerns were voiced in
To gain a better theoretical understanding of the the US when Comcast began interrupting some P2P
nature of POA in networks, the team applied their uploads even as it had a huge financial interest in hav-
methodology to various types of idealized networks. ing people watch video through its cable system, not
They came to the conclusion that, to improve the Price an Internet connection.
of Anarchy, you must close off various roads-something BPI boss Geoff Taylor made the ISP music strat-
known as Braess’s paradox. In the network representing egy explicit in a column for the BBC this summer.
Boston, the researchers find six possible road closures ”We believe that ISPs, far from being a simple pipe,
that would reduce the delay in the suboptimal Nash can become significant distributors of digital media,” he
(selfish) equilibrium. A similar analysis of the London wrote, ”and share in the tremendous value that would
and New York networks found that there were seven be unleashed if more music were accessed legally on-
and twelve roads, respectively, that could be closed to line.” He then made a brief reference to ”ISP partner-
improve the overall travel time. ships,” which are the ”next logical step in our maturing
While still theoretical, the work has the potential to digital music business.”
aid future urban planning. Since the obvious solution Pakman’s concern isn’t so much about crude prac-
of adding more roads may actually make the problem tices like throttling traffic to eMuisc or cutting off ac-
worse, an analysis of this sort could prove invaluable in cess to the site. That’s not going to happen. But what
determining real-world driving conditions. worries him is the possibility for other arrangements-an
ISP’s own music offering being exempt from bandwidth
caps, for instance.
While Pakman’s not a fan of bandwidth caps in gen-
eMusic: UK P2P warning letter pact eral, it’s the link between caps and music licenses that
”smells very funny to us” makes him uneasy. ISPs suddenly have an ”economic
interest to favor their own services,” a fear that ISPs
The UK detente between ISPs and the music indus- will have to address in ever case in which they attempt
try hasn’t attracted the same vociferous criticism that to enter a content-delivery market.
has followed other recent music industry actions; who Instead of sending letter to file-swappers, which Pak-
could be opposed to ISPs merely sending out friendly man doesn’t think ”is going to do anything,” he wants
letters to alleged file-swappers? But indie music store to see ”hundreds of legitimate, well-priced alternatives.
eMusic has some olfactory concerns about the deal. It Instead, he says, there are two or three, in part be-
”smells very funny to us,” CEO David Pakman tells cause music labels are stingy in handing out licenses to
Ars. startups.
eMusic has made a name for itself in the US as one He admits that the concerns about UK ISPs are hy-
of the largest music download stores, a hub for inexpen- pothetical at the moment and that he’s thinking ”three
sive indie music. The company expanded into Europe steps ahead of where we are today.” Still, he’s adamant
in 2006, and European sales now count for 15 percent that the scenarios he sketches aren’t ”some fairy-tale
of its total revenues. Pakman sees the UK, in partic- situation that could never happen.”
ular, as one of the largest underserved music markets Pakman’s worries, floated in media interviews over
outside the US; that’s why he’s concerned about the the last few days (see his similar comments to the Fi-
new arrangement between ISPs and the British music nancial Times), are themselves a form of action, even
business. though Pakman says that the company has nothing to
The fear is that Britain’s BPI, which represents ma- announce in the way of legal complaints at the moment.
jor labels, may have offered a ”quid pro quo” to en- But even as he rightfully looks ahead to competitive
courage ISP cooperation in its scheme. US ISPs have threats to his business, there’s also the possibility that
been exceptionally reluctant to get involved in fingering this will all work out well for music download services.
subscribers for the content industries without a court Previous UK surveys have shown that sending out sim-
order, but several major British ISPs have agreed to do ple ”I see you’ve been file-sharing” notices strip away
so, and two (Sky and BT) have gone on to announce the feeling of anonymity that pervades such activity,
licensing agreements with the music business. Those and has the potential to lead to significant reductions
agreements could give ISPs the right to launch their in illicit P2P downloading. As that happens, music-
own music stores. loving consumers may turn increasingly to legitimate
And that’s the issue. Should ISPs choose to launch sources, and that’s an opportunity that eMusic and the
their own music services, would independent companies six people working out of its London UK headquarters
like eMusic still receive a fair shake? It’s not a new would do well to capitalize on.

CNBC’s New Online Strategy: Partner His new view: U.S. display ads will grow 14 in 2008
With LinkedIn to 8.2 billion, down from his original forecast of 20
growth to 8.6 billion. Khan also dialed back predicted
We’ve seen TV news networks make quite a few for- 2009 growth to 16 to 9.4 billion, down from 17 to 10
ays into social networking. Conspicuously left out have billion.
been CNBC and LinkedIn, but today they’re announc- ”As advertisers become more conservative with their
ing a partnership that actually makes some sense. ad spend, we think that the long-tail advertisers will
LinkedIn is the social network for careerists: every- shift toward performance-based advertising forms,” he
one’s resume on the Web. Presumably a larger per- said. But even as dollars shift, search won’t grow as
centage of LinkedIn’s 27 million users are interested in fast as he once thought it might. Khan is calling for
business news than, say, Facebook, MySpace or Bebo 27 growth in search advertising in 2008, down from an
users, and the two share higher-income demographics. earlier prediction of 32.
Under the terms of the deal, CNBC will provide news Khan joins a growing club of analysts that have
to the network, and tap the LinkedIn community to revisited their online advertising predictions, in some
develop content for TV such as polls, surveys, etc. cases multiple times, over the past year:
In addition, CNBC will integrate LinkedIn function- * August 27: Carat drops overall ad forecast, but
ality into its Web site. That’s probably a bigger deal raises online advertising outlook to 23.7 growth in 2008
for CNBC than LinkedIn, given the site reaches just 3.2 * August 13: eMarketer plans to drop ”a few per-
million people a month, according to Quantcast, but centage points” off its March estimate of 22.7 growth
the availablility of business information, stock quotes * July 7: BMO Capital Markets cuts its 2008 U.S.
and headlines on LinkedIn can’t hurt, either. CNBC forecast to 1.8 from 3.6
will add another source of news for LinkedIn users; the * June 30: Zenith Optimedia cuts its U.S. ad fore-
network added headlines from the NY Times in July. cast for the second time in three months
* May 30: Lehman drops 2008 U.S. online ad fore-
cast from 24 growth to 23
* March 19: eMarketer cuts its 2008 online ad fore-
National Enquirer Web Traffic Spikes cast 6
On Edwards, Palin Scandals: Tabloid * September 14: Oppenheimer cuts 2008 U.S. online
Not Doomed? ad estimate 26 growth to 25

The struggling National Enquirer may want to re-

think its strategy of spurning the web to protect its
dwindling print business. Ever since the John Edwards- PAX Technica: Ars goes inside the
Reille Hunter affair, traffic has spiked to NationalEn- gamer’s ”Burning Man”, and new allegations of a Sarah Palin affair
will no doubt keep American Media’s servers busy. Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) is one of the biggest
In keeping with the tabloid’s practice, it’s keeping yearly events in gaming, and the draw is easy to explain.
its reporting about an alleged Palin affair off the Web The lineup of developers and publishers who hawk their
to drive print sales, one reason it still not in same league games at the show is much larger than even E3’s list this
as other celebrity/gossip sites. year, and the games to be seen and played comprise a
Here’s how compared in July list of the biggest-name titles coming out this year and
unique visitors, according to Quantcast. Note that next. The best in geeky music, including video game
massive Edwards’ spike. cover-bands like the OneUps, nerdcore rappers like MC 906,000 Frontalot, and troubadours like Jonathan Coulton, are 3.9 million performed during the two nights of concerts. In short, 3.5 million PAX has become the destination for gamers all around 11 million the world who wish to connect with the community of
games, music, and all other kinds of Internet culture,
and this year was no different. Well, except for one
thing: it was much bigger.
JP Morgan Cuts 2008 Outlook For The problem for how people perceive PAX is that
Online Display Ads there is no precedent for this sort of thing. While things
like ComicCon may come close, even that wide-open,
JP Morgan’s Imran Khan cut his 2008 and 2009 varied show doesn’t have the type of intense focus and
forecasts for online display ads in a research note today, community that PAX enjoys. Others argue that PAX
predicting increasingly conservative marketers will shift is the new E3, which any game writer will tell you is ab-
dollars to search and performance-based advertising. surd. While it’s wonderful that the public gets to play

all those great games at the very public PAX, there is Siberia,” he tells the packed auditorium, as they nod
precious little news that comes out of the event. In- in understanding. No friends. Picked on at school.
terviews and hands-on posts are great, but many of Ashamed of a growing comic book collection.
the booths are stocked with PR people, not develop- He shows a picture of Farrah Fawcett. ”Believe
ers. More than one prominent writer in the press room me, this was the shit back in the ’70s,” he says, be-
complained about not knowing exactly how to cover the fore changing the slide to a scantily clad illustration.
show. Other writers complained that doing any kind of ”Me? I wanted to fuck the Scarlet Witch.” The room
job at PAX is nearly impossible; the show makes you erupts.
want to quit your job and join the mob of gamers as He describes meeting his first friends and joining
everyone chases their own idea of what PAX should be. an ongoing Dungeons and Dragons campaign, who he
Anyone who goes has an easy word for what PAX refers to as his ”tribe,” and how girls somewhat broke
is: magic. The best things, the things that people re- that group up. He then goes on to speak about his
member after they go home, are rarely planned events. failed script for a vampire movie, as well as a rejected
Rather, the impromptu and collaborative nature of the script for a romantic comedy. Years of nothing followed,
events, mixed with a community that has a strong sense until he found himself working at Looking Glass, a
of giving and friendliness that extends to every line, place where employees watched Blade Runner on VHS,
game, and happening, means that the best way to ex- played games in between making games, and generally
perience PAX is to fall into it, and to let the event were at peace with being geeky.
create itself minute by minute around you. ”After many years running from things I love, it’s
Not everything is wine and roses, however, as a few amazing to come here and see what Gabe and Tycho
cracks have begun to show at PAX08. Let’s take a look and so many others have built together,” he said. ”We
at the highs, and lows, of the show this year. are united by a common element, but it’s not the color
As we arrive at the gates in Seattle’s airport, every- of our skin or our ideology or politics,” he went on, his
one at SEA-TAC knows something is up, but no one voice rising. ”What brings us together at PAX is that
can quite put their finger on what. The airport is fill- we are a giant bunch of fucking nerds.” The kids sitting
ing up with a very specific crowd: almost completely to the right of me, wearing Magic: The Gathering shirts
male, almost exclusively white, and mostly unshaven and suffering through what looked like hard bouts of
and looking either malnourished or over-fed. The pre- acne, almost bowl me over as they rush to stand up,
ferred uniform for the crowd milling about the termi- applaud, and cheer. I believe one of them is crying.
nals is beat up jeans and T-shirts bearing arcane look- The part of PAX that most resembles a classical
ing symbols and images. For anyone with eyes to see, gaming show, the part that makes people claim PAX is
the geeks have arrived. the new E3, is the show floor itself. Filled with themed
As the hordes of bodies make their way from the air- booths, flashing screens, things to buy, and, of course,
port to the convention center, the line begins to form at long lines, this is the section of the floor where the
the center’s entrance, and no one is surprised or rest- hardcore go to find out what they’ll be playing in the
less. Tens of thousands of Nintendo DS systems, the future.
preferred way of passing time at the show, come out, The problem is that the number of people this year
and groups form up around specific games. Those at- has skyrocketed; it has now been confirmed that over
tending dressed up as game or anime characters, espe- 58,000 people showed up for PAX this year, and while
cially the attractive women, are asked for pictures and the Convention Center can easily handle that amount
are very nearly mobbed. of people, the individual things people have come to see
A few hours later Ken Levine delivers the keynote can’t. For the entirety of the show, it took most of the
for the show, and, remarkably, he doesn’t mention his afternoon spent waiting in line to play Fallout 3, and
signature achievement, Bioshock, once. In fact, Levine’s StarCraft 2 also required dedication if you wanted to
story ends with his first job at Looking Glass. Instead put your hands on a mouse and keyboard. This is a
of talking about his latest game, he talks about growing big show for Bethesda, as the company promised some
up young and nerdy, of being ashamed of his enthu- new, never-before-seen content for Fallout 3 in the main
siasm for comic books and games like Dungeons and theater. Unfortunately, the theater could only handle
Dragons. He talks about how the issues dealt with in around 5,000 people, and masses of gamers were turned
favorite comics like Spiderman may have made him feel away without being able to see anything. After the
more grown-up than his peers, while noting that he was interminable wait for the game, this is more than many
mocked for his choice of reading material. can bear, and it was there that we saw the first signs
He describes his first Dungeons and Dragons source of bitterness at the vastness of the show.
book, read under the sheets in the dead of night, as ”I got in line for the Fallout 3 preview in the main
if it was pornography that he was afraid to be caught theater, as it was supposed to start. The main theater
with. He describes how the gift of an Atari system filled up after 20 minutes and the preview began while
one Hanukkah changed his life. ”This was my Nerd there were still hundreds of people waiting in line. Ev-

ery panel seemed to be packed; if you didn’t line up a ”I’ve always felt like I don’t want to be a super-
half-hour or an hour early, you weren’t getting in,” one famous person who gets recognized all the time. That
reader angrily commented. doesn’t sound so nice to me,” he explained. ”I’m sort
The best lines were the ones that turned into a of glad it’s a niche thing. I get to come to a place like
party, and of course those lines belonged to Guitar this and be a rock star, and then I go home and the
Hero: World Tour and Rock Band 2. ”It’s pretty mind- rest of my life is still normal.”
blowing. I was at PAX last year when we were debuting That night he played to a packed house, and ev-
Rock Band and it was... amazing to see everyone who eryone greets every song like it’s the biggest hit in the
couldn’t play drums and no one could sing and they world. As a surprise he brings Felicia Day onstage to
were performing on stage. This year it’s so surreal to handle vocals on ”Still Alive,” the song that capped
see players come up, play on expert, and nail everything off the end of Portal. The crowd here, filled with fans
on expert,” Dan Teasdale, the Lead Designer on Rock of The Guild, which Felicia Day writes and stars in,
Band 2, told us. ”It’s very rewarding.” It seems like it. and of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along blog, Joss Whedon’s
The Rock Band 2 booth was hopping throughout the web-series, absolutely adores Day, and the duet brings
entire show, and the line was even treated to an early cheers.
look at Jonathan Coulton’s ”Skullcrusher Mountain,” Felicia Day with The Guild co-star Sandeep Parikh
which will have been released as downloadable content at PAX08.
by the time you read this. The idea of the ”stars” of PAX is an odd one, and we
Teasdale told us he thinks there is room for a wide adored an odd mixture of people at the show. Jonathan
variety of music games when I grill him on Guitar Hero: Coulton is something of a rock star here after his show
World Tour, and claims he hasn’t had a chance to play last year, and of course the success of ”Still Alive.”
the new guitar yet. I did brave the line for the new Later in the show I saw him being whisked to some se-
guitar and drums, and the new features on the World cret location, flanked by a PAX enforcer, batting away
Tour guitar-including the button for star power located adoring geeks.
near the heel of your hand and the touch panel on the Felicia Day also had to contend with the same level
neck-seem to work well, and the drums are solid and of hyper-fame at PAX. ”You know, I don’t really get
attractive. My main complaints would be how floppy creepy fans,” she tells me. ”What I see more often is
the cymbals felt; they bend down when you slam them, people who start to sweat and shake when they meet
in a way that feels less satisfying than either a harder me.” She pantomimes a nervous person, her arms out.
surface or an actual cymbal. It’s also hard to get over ”Only people who come back like eight or nine times
being used to Rock Band’s four-pad layout. a day to take my picture, from like, afar, that gets a
The people having the most fun on the show floor little creepy.”
seemed to be those happy to just walk around and take I interviewed Felicia with Sandeep Parikh, who plays
the scene in, playing games as they became available. Zaboo in The Guild and has his own web show in ”The
It’s an odd mixture of old-school E3 and fan events, Legend of Neil.” It’s a surreal experience, even though
while being somehow better than both. There was even the pair are incredibly nice and outgoing. They smiled
the odd surprise to be had, such as finding The Conduit and greeted fans warmly during the signings, and a
somewhat hidden at Nintendo’s booth, or finding that screening of The Guild and Legend of Neil at PAX
many gamers just wanted to sit down and play Castle proved to be draws. At other times you could catch
Crashers, a game that had been available for a few days a glimpse of Felicia being whisked somewhere, looking
at that point. For many, the lines and the crush of slightly hunted.
greasy gamers was more than worth it; I witnessed one I was also able to greet Wil Wheaton at the start of
teenager who finally got a chance to play StarCraft 2, the show before the general public is let in, and he re-
his face breaking into a wide grin, his arms shaking mained one of the friendliest folks at the show. At PAX
with anticipation. his book signings draw large lines and his panels draw
”Back then, a year ago, before ’Still Alive’ had come standing room-only crowds. People absolutely adore
out, it was a huge bump up in that feeling of being fa- the once-Star-Trek-actor-now-writer at PAX, and it’s
mous,” Jonathan Coulton told me. We were sitting no wonder: he drops inside jokes, playfully bats at his
in an interview room, and he seemed happy to have own image as a professional geek, and is an honestly
a chance to sit down and relax a few hours before his talented public speaker.
show. He contentedly ate candy and answered my ques- These are the people who become pop stars at PAX,
tions. although the ability to create your own fame certainly
We discussed his now-legendary show at PAX last exists. Cosplayers were numerous, dressing like as many
year. ”Everyone was singing along, and cheering, and characters as you can imagine. Get a good idea, create
the zombie thing... I had done it before, but never a good costume, and you can pose for pictures all week-
with such a huge crowd... It’s the greatest feeling in end. There was also a group of gentlemen who decided
the world.” to try to create a real-life ”rickroll” by dressing as the

bad horse singers, handing people a letter, and then you’re lining up a shot in Peggle with that trip and
performing the song when it was opened, an homage to those thousands of dollars at stake, it must turn your
Dr. Horrible. Felicia Day herself fell into this trap. bowels to liquid. The Omegathon is brilliant in that
PAX can feel almost like its own world, with its own it adds insane stakes to common games, and reduces
rules and tropes. Wheaton’s law, which consists solely gamers to piles of jelly.
of ”Don’t be a dick,” was vigorously enforced. The I grab one of the Omeganauts, and ask him how
great thing about creating a world from scratch is that Peggle was. ”It was fine,” he tells me. Then he breathes
you get to choose who to make famous, and luckily, the out. ”That’s just about the most scared I’ve ever been.”
crowds got the celebrities they deserved. After Jenga I try to grab one of the Omeganauts for
Jerry ”Tycho” Holkins often held court at differ- an interview, but he’s pacing the floor, wide-eyed, and
ent places around the show, swarmed by Penny Arcade hyperventilating.
fans. One of them approached Holkins hesitantly. ”Can The final event of the Omegathon closes down the
I shake your hand?” he asked. show, and it occurs in the main theater. This, of course,
”Sure,” Tycho told him. ”This hand belongs to you means another long line, which is something PAX08
guys this weekend. Do whatever you want with it.” gamers are getting used to. Luckily, in true geek style,
Luckily for him, the gentleman gave it two brisk pumps, everyone finds something to do. Someone passes around
and simply walked away smiling. huge handfuls of pipe cleaners, and the geeks get to
We pass the Serpent Theater, which houses the table- work. One woman creates a large weighted companion
top role-playing crew. We walk in and take a deep cube. Another creates a hand-held bat-signal. We see
breath, check out the giant Beholder... this is the very logos for PAX, spiderwebs with real spiders; it’s amaz-
essence of geek. The tables are filled with games, cards, ing. And it’s happening up and down the line. We’re
and all manners of dice. There is much concentration, finally let in, and then we begin to wait, thousands of
a lot of frowns, and some slammed hands on tables as gamers strong, and then Gabe and Tycho get the bright
games of Magic don’t go as planned. They may look idea to pipe in easy listening.
miserable, but don’t believe the faces. These guys don’t Suddenly, a few rows up, a large group of promo-
want to be doing anything else in the world. Here, the tional Pip-Boy puppets from Fallout 3 begin to dance
only stops are for water out of the fountain and bath- over the heads of the crowd. They move in unison,
room breaks. and switch their moves every few minutes, but almost
Few sights are as sobering as a room full of passion- always perfectly instep. ”That’s a lot of puppets!” Ty-
ate CCG players. cho exclaims when he takes the stage. ”Look some-
We pause for a while to watch a Jenga tournament where else!” he tells them, sounding slightly creeped
on the third floor of the Serpent Theater, and it is one of out. Dutifully, they turn the other way.
the most nerve-wracking things we have ever witnessed. The final game is played, Excitebike VS., a Famicom
The Omegathon is the on-going tournament of games, disc game that never made it to the US. One Omega-
both real and virtual, that runs throughout PAX. The naut beats the other handily, and then Gabe and Tycho
first prize is a trip to the Tokyo Game Show, 5,000, and take their expected turn. Gabe wins in the end, and
a set of Penny Arcade-themed consoles. Second prize the expected thanks are given out to the crowd. It’s
gets the consoles, and a ”lifetime supply of shame.” all slightly anticlimactic, and no one seems to have a
One of the contestants prowls along the table, studying graceful way to leave. The cosplayers, the gamers, the
each piece, looking for his way in. Each successful grab table-top kids, the weekend Rock Band rock stars-no
results in polite applause, as if we’re watching golf. For one wants to go. The city is being broken down, and
a little under an hour, no one breathes. Flash photog- the world we have created here is almost over. The Pip-
raphy is forbidden. When the tower of blocks finally Boys begin their walk towards the exit, bobbing up and
goes down, I imagine the gamers beneath us frowning down in unison, and soon they are lost in the crowd of
at the distraction. people heading into the night.
Jenga felt more like a tight-rope walk than a party
This mirrors the first round, which was Peggle. ”Peg-
gle is a weird crossover game, it’s from PopCap, but it Selfish driving causes everyone to pay
has this odd crossover with hardcore gamers. [For the the Price of Anarchy
Omegathon] we want it to be a fun game, but also...
Peggle is great contextualized, if you’re not just play- Traffic jams are something nearly everyone can re-
ing it by yourself at home in the dark,” Jerry ”Tycho” late to. While driving is ideally a communal activity,
Holkins tells me while we watch the game together. ”If where people pay attention to each other and follow
it really matters where that ball goes, and you’re try- the rules of the road, most people seem to follow their
ing to think about and really break down Peggle, my whims, only occasionally within the confines of common
guess is that it’s completely harrowing.” I agree. If sense. This urge to do what is best for the individual

leads to headaches for the group, increasing the total methodology to various types of idealized networks.
amount of time everyone has to spend on the road. They came to the conclusion that, to improve the Price
In a paper set to be published in an upcoming issue of Anarchy, you must close off various roads-something
of Physical Review Letters, physicists Hyejin Youn and known as Braess’s paradox. In the network representing
Hawoong Jeong, along with computer scientist Micheal Boston, the researchers find six possible road closures
Gastner, look at the result of self-interested drivers that would reduce the delay in the suboptimal Nash
traveling on both hypothetical and real-world networks. (selfish) equilibrium. A similar analysis of the London
The abstract describes what happens very clearly: and New York networks found that there were seven
Uncoordinated individuals in human society pursu- and twelve roads, respectively, that could be closed to
ing their personally optimal strategies do not always improve the overall travel time.
achieve the social optimum, the most beneficial state While still theoretical, the work has the potential to
to the society as a whole. Instead, strategies form Nash aid future urban planning. Since the obvious solution
equilibria which are often socially suboptimal. Society, of adding more roads may actually make the problem
therefore, has to pay a price of anarchy for the lack of worse, an analysis of this sort could prove invaluable in
coordination among its members. determining real-world driving conditions.
To illustrate this principle, the authors discuss a
trivial example: two points A and B are connected by
both a short bridge and a long freeway. Here, the total
number of travelers going from A to B is constant, but eMusic: UK P2P warning letter pact
the bridge is narrow and prone to congestion, while the ”smells very funny to us”
freeway is wide and is less susceptible to traffic jams.
In this setup, the ideal situation for everyone is for half The UK detente between ISPs and the music indus-
the traffic to take each path. Even in this trivial ex- try hasn’t attracted the same vociferous criticism that
ample, however, what is best for everyone is not best has followed other recent music industry actions; who
to each person. Using their example numbers, a driver could be opposed to ISPs merely sending out friendly
taking the freeway under ideal conditions would reduce letters to alleged file-swappers? But indie music store
his or her individual delay by 40 percent over taking eMusic has some olfactory concerns about the deal. It
the bridge. ”smells very funny to us,” CEO David Pakman tells
But as more and more people move away from the Ars.
global optimum and take the bridge, the total time in- eMusic has made a name for itself in the US as one
volved in traveling from A to B increases and a Nash of the largest music download stores, a hub for inexpen-
equilibrium is reached. This is the point where ”no sin- sive indie music. The company expanded into Europe
gle user can make any individual gain by changing his in 2006, and European sales now count for 15 percent
own strategy unilaterally.” In other words, no matter of its total revenues. Pakman sees the UK, in partic-
what route you take, you’re going to be stuck in traffic. ular, as one of the largest underserved music markets
By looking at the ratio of the cost at Nash equilibrium outside the US; that’s why he’s concerned about the
to the equilibrium representing the global optimum, one new arrangement between ISPs and the British music
can calculate the price of anarchy (POA)-a measure of business.
inefficiency caused by the lack of coordination. The fear is that Britain’s BPI, which represents ma-
Imaginary bridges and freeways can only take us so jor labels, may have offered a ”quid pro quo” to en-
far, so the authors decided to apply the analysis to the courage ISP cooperation in its scheme. US ISPs have
real world. They calculated the Price of Anarchy for been exceptionally reluctant to get involved in fingering
three real-world commutes: from Harvard Square to subscribers for the content industries without a court
Boston Common in Boston, from Washington Market order, but several major British ISPs have agreed to do
Park to the Queens Midtown Tunnel in New York, and so, and two (Sky and BT) have gone on to announce
the trip from Borough underground station to Farring- licensing agreements with the music business. Those
don station in London. Using a well-established func- agreements could give ISPs the right to launch their
tion to model traffic delays, they find that at an average own music stores.
traffic flow of 10,000 vehicles per hour in Boston-a typ- And that’s the issue. Should ISPs choose to launch
ical number-the POA peaks at 1.3. This means that their own music services, would independent companies
drivers waste 30 percent more time because they are like eMusic still receive a fair shake? It’s not a new
driving with their own interests in mind rather than worry, and we’ve seen it in Canada when Bell Canada
a group concern (not a news flash for anyone who has started throttling P2P traffic (too much bandwidth!)
driven in Boston). New York and London had similar and then opened a bandwidth-intensive movie down-
peak POA values of about 1.27 and 1.22, respectively. load store of its own. Similar concerns were voiced in
To gain a better theoretical understanding of the the US when Comcast began interrupting some P2P
nature of POA in networks, the team applied their uploads even as it had a huge financial interest in hav-

ing people watch video through its cable system, not socialmedian, which has come under fire as of late
an Internet connection. for trying to use Twitter as means of raising 500,000
BPI boss Geoff Taylor made the ISP music strat- in venture funding, announced Thursday that it has
egy explicit in a column for the BBC this summer. launched its first major upgrade since the company
”We believe that ISPs, far from being a simple pipe, started and its improvements will finally address some
can become significant distributors of digital media,” he of the concerns its users have had since its inception.
wrote, ”and share in the tremendous value that would First off, the new socialmedian will make it easier
be unleashed if more music were accessed legally on- for users to get content onto the site and enable blog-
line.” He then made a brief reference to ”ISP partner- gers to better promote their content. Dubbed ”News-
ships,” which are the ”next logical step in our maturing Streaming,” socialmedian’s latest foray into bringing
digital music business.” only certain content to its users is quite complex.
Pakman’s concern isn’t so much about crude prac- News-Streaming lets users filter out all the junk
tices like throttling traffic to eMuisc or cutting off ac- from the social media that they broadcast through the
cess to the site. That’s not going to happen. But what site. According to the company, if users want to share
worries him is the possibility for other arrangements-an their Twitter feed with the community, but only want
ISP’s own music offering being exempt from bandwidth their tweets that are actually newsworthy to be col-
caps, for instance. lected by socialmedian, they can first input their Twit-
While Pakman’s not a fan of bandwidth caps in gen- ter feed and next to that, place certain keywords into
eral, it’s the link between caps and music licenses that the field to help the service filter out the tweets that the
makes him uneasy. ISPs suddenly have an ”economic user doesn’t want posted. In other words, if you want
interest to favor their own services,” a fear that ISPs to only post your political tweets to socialmedian, add
will have to address in ever case in which they attempt your Twitter feed to the service and select keywords
to enter a content-delivery market. that may have some relevance to politics. From there,
Instead of sending letter to file-swappers, which Pak- socialmedian will grab all tweets containing those key-
man doesn’t think ”is going to do anything,” he wants words and post it to the site. The same goes for Google
to see ”hundreds of legitimate, well-priced alternatives. Reader feeds, Digg submissions, and Delicious book-
Instead, he says, there are two or three, in part be- marks, to name a few.
cause music labels are stingy in handing out licenses to To make sure all that information isn’t annoying
startups. other users, socialmedian is adding a filter feature that
He admits that the concerns about UK ISPs are hy- will let other users ”turn the volume up or down” on the
pothetical at the moment and that he’s thinking ”three amount of tweets and stories making their way across
steps ahead of where we are today.” Still, he’s adamant the pages. Those users can choose to see all updates or
that the scenarios he sketches aren’t ”some fairy-tale only those ”relevant updates” that they preset.
situation that could never happen.” Part two of socialmedian’s new initiative will make
Pakman’s worries, floated in media interviews over it easier for bloggers to promote their material. In or-
the last few days (see his similar comments to the Fi- der to do that, socialmedian will launch a ”reverse-blog
nancial Times), are themselves a form of action, even widget,” which after users place their blog feed into
though Pakman says that the company has nothing to their updates, will be featured in the clips section to
announce in the way of legal complaints at the moment. the right of the socialmedian page and display the lat-
But even as he rightfully looks ahead to competitive est stories from the blog.
threats to his business, there’s also the possibility that Taking a page out of the Digg handbook, socialme-
this will all work out well for music download services. dian is also offering a page displaying the most popular
Previous UK surveys have shown that sending out sim- stories of the day, week, and month. Instead of calling
ple ”I see you’ve been file-sharing” notices strip away newer stories ”Upcoming,” like Digg, socialmedian has
the feeling of anonymity that pervades such activity, two new entries called ”Rising Fast” and ”Hot Discus-
and has the potential to lead to significant reductions sions.” Genius.
in illicit P2P downloading. As that happens, music- Finally, socialmedian opened up its site to make al-
loving consumers may turn increasingly to legitimate most every page available to search engines and users
sources, and that’s an opportunity that eMusic and the won’t need to register any longer to view different pages
six people working out of its London UK headquarters on the site.
would do well to capitalize on. All in all, socialmedian’s updates seem rather logical
and don’t really break the mold in any way. The site
was in desperate need of improvement and it looks like
it has finally happened. Now we’ll need to wait and see
socialmedian Launches First Major if its users embrace it.

DreamIt Incubator Holds Funding Day about them first - a design that may help the site in-
To Commemorate First Graduating crease its content, but may also lead to inaccurate or
Class careless reviews. A self-described ”social alarm clock”, Sleep.FM
Today marks DreamIt Ventures’ first Funding Day, allows users to set their alarm and have their friends
during which the new startup incubator will introduce leave messages which will wake them up in lieu of a
a dozen new companies to a collection of founders and standard buzzer. The site also promises to allow users
venture capitalists. DreamIt is a program in the same to set up ”smart” alarms, such as a weather report or
vein as Y Combinator and TechStars, offering startups a notification if a flight has been delayed.
seed funding, guidance, and connections in exchange SnackFeed: SnackFeed indexes premium video con-
for equity. We’ve written brief introductions to each of tent on the web and tries to ascertain which shows will
the startups, which you can view below: interest you the most. The site also intends to offer an
SCVNGR: SCVNGR is a promising startup that al- activity feed for video, allowing you to see what videos
lows users to create mobile games without any techni- your friends have uploaded or watched.
cal knowhow. The games are free to play from any cell TapInko: TapInko looks to simply the often time
phone, and don’t require a download. SCVNGR games consuming process of purchasing ad space in the real
are ideal for group activities, like school orientations, world. The site plans to offer users a variety of ad place-
corporate team building, and promotions. ment options, including newspapers, restaurant walls,
Vuzit: Vuzit offers an embeddable document viewer, vehicles, or even as a tattoo on someone else’s body
allowing users to include documents in their web pages part (who had previously put a portion of their skin up
and blogposts. Very similar functionality by Scribd and for sale).
Docstoc, but Vuzit is aiming to become a tool for indi- Trendient: Trendient is positioning itself as a pro-
viduals and companies who are interested in managing motions and sales intelligence solution for the long tail
access to their content instead of a destination portal. of e-tailers, who may not have the time or resources to
Phrazit: Phrazit condenses reviews down to 30 char- track such data themselves. Details at this point are
acters or less by allowing users to create tag clouds for slim, as the site is currently in alpha testing.
just about anything. Users submit words or phrases
associated with each word, with the most popular re-
sults displayed in a large font. For example, the Phrazit
for Harry Potter describes the series as ”Bloody Awe- Cake Financial Turns One And Pushes
some”. You can see our full review of Phrazit from last A New Social Stock Index: The
month here. Cakedex
DropCard: DropCard hopes to be a solution to the
problems that plague business cards (namely, you don’t One year after it launched at TechCrunch40, Cake
always have them with you, and they’re practically use- Financial is rolling out a new design today with a load
less if you have too many of them). DropCard reme- of new features. One of the most interesting is a new
dies this issue by asking users to text their new ac- stock index called the Cakedex that is based on the
quantince’s email address to a 41411, which will send top 100 holdings of the top performing investors on the
their contact information and ask them to repicrocate social investing site. Over the past five and half years,
by signing up and sending theirs. For a similar service, the Cakedex would have outperformed the SP 500, the
see Rmbrme. Dow Jones, and the Nasdaq. Although, over the past
BeanStockd: BeanStockd is a news site and media 90 days, it has been underperforming the major stock
company hoping to further bring the green and env- indexes. Next year, the company plans to launch an
iornmental movements to the public’s attention. The exchange-traded fund based on the Cakedex so that
site currently features a blog, and also plans to release people can actually invest in it. Can the top investors
a web-based game, which users can advance on by par- on Cake do better than the market?
ticipating in real-world green activities. The Cakedex was actually introduced in May, but
InterviewBest: InterviewBest helps users prepare is now integrated into Cake’s new design timed with its
for their job interviews by generating printed presen- first birthday. Cake members track the performance
tations that can be used during their interviews. The of their actual brokerage accounts and share that data
site also helps users write their post-interview follow-up with each other. Cake can now tap into 60 different
letters. InterviewBest will offer a trial version, and will brokerage services, up from a dozen or so. And has
generate revenue with a paid subscription plan. now tracked over one million transactions.
Anthillz: Anthillz asks professionals to review their In addition to Cakedex, other new features include:
colleagues, which can be used as a ”social pitch” for Cake Take: A stock rating system updated several
future job applications. In order to request a review times a day, based on the real-time buying and selling
from one of your colleagues, you have to write a review of stocks by Cake’s members.

Cake Scout: A stock recommendation system that from licensing another half a dozen digital music busi-
uses collaborative filtering to show you what other Cake nesses.” He claimed that the agreement inked in July
members with similar holdings and risk profiles are buy- between six UK ISPs, the BPI, and the Motion Pictures
ing and selling. Each recommendation includes the Ass. of America, to crack down on illegal downloading
Cake Take stock rating. would ”penalise the good guys, not the bad guys”.
By adding these social recommendation features,
Cake is becoming more like the of investing.
But it adds a ranking element so you know which mem-
bers are worth following. Other social investing star- 34.txt
tups creating similar ranking systems include Covestor
and Vestopia, and the race is on to create real financial Google Chrome out for one day, already reasons to
products based on the social investing data that these avoid
startups are collecting. As we reported yesterday, Google has released the
Cake now has ”tens of thousands of members,” ac- first beta of their new web browser, Google Chrome.
cording to CEO Steve Carpenter and is collectively Within a day of its release, there are already a couple
tracking about 1 billion worth of assets. But the Cakedex of points that users should be cautioned of before using
is based only on the holdings of the top 10 percent of this new browser.
members. So good is that top 10 percent? The aver- The first, is the popular ”carpet bomb” vulnerabil-
age Cake member’s portfolio is down 9.84 percent over ity that still exists within Chrome, as pointed out on
the past 12 months, while that of the average top-ten- our forums by our member matessim. This vulnera-
percenter is up 7.41 percent. (YTD it is -12.39 percent bility allows malicious websites to drive by download
versus -5.59 percent, respectively). and execute programs on your machine. Our visitors
may remember the uproar that this same vulnerabil-
ity caused for Safari users, and that Apple patched the
carpet-bombing issue with Safari v3.1.2. Chrome is vul-
36.txt nerable to this exploit because it is based on the same
engine, WebKit 525.13, and Google did not patch or
Mobile users offered first external SSD update the engine before releasing the software.
Networking company Buffalo Technology has finally The other, and less technical, problem with Chrome
launched its external SSD drives at prices that promise exists in its EULA. More specifically, the point that
to steal a share of the portable market from old-world would seem to give Google rights to anything you post
2.5-inch hard drives. The capacities of the new Micro- on the Internet while using their browser, mostly in
Station drives are modest by the standards of a spin- conjunction with the promotion of its services.
ning drive – 32GB, 64GB, and 100GB – but there are ”By submitting, posting or displaying the content
other features to tempt buyers beyond the gigabytes. you give Google a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide,
The first is perhaps size. Weighing around 60 grams, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt,
the aptly-named drives are not much bigger than a modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly
credit card at 57 x 14 x 89mm, a form factor that looks display and distribute any content which you submit,
tiny next to the supplied wrap-around USB 2.0 connec- post or display on or through, the services. This license
tor and cable used to attach it to a PC. is for the sole purpose of enabling Google to display, dis-
tribute and promote the services and may be revoked
for certain services as defined in the additional terms
of those services.” Not exactly something you’re used
35.txt to seeing in a web browser’s license agreement.
There is also the point that Google reserves the right
eMusic rattles ISPs over legal downloads to automatically update and install Chrome. Interest-
The boss of Apple’s iTunes nearest rival eMusic has ing, ”the software which you use may automatically
warned that recent deals struck between the music in- download and install updates from time to time from
dustry and UK internet providers could threaten the Google. These updates are designed to improve, en-
existence of legal sites. eMusic CEO David Pakman hance and further develop the services and may take
told the Financial Times that ISPs could lure customers the form of bug fixes, enhanced functions, new soft-
away from well-known digital music sites by offering ware modules and completely new versions. You agree
their own legal download services. to receive such updates (and permit Google to deliver
”Our concern is that in order to obtain the co- these to you) as part of your use of the services.” ... so
operation of the ISPs, there seems to be a quid pro says the EULA.
quo,” said Pakman. ”This is qualitatively different Now we’re all used to seeing automatic update func-
tions built into software. It seems that almost anything

you install these days has one. However, very few de-
mand that I install their updates. What if I don’t want
to because the new version includes a bug or breaks
something else on my computer? Although, one would
hope that they’d use this automatic update feature to
fix the flaw pointed out above.


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