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Dasa Paramitha - Ten Perfection leading to attaining Buddha hood

dn pramith - perfection in giving (focusing on the selfless giving, giving without expectation, rather than focusing on what or how much or to who something is given.) sila pramith - perfection in morality (selecting a right livelihood & earning truthfully, living according to the disciplines identified in the 5, 8 or 10 precepts, selecting the appropriate speech to express a need or outcome) nekkhamma pramith - perfection in renunciation (letting go of all of the worldly and material aspects, identifying the desire & the fear associated with wanting & possessiveness ) pann pramith - perfection in wisdom (being able to reason things out to have a positive or wholesome outcome & experience by having a rested or a concentrated mind, where you are not restless) viriya pramith - perfection in application of energy or effort (application of the four levels of determined effort, the effort to remove all evil states of mind : prevent the unarisen unwholesome, abandon unwholesome evil, development of wholesome, maintain & perfect the wholesome states of mind) khanthi pramith - perfection in the endurance of patience or forbearance (extending or varying the tolerance of reaction to thought arisen by a negatively experienced thought) sacca pramith - being truthful (being factual rather than articulating things to be beneficial to you, refraining from stating something that hasnt happened as happened (lying) or something that has happened as not happened (denial) when its gainful to your existence) adhitthna pramith - application of resolution (ability to set strong resolutions or focused objectives, setting yourself a promise to follow a discipline to sustain the resolution) mett pramith - radiation of loving kindness (the ability to radiate compassion or having a wholesome character, the suppression of anger, hateredness, revenge, doubt, fear, etc .. ) upekkh pramith - application or being equanimity (looking at things with indifference with no judgment or opinion. Not quantifying anything so a balanced view is compared)
Nissarana Noble Sharing December 2005

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