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"The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms."

- Socrates (470-399 B.C.)


YOU: The Spiritual Being; the life-force; the energizer.

TERM: n. 1. A word having a precise meaning. 2. Any word or phrase used in a definite or
precise sense. Synonyms: word, vocable, phrase, locution, expression

WORD: n. 1. A sound or a combination of sounds, or its representation in writing or printing,

that symbolizes and communicates a meaning. 2. Something that is said; an utterance, remark,
or comment.

VOCABLE: n. A word considered only as a sequence of sounds or letters rather than as a unit of

PHRASE: n. 1. Any sequence of words intended to have meaning. 2. A word or group of words
read or spoken as a unit and separated by pauses or other junctures.

LOCUTION: n. A particular word, phrase, or expression considered from the point of view of

EXPRESSION: n. 1. The act of expressing, conveying or representing in words, art, music, or

movement; manifestation. 2. That which symbolizes something; a symbol; a sign, a token.

PRECEPT: n. 1. A prescribed rule of conduct or action; instruction or direction. 2. Instruction or
direction regarding a given course of action, especially a maxim in morals. The basis and source
of a belief system.

BELIEF SYSTEM: A belief system is the set of a person's interrelated ideas, principles, precepts,
rules, or laws that governs their acceptance or conviction in the actuality of something they
perceive. It is the person's mind set. Belief systems are created by the person's knowledge and

The belief system's prime purpose is to block out and separate you from the confusion, pain,
unwanted sensations, and stupidity that are ruining your life at that time.

CAUSE INDICATORS: Certainty of attainment of dream; certainty of his vision; certainty of

attainment of his plans; certainty of attainment of his implementations; laughter; cheerfulness;
above optimism on the mood scale; Green Zone behaviour characteristics; a great sense of
relief; regained ability [major or minor]; at cause; feels can correct past harmful acts; more
action; realizations; more money; life-force particles recovered; better relationships; Freedom
Manifestation on the Attention Bit Locator indicating freed attention; newer and higher levels
of awareness; an increased willingness to own himself and life.

Cause Indicators can only be present when truth and honesty are present to unlock the trapped
life-force particles and cause a surge of life-force particles to return.

While learning, be it in study or in life, a person is constantly triggering past dirty slates and
belief systems which block his ability to fully comprehend and apply the knowledge and abilities
being sought. Doing the following steps with another person will handle this.

Important Note:

At all times, the student should define any terms that are not fully comprehended by looking
them up in a dictionary or glossary before going on.

The following is the Clean Slate Procedure:

0. One person reads a paragraph of the material, examines the object or describes the area or
subject (breaking it down into its parts), to be cleaned. The other person then addresses the
word, paragraph, object, area or subject part, and asks:

1. "What is your comprehension of this?"

Have the person look inward at his concepts, visions, or models for the answer and tell you
what he experiences. If he presents a clean, precise comprehension with certainty, go to
question 2. If he encounters confusion, pain, a gap of blackness, or stupidity, go to a dictionary
and get the terms defined. When he has a clear vision, concept or comprehension,
acknowledge and ask:

2. "Does that bring anything to view?"

Have the person look to the past, present or future for the answer.

"Tell me what your perceptions are about that."

Acknowledge his answer.

3. "What precepts do you have or could you have about ( thing being addressed from Step 0 )?"

Get the person to look to the past, present or future for the answer and to tell you the precept.
(By asking the person to look at the past, present or future, you are directing his attention to
either his projections, comprehension, visions, concepts, or minds.)

Acknowledge his answer.

4. "Does ( the precept ) create a vision?"

If yes:

"Tell me about it."

5. "What have been or could be the consequences of having that precept?"

Acknowledge his answer.

6. "Have there been or could there be any other consequences?"

Acknowledge his answer.

Repeat question 6 until all past, present and future consequences have been viewed.

7. "Do you have or could you have any other precepts about ( thing being addressed from Step
0 )?"

Repeat questions 4 through 7 until all precepts have been viewed. Then return to the beginning
and repeat steps 0 to 7 until the person no longer has any unviewed projections, memories,
precepts or consequences on the thing being addressed. Then ask:

8. "Connected to ( thing being addressed from Step 0 ), is there or do you foresee any
unpleasant sensation?"

If there is, get it named and run:

a."From where could a spiritual being experience ( named unpleasant sensation )?"

Repeat over and over until the person has a rise in mood level, an increase in certainty, a
realization (or Aha!), regained abilities, a big win, and huge quantities of recovered life-force

b."From where could a spiritual being create ( named unpleasant sensation )?"

Repeat over and over until the person has a rise in mood level, an increase in certainty, a
realization (or Aha!), regained abilities, a big win, and huge quantities of recovered life-force

9. "Connected to ( thing being addressed from Step 0 ), do you have or foresee having any
misdefined terms.?"

Get the terms and fully define them in the dictionary. Repeat question 9 until all misdefined
terms have been found and fully comprehended. Then ask:

10. -- a."Connected to ( thing being addressed from Step 0 ), what past, present, or future things
have you done?"

b."Connected to ( thing being addressed from Step 0 ), what past, present, or future things have

you restrained?"

Repeat a & b over and over till the person has a rise in mood level, an increase in certainty, a
realization (or Aha!), regained abilities, a big win, and huge quantities of recovered life-force

11. "If you fully comprehended ( thing being addressed from Step 0 ), what are you afraid you
would have to be responsible for?"

Get his answer and run:

a. "What part of ( thing afraid to be responsible for ) are you willing to be responsible for?"

b. "What part of ( thing afraid to be responsible for ) would you rather not be responsible for?"

Repeat a & b over and over till the person has a rise in mood level, an increase in certainty, a
realization (or Aha!), regained abilities, a big win, and huge quantities of recovered life-force

12. "What would be the consequences of having the ability to (whatever the ability would be
for the thing being addressed from Step 0)?"

Acknowledge his answer.

Repeat over and over till the person has a rise in mood level, an increase in certainty, a
realization (or Aha!), regained abilities, a big win, and huge quantities of recovered life-force

13. "What dream or goal does comprehending ( thing being addressed from Step 0 ) contribute
to or support?"

Have him tell you about it and acknowledge his answer.

Repeat over and over till the person has a rise in mood level, an increase in certainty, a
realization (or Aha!), regained abilities, a big win, and huge quantities of recovered life-force

14. "What problem does comprehending ( thing being addressed from Step 0 ) solve?"

Have him tell you about it and acknowledge his answer.

Repeat over and over till the person has a rise in mood level, an increase in certainty, a
realization (or Aha!), regained abilities, a big win, and huge quantities of recovered life-force

15. "What vision does comprehending ( thing being addressed from Step 0 ) create or

Have him tell you about it and acknowledge his answer.

Repeat over and over till the person has a rise in mood level, an increase in certainty, a
realization (or Aha!), regained abilities, a big win, and huge quantities of recovered life-force

15 May 1987

Revised 10 December 1998 / Study Series 3

Copyright © 1987, 1998



Revised by

Eric Wolery

from suggestions of

Ted Crammer.

Approved by



The Clean Slate Procedure is one of the most important tools for Co-Processors. There are
virtually no limits on how many subjects you can Clean Slate, or how long you can co-process
with this procedure.

For best results, of course, formal training is desirable at one of our Centers. There are many
powerful, advanced processes you can then use. But you can get an excellent head start by
working with a Co-Processor and using Clean Slate.

NOTE: There is much valuable infomation on using the procedure in the material below. Be sure
to carefully read it all. It will be of great benefit in understanding how to co-process the Clean
Slate Procedure.

Also, there are additional study materials available which will make the procedure easier to
understand. Be sure to take note below of our special tape offer.

For those who are new to the procedure, we are including a brief excerpt from the
Knowledgism Discussion Group in September 1996. A newcomer to the technology asked some
questions about the procedure:

Date: Sat Sep 28 18:36:17 CDT 1996

From: Gary York

/ Subject: A Clean Slate Technical Question

My question is how rigorously to adhere to the text of the procedure. Particularly, from item 8
onwards, most of the questions or double questions are to be repeated:

"Repeat over and over until the person has a rise in mood level, an increase in certainty, a
realization (or Aha!), regained abilities, a big win, and huge quantities of recovered life-force

If the person says, "That's all there is." I suppose it could count as an "increase in certainty." But
what if they look like they just got hit by a truck? (You know what I mean. They ain't there yet!)

So far, I've been inclined to take a real relaxed approach and avoid anything like a fire-fight.
Occasionally, if it seems right, I'll say something like, "Alright. How about if we go over it one
more time just to see if there's anything left over?" And if I get easy agreement, fine. If not, I'll
hope a later question does the job.

My courage, so far, does not extend to, "Look, I don't know whether you're dodging something
here or just afraid to look. We're keeping at this until you're uptone, damn it!"

I'm going to be "Clean Slating" several people and I want them to get all the gain possible from
the procedure. If I need to get more couragous, I'll do it.

Any advice?


Date: Sat Sep 28 20:38:22 CDT 1996

From: ACW / Subject: Technical Answer:

Gary, et al:

The client always has "the right of way." When a client cannot see anything or that is all, don't
force them, continue onto the next step.

To do anything else is abusive.

You must at all times maintain the utmost honesty with the client. Now, if the client isn't
running right, you have a problem! You must not process over a problem.

Just tell the client "this is not running right. I need to check with the Case Adviser. Is this o.k?"

Sessions should never be "ordeals" for either the client or the processor. If they are, then
someone is being ABUSIVE and someone is being ABUSED. Never force the client or yourself.
End the session, take a walk, call the case adviser. But DO NOT FORCE THE SESSION!!

Usually when a client "will not look," "can not look," runs very shallow, you probably have
someone with very "out fundamentals." Don't make it worse by forcing or blaming them. It
means you are not asking the right questions or or not addressing the right area with the right

This is not a crime. It means exactly what it means. Session success very much depends on the
weaponry of the processor. If you are just starting out, you have a very limited "repertoire" of
procedures. Thus there are many more people you will not get results on. It's as simple as that.

Clean Slate works on the majority of clients, but if the client has some huge secret, upset,
problem or inability to communicate, etc., you must have many more skills.

Don't beat yourself or the client to death over this. Just admit the truth. You don't know how to
handle this! If you pretend you do, you will degrade the client into thinking there is something
seriously wrong with him, plus you will find you begin to hate processing people. TOO MUCH


How do you know when someone doesn't want processing anymore? THEY DONT GET
PROCESSED! Not for years and years and years, ad infinitum.

The motto of a truly great processor is: HONOR THE TRUTH OF THE SITUATION.

I can feel all you fearful processors and ABUSED clients, sighing with relief.

Hope this helps.



The following is a message written by Alan C. Walter, and initially posted to participants in the
Knowledgism Discussion Group. When Alan saw the many success stories by participants in the
group who have had dramatic wins using the Clean Slate Procedures that he developed, he
wrote the following:

It is very gratifying to see so many wins being posted on these pages.

Thank you all!

I'd like to tell you the real History and Power of the Clean Slate Process.

As many of you know I have been at this game now for forty years.

Most of those forty years have included 10,000's of hours of one on one processing.

Plus handling 100,000's of hours of other's cases.

As the years rolled by, I was able to observe the changes taking place in the public at large,
those who were unprocessed and untrained.

The change that was most noticeable for me were twofold.

1. The public were getting more and more aware.

2. The public were getting more charged up. That is their cases were much more easily over-
accessed. (over-restimulated.)

This made handling them almost impossible. Further, it brought into play a basic law. NEVER

By-passed charge is that charge stemming from a past upsetting incident, that has been
activated and missed. This leaves a Being in a continuous state of inner turmoil.

Processing is simply; "asking a person a question they can understand, educing an answer you
can understand, and letting them know they had been understood. Simple enough. But there-in
lay the booby-trap. When you asked a question it would almost, always activate the prior by-
passed charge. Even reading anything that would cause an upward inspection of their life did
the same thing. Activated by-passed charge. This is why today's education is failing. The
teachers are activating by-passed charge. But they do not have the technology to handle it.

No-one did.

For, so over-charged were most people, that they couldn't even stay in one place long enough
to get the by-passed charge handled.

Knowing how to handle by-passed charge has been the hidden secret of my successes over the
years. The only time I have lost, was when I was prevented from doing it. Or, I had so much by-
passed myself, that I activated everyone's by-passed charge around me. Real bummer that!!

So what to do? How could I handle this? For at that time handling by-passed charge well was an
extremely skilled activity. Another problem was almost no-one wanted to go near by-passed

The only answer was design a procedure that would incorporate both PROCESSING - - - BY-

Make it so easy almost anyone can do it with a minimum amount of training. The major reason
for this was: If we do not process those around us, the civilization will self-destruct. This is
gathering momentum as you read this. We need millions of clean slaters.

The Clean Slate Procedures are the result of those problems needing to be handled.

Clean Slate is a combination processing - - - by-passed charge handling and spiritual restoration
technology. It is designed to run on any case at any level at anytime. It can go as low as the
bottom of the Red Zone or as high as the top of the GOLD ZONE. Further it is unlimited in
regards to subjects. Thus it is an infinite process, when combined with the action processes and
presence processes. You can handle ALL lower unwanted case conditions on the client, in any
area of the the Physical Universe.

The interesting thing is, the more charge you get off your case the more powerful the process
becomes. If you would Clean Slate ALL Green Zone aspects of the Life Analysis and Skills Analysis
Profiles you would find your life has become a magical adventure. Full of fun, laughter, success
and prosperity.

In the hands of a well trained processor, there are no unwanted life conditions that can not be
aleviated, more likely they will be fully handled. The biggest problem most people have is being
able to have the size of wins. Many stop, because their lives change upwards so much, they
have to put some order into it.

Such a problem!

The other problem is those around them begin to get very agitated at the increased power and
awareness of you. To continue winning, ALL those connected to you should Clean Slate process
also. To be able to operate optimally in life, it is VITAL to have those connected to you, willing
for you to win big, and able to have you win big.

That takes a safe space and aware, powerful friends.

The only way I know to produce that situation is, make sure All those "friends" of yours are
travelling in the same direction, UPWARD INTO THE GREEN ZONE and beyond.

Again thanks for being the pioneers for a new civilization.



The following is a message from Alan which appeared on the Knowledgism Discussion page on
Wednesday, February 12, 1997. It explains why Clean Slating is so effective in training someone
to master any subject.




During my 40 years in the Human Potential field, there has been one constant re-occurring

How to effectively train others into masterful educers.

For that matter, how does one truly become a master at anything?

Or, does one really want to be a master of anything?

When I realized that "pile it on top of techniques" made people worse, I was forced to change
how I operated in life.

The only way to truly educate someone is, to get them capable of educating themselves.

When someone points out what's wrong with you, it makes you feel bad. Yet, when you
discover an area that needs improvement, you tend to feel relieved.

I realize I live in a very special world, a world where 99% of the people I associate with truly
want to get better. Not only do they want to get better, but they are doing something about it.

Then how do you make someone into a master.

The secret is:


This is the tragedy of our education systems. They fail to teach the student how to do one thing
well. If you teach someone to do many things badly or very mediocre, then you have
programmed the Being to a life of "bad doingnesses and mediocrity." "Bad doingnesses" create
"bad beingnesses." This in turn creates "bad havingnesses."

It is the single failure TO DO SOMETHING REALLY, REALLY WELL, that causes people to have low
self esteem, low self respect, low self worth, low self confidence.

This further creates a Being who begins to fear life, fear people, fear taking a risk, fear living a

It is a quantum leap to expect people to willingly sit down and handle others.

This is the trap most people are stuck in. THEY CANNOT CHANGE PEOPLE OR LIFE FOR THE

Attached to this trap are some very debilitating emotions and feelings. Fear, rage, anger,
misery, hopelessness, grief, apathy, tiredness, sadness, yes and depression.

The inability to handle life and people is what gives a Being the negative case conditions. It's

OTHERS POSITIVELY. This means able to produce cause indicators, laughter, joy, enthusiasm,
playfulness, and happiness on those around them. The Green Zone Truth Phenomena.


The basic skill of all effective processing actions is that of EDUCING. The drawing forth from
another or others.

Thus if there ever was one thing a Being should learn to do well it is how to effectively process.

It is with this in mind that I designed the Clean Slate procedures.

Clean Slating is pure, effective eduction technology.

It parallels that which has been "piled on top of a Being."

It is an "unpiling" technique. Underneath the "pile" is the "YOU" the Spiritual Being.

What makes Clean Slating such a great training tool, is it can be run on any case at any level. It is
an unlimited process.

Further it processes the client in present time. By keeping the client in or close to present time
you do not run the risks of over-accessing.

As a student of Clean Slating you are required to use all the basic skills of life, most of which you
are totally unaware of. But as you gain familiarity and confidence, you will begin to discover for

yourself your own strengths and weaknesses.

Your course supervisor can then help you with the training drills that are designed to increase
your skills and certainty.

It takes many years to create master processors.

But you can master one aspect, the most vital aspect. That of being a master of effective

By teaching all those around you to Clean Slate you have now entered into the game of being
an effective educer surrounded by effective educers.

You have the first basic skills of being A MASTER TEACHER.

You are now playing a worthwhile game, with more and more worthwhile Beings.

You have opened the door to being at true cause over life

And that, my friends, is true SUCCESS, PROSPERITY and HAPPINESS.


As you master the component parts of being a master processor, you are in the process of
creating a MASTERPIECE.

For masterpieces are created by mastering each piece of something. When these pieces are put
together as an operating whole, you have created a MASTERPIECE.

There is no price, no piece of the physical universe that can compare in value to you having
attained creating or restoring back the MASTERPIECE that is truly YOU.

To begin to restore that MASTERPIECE that is the true YOU, requires mastering the basic
technique of effective educing.




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