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Mrs. Bernadette Luzadas P.E. Instructor

Angeli Jane S. Gomez Dentistry II

My Reaction Paper Last August 11,2011 , a basketball tournament was held at Divine World Academy of Dagupan (DWAD), it was a game between Lyceum Northwestern University and University of Luzon , the game was closed , because at first Lyceum was at the middle of losing because of the point they got in the first and second quarter, while UL is giving their best , like the players Suspene jersey 8 , hes the three point shooter of their team and also Gutierrez jersey 18 was also one of their good players , but at the third and fourth quarter , Lyceum is targeting the goal to win , their best player is Alipio jersey 8 , even though hes small , hes the terrible one , three point shooter and a fast runner. Most of the players of UL is always hit and sometimes injured, and their coaches are hot-tempered, not like Lyceum, they are calm and have their sportsmanship. I also hated the part when UL is always asking for time out, they couldnt accept to their selves that Lyceum is running for victory, I enjoyed watching the game even though it is congested, because many students also watched. I was very lucky to have a seat and watch it very clearly, and cheer for Lyceum, but of course at the end, there is a winner and a loser. The winner is UL, but the score is too close 83 for UL and 80 for Lyceum, but that is okay for Lyceum, they say that it is their first lose. Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships.

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