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eight characteristics of effective employees.. ..that your elearning strategy must support.

Kevin Hayes
Global Head of Knowledge and Learning Brightstar Corporation

Recognise that they must learn continuously as they perform their role
Provide access to learning in the flow of work as people do their jobs

Want immediate access to solutions to performance problems

Provide access to reliable and useful business knowledge at the moment of need

Are keen to share what they know

Encourage and enable the sharing of knowledge and the sharing of resources between employees

Seek out and rely on a trusted network of friends and colleagues

Help employees to create communities of practice and trusted networks so they can support their peers and access advice and guidance
Brightstar Proprietary & Confidential

Recognise that learning is usually most effective when done with others
Support human interactions and ongoing dialogues within learning activities (including virtual); create learning cohorts

Keep up to date with their industry and their profession

Help with personal knowledge management and encourage the sharing of knowledge internally in different ways

Constantly strive to improve their productivity

Help individuals and teams to improve their productivity

Thrive on (and expect) autonomy

Support autonomy and measure success in regards to performance and not attendance to structured learning or formal assessments

Brightstar Proprietary & Confidential

Kevin Hayes
Global Head of Knowledge and Learning Brightstar Corporation

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