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Master Harath Shen

Master Apothecary of the Salamanders Chapter, Defender of the Final Vault

The pursuit of excellence in craft and skill is second nature to the scions of the Salamanders Chapter, and their Apothecaries are renowned for their abilities as formidable warriors as well as their arts as battlefield healers. Harath Shen is one of the foremost of these Apothecaries, a veteran whose abilities have seen him rapidly progress through the ranks of the Apothecarion and whose bravery in recovering the gene-seed of the fallen has gained him great respect among the Chapter. At the beginning of the Badab War, Shen was engaged in overseeing a new intake of recruits on Nocturne and answered Pellas Mirsans call to join the Chapters expeditionary force. He fought at the forefront of the conflict, participating in Operation Sedna and the Invasion of Shaprias, but it was during the subsequent boarding of the Salamanders battle barge Pyre of Glory by Secessionist forces that the Master Apothecarys greatest hour would come, defending the gene-seed vault against the predations of the treacherous enemy.

Master Harath Shen ......................................................................................................................................................................135 POINTS

Wargear: Artificer Armour Power Weapon Plasma Pistol Digital Weapons Frag and Krak Grenades Narthecium Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear Combat Tactics Independent Character Pride of the Chapter Master of Chirurgery

Harath Shen

WS 5

BS 4

S 4

T 4

W 2

I 4

A 2

LD 9

SV 2+

Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)

Unit Type: Infantry

Narthecium: As long as the Master Apothecary is alive, he and all Space Marine models in a unit which he joins gain the Feel No Pain universal special rule. Master of Chirurgery: Such is a Master Apothecarys skills that any failed Feel No Pain rolls taken as a result of their Narthecium rule that roll a 1 may be re-rolled. Pride of the Chapter: Within a Space Marine Chapter there are few more respected and honoured than a Master of the Apothecary, for they represent the pride and honour of the fallen as well as the future of the Chapter, and those around him will do all they can to assure

his survival and the survival of the gene-seed in his care. As a result the presence of a Master of the Apothecary in an assault adds +1 to their total when determining their assault results, and in addition a single wound suffered by the Master Apothecary in an assault phase may instead be transferred to another allied model in a Space Marine infantry unit they have joined. (The allied model then may try to save this wound if possible.) If the Master Apothecary is not part of a unit, this rule has no effect. Master Harath Shen may be taken as a HQ choice for a Codex Space Marines army.

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