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Human breathing mechanism

Respiration = chemical process whereby energy is released from glucose or other simple substances
Glucose + oxygen energy + carbon dioxide + water

Oxygen taken into body when we breathe Glucose from food we eat Exchange of gases known as breathing

Structure of human respiratory system

Structure of lung

Lungs are made up of :

bronchioles Alveoli (singular : alveolus) Blood capilaries

Lungs are protected by rib cage Thoracic cavity = houses of the lung

Flow of air from the atmosphere to the lungs


Nasal cavity





Gaseous exchange takes place in the lungs by diffusion

An alveolus has adaptations to allow it to exchange gases effectively. It has:

Large surface area Thin and elastic walls Surround by a network of blood capillaries Moist surface

The breathing mechanism

Process of taking air into lung = inhalation Air enter lung = inhaled air Process of expelling air from lung = exhalation Air expelled from lung = exhaled air



Inhalation External intercostal muscles contract Rib cage moves upwards and outwards The diaphragm contracts and flatens The volume of the thoracic cavity increase The air pressure in the thoracic cavity decreases Air enters the lungs

Exhalation External intercostal muscles relax Rib cage moves moves downwards and inwards The diaphragm relaxes and curves upwards The volume of the thoracic cavity decrease The air pressure in the thoracic cavity inreases Air is forced out of the lungs

The breathing mechanism

Glass tube Bell jar Balloon expand Balloon contract

Rubber sheet

Bell jar = rib cage Balloons = lungs Rubber sheet = diaphragm When rubber sheet is pulled downwards, air pressure inside bell jar is lowered. Balloons expand When rubber sheet is pulled upwards, air pressure inside bell jar increased. Balloons contract

Transport of oxygen in the human body

Involve the following process
Diffusion of oxygen from the alveoli into blood capillaries Transport of oxygen by red blood cells Diffusion of oxygen from the blood capillaries into cells

Oxygen diffuse from alveoli to the blood capillary Carbon dioxide - diffuse from blood capillary to the alveoli

Oxyigen are not soluble in red blood cell red blood cell contain pigment - haemoglobin red in coloured Oxygen will combine with haemoglobin
Haemoglobin + O2 -> O2Hb(oxyhaemoglobin)

Improtance of healthy respiratory system

Effect of smoke to respiratory system

Cigarette smoke contains irritants chemical : A carcinogen - an agent directly involved in causing cancer. Nicotine cause addicted Carbon monoxide cause death Sulfur oxide acidic = damages lung tissues Tar blackens the lungs and causes them to be less efficient for gaseous exchange

Bahan bahan lain yang merbahaya

Hasil daripada sisa industri seperti:
Debu simen Debu arang Debu asbestos

Pencemaran daripada asap kenderaan\

Karbon monoksida Hidrokarbon- karsinogenik Nitrogen oksida hujan asid

Masalah pernafasan
Bronkitis - sejenis keradangan atau kerengsaan pada saluran pernafasan (tiub bronkiul) di dalam paru-paru. Asma - sejenis penyakit paru-paru yang terjadi akibat radang dan penguncupan saluran pernafasan. Kanser paru - paru

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