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Adrielle rose m.

paras II Bridal bouquet

March 3, 2012 mrs. M. masangkay

Gift of Life
When I was a kid all I know is that I came from my mothers womb, but as I get older I found out more on how I or all of us came into this world. I also discovered how I was formed. A baby is formed by first the two parents make love then the sperm cells from the man race towards the egg cell of the woman to be fertilized, but on millions of sperm cells that came from the man only one can fertilize the egg cell of the woman, after the fertilization various stages occur to form the organs, parts of the body of the baby. All the humans on earth are gift from God, bad or good they still have the rights to live. Every baby should be given a chance to live in this world even if it is made from accidents that happen, never should they be aborted or be killed they should be love like are parents and God loved us. No man or woman look alike in this world, even though there are some twins we can never say that they are the same in every angle of their body. In the video the miracle of life in the first part the question when does life begin? is shown, where did life really begin? In the Bible it states the first two human on earth which is Adam and Eve but where did they come from well they came from God who is always there taking care of us giving us guardians which is our parents and giving us a chance to live in this world in safe, full of love and fruitful life. Thats why we should thank God above for giving everyone in the world, for making us and putting us in the wombs of our mother to be given a chance to experience what he made for all of us. Therefore, we could say that God created us all, that all of us came from the blood and flesh of our beloved God, that gave is begotten son for all of us sinners.

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