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Syllabus, Architecture/General FYE 9weeks of class Week One: -Get to know us activity -interesting facts about Kent State/your

college (possible tour) Week Two: All about your college -Study Habits -The Professional Field/surviving college Week Three: Internships and work experience -How to get an internship -What the first steps are Week Four: All about KSU -resources available, how to use them -Getting involved on campus Week Five: Professional Lecture -Try and get in a speaker from the field/dean from the college -Assign a research project (formats tailored to each college) about surviving college, finding internships, and eventually getting a job. Asking: How do you get from point a to point b? Week Six: Project Critique -SSLs help out the papers/projects Week Seven: Scheduling and Administrative Duties -Rescheduling Process -Getting everything in order for next year. -Professional contacts, etc.

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