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Teacher: Slobozian Alexandr Grade: 7 th Date:9.02.12 Subject: how to be friend Time: 45 min. Aim: the students will be use the English language to communicate arally and in writing about how to be friends

Objectieves: SWBAT use words describing friendsheep in sentences of their own SWBAT use the Present Tense Simple and Continuous to describe a friend and haw to make friends

Skills:Spoken interaction,Reading,Writing,Listening,Culture.

Enters he classroom and greets the children. Tels them to take their sits and to get ready for the lesson. Evocation: Checking up the homework Ask pupils when we use of Past simple and Past Progressive. Asks to read and to translate vocabulary bang. Ask to read the Text and to translate.

Stand up and answer to teachers greeting

Take their sits. Present the rule of using of Past simple and Past Progressive. Answer their homework read and to translate vocabulary bang read the Text Realization of meaning: -writes the new topic on the board: Andys Town - Asks what do they know about tipes of Chisinau - Tells to look at the pictures from the ex.1 pg 58 and to answer the question. - Tells to read the Text

Extention Homework Gives the homework to the pupils: to learn the words from word bang. To write a love letter

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