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The Active Voice

What it is:
The way to express that the subject of the verb ACTS ON THE OBJECT of the verb, or that the subject EXISTS IN THE STATE expressed by the verb.

What it can do:

1. It can indicate that the subject PERFORMS or EXPERIENCES the action expressed by the verb. (This is, by far, the most common use.) He taught them many things in parables. (Mk 4:2) 2. It can indicate that the subject is not directly involved in the action, but is its ULTIMATE SOURCE OR CAUSE. He causes his sun to rise on [both] evil and good [people], and he causes it to rain on [both] the righteous and unrighteous. (Mt 5:45) 3. It can indicate that the subject EXISTS IN THE STATE expressed by the verb. (This includes verbs that equate two things, as well as verbs that are translated with an adjective in the predicate.) Already you have become rich! (1 Cor 4:8) , In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. (Jn 1:1) 4. It can indicate that the subject ACTS UPON HIMSELF OR HERSELF. (The reexive pronoun is the direct object in this case.) Save yourself! (Mk 15:30) Train yourself towards godliness. (1 Tim 4:7)

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