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Name : Baiq Almira Zulaika

NIM : E1D118023

Class : 6 TP-3

Introduce English Semantics

9.3.2 Performative Utterances

Performative utterance are the authority of the speaker to make the utterance, the appropriateness
of time, place and other circumstances, and the acceptance by the addressee (and others) of this
authority and appropriateness. In short, it is a form of speech act that a result in a particular
situation and condition is Performative Utterencres. Things that support form of performative

 The subject of the sentence must be I or we (first person)

 The verb must be in the present tense (in the active form)
 The speaker must be recognized as having the authority to make the statement and the
circumstances must be appropriate. Example “I pronounce you man and wife” and “I
declare this a mistrial” are valid only if spoken by an appropriate person in socially
determined situations.

Austin distinguishes between two mean types within this performative utterences, these are the
implicit and the explicit. Implicite performative, what a speaker has in mind, but it is not
indicated utterly. It depends on the context and the relationship to decode the meaning. For
example “This meeting is adjourned". Explicit perfomatives, what a speaker has in mind and it is
quite stated by a performative verb, we can mentioned " I declare this meeting adjourned" so
declare is perfomative verb here so it's quite explicit.

A performative is neither true nor false but its purpose is to make a part of the world conform to
what is said.

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