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I. Overview--The "Basics" a.) Primary Branch of Design 1.) Civil/Environmental 2.) Mechanical 3.) Electrical 4.) Structural 5.) Control Systems-Process 6.) Other-Combination b.) Class of Design 1.) Regulated: Potable Water, Electrical, Structural, etc. 2.) Non-Regulated: Irrigation, Local Drainage, Minor Controls, etc. c. ) Complexity of Design 1.) Complex: Potable water with filtration and disinfection, multi-pump booster P.S., etc. 2.) Moderately Complex: Groundwater pumping systems without treatment, etc. 3.) Simple: Gravity Pipeline, branch circuit to a single outlet or light, etc. d.) Levels of Design Effort--(Coordination Requirement and Subconsultants Needed) 1.) Single Tier: One Branch, i.e., Civil, Electrical, etc. 2.) Two Tier: Civil + Environmental, Electrical + Control Systems, etc. 3.) Multi-Tier: Three or more Branches in a Combined Effort e.) Ultimate Desired Outcome [Design Goal(s)] 1.) State the objectives of the design and desired result II. The Pre-Design Phase a.) Site Considerations and Reconnaissance 1.) Single Site Location (Single Well or Booster P.S. Site, etc.) a.) Base Design Map, including: exist. utilities, ingress/egress, boundaries, elevations, etc. b.) Survey, including: boundaries, R-O-W, elevations and contours, etc. 2.) Multi-Sites (Pipelines,

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