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Azonost jel:

RETTSGI VIZSGA 2006. mjus 11.

2006. mjus 11. 8:00

I. Olvasott szveg rtse

Idtartam: 70 perc

Ptlapok szma Tisztzati Piszkozati


Angol nyelv

emelt szint rsbeli vizsga 0611 I. Olvasott szveg rtse

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

rsbeli vizsga, I. vizsgarsz 0611

2 / 12

2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

Fontos tudnivalk
Az utastsokat pontosan kell kvetni. Csak az utastsban megadott helyre bert megolds fogadhat el. Mindig csak egy megoldst szabad berni. A betjelek legyenek jl olvashatak, az esetleges javtsok pedig egyrtelmek. A megadott szszmot nem szabad tllpni. Az sszevont alakok egy sznak szmtanak (pl. its egy sz, it is kt sz).

rsbeli vizsga, I. vizsgarsz 0611

3 / 12

2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

Task 1
Read this article about ways to avoid stress. In the sentences that follow the text there are some gaps. Your task is to fill the gaps with one word so that the sentences correspond to what the text says. Contractions (e.g. dont) count as one word. Write the words on the lines. An example has been given for you.

Stress-busters in your home Dust off those old records; a new study has revealed that your classical collection could be beneficial to your health. Apparently sedate music can induce a state of calm by slowing your breathing and heart rate. But what other stress-busters are there in your home? It's good to talk Good friends are just a phone call away. Talking with friends is a great stress relief, for as the old saying goes, 'a problem shared is a problem halved.' Talking to people who are positive rather than critical and judgmental will help to lift your mood. Several studies show that laughter produces endorphins, natural chemicals that ease pain and produce a feeling of euphoria, helping us cope with physical stress and chronic pain. Puppy love Researchers in the United States have found that spending time with pets is very effective at reducing stress. The scientists from the University of New York at Buffalo studied 240 married couples, half of whom had a dog or cat. They found that people with pets had lower resting heart rates and blood pressure than those without a cat or dog. They also found that pet owners reacted less to the difficult tasks they were set and their heart rates and blood pressure returned to normal levels more quickly. Bathtime Warm water relaxes the muscles and helps ease the aches and pains of the day. Raising the temperature of our bodies stimulates the production of white blood cells, which strengthens the immune system - one of the first systems to suffer when we are stressed. Hot water also encourages sweating which helps to remove toxins from the body. Mood lighting A home should be lit to create a sense of comfort and intimacy. Side lights and dimmers can make a much warmer and calmer environment than harsh overhead lighting. And why not indulge yourself in the most beautiful light of all? Candlelight. There's nothing more tranquil. Sweet dreams Sleep is essential for nourishing the mind and body so you are ready to spring into the next day anew. Make sure you get a good night's sleep and enjoy tomorrow.

rsbeli vizsga, I. vizsgarsz 0611

4 / 12

2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:


According to a new study listening to classical music may actually do your health a lot of ___good___ .


You will see that ____________ of your problem has disappeared after speaking to a friend about it.



If you have a problem it is not good to talk to somebody who will ____________ you.



Half of the people who took part in a research project at the University of New York had a(n) ____________ .



Pet owners remained ____________ when they were asked to perform some difficult tasks.



Among other things, warm water is beneficial, because in reaction to heat our bodies will produce ____________ white blood cells.



If lights in your home come from the ____________ , it will be easier to relax.



If you want to be ready for tomorrow both ____________ and physically, you must get enough sleep.


7 pont

rsbeli vizsga, I. vizsgarsz 0611

5 / 12

2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

Task 2
Read this article on fare dodging, and then read the statements following it. Your task is to decide if the statements correspond to the information in the article. If a statement means exactly what the article says, mark it A. If it means something different, mark it B. If it cannot be decided on the basis of the article, mark it C. Look at the examples first. Metro Tries Card Scheme To Battle Fare Dodging The Moscow metro is updating its fare system once again. On Sunday, state-of-the-art smart cards will go on sale. The magnetic cards, which eventually will be issued to pensioners and all others entitled to ride free, will make it possible to count these passengers and help crack down on the large number of people who abuse the system. Passengers will only have to flash the cards within a few centimetres of the reading device, the yellow spot with a Moscow metro symbol already located on the turnstiles that accept tickets. Moscow metro employees have been testing 35,000 cards since September of last year. They are very good. Often there is no need to get them out of your pocket if you are wearing a coat -- just move the pocket up closer to the yellow circle, said Galina Ibatulina, the chief of the Dynamo metro station. Women can place the cards in an outside pocket of their handbags, she said. However, the reading device is quite powerful, so it is probably not recommended to flash a purse with the card in front of the reading device if there are other magnetic cards in it. Customers will be required to pay a small, so far unspecified deposit for the card itself. Once the card has expired, the deposit will be returned in exchange for the used card. By next year, the new cards will replace all existing documents which allow certain categories of people to ride for free. Under the current system, these people show their passes to metro employees and bypass the turnstiles to enter the stations. Out of the 9 million people who use the metro daily a whopping 30 percent are estimated to ride for free or at cut rates. Many buy fake identification cards. It is yet to be seen whether the smart cards will really work as a deterrent against fare dodging.

rsbeli vizsga, I. vizsgarsz 0611

6 / 12

2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

0) The Moscow metro is going to have a more modern fare system. 0) People will be able to buy the smart cards from Monday. 8) Under the new system all passengers are going to use the cards. 9) People will have to insert their cards into the reading device before entering the station. 10) Employees have been testing the cards at all the stations of the metro network. 11) If your card is in your bag, it will definitely not work. 12) Passengers must be careful or the reading device may damage their credit cards. 13) It is not yet known how much the cards will cost. 14) By next year metro employees will not have to check the documents of people who travel free of charge. 15) Every day about one third of metro users travel free, but some of them do so illegally.

0) 0) 8) 9)


10) 11) 12)

13) 14) 15)

8 pont

rsbeli vizsga, I. vizsgarsz 0611

7 / 12

2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

Task 3
Read this passage on intelligent shoes and the sentences that follow it. Your task is to choose the option that is nearest in meaning to what the article says. Write the letters in the white boxes next to the numbers. An example has been given for you. Smart shoes decide on television time Sports shoes that calculate whether their owner has done enough exercise to allow time in front of the television have been devised in the UK. The shoes - dubbed Square Eyes - contain an electronic pressure sensor and a tiny computer chip to record how many steps the wearer has taken in a day. A wireless transmitter passes the information to a receiver connected to a television, and this decides how much evening viewing time the wearer deserves, based on the day's efforts. The design was inspired by a desire to combat the rapidly ballooning waistlines among British teenagers, says Gillian Swan, who developed Square Eyes as a final year design project at Brunel University in London, UK. "We took a thorough look at current issues and childhood obesity really stood out. I wanted to tackle that with my design." Once a child has used up their daily allowance gained through exercise, the television automatically switches off. And further time in front of the TV can only be earned through more steps. Daily amounts Swan calculated how exercise should translate to television time using the recommended daily amounts of both. Health experts suggest that a child should take 12,000 steps each day and watch no more than two hours of television. So, every 100 steps recorded by the Square Eyes shoes equates to precisely one minute of TV time. The first prototype has two sensors in the sole - one that records steps and another, in the heel, that can be used to send data to the receiver with a firm stamp. "It's a good idea for integrating sensors into clothing," says Cliff Randall, at Bristol University, UK, who believes computers will routinely be built into garments in the future. But Randall says it will be more challenging to build a TV control unit that cannot easily be tricked. "It's got to be easy to install and difficult to bypass," he adds. Existing step counters normally clip onto a belt or slip into a pocket and keep count of steps by measuring sudden movement. Swan says these can be easily tricked into recording steps through shaking. But her shoe has been built to be harder for lazy teenagers to dupe. "It is possible, but it would take a lot of effort," she says. "That was one of my main design considerations."

rsbeli vizsga, I. vizsgarsz 0611

8 / 12

2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

0) These new design sports shoes can tell if A) you have studied enough. B) you have done enough sport. C) you want to watch TV. D) there are any British programmes on. 16) The electronic sensor in Square Eyes A) determines how much TV you are allowed to watch. B) registers each step you take. C) must be plugged into the TV set every evening. D) sends data to the TV set. 17) Gillian Swan created Square Eyes A) without doing previous research. B) because she wanted to study design at university. C) because she thought obesity was a neglected problem. D) to help overweight teenagers. 18) The TV automatically switches off A) and then you can only watch it again after doing some exercise. B) and then you can only watch it if you pay for it. C) after the period the parents allowed. D) after you have used it once that day. 19) During the design process Swan A) needed to make some calculations as well as translations. B) decided that a child should not watch more than two hours of TV every day. C) set the shoes to record 100 steps every minute. D) took scientists recommendations into account. 20) According to Cliff Randall A) Square Eyes are a good example of similar future inventions. B) Square Eyes have a built-in computer. C) TV control units are relatively easy to install. D) TV control units are easier to trick than Square Eyes shoes. 21) Square Eyes shoes A) count steps by recording rapid movements. B) will count steps if you shake them. C) can only be tricked through considerable effort. D) do not work with lazy teenagers.








6 pont

rsbeli vizsga, I. vizsgarsz 0611

9 / 12

2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

Task 4
Read the following article about some treasure found on a remote Pacific island. Parts of some sentences are missing. Your task is to fill them in from the list below. Write the letters in the appropriate white boxes as in the example. Remember that there are two extra letters that you do not need. 600 barrels of loot found on Crusoe island The archipelago (0) ___________ , but perhaps it should have been called Treasure Island. A long quest for treasure from the Spanish colonial era appears to be culminating in Chile (22) ____________ that they have found an estimated 600 barrels of gold coins and Incan jewels on the remote Pacific island. "The biggest treasure in history has been located," said Fernando Uribe, (23) ____________ , the Chilean company leading the search. He estimated the value of the buried treasure at US$10bn (5.6bn). The announcement also prompted speculation (24) ____________ what is considered to be one of the great lost treasures from the Spanish looting of South America. Chilean newspapers were filled with reports (25) ___________ 10 papal rings and original gold statues from the Incan empire. The hoard is supposedly buried 15 metres (50ft) deep on Robinson Crusoe island, also known as the Juan Fernndez island, (26) ____________ , the adventurer immortalised by Daniel Defoe as Robinson Crusoe. Selkirk was dumped on the island and lived alone for four years (27) ____________ . His exploits brought worldwide attention to the islands. For centuries treasure hunters have scoured the island in search of valuables which were reportedly buried there in 1715 by a Spanish sailor. Using everything from old Spanish ship logs (28) ____________ , foreigners have made so many claims of discovering the lost treasure that islanders are usually sceptical of the announcements. This most recent announcement, however, (29) ____________ because of the equipment used by the treasure hunters: a mini robot that can scan 50 metres deep into the earth. The robot, (30) ___________ , was invented by Chileans and over the past year has grabbed headlines by solving some of the country's biggest criminal mysteries. It is yet to be seen whether it works just as well as a treasure hunter.

rsbeli vizsga, I. vizsgarsz 0611

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2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:


about the contents of that it includes is named after Robinson Crusoe to announce the discovery before being rescued a lawyer for Wagner to teams of islanders with shovels and picks where Selkirk was born with the announcement by a group of adventurers deserves greater credit home to Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk called "Arturito"
0) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30)

This is the end of this part of the exam.

9 pont

rsbeli vizsga, I. vizsgarsz 0611

11 / 12

2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

maximlis elrt pontszm pontszm Task 1 7 Task 2 8 I. Olvasott szveg rtse Task 3 6 Task 4 9 VIZSGAPONT SSZESEN 30

javt tanr


pontszma I. Olvasott szveg rtse

programba bert pontszm

javt tanr


Megjegyzsek: 1. Ha a vizsgz a II. rsbeli vizsgarsz megoldst elkezdte, akkor ez a tblzat s az alrsi rsz resen marad! 2. Ha a vizsga az I. vizsgarsz teljestse kzben megszakad, illetve nem folytatdik a II. vizsgarsszel, akkor ez a tblzat s az alrsi rsz kitltend!

rsbeli vizsga, I. vizsgarsz 0611

12 / 12

2006. mjus 11.

Azonost jel:

RETTSGI VIZSGA 2006. mjus 11.

2006. mjus 11. 8:00

II. Nyelvhelyessg
Idtartam: 50 perc

Ptlapok szma Tisztzati Piszkozati


Angol nyelv

emelt szint rsbeli vizsga 0611 II. Nyelvhelyessg

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

Fontos tudnivalk

Minden krdshez csak egy megolds rhat. Tbb bert megolds esetn a vlasz nem fogadhat el, akkor sem, ha kztk van a j megolds is. Csak az utastsban megadott helyre rt megolds rtkelhet. Javtani lehet, de az legyen egyrtelm. Amikor a feladat megoldsaknt nll bett kell berni, az legyen egyrtelmen azonosthat.

rsbeli vizsga, II. vizsgarsz 0611

2 / 12

2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

Task 1

You are going to read an article about the traffic lights in New York. Some words are missing from the text. Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list (A-N) for each gap (1-10) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word in the white box. There are two extra words that you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the beginning. TRAFFIC-LIGHT BUTTONS

I have hardly ever pushed the button. Maybe a few times over 20 0) years, when I was really (0) ______ late and the traffic light seemed stuck on red. But (1) ______ then, I knew in my heart that pushing the 1) button was (2) ______ . The button I speak of can be found at thousands of busy intersections here in New York City. Since the 1970s, the buttons

have offered (3) ______ a chance to exert some control over the universe. 3) To cross street, a sign (4) ______ , push button. Wait for walk signal. 4) Just push, the sign promises, and the light will turn green, and the (5) ______ will happen, the taxis and buses and trucks will stop. But in a


stunning piece of investigative reporting, The New York Times (6) ______ 6) this week what we always suspected: More than 2,500 of the 3,250 7) buttons arent (7) ______ to anything. Sometime in the late 1980s, the buttons (8) ______ deactivated in favor of new, computer-controlled traffic signals. For 15 years, no one in the city government ever (9) ______ to mention 9) this. But some of us knew all along. Sometimes I wanted to tell people that, (10) ______ I stood on the corner and watched them push the button once, look up at the light, and hit it again. And again. Such touching faith. A) AS B) BOTHERED C) CONNECTED D) EVEN E) HAVE F) MEANWHILE G) PEDESTRIANS H) POINTLESS I) REVEALED K) RUNNING L) SUGGESTS M) UNBELIEVABLE N) WERE


10 pont
rsbeli vizsga, II. vizsgarsz 0611 3 / 12 2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

Task 2
You are going to read a humorous story. Some words are missing from the text. Your task is to write the missing words on the dotted lines (11-19) after the text. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example (0) at the beginning. FINAL EXAM

Two friends took Professor Binks Introductory Chemistry at Duke University. They did very well on all the mid-term papers, so they were not afraid of the final examination (0) ______ all. The two guys were so confident (11) ______ before the finals they decided to go to another town to party with some friends. They did this and (12) ______ a great time. However, with their tiredness, they overslept, and didn't make it back to Duke until Monday morning, when the exam (13) ______ already started. They found Professor Bink, and explained to him where they had been and that they had planned (14) ______ come back in time, but they had a flat tyre and didn't have a spare. Bink (15) ______ this over and agreed that they could take the final the following day. The two guys, relieved, went in the next day. Bink placed them in separate rooms and handed each of (16) ______ a test booklet. He told them to begin. They looked at the first problem, (17) ______ was something very simple; it was worth 5 points. "Cool," they thought, "this is (18) ______ to be an easy final". They then turned the page. They were unprepared, however, for (19) ______ they saw on it. The question contained only two words: (95 points) Which tyre?

rsbeli vizsga, II. vizsgarsz 0611

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2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

0) 11)............................................................................................................ 12)............................................................................................................ 13)............................................................................................................ 14)............................................................................................................ 15)............................................................................................................ 16)............................................................................................................ 17)............................................................................................................ 18)............................................................................................................ 19)............................................................................................................
11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19)

9 pont
rsbeli vizsga, II. vizsgarsz 0611 5 / 12 2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

Task 3
You are going to read an article about a popular TV series. Some words are missing from the text. Use the words in brackets to form the words that fit in the gaps (20-29). Then write the appropriate form of these words on the lines after the text. There might be cases when you do not have to change the word in brackets. Use only one word for each gap. There is an example (0) at the beginning.


As a student of body language I usually enjoy Big Brother because it is free of the artificiality of acted, (0) ________ (script) roles. These are real people, not particularly (20) ________ (talent), brought in off the street to represent our culture. This year, however, I have found it (21) ________ (hard) to watch. The people (22) ________ (select) appear to have been carefully chosen for their unpleasantness, vanity and exhibitionism. The idea, (23) ________ (obvious), was that if a group of appalling and aggressive people were brought together, there would be fireworks and that has indeed been the case. Analysing more deeply why I (24) ________ (like) this years Big Brother so much, I came to the (25) ________ (conclude) that it was not, after all, primarily the coarseness, ignorance and immorality of the (26) ________ (participate) that upset me, but rather their lack of (27) ________ (warm) and kindness. In the past, we have all watched and enjoyed comedies in which the characters are at times rude or ignorant, but we forgive them because somewhere just beneath the surface the scriptwriters have endowed them with (28) ________ (generous) of spirit and kindheartedness. By (29) ________ (compare), some of this years housemates were downright disgusting.

rsbeli vizsga, II. vizsgarsz 0611

6 / 12

2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

0).............................................scripted.......................................... 20)............................................................................................................ 21)............................................................................................................ 22)............................................................................................................ 23)............................................................................................................ 24)............................................................................................................ 25)............................................................................................................ 26)............................................................................................................ 27)............................................................................................................ 28)............................................................................................................ 29)............................................................................................................
20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29)

10 pont

rsbeli vizsga, II. vizsgarsz 0611

7 / 12

2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

Task 4
You are going to read an article about a journalists childhood memories. In most lines there is one word that should not be there. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Read the text and then copy the extra word in the space provided after each line. Some lines are correct. Indicate these lines with a tick ( ). The task begins with two examples (0).

MY SANTA 0) 0) I was a perhaps 7, and when, sometime in December, my friend, Dennis, brought me to their basement, and parted a pile of
0) 0) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40)


30) cardboard boxes. There was a hidden pile of the toys - some trains, 31) books, dolls for his sister. See? he said. I told you. I felt very 32) unhappy for a day or else two, until I cracked under interrogation 33) and told my mother what had happened. Dennis was such wrong, 34) she insisted; its just now that sometimes Santa asks parents for a 35) little bit help. I said I believed her. But on a hunch, I later searched 36) the big cupboard in my parents bedroom. Behind a stack of blue 37) towels I was found an airgun - the first item on my list to Santa. 38) That day something left me. In its place were two valuable 39) lessons: Dont believe everything else youre told. And when youre 40) not sure, check in behind the towels.

11 pont

This is the end of this part of the exam.

rsbeli vizsga, II. vizsgarsz 0611 8 / 12 2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

rsbeli vizsga, II. vizsgarsz 0611

9 / 12

2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

rsbeli vizsga, II. vizsgarsz 0611

10 / 12

2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

rsbeli vizsga, II. vizsgarsz 0611

11 / 12

2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

maximlis elrt pontszm pontszm Task 1 10 Task 2 9 II. Nyelvhelyessg Task 3 10 Task 4 11 Dolgozatpont sszesen 40 VIZSGAPONT SSZESEN 30

javt tanr


programba pontszma bert pontszm I. Olvasott szveg rtse II. Nyelvhelyessg

javt tanr


Megjegyzsek: 1. Ha a vizsgz a III. rsbeli vizsgarsz megoldst elkezdte, akkor ez a tblzat s az alrsi rsz resen marad! 2. Ha a vizsga a II. vizsgarsz teljestse kzben megszakad, illetve nem folytatdik a III. vizsgarsszel, akkor ez a tblzat s az alrsi rsz kitltend!

rsbeli vizsga, II. vizsgarsz 0611

12 / 12

2006. mjus 11.

Azonost jel:

2006. mjus 11.

2006. mjus 11. 8:00


III. Hallott szveg rtse

Idtartam: 30 perc

Ptlapok szma Tisztzati Piszkozati


Angol nyelv

emelt szint rsbeli vizsga 0612 III. Hallott szveg rtse

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

Fontos tudnivalk
Csak az olvashat rs rtkelhet. Ha csak bett kell berni, rdemes nyomtatott nagybett hasznlni. Csak egy megoldst rdemes berni, mert ha valamelyik nem helyes, a j sem fogadhat el. Javtani lehet, de csak egyrtelm megoldsok fogadhatk el. A feladatlapok nyomtatott szvege nem mdosthat a clbl, hogy a megolds rtelmes legyen. Rvid vlasz alatt a lehet legrvidebb, de a krdsre azrt rtelmes vlaszt ad megoldst rtjk. A berst ignyl megoldsoknl lehetsg szerint a szvegben elhangzott szavakat hasznljuk. Szvegkiegsztsnl gyeljnk arra, hogy a szavak illeszkedjenek a megadott szveghez.

Welcome to the Listening component of the Matura Examination. The listening material and the instructions are recorded on this cassette, and the tasks and instructions are printed in this test booklet. There will be three tasks, and every recording will be played twice. The tasks will begin with some music, and then you will hear (and you can also read) the instructions to the task. This will be followed by a silent period on the cassette in order to give you some time to study the task in your test booklet before hearing the text. Then we will play the recording in one piece. After another short silent period we will play the recording for the second time, but now in shorter sections and with breaks between the sections in order to give you enough time to write down your answers. You will also have some time to check your work at the end of each task. Please note that the first item in each task (marked with a check [ ]) is always an example. The whole test is about 30 minutes long. Good luck!
rsbeli vizsga, III. vizsgarsz 0612 2/8 2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint


Azonost jel:

In this section, you are going to hear a radio news item about the new punishment policies for certain criminals in Britain. Your task is to fill in the missing words one or two, depending on the gaps provided in each item. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the whole recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, you will hear the recording again, but this time we will play the text in shorter sections to give you enough time to write down your answers. At the end, you will have some more time to check your work.

Lord Wolf is Britain's Lord ..Chief.. .Justice.. . Lord Wolf's new guidance means that most - . will not have to go jail. Daniel Sandford is the radio station's . . correspondent. It is a well known fact that Lord Wolf is seriously worried about the severe . in Britain's prisons. The new policy only refers to prison terms that do not exceed . . . Although prison sentences may have a deterrent ..... in certain cases, re-offending rates are very high. Lord Wolf says that . sentences are cheaper and more effective than prison terms. There is a likelihood that the new guidance will provoke .. in the British public. It has been emphasised that repeat .... will be sentenced to prison terms.
This is the end of Task1.









8 pont
3/8 2006. mjus 11.

rsbeli vizsga, III. vizsgarsz 0612

Angol nyelv emelt szint


Azonost jel:

In this section you are going to hear some interesting information about a website. Your task is to write the letter of the correct answer in the corresponding box. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the whole recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, you will hear the recording again, but this time we will play the text in shorter sections to give you enough time to write down your answers. At the end, you will have some more time to check your work. A= TRUE B= FALSE C= THE TEXT DOES NOT SAY

The article was written by a famous journalist. Toby's owner has asked for 27,000 for the bunny's life. On the website, you can even see photographs of the bunny. Toby had been run over by a truck before he was found. Toby's owner has said that he himself will kill the bunny. Next to the recipes, there is a picture of Toby eating lettuce, tomatoes and salad. The only way to send money to Toby's owner is buying something from the 90 items. Among the items on offer, the sweatshirts are the most expensive. says it has already collected almost 11,000. The operator of the website gave an interview to The Washington Post. "James" and his business partner are very good friends. The death threats made "James" reconsider eating Toby. PayPal is an animal rights association website. 12 pont













This is the end of TASK 2.

rsbeli vizsga, III. vizsgarsz 0612

2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint


Azonost jel:

In this section you are going to hear an interview with Cecily, a young American woman who has spent three years in Hungary. Your task will be to circle the letter(s) of the correct answer(s) in the boxes on the right. Please note that in this task both answers may be correct. However, there is always at least one correct answer. This means you might have to circle one or two letters. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then we will play the whole recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, you will hear the recording again, but this time we will play the text in three sections to give you enough time to write down your answers. At the end, you will have some more time to check your answers.

Cecily applied for a ... A) Fulbright Grant. B) major scholarship.



Cecily A) applied for a scholarship to England as well. B) came to Hungary three years ago. Cecily decided to A) do a bit of sight-seeing first. B) visit the countryside. Cecily A) brought her violin to Hungary. B) planned her trip very carefully. Even though , Cecily enjoyed the camp very much. A) they didn't have much time to play music B) nobody spoke English Cecily in the camp. A) danced a lot B) was taught to count in Hungarian Cecily decided to return to Hungary A) the following year. B) after her graduation. This year, Cecily ... the Hungarian bagpipe. A) carried out a study about B) learnt how to play 7 pont














This is the end of TASK 3, and also the end of the Listening component of the exam.

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2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

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2006. mjus 11.

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Azonost jel:

rsbeli vizsga, III. vizsgarsz 0612


2006. mjus 11.

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Azonost jel:

maximlis elrt pontszm pontszm Task 1 8 III. Hallott szveg rtse Task 2 12 Task 3 7 Dolgozatpont sszesen 27 VIZSGAPONT SSZESEN 30

javt tanr


pontszma I. Olvasott szveg rtse II. Nyelvhelyessg III. Hallott szveg rtse

programba bert pontszm

javt tanr


Megjegyzsek: 1. Ha a vizsgz a IV. rsbeli vizsgarsz megoldst elkezdte, akkor ez a tblzat s az alrsi rsz resen marad! 2. Ha a vizsga a III. vizsgarsz teljestse kzben megszakad, illetve nem folytatdik a IV. vizsgarsszel, akkor ez a tblzat s az alrsi rsz kitltend!

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2006. mjus 11.

Azonost jel:

RETTSGI VIZSGA 2006. mjus 11.

2006. mjus 11. 8:00

IV. rskszsg
Idtartam: 90 perc

Ptlapok szma Tisztzati Piszkozati


Angol nyelv

emelt szint rsbeli vizsga 0611 IV. rskszsg

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

Figyelem! Mindkt feladatot meg kell rni! A pontozott sorokra kell rni!

Task A
You would like to spend a couple of months in England doing something useful and you have found the following advertisement. You are interested and would like to find out more about the project.

Buildings conservation
Volunteer with us and help to conserve and maintain our unique buildings. How can I help? You can join our groundbreaking building volunteer project. We are looking for enthusiasts to assist in important areas of building conservation support; including photography, computerised drawings, archiving and information collection and dissemination. If you are interested in finding out more: email

Write a letter of about 120 words to the organisers. Include the following: Say which areas you would be interested in. Say what skills you have got. Ask what their current projects are.

Begin your letter like this: Dear Sir/Madam,

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2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

Task A
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

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2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

Az A feladat rtkelse: A feladat teljestse, a megadott szempontok kvetse Hangnem, az olvasban keltett benyoms Szvegalkots Szkincs, kifejezsmd Nyelvhelyessg, helyesrs rskp sszesen
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3 2 3 3 3 1 15
2006. mjus 11.

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Azonost jel:

Task B
You have found a page called "School Leavers Forum" on the Internet. You have decided to answer the following letter:

This is going to be my last year of high school. And unlike my friends, I don't want to leave high school - I'm scared that this year will go by too fast and I'm scared of the future. The people I've asked about this already have told me to just enjoy my last year and that I'll be fine in the future because I'm smart. But why am I so so so scared and unsure? Can you help me figure this out? Frederic 17

Write a letter of 220 words to Frederic in which you give your opinion. Include the following points: How you felt before your last year at school. How you feel about changes in life. How you think you can make good choices.

Begin your letter like this:

Dear Frederic,

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2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

Task B
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

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2006. mjus 11.

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Azonost jel:

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

A B feladat rtkelse: A feladat teljestse, a megadott szempontok kvetse Szvegalkots Szkincs, kifejezsmd Nyelvhelyessg, helyesrs rskp sszesen 3 5 3 3 1 15

This is the end of this part of the exam.

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2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Azonost jel:

Maximlis Elrt pontszm pontszm IV. rskszsg

Task A Task B

15 15

javt tanr


pontszma I. Olvasott szveg rtse II. Nyelvhelyessg III. Hallott szveg rtse IV. rskszsg

programba bert pontszm

javt tanr


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2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv

emelt szint Javtsi-rtkelsi tmutat 0611

2006. mjus 11.






Angol nyelv emelt szint

Javtsi-rtkelsi tmutat


ltalnos tmutat Csak az utastsban megadott helyre bert megolds fogadhat el. A rvid vlaszt ignyl, valamint a mondatkiegsztses feladatoknl a vlaszokat tartalmi szempontok alapjn rtkeljk, azaz a nyelvtani s a helyesrsi hibkat csak akkor vesszk figyelembe, ha azok a vlasz rthetsgt akadlyozzk. Az esetleges helyesrsi s nyelvtani hibk ellenre is pontot kap teht a vizsgz, ha vlaszbl megllapthat, hogy megrtette a szveget. Ha valamelyik krdsre tbbfle vlasz is elfogadhat, a javtsi kulcs tartalmazza a szvegbl add lehetsges vlaszokat, illetve azokat a tartalmi elemeket, amelyeket a j vlasznak tartalmaznia kell. A zrjelben szerepl szavak s kifejezsek nem felttelei a vlasz elfogadhatsgnak. Nem kaphat viszont pontot a vizsgz, ha az utastsban megadott szszmot tllpi, mg akkor sem, ha a vlasz egybknt helyes. (Az sszevont alakok egy sznak szmtanak, teht: its been = kt sz; it has been = hrom sz.) Pontot veszt a vizsgz akkor is, ha valamelyik krdsre tbb vlaszt r be. Erre akkor sem kaphat pontot, ha a tbbfle vltozat kztt a helyes megolds is szerepel. A feladatlap 30 itemet tartalmaz. A dolgozatpont megegyezik a vizsgaponttal. Ahny dolgozatpontot szerzett a dik, ugyanannyi a vizsgapontja is. Az egyes feladatokban az itemeket (krdseket), egyenknt is minsteni kell. Javts kzben minden feladatnl, a feladatban szerepl sszes krdshez egy-egy szrke ngyzetbe krjk, rja be a kvetkez kdokat: 1 = j vlasz 0 = nem elfogadhat vlasz Pldul: 1) 2) 3) 4) 1 0 1 0

Az els s harmadik krdsre adott vlasz: helyes. A msodik s negyedik krdsre adott vlasz: helytelen. Feladatonknt sszesteni kell az elrt pontokat. A feladat alatt az els tglalapban az elrhet pontszm szerepel, a msodikba krjk, rja be az elrt pontszmot. Pldul: 4 pont 2

Krjk a feladatlap vgn tallhat sszest tblzatba rja be: a rszeredmnyeket (az egyes feladatok eredmnyeit); a dolgozatpontszmot; a vizsgapontszmot.

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2006. mjus 11.

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Javtsi-rtkelsi tmutat

OLVASOTT SZVEG RTSE Javtsi kulcs Task 1 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Task 2 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) Task 3 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) Task 4 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) I F A B L E G K M B D A D A C B B C B A A A B half // fifty/50% // some // part // much criticize / judge pet // animal calm(er) // cool(er) // relaxed // unstressed more side mentally

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2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Javtsi-rtkelsi tmutat

ltalnos tmutat
Csak az utastsban megadott helyre rt megolds fogadhat el. A javtsi tmutat tartalmazza az sszes elfogadhat vlaszt. Amennyiben a vlasz helyesrsi hibt tartalmaz, az nem elfogadhat. Amennyiben tbb vlaszt rt be a vizsgz, a vlasz akkor sem elfogadhat, ha tartalmazza a helyes megoldst. A vizsgarszben szerzett pontok vizsgapontt val talaktsa a javtsi tmutatban tallhat tblzat alapjn trtnik. Az egyes feladatokban az itemeket (krdseket), egyenknt is minsteni kell. Javts kzben minden feladatnl a feladatban szerepl sszes krdshez egy-egy szrke ngyzetbe krjk, rja be a kvetkez kdokat: 1 = j vlasz 0 = nem elfogadhat vlasz Pldul: 1) 2) 3) 4) 1 0 1 0

Az els s harmadik krdsre adott vlasz: helyes. A msodik s negyedik krdsre adott vlasz: helytelen. Minden feladatnl kt kln rubrika is tallhat. Az egyikbe elre bertuk az elrhet maximlis pontszmot, a msikba krjk, rja be a feladatban a dik ltal elrt sszpontszmot. Pldul: 4 pont 2

Krjk a feladatlap vgn tallhat sszest tblzatba rja be: a rszeredmnyeket (az egyes feladatok eredmnyeit); az elrt sszpontszmot (dolgozatpontszm), a megllaptott vizsgapontokat (a Javtsi-rtkelsi tmutat tszmtsi tblzata alapjn).

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Javtsi-rtkelsi tmutat


Task 1 1) D 2) H 3) G 4) L 5) M 6) I 7) C 8) N 9) B 10) A Task 2 11) that 12) had 13) had 14) to 15) thought/chewed 16) them 17) which 18) going/sure/bound/likely/guaranteed 19) what Task 3 20) talented 21) hard/harder 22) selected 23) obviously 24) disliked/dislike 25) conclusion 26) participants 27) warmth 28) generosity 29) comparison Task 4 30) the 31) 32) else 33) such 34) now 35) bit 36) 37) was 38) 39) else 40) in

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2006. mjus 11.

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Javtsi-rtkelsi tmutat

NYELVHELYESSG tszmtsi tblzat

Dolgozatpont Vizsgapont 40 30 39 29 38 29 37 28 36 27 35 26 34 26 33 25 32 24 31 23 30 23 29 22 28 21 27 20 26 20 25 19 24 18 23 17 22 17 21 16 20 15 19 14 18 14 17 13 16 12 15 11 14 11 13 10 12 9 11 8 10 8 9 7 8 6 7 5 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 0 0

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Javtsi-rtkelsi tmutat


Ha tbbfle vlasz is elfogadhat, a javtsi tmutat tartalmazza a szvegbl add lehetsges vlaszokat, illetve azokat a tartalmi elemeket, amelyeket a j vlasznak tartalmaznia kell. A megoldkulcsban // (a szvegben nem szerepl, de a szvegkrnyezetben rtelmes alternatv megolds) jellel elvlasztva szerepelnek a tartalmilag mg elfogadhat egyb vlaszok is. A feladatokat kizrlag tartalmi szempontok alapjn rtkeljk, azaz a nyelvtani s a helyesrsi hibkat csak akkor vesszk figyelembe, ha azok a vlasz rthetsgt akadlyozzk. gy pldul elfogadhatjuk a affairs helyett a *afairs megoldst, de nem tekinthetjk egyszer helyesrsi hibnak azt az esetet, amikor egy msik rtelmes angol sz kerl a megoldsba (mondjuk, burglars helyett *burgers). Sikeres javtsok elfogadhatk, de csak akkor, ha egyrtelmen kiderl, hogy mi volt a vizsgz vgleges dntse. Amennyiben tbb rvnyes vlaszt rt be a vizsgz, a vlaszokat akkor sem fogadhatjuk el, ha azok tartalmazzk a helyes megoldst is. A vizsgarszben szerzett pontok vizsgapontt val talaktsa a tesztfzet vgn tallhat tmutat alapjn trtnik. Mivel a vizsgaeredmnyek statisztikai feldolgozsra kerlnek, az egyes feladatokban az itemeket (krdseket), egyenknt is minsteni kell. Javts kzben az egyes feladatokban szerepl sszes krdshez rjuk be a megfelel kdot: 1 = j vlasz 0 = nem elfogadhat vlasz Minden feladatnl kt kln rubrika is tallhat. Az egyikbe elre bertuk az elrhet maximlis pontszmot, a msikba pedig krjk, rja be az adott feladatban a dik ltal elrt sszpontszmot. Pldul:
Elrhet Elrt

A feladatlap vgn tallhat sszest tblzatba krjk, rja be a rszeredmnyeket (az egyes feladatok eredmnyeit), az elrt sszpontszmot, illetve a mellkelt tblzat segtsgvel megllaptott vizsgapontokat.

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2006. mjus 11.

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Javtsi-rtkelsi tmutat


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

first-time burglars home affairs overcrowding 18 months effect community // non-custodial uproar // dissent/controversy/opposition/anger offenders

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.


Azoknl az itemeknl, ahol a krt informci jellege s a feladatlap tipogrfija kt sz berst kveteli meg, csak a teljes megolds fogadhat el. gy nem tekinthetjk helyesnek az els feladatban azt, ha a krt (s a feladatlapon tipogrfiailag is jellt) home affair helyett csak *affairs vagy csak *home, illetve 18 months helyett csak *18 szerepel a megoldsban.

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2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Javtsi-rtkelsi tmutat

SZVEGTIRAT TASK 1 NEW GUIDANCE ON BURGLARS Lord Chief Justice Lord Wolf has issued new guidance to judges which will mean that most first-time burglars wont go to prison. The decision has been taken partly because of prison overcrowding, but also, Lord Wolf says, because community sentences that tackle the causes of offending can be more effective than jail. Here's our home affairs correspondent Daniel Sandford. Lord Wolf's concern about the high levels of overcrowding in prisons is well known, but it is only one of the reasons given for his new guidance on burglary which replaces prison terms of up to 18 months with non-custodial punishments. The Lord Chief Justice says there are some cases where the clang of the prison cell door for the first time may have a deterrent effect, but re-offending rates are very high. His latest guidance to judges and magistrates says that punishments in the community that include action to tackle offending behaviour are cheaper and should be more effective than prison. Despite the uproar the new guidance may cause, the Home Office has welcomed it. All the same, ministers and the Lord Chief Justice have emphasised that burglary is a serious offence and repeat offenders can expect to go to jail. TASK 2 Here is an article which recently appeared in The Telegraph. The title is: 'Give Me $50,000 or Toby the Bunny Rabbit Is History' Animal lovers around the world have expressed outrage at a website whose owner has threatened to butcher, cook and eat a pet bunny called Toby unless he receives $50,000 (27,000) in donations by the end of June. The website,, features photographs of the wheat-coloured, innocent-eyed rabbit and claims that his owner found him injured on the roadside and nursed him back to health. It then adds: "Unfortunately, on 30 June, Toby will die. I am going to eat him. I am going to take Toby to a butcher to have him slaughter this cute bunny. I will then prepare Toby for a midsummer feast." Leaving little to the imagination, there are pages of recipes on the site, illustrated with pictures of a startledlooking Toby in a cooking pot surrounded by vegetables, on a chopping board, and on a plate surrounded by lettuce tomatoes and salad. His owner, who does not give his name, claims: "I don't want to eat Toby, he is my friend, and he has always been the most loving, adorable pet. "However, God as my witness, I will devour this little guy unless I receive $50,000 into my account from donations or purchase of merchandise." Among the 90 items on offer at the site are "Save Toby" T-shirts, sweatshirts and mugs. It is unclear whether Toby's owner is serious about his threat or whether he is simply running a money-making hoax, but the send-money-or-Fluffy-gets-it scheme appears to be working. The site claims to have received almost $20,000 (nearly 11,000) since it began a couple of months ago.

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Javtsi-rtkelsi tmutat

Although a number of sources suggested that the scheme could be a hoax, the site's operator, who identified himself as "James" in an interview with The Washington Post, said that he and his business partner were in their twenties and lived on the East Coast of America. "We've received hundreds of death threats," said "James", who admitted that it was not his real name. Asked if he was going to eat Toby, he replied: "There's no doubt about it."'s money-making days may be at an end however. After receiving a flood of complaints from animal-lovers, PayPal, the on-line payment service the website was using to get donations, decided last month that the site violated its "offensive-materials" standards. "I get a little sick to my stomach every time I look at that site," admitted Amanda Pires, a PayPal spokesman.

An interview with Cecily Morrison Interviewer: All right. You graduated ... you got your degree two years ago then. What have you been doing ever since? Cecily: Well, I applied for a Fulbright Grant to come here. It's pretty normal that the best students at the university will apply for one of the major research scholarships, for Fulbright, Rhodes. There's another one to England which I do not remember right now. And so I did. And I came to Hungary three years ago, I believe, in the summer. It's part of an expedition to travel to Europe without going to cities. So I made the decision that I want to go to Europe but I don't want to be a regular tourist so I thought, "Well, I'll go out to the village and play music". So, I showed up in Hungary with a violin, I didn't speak any Hungarian, didn't know where I was going, I didn't know anybody. And off I went to this music camp and learnt ... Interviewer: Where? Cecily: Boldogkrvrja. Interviewer: Boldogkvralja. Yes, that's it. Cecily: I find it the most difficult phrase to pronounce. Interviewer: Yes, it is actually very difficult. Cecily: And I had such a great time there. It was difficult to interact, we spent most of our time playing music because I didn't understand anything and they didn't understand me. Interviewer: Well, everybody understands the violin. That's the difference. Cecily: Yeah. We could always play music, we could dance. We had a great time. They taught me how to count, taught me all sorts of things and I decided to come back during one of my spring breaks the next year at university. And then I said I must come back when I graduate. And so I applied for a scholarship to come back. And my topic this year was an ethnomusicological study of bagpipes, Hungarian bagpipes, which is what I did. I looked at why the bagpipes had been revived in Hungary and in what context, whether they'd been in academic context and in the folk music revival and why they were

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2006. mjus 11.

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Javtsi-rtkelsi tmutat

HALLOTT SZVEG RTSE tszmtsi tblzat

Dolgozatpont Vizsgapont 27 30 26 29 25 28 24 27 23 26 22 24 21 23 20 22 19 21 18 20 17 19 16 18 15 17 14 16 13 14 12 13 11 12 10 11 9 10 8 9 7 8 6 7 5 6 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0

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2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Javtsi-rtkelsi tmutat

ltalnos tmutat

A hibkat jellni kell a feladatlapon.

A feladatlapon a szrke tblzatokban kt kln oszlop tallhat: az elsbe elre bertuk az egyes rtkelsi szempontok alapjn elrhet maximlis pontszmot, a msikba krjk, rja be a feladatban a dik ltal elrt pontszmot, illetve az utols sorba a feladatra adott sszpontszmot. Pldul: 15 pont 12

Krjk a feladatlap vgn tallhat sszest tblzatba rja be: a rszeredmnyeket (az egyes feladatok eredmnyeit); az elrt sszpontszmot, amely egyben a vizsgapontszm; vgl alrsval hitelestse rtkelst.

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2006. mjus 11.

Angol nyelv emelt szint

Javtsi-rtkelsi tmutat

Az rskszsg feladatok rtkelsi tmutatja (30 pont) A feladat

I. sszefoglal tblzat az rtkelsi szempontokrl rtkelsi szempontok A feladat teljestse, a megadott szempontok kvetse Hangnem, az olvasban keltett benyoms Szvegalkots Szkincs, kifejezsmd Nyelvhelyessg, helyesrs rskp sszesen Pontszm 3 pont 2 pont 3 pont 3 pont 3 pont 1 pont 15 pont

Amennyiben a dolgozat A feladat teljestse, a megadott szempontok kvetse rtkelsi kategria alapjn 0 pont, akkor a tbbi szempont nem rtkelhet, az sszpontszm is 0 pont. II. Az rtkelsi szempontok kifejtse A feladat teljestse, a megadott szempontok kvetse Ezen a szemponton bell azt rtkeljk, hogy a vizsgz hogyan valstotta meg a kommunikcis clt; hny irnyt szempontra trt ki, s megfelel rszletessggel trgyalta-e ket; a szveg a megadott hosszsg-e. Hangnem, az olvasban keltett benyoms Ezen a szemponton bell azt rtkeljk, hogy a vizsgz ltal ltrehozott szveg hangneme s stlusa megfelel-e a kzlsi szndknak valamint az rsm szerzje s olvasja kztti viszonynak; hogy az olvasban a szerz szndknak megfelel benyomst kelti-e. Szvegalkots Ezen a szemponton bell azt rtkeljk, hogy logikus-e az irnyt szempontok valamint az ezekhez kapcsold gondolatok s a vizsgz vlemnyt altmaszt rvek elrendezse; megfelel-e a gondolati tagols, azaz van-e bevezets s befejezs, hasznl-e bekezdseket; hogyan alkalmazza a szvegsszefggs tartalmi s nyelvi elemeit. Szkincs, kifejezsmd Ezen a szemponton bell azt rtkeljk, hogy a vizsgz ltal hasznlt szkincs megfelel-e a tmnak, a szitucinak s a kzlsi szndknak; hogy a szhasznlat az emelt szintnek megfelel ignyessget s vltozatossgot mutat-e. Nyelvhelyessg, helyesrs Ezen a szemponton bell azt rtkeljk, hogy a vizsgz ltal ltrehozott szveg megfelel-e a mondattan, az alaktan s a helyesrs norminak; hogy mondatszerkezetek s nyelvtani struktrk tekintetben mennyire ignyes. rskp Ezen a szemponton bell azt rtkeljk, hogy milyen a szveg rskpe, mennyire olvashat; a trlsek s javtsok mennyiben zavarjk a szveg ttekinthetsgt.

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III. 1. rtkelsi skla A feladat teljestse, a megadott szempontok kvetse 2 pont A vizsgz tbbnyire megvalstotta a kommunikcis clokat. Az irnyt szempontok kzl egyet vagy kettt megfelelen dolgozott ki, a tbbit csak rszben. A szveg hossza 10%-nl nagyobb mrtkben tr el a megadott szveghosszsgtl. 1 pont A vizsgz rszben valstotta meg a kommunikcis clokat.

Javtsi-rtkelsi tmutat

3 pont A vizsgz megvalstotta a kommunikcis clokat. Valamennyi irnyt szempontot megfelelen dolgozta ki. A szveg a megadott hosszsg (10% eltrs lehetsges).

Az irnyt szempontok kzl egyet megfelelen dolgozott ki, ezen kvl mg egyet rszben, a tbbit egyltaln nem; illetve valamennyi irnyt szempontot csak rszben. A szveg hossza 10%-nl nagyobb mrtkben tr el a megadott szveghosszsgtl.

0 pont A vizsgz nem valstotta meg a kommunikcis clokat, mert: - flrertette a feladatot, - az irnyt szempontok kzl egyet sem dolgozott ki megfelelen, illetve csak egyet vagy kettt rszben. A szveg hosszsga nem ri el a megadott szszm 50%-t.


Hangnem, az olvasban keltett benyoms 1 pont A szveg hangneme kvetkezetlensget mutat, az olvasban nem mindig a szerz szndknak megfelel benyomst kelt. 0 pont A szveg hangneme nem megfelel, az olvasban nem a szerz szndknak megfelel benyomst kelt.

2 pont A szveg a szvegfajtnak s a szerz s az olvas kztti kapcsolatnak megfelel hangnemben rdott, az olvasban a szerz szndknak megfelel benyomst kelt. 3. Szvegalkots

3 pont A szveg felptse, az irnyt szempontok elrendezse logikus. A gondolati tagols megfelel: van bevezets s befejezs, bekezdseket alkalmaz. A vizsgz megfelelen hasznlja a szvegsszefggs tartalmi s nyelvi elemeit, koherens szveget hoz ltre.

2 pont A szveg felptse, az irnyt szempontok elrendezse a kisebb arnytalansgok ellenre logikus. A vizsgz trekszik a gondolati tagolsra: van bevezets vagy befejezs. A vizsgz tbbnyire megfelelen hasznlja a szvegsszefggs tartalmi s nyelvi elemeit. A mondatok tbbnyire szervesen kapcsoldnak egymshoz.

1 pont A mondanival nem mindentt logikus elrendezs. A vizsgz nem trekszik a gondolati tagolsra: hinyzik a bevezets s a befejezs. A mondatok tbb helyen nem kapcsoldnak egymshoz.

0 pont A mondanival nem logikus elrendezs, a gondolatok esetlegesen kvetik egymst. A szveg tagolatlan s ttekinthetetlen, tlnyomrszt sszefggstelen mondatokbl ll.

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Angol nyelv emelt szint

4. Szkincs, kifejezsmd 2 pont A szveget a tmnak s a kzlsi szndknak megfelel, viszonylag b szkincs jellemzi. A vizsgz trekszik az ignyes nyelvhasznlatra. A szhasznlat csak nhny helyen nem megfelel, ez azonban nem nehezti a megrtst.

Javtsi-rtkelsi tmutat

3 pont A szveget a tmnak s a kzlsi szndknak megfelel, az emelt szinten elvrhat szkincs, ignyes nyelvhasznlat jellemzi.

1 pont A szveget kevsb vltozatos szkincs s az emelt szinthez kpest leegyszerstett nyelvhasznlat jellemzi. A vizsgz nem trekszik ignyes fordulatok alkalmazsra. Sok a szismtls, tbb helyen nem megfelel a szhasznlat, ami esetenknt nehezti a megrtst is.

0 pont A szvegben felhasznlt szkincs szegnyes, a nyelvhasznlat ignytelen. A nem megfelel szhasznlat tbb helyen nehezti a megrtst.


Nyelvhelyessg, helyesrs 2 pont A vizsgz trekszik az emelt szintnek megfelel nyelvtani szerkezetek hasznlatra s az ignyes mondatszerkesztsre. A szvegben tbb, a szveg megrtst nem nehezt nyelvi (mondattani, alaktani, helyesrsi) hiba vagy egy-kt, a szveg megrtst nehezt hiba tallhat. 1 pont A vizsgz egyszer nyelvtani szerkezeteket hasznl, s nem trekszik ignyes mondatszerkesztsre. A szvegben tbb, a szveg megrtst nem befolysol, vagy nhny, a szveg megrtst nehezt hiba tallhat. 0 pont A szveget nem a szintnek megfelel, tlsgosan egyszer nyelvtani szerkezetek s ignytelen mondatszerkeszts jellemzi. A szvegben sok, a szveg megrtst nem befolysol s/vagy tbb, a szveg megrtst nehezt hiba tallhat.

3 pont A vizsgz vltozatos s az emelt szintnek megfelel nyelvtani szerkezeteket hasznl, mondatszerkesztse ignyes. A szveg ignyes, esetleg nhny kisebb, a szveg megrtst nem nehezt nyelvi (mondattani, alaktani, helyesrsi) hiba tallhat benne. 6. rskp

1 pont Olvashat kzrs, ttekinthet trlsek s javtsok.

0 pont Olvashatatlan kzrs.

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Angol nyelv emelt szint

Javtsi-rtkelsi tmutat

B feladat
I. sszefoglal tblzat az rtkelsi szempontokrl rtkelsi szempontok A feladat teljestse, a megadott szempontok kvetse Szvegalkots Szkincs, kifejezsmd Nyelvhelyessg, helyesrs rskp sszesen Pontszm 3 pont 5 pont 3 pont 3 pont 1 pont 15 pont

Amennyiben a dolgozat A feladat teljestse, a megadott szempontok kvetse rtkelsi kategria alapjn 0 pont, akkor a tbbi szempont nem rtkelhet, az sszpontszm 0 pont. II. Az rtkelsi szempontok kifejtse A feladat teljestse, a megadott szempontok kvetse Ezen a szemponton bell azt rtkeljk, hogy a vizsgz hogyan valstotta meg a kommunikcis clt; hny irnyt szempontra trt ki s milyen mlysgben trgyalta ket, mennyire sikerlt a tmt tgabb kontextusba helyeznie, s rvekkel altmasztania vlemnyt; a szveg a megadott hosszsg-e. Szvegalkots Ezen a szemponton bell azt rtkeljk, hogy logikus-e az irnyt szempontok valamint az ezekhez kapcsold gondolatok s a vizsgz vlemnyt altmaszt rvek elrendezse; megfelel-e a gondolati tagols, azaz van-e bevezets s befejezs, a vizsgz hasznl-e bekezdseket; hogyan alkalmazza a szvegsszefggs tartalmi s nyelvi elemeit. Szkincs, kifejezsmd Ezen a szemponton bell azt rtkeljk, hogy a vizsgz ltal hasznlt szkincs megfelel-e a tmnak, a szitucinak s a kzlsi szndknak; hogy a szhasznlat az emelt szintnek megfelel ignyessget s vltozatossgot mutat-e. Nyelvhelyessg, helyesrs Ezen a szemponton bell azt rtkeljk, hogy a vizsgz ltal ltrehozott szveg megfelel-e a mondattan, az alaktan s a helyesrs norminak; hogy mondatszerkezetek s nyelvtani struktrk tekintetben mennyire ignyes a szveg nyelvhasznlata. rskp Ezen a szemponton bell azt rtkeljk, hogy milyen a szveg rskpe, mennyire olvashat; a trlsek s javtsok mennyiben zavarjk a szveg ttekinthetsgt.

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Angol nyelv emelt szint

III. 1. rtkelsi skla A feladat teljestse, a megadott szempontok kvetse 2 pont A vizsgz tbbnyire megvalstotta a kommunikcis clokat. Az irnyt szempontok kzl kettt vagy hrmat megfelelen dolgozott ki, a tbbit csak rszben vagy egyltaln nem, illetve egy irnyt szempontot megfelelen, az sszes tbbit csak rszben. A szveg hossza 10%-nl nagyobb mrtkben tr el a megadott szveghosszsgtl. 2. Szvegalkots 4-3 pont A szveg felptse az irnyt szempontok s az ezekhez kapcsold gondolatok, rvek elrendezse tbbnyire logikus. Elklnl a bevezets s a befejezs. A vizsgz tbbnyire megfelelen hasznlja a szvegsszefggs tartalmi s nyelvi elemeit. A mondatok tbbnyire szervesen kapcsoldnak egymshoz. Amennyiben a szveg nem megfelelen tagolt, azaz nincsenek bekezdsek, az alacsonyabb pontszmot kell adni. 2-1 pont A mondanival nem mindentt logikus elrendezs, sok a gondolati ismtls. A mondatok tbb helyen nem kapcsoldnak egymshoz. Amennyiben a szvegben a bevezets s a befejezs sem (vagy alig) klnl el, az alacsonyabb pontszmot kell adni. 1 pont A vizsgz rszben valstotta meg a kommunikcis clokat.

Javtsi-rtkelsi tmutat

3 pont A vizsgz megvalstotta a kommunikcis clokat. Valamennyi irnyt szempontot megfelelen dolgozta ki. A szveg a megadott hosszsg (10% eltrs lehetsges).

Az irnyt szempontok kzl egyet megfelelen dolgozott ki, ezen kvl mg egyet rszben, a tbbit egyltaln nem, illetve valamennyi irnyt szempontot csak rszben. A szveg hossza 10%-nl nagyobb mrtkben tr el a megadott szveghosszsgtl.

0 pont A vizsgz nem valstotta meg a kommunikcis clokat, mert: flrertette a feladatot, az irnyt szempontok kzl egyet sem dolgozott ki megfelelen, illetve csak nhnyat rszben. A szveg hossza nem ri el a megadott szszm 50%-t.

5 pont A szveg felptse, az irnyt szempontok, s az ezekhez kapcsold gondolatok s rvek elrendezse logikus. A vizsgz megfelelen hasznlja a szvegsszefggs tartalmi s nyelvi elemeit, koherens szveget hoz ltre. A szveg formai tagolsa megfelel, bekezdseket hasznl.

0 pont A mondanival nem logikus elrendezs, a gondolatok esetlegesen kvetik egymst. A szveg tagolatlan s ttekinthetetlen, tlnyomrszt sszefggstelen mondatokbl ll.

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Angol nyelv emelt szint

Javtsi-rtkelsi tmutat


Szkincs, kifejezsmd 2 pont A szveget a tmnak s a kzlsi szndknak megfelel, viszonylag b szkincs jellemzi. A vizsgz trekszik a kzlsi szndknak megfelel nyelvhasznlatra. A szhasznlat csak nhny helyen nem, megfelel, ez azonban nem nehezti jelentsen a megrtst. 1 pont A szveget kevsb vltozatos szkincs s a szinthez kpest egyszerbb nyelvhasznlat jellemzi. A vizsgz nem trekszik a kzlsi szndknak megfelel nyelvhasznlatra. Sok a szismtls, tbb helyen nem megfelel a szhasznlat, ami esetenknt nehezti a megrtst is. 0 pont A szvegben felhasznlt szkincs szegnyes, a nyelvhasznlat nem felel meg a kzlsi szndknak, s ez tbb helyen nehezti a megrtst.

3 pont A szveget a tmnak s a kzlsi szndknak megfelel gazdag s vltozatos szkincs, valamint a kzlsi szndknak megfelel nyelvhasznlat jellemzi.


Nyelvhelyessg, helyesrs 2 pont A vizsgz trekszik ignyes nyelvtani szerkezetek hasznlatra s az ignyes mondatszerkesztsre. A szvegben tbb, a szveg megrtst nem nehezt nyelvi (mondattani, alaktani, helyesrsi) hiba vagy egy-kt, a szveg megrtst nehezt hiba tallhat. 1 pont A vizsgz egyszer nyelvtani szerkezeteket hasznl, s nem trekszik ignyes mondatszerkesztsre. A szvegben sok, a szveg megrtst nem befolysol, vagy nhny, a szveg megrtst nehezt hiba tallhat. 0 pont A szveget nem a szintnek megfelel, tlsgosan egyszer nyelvtani szerkezetek s ignytelen mondatszerkeszts jellemzi. A szvegben sok, a szveg megrtst nem befolysol s tbb, a szveg megrtst nehezt hiba tallhat.

3 pont A szveget ignyes nyelvhasznlat jellemzi, a vizsgz vltozatos s ignyes nyelvtani szerkezeteket hasznl, mondatszerkesztse is ignyes. A szveg ignyes, esetleg nhny kisebb, a szveg megrtst nem nehezt nyelvi (mondattani, alaktani, helyesrsi) hiba tallhat benne. 5. rskp

1 pont Olvashat kzrs, ttekinthet trlsek s javtsok.

0 pont Olvashatatlan kzrs.

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2006. mjus 11.

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