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Developmental MilestoneS

By Rey Martino

(For educational use only)


Gross Motor

Fine Motor



2 wk

Moves head side to side

Regards face Alert to bell, Startles to sound

Follows face in midline, Grasp object placed in hand Reaches for objects Smiles Cooing, responsively Searches for (as early as 6 sound with eyes wk) Looks at hand, Begins to work towards toy Laugh and squeals

2 mo Lifts shoulder while prone, Head lag

4 mo Lifts up on hands, Rolls front to back, If pulled to sit from supine, slight head lag

Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics, 5th Edition


Gross Motor

Fine Motor Palmar grasp of cubes, Moves head, eyes in all directions Starting to pincer grasp,

PersonalSocial Mouthing, Stranger anxiety

Language Babbles in single syllables, Distraction test

6 mo Pull to sit, Sits with support

9 mo Pulls self to sit, Sits steadily, (crawls on abdomen at 10 mo) 12 mo Gets from lying to sitting to crawling to standing, Walks with ONE hand held, Stand alone, (Walks well at 13 mo)

Looks for fallen toys, (Waves byebye at 10 mo) Less mouthing, Imitates others, Shy

Says Dada & Mama, but nonspesific 2-sylabble sounds Says Mama & Dada, spesific Says 1-2 other words

Neat pincer grasp, Bangs 2 cubes

Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics, 5th Edition


Gross Motor

Fine Motor Scribbles, Stacks 2 blocks

Personal-Social Uses spoon and fork (but spills), Mouthing stops, Takes off shoe

Language Says 3-6 words, Continual jabber & jargon

Other Cognitive

15 mo Creeps upstair,
Stoops for toy & stand up without support

18 mo Goes up &
down stairs holding on to rail, Throws ball without falling

Scribbles Initiates housework, spontaneously Feeds dolls, toilet trained, Stack 4 blocks Uses spoon well

Says at least 6 words, Points 2-3 body parts

2 yr

Walks up & down stairs alone, Runs, Kicks a ball,

Stacks 6 blocks, Copies straight line

Washes & dries hands, Puts on shoes, socks & pants, Dry by day, Play near other children but not with them

Puts 2-3 words together to make a sentence, Knows body parts, (know Full name & gender at 2.5 yr)

Understa nds concept of today

Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics, 5th Edition


Gross Motor

Fine Motor



Other Cognitive

3 yr

Goes up stairs one foot per step, Downs stairs 2 feet per step, Broad jump Balances well on each foot, Goes up & down stairs one foot per step, Hops on one foot

Stacks 8 blocks, Copies

Dresses & undresses with help, dry by night, Plays with others

Names pictures, Speech understandable to stranger 75%, Can count to 10, Names 2 colours Names 3 colors, Fluent conversation

Understands concepts of tomorrow & yesterday

4 yr

Copies +, Draws person with 3 parts, (copies at 4.5 yr)

Brushes teeth without help, Dresses without help, buttons clothes fully

Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics, 5th Edition


Gross Motor

Fine Motor



Other Cognitive

5 yr

Skips, Runs on toes

Copies X, Copies a 5.5 yr Copies Draws person with 6 parts

Tie shoelaces, Dresses & undresses alone

Counts, Define words, Knows Age, Tells the time Define words Begins to understand s right & left

6 yr

Kicking, throwing, climbing, Heal-to-toe walks

Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics, 5th Edition

Illustrated Textbook of Pediatrics, 3rd Edition

Illustrated Textbook of Pediatrics, 3rd Edition

Thank you

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