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Sara Johnson Assignment 3

SLIS 5720 Googledocs Handout

Student-Centered Learning Strategies and the Library

*small group & large groups *students respond to questions or create their own *pushes students to think critically

Discovery *inquiry learning *builds inductive reasoning *supports and aligned with scientific method *students own the learning and process
In the library, students can: Conduct independent research and discover information independently: http:// Use databases for both informal and formal research: http:// Participate in discovery-based activities such as a Dewey Decimal scavenger hunt and conduct research to support the first stages of the scientific method.

In the library, students can:

Skype with their favorite authors and hold discussions virtually: Create blogs about their favorite books, authors, and topics and comment on each others blogs: Participate in book club discussions and literature circles in person and online: http:/ /

Games *fun way to reinforce skills *challenging and competitive *engaging way to review
In the library, students can:

Simulations *re-enact and re-create real-world experiences *applicable to real life *hands-on and engaging
In the library, students can: Participate in simulations using the library space (i.e. students come to vote for president in the library). Role play using role play software such as: Tom Snyders Decisions, Decisions software and similar software programs. tomsnyder.htm.

Play educational games that reinforce skills taught in their classes: http:// Explore games that connect to their favorite series: Visit and play on suggested sites found in the back of the books they check out: http:// Access a variety of games using bookmarks provided by the librarian and/or their teacher: In the

library, teachers can: Collaborate with the librarian to plan simulations and role plays that utilize the library space and resources. Co-plan and co-teach simulations, for example:

Works Cited Smaldino, Sharon, et al. Instructional Technology and Media for Learning (10th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2012.

Sara Johnson Assignment 3

SLIS 5720 Googledocs Handout

Students works cooperatively to create posters for reading promotions.

*students are given real-world or imaginary scenarios and problems *solutions require application of knowledge and skills in combination *fun, engaging, and applicable to real life
In the library, students can: Participate in and research for WebQuests: . Borrow and use technologies that support problem-solving lessons such as handheld PDAs, netbooks, and tablets. Collaborate with the librarian to solve problems on campus and utilize the library space and resources to solve the problems (i.e. creating a school-wide recycling program: http://

Cooperative Learning *working together in pairs and small groups *strategic and mixed-ability groups benefit all *reinforces social skills *informal or formal
In the library, students can:

Conduct research in pairs online and in


Work in mixed-ability and homogeneous groups based on their reading level. Work together to publish wikis based on self-selected topics and interests: http:// Create presentations and documents together using GoogleDocs: https://

Students run the recycling program from the library.

Works Cited Smaldino, Sharon, et al. Instructional Technology and Media for Learning (10th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2012.

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