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Explanation for the Area formula of a Circle

Area of a circle is r, where r is the radius of the circle. I will be using a Chinese Fan to give an explanation for the area formula of a circle. Below we have a picture of a Chinese fan whose boundary represents a circle and the black dot represents the center and the black line denotes the radius r.

We notice that the Chinese Fan has folding along the boundary. We take a string and measure the distance around the boundary of the fan as shown below.

Then the length of the string is equal to the distance around the boundary which is equal to the circumference of the circle = 2r.

Now fold the fan as shown below:

Approximately, it looks like a triangle with r as the height of the triangle and its base equal to the circumference of the circle. We notice that when we are folding the Chinese Fan we are compressing the folding and the length of the base is equal to the length of the string= 2r. Hence the area of the circle Area of the triangle= 2 base X height= 2 (2r)(r)= r square units.

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