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Reaction Pa per

Name _________________________

Due Aprilll, 2012- due in class unless emailed before 6:00pm on the due date.
Late papers result in a one grade drop for each week they are late.(10 points out of 100 points)

Choose from the following topics:

Wayne Williams- discussion of the case, how fibers were used to convict, class evidence and it use in the
Sutherland- discussion of the case and its appeal- the significance placed on trace evidence in the

DNA databank- the history of the COOlS bank, the mechanism of who is entered, the history of who and

why is entered and the expansion of the data base-new criteria for entering suspects- looking at both
sides which include the ACLU opinion
Format A brief objective discussion of the case or topic (including appeals if it is a criminal case)-20 pts A discussion of both sides of the issue (20 pts for each side= 40 pts) Your point of view and why- you need to back up your opinion with data (there is no right or wrong
positions on these issues- only improperly defended or not backed up with fact) (30 pts)
Proper citing, spelling, punctuation (10 pts- note: misspellings, etc. take away from quality of the work)
Objective discussion Point 1 Point 2 Presentation of your point Format- spelling, punctuation, citing Must be a word processed document APA citing-most word programs have this as an option Times Roman 12pt font / single spaced 2-3 pages in length Title page (not included as part of the 2-3 pages) All pages stapled together No plagiarism -other people's work, quotes are cited This document will be stapled to the end of your paper-unless emailed

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