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Supply Chain Administration

Assignment 2 (20%)
(Due on 16-06-2022, 11:59PM EST)
1. Purpose of the assignment:
The purpose of this assignment is to understand how logistics (including reverse logistics) affects
supply chain management, environment, and customer services.
2. Format guidelines:
• MS Word file, Times New Roman 12-point font, one-inch (2.54 cm) margins, and page
• On the cover page write title of the assignment, student name(s) and ID(s) (in group
assignment student names and IDs), course name and code, due date, instructor name.
• Page limit five (5) pages including references, 1.5 line spaced, no less than two thousand
(2000) words.
• In-text citations and references in APA (American Psychological Association) format:
3. General Instructions
1. Adhere to Academic Integrity Policy of Canadore College. Avoid plagiarism, and use of
unfair means.
2. Spell-check the document and submit only one file in the designated drop-box via D2L.
3. In the case of group assignment, group leader should submit only one file on behalf of the
group members.
4. Group leader must write a short statement about the contribution of group members.
5. Late submissions will result deduction of ten (10) percent of marks per day.
6. Submissions, two days after the due date, will be marked as zero (0).

Questions: Describe and Give Examples

1. What is reverse logistics? How does it impact supply chain management? Give examples.
(10 points)

2. How can reverse logistics have a positive impact on the environment? On profit? On
customer service? On repeat purchase? Give examples. (10 points)

Supply Chain Administration
Syed Waliullah Shah

Rubric for Grading Assignment 1 (20 points)

Question Correct Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 None
(10 points) (8 points) (4 points) (2 points) Zero
1 Detailed Sufficient Sufficient Some details No answer, or
10-points answer with details with details with no page response is
proper format, proper format, without numbers and not- aligned
page numbers page numbers suitable references in with the
and correct and format, page the text and question.
APA style, in- references. numbers and reference list.
text citations references.
and reference
listed on last

2 Correct Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 None

10-points (10 points) (8 points) (4 points) (2 points) Zero
Detailed Sufficient Sufficient Some details No answer or
answer with details with details without the response
proper format, proper format, without suitable is not aligned
page numbers page numbers suitable format, page with the
and correct and format, page numbers and question.
APA style, in- references. numbers and references.
text citations references.
and reference
listed on last

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