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FADE IN: INT. SCHOOL - MORNING JACK and BILLY are walking down a hall at school.

Groups of kids are moving about. They see a new girl standing outside of a classroom looking confused. BILLY Dude, dude, dude. By our classroom. Red hoodie. A definite smash. JACK Holy shit dude. Yeah of course the fuckin hottest girl this school has seen decides to show up part way through senior year. BILLY Gay. What the fuck? The girl notices them looking at her and begins to walk over. BILLY (CONTD) Shes like looking at us and coming over. JACK Put on a smile! GIRL Hey. Can one of you tell me where Mr. Nolans room is? The layout of this school confuses me! JACK Sure. Just head all the way down that hall and itll be on the right. Here, Ill walk you! Ill be right back, Billy. Jack and the girl head down the hall. JACK (CONTD) So youre new here, right? Whats your name? GIRL Anna Hallissey. JACK (playfully) Im Jack. Its so nice to meet you!

2. ANNA HALLISSEY The pleasure is all mine! JACK (quietly to himself) It will be. What? ANNA HALLISSEY

JACK What? Uh, this is your class. ANNA HALLISSEY Oh, well thanks for showing me! JACK Ha its cool. Bye! Jack returns to Billy. Billy stares at him angrily. Jack just gives a douchey smile in return. Fag. What? BILLY JACK

BILLY (In a mocking tone) Here Ill walk you! JACK Haha fuck you, dude. BILLY You cockblock bastard. Seriously though, what the fuck. That girl was so fuckin fine! JACK Yeah. I would fuck her til she had impacted bowels and a urinary tract infection. I hope we see more of her. BILLY Yeah, but now we gotta go to fuckin physics. JACK Fuck that. Lets ditch.

3. BILLY Sounds like a plan. EXT. PARKING LOT - MOMENTS LATER Jack and Billy walk by the YARD DUTY. YARD DUTY Hey you cant leave! Its school hours! JACK Oh, I have a, uh...doctors appointment. Hahaha. BILLY Yeah and I have to take a shit. YARD DUTY Oh, whatever... INT. JACKS CAR - MOMENTS LATER Jack is driving and they pull out of the parking lot. JACK Take a shit? What the hell? BILLY Hey, it worked.... JACK Whatever, lets get some lunch. INT. IHOP RESTAURANT - MOMENTS LATER Jack and Billy are at a table, eating. JACK (looking around) Everyone in here is like a hundred. Theyre all gonna be dead within a year. BILLY Haha true. At least we can talk loud and they cant hear what were saying. BALLS! JACK Potato salad!

4. BILLY Potato salad? Thats not evenWAITRESS Could you guys keep it down? Sorry. BILLY

JACK Yeah, sorry. Jack sips his delicious hot chocolate. JACK (CONTD) Seriously though, potato salad is fucking offensive. I mean its somewhat bearable to eat but Im tasting shit in there that I didnt know was in there and it just makes me uncomfortable. BILLY I love potato salad. JACK I always knew you were a failure. BILLY Hey fuck you and fuck your antipotato salad-ness. And fuck this conversation. I dont know if they even HAVE potato salad, and if they do I really dont give a fuck because we are eating pancakes. Potato salad is completely irrelevant to us at this time. They sit in silence for a few moments. JACK So...about that Anna Hallissey chick.... BILLY ...Yeah. What about her? JACK Oh...I dunno. Shes just really hot and stuff so its on my mind. What do you think of her? BILLY What do I think of her?



BILLY You want to know what I think of her based on the 3 seconds I saw her before your ass whisked her away down the hall? JACK Heh heh...yeah? BILLY (suddenly beaming) Shes fuckin hot, man. JACK I KNOW! RIGHT?! INT. CLASSROOOM - AFTERNOON Jack and Billy walk into the room and take their seats. ANNA HALLISSEY walks in shortly afterwards. BILLY Well look who it is. Anna Hallissey notices them, waves and walks over to take a seat next to them. ANNA HALLISSEY Hey guys! Hows it going? BILLY Not too bad. And yourself? ANNA HALLISSEY Im is this teacher hard? BILLY Nah not really. Hes alright. A bell rings. Class begins. INT. CLASSROOM - LATER The teacher finishes a discussion. ANNA HALLISSEY That wasnt so bad. So this class is pretty easy, huh?

6. JACK Yeah. Its mainly just group stuff which means we can just talk the whole time. ANNA HALLISSEY Youd like that, wouldnt you? Anna Hallissey winks. The bell rings and the class leaves. JACK Did she just...? BILLY Yeah, fucker. Billy has an annoyed look on his face behind Jack. JACK Oh my...I wonder where this is going. Heh heh heh. INT. SCHOOL - THE NEXT DAY Jack walks into school and sees Billy talking to Anna Hallissey from a distance. BILLY yeah if you wanted to do something sometime I could like call you or something.... ANNA HALLISSEY Um...sure. Yeah, that could be fun I guess. Heres my number.... Anna Hallissey writes her number down on a slip of paper then hands it to Billy. BILLY Alright, cool. So Ill call you soon or something. ANNA HALLISSEY Yeah, okay. Look I gotta get to class now, though. See you. Anna Hallissey heads away to her class. Jack walks up to Billy. JACK Haha, what was all that?

7. BILLY I sorta asked her out. I dunno. JACK Ooh! Well whatd she say? Well said like Its BILLY she gave me her number and I Id call her, so I guess its a yes or maybe or something? not a no....

JACK Aha, well, um, good luck with that. BILLY Ha thanks. Alright, I gotta get to my class now too. See ya in a few. JACK Seeeeee ya. They head their separate ways. INT. SCHOOL - SEVERAL DAYS LATER Jack walks up to Billy. JACK Hey. How was your date the other night? BILLY I dunno man. I took her out to dinner, then we went for like a walk or something, and then I took her home. She just sorta said bye and got out and went into her house. I didnt even get time to try and make a move. Im gonna see if she wants to do something again next time I see her. JACK Well I guess that time is now. Huh? BILLY

Anna Hallissey is walking down the hall towards them, not really paying attention. Billy heads toward her, waving.

8. BILLY (CONTD) Hey! Anna Hallissey! Anna Hallissey looks up. ANNA HALLISSEY Oh...hey Billy. Whats up? BILLY Nothing...nothing...just going to class. So, I had fun the other night. If you want to we can do something again. ANNA HALLISSEY Oh, I had fun too. I just need a break this weekend, you know? Maybe next weekend though, okay? BILLY Yeah, okay. Uh...should I call you or do you wanna call me? ANNA HALLISSEY Um, lets just sorta let it flow and well see what happens. Well talk, well talk. BILLY Okay sounds good. I gotta get to class anyway. See you later. Billy heads to class. Anna Hallissey continues to walk down the hall and sees Jack. Jack! ANNA HALLISSEY

They approach each other. Hey! JACK

ANNA HALLISSEY (flirty) So whats up? JACK (perplexed) Nothin...whats up with you? Nothing. ANNA HALLISSEY

9. They stand in silence nodding for a few seconds. ANNA HALLISSEY (CONTD) So are you doing anything this weekend? JACK Nah. Not that I know of. ANNA HALLISSEY Oh. Im not doing anything this weekend. More silence and Anna Hallissey twists her arms behind her and looks around in anticipation. So.... ANNA HALLISSEY (CONTD)

JACK ...Did you wanna do something this weekend? ANNA HALLISSEY Oh, well since you asked...sure why not? Heres my number! She hands him a slip of paper with her number on it. ANNA HALLISSEY (CONTD) Bye, Jack! Call me! She heads off to her class, leaving Jack standing there a little confused. JACK What the fuck, she had it written out already. Bitch fuckin planned that shit! ...Nice. INT. JACKS HOUSE - AFTERNOON Jack picks up the phone and dials, putting it to his ear. JACK She probably just wants help with schoolwork. The phone rings for a few moments until Anna Hallissey picks up. Hello? ANNA HALLISSEY

10. JACK Hey. Anna Hallissey? Jack? Hey! ANNA HALLISSEY

JACK Yeah. Hey, hows it going? ANNA HALLISSEY Its going pretty good. And yourself? JACK Not too bad. So whyd you want me to call you? Did you need homework help or something? Because if you do I should probably tell you that Im failing that class. Theres silence on the other end of the phone. JACK (CONTD) Hello? You there? ANNA HALLISSEY ...Yeah Im here. JACK So if you want homework help you should probably call someone else because Im kind of a moron. ANNA HALLISSEY Yeah I guess you kind of are.... JACK Haha. Okay so I guess Ill see you in school Monday? ANNA HALLISSEY Yeah...see ya. Jack begins to hang up the phone when a look of realization comes across his face. He quickly puts the phone back to his ear. JACK Wait! Anna Hallissey! You still there? ANNA HALLISSEY Yeah, what is it?

11. JACK You wanna do something tonight? ANNA HALLISSEY Yeah, idiot! Pick me up at like 7, okay? JACK 7. Okay. See you later. Jack hangs up the phone. JACK (CONTD) Jeez. Fuckin pushy. EXT. ANNA HALLISSEYS HOUSE - NIGHT Jack rolls up in his car, gets out, walks up to her door, and rings the doorbell. Anna Hallissey opens the door. ANNA HALLISSEY Oh yay! Youre here! Come on in and meet my parents! Okay. JACK

A look of uneasiness overtakes Jack. He follows Anna Hallissey into the house. INT. ANNA HALLISSEYS HOUSE - MOMENTS LATER Anna Hallissey leads Jack into the living room. MR. HALLISSEY and MRS. HALLISSEY are sitting on the couch. ANNA HALLISSEY Mom, dad, this is Jack. Jack shakes Mr. and Mrs. Hallisseys hands. JACK Nice to meet you! I wish I could say Ive heard so much about you, but I only met Anna Hallissey...what? A week ago or something? MR. HALLISSEY Ah, youre the one who helped her find her class.

12. JACK (to Anna Hallissey) You actually told them about that? MR. HALLISSEY (sarcastically) Youre a real hero. Mrs. Hallissey looks at Mr. Hallissey disapprovingly. MRS. HALLISSEY Oh, quit it dear. She turns to Jack. MRS. HALLISSEY (CONTD) He thinks its hilarious to mess with any boys that come into contact with our daughter. JACK Eh, I can see where hes coming from. With a...pretty, young girl like your daughter you gotta watch out for creepers. Anna Hallissey blushes. MRS. HALLISSEY Aw hes so sweet. Jack blushes. MR. HALLISSEY Yeah. That Billy the other day was a weird one. Lets hope Jack here doesnt get any funny ideas. JACK Oh dont worry, earlier today I thought she just wanted to study with me! MR. HALLISSEY A study session? Is that slang for something? JACK (speaking hurriedly) Oh, no! I meant that earlier I was talking to her and I thought she wanted to talk about school and-

13. MR. HALLISSEY Ahahaha I got him again! Everyone but Jack begins to laugh, with Jack sitting there looking just a little bewildered. After a few seconds he finally joins in. JACK Ahahaha yeah that was funny. MRS. HALLISSEY All jokes aside, you two probably need to get going. Have fun! Be safe! Bye! ANNA HALLISSEY

JACK Dont worry, Ill get her back safe. MR. HALLISSEY You do that. Jack and Anna Hallissey head out the door. EXT. ANNA HALLISSEYS HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Jack and Anna Hallissey walk to Jacks car and get in. INT. JACKS CAR - CONTINUOUS Jack and Selena enter the car and buckle up. JACK So Im not entirely sure, but I dont think your dad likes me. ANNA HALLISSEY Well he doesnt hate you...thats just sorta how he is. You start at neutral with him and just gotta show him youre a good guy. JACK I think I can do that. Now lets go have a fun night! They drive off.

14. EXT. ANNA HALLISSEYS HOUSE - LATER Jacks car pulls up in front of the house. They both open their doors and roll out onto the ground, laughing hysterically. JACK (out of breath) Oh my god! Oh my god! Anna Hallissey begins to crawl across her lawn towards her front door. She cant walk from laughing so hard. Jack manages to walk to her and helps her up. Laughing and leaning on each other, they head to her door. Once theyre on her porch they stop. Still in each others arms, Anna Hallissey turns to Jack. ANNA HALLISSEY (still giggling) Oh my gosh. That was so much fun! Im gonna die! JACK (calming down) Ahhh...Well I guess this is where the night ends. ANNA HALLISSEY I know! Im sad. JACK Should I say good-night to your parents? ANNA HALLISSEY No, theyre definitely asleep. JACK Oh well. I guess this is goodbye. They hug tightly before pulling back a little bit. They giggle again and then give each other a quick peck on the lips. MR. HALLISSEY (from inside) Anna Hallissey! JACK Whoa! Better go! Good night Mr. and Mrs. Hallissey! Night, Anna Hallissey. Ill talk to you later.



Jack runs to his car and drives off. Anna Hallissey laughs, shaking her head, and goes inside. INT. SCHOOL - DAY Jack is walking down the hall with a smile on his face. He sees Billy and they meet up and begin to walk to class. BILLY Hey, man. Why so cheery? JACK Good weekend, thats all. BILLY Oh, really? And what made this weekend so different than other ones? JACK Well, I had a date with Anna Hallissey and it actually went quite well. Billy stops Jack. BILLY You had a date with her this weekend? Yeah. Why? JACK

BILLY I asked her if she wanted to do anything last week and she told me she couldnt because she was busy. Was that you? JACK I think she talked to me after you. Billy stares at Jack with his mouth open. What? JACK (CONTD)

BILLY Thats worse! She ditched me for you!

16. JACK Sorry, man. I didnt know. BILLY What the fuck! They start walking again. BILLY (CONTD) I cant believe she fuckin ditched me. JACK Look man, Im sorry it went down like that, but I really had a good time with her, and Id like this to not get between us. I understand youre mad, but you gotta remember that theres other fish in the sea. BILLY Youre right. Lets not make a big deal out of this. Were cool. They walk into their classroom and take their seats. Anna Hallissey soon enters and takes a seat next to Jack. She smiles at him then looks towards the front of the room. Billy has a sullen look on his face, but Jack doesnt notice. All the kids start to pay attention as class begins. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD - DAY All the students are wearing a cap and gown, having just graduated. Other people are wandering around taking pictures and chatting. Jack, Billy, and Anna Hallissey are wandering through the crowd together as they head to the parking lot. ANNA HALLISSEY You guys, we just graduated! JACK I know. I was surprised. BILLY Yeah. Time to start livin it up! JACK Good thing theres a senior trip for that.

17. ANNA HALLISSEY I cant believe they actually trust us to stay in a hotel by the beach with minimal supervision. Theres gonna be so much drinking! JACK You dont drink, sweetie. Billy cringes at this, without Jack or Anna Hallissey noticing. ANNA HALLISSEY I know...but its nice to know that I could! JACK Hey theres our parents. Lets go say hi. Jack, Anna Hallissey, and Billy walk off toward their parents, who are standing together chatting. EXT. SPACE A group of very small meteorites is heading towards earth. INT. BEACHSIDE HOTEL LOBBY - DAY Anna Hallissey is followed by Jack and Billy. She looks around and then drops her bags. Other students are walking around. ANNA HALLISSEY Oh my god you guys! This is so cool! JACK (matter-of-factly) Yeah I think that could be correct. Jack turns to Billy. Anna Hallissey wanders off. JACK (CONTD) Okay, so you and me are marked down as sharing a room. Youre okay with switching with Anna Hallissey so me and her can share a room? BILLY (slightly annoyed) Yeah, its fine.

18. JACK (quizzically) You sure? BILLY Yeah. Dont worry about it, its fine. Ill give her my key after we check in. JACK Okay. Thanks bro, I appreciate it. If I get any action, Ill think of you. Jack claps Billy on the shoulder and he heads towards the counter to check in. Billy looks extremely annoyed. BILLY (quietly) No problem, bro! INT. CAFE - DAY Jack, Billy, and Anna Hallissey are all sitting at a table eating lunch. JACK This is nice. Its all warm here and I literally dont have to care about anything. Anna Hallissey gives him a look. JACK (CONTD) (smiling) Anything at all! Anna Hallissey looks pissed. JACK (CONTD) Hee hee! Except you, of course. Jack gives Anna Hallissey a pat on the head and she smiles. JACK (CONTD) Whats up, Billy? Huh? Oh. BILLY

Billy points at a cute girl in the restaurant. She takes a sip of her drink, looks over at him, smiles, then returns to her drink.

19. BILLY (CONTD) Do I take action? JACK Unless youre gay and Im unaware. Billy leaves their table to go talk to the girl. JACK (CONTD) Lets see how he does. They watch from a distance as Billy and the girl talk. Theres a lot of nodding and smiling, and Billy soon returns to the table. Details. JACK (CONTD)

BILLY Got the name, its Becca. Nice. JACK

BILLY Got the number. You dont need to know. JACK Well, no shit. BILLY the date! She said shes here on a trip with her class like us and that shes free tomorrow. Ill call her then. JACK Good job, Billy. Anna Hallissey, any female advice? ANNA HALLISSEY Um, make sure its a GOOD date. She laughs. Billy gets embarrassed. JACK Aw thats mean.... INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Jack and Anna Hallissey are just about to go to bed. They sit on the end of the bed.

20. JACK So what do you wanna do tomorrow? Anything in mind? ANNA HALLISSEY Lets go to the beach! And swim! JACK Ooh! I hear theres lots of sharks out there! ANNA HALLISSEY No theres not. JACK Im just playin around. If there were Id protect you. He puts an arm around her. JACK (CONTD) If a shark tried to get you, Id be like, Hey! Shark! Leave my girlfriend alone! Then Id punch it in the face and tell him its rude to eat people. ANNA HALLISSEY Thats oddly polite of you. Oh look! Shooting stars! She gets up and runs out to the balcony. EXT. BALCONY - CONTINUOUS Anna Hallissey is leaning on the railing, overlooking the city. Jack comes out soon after and stands next to her. JACK Theres a lot of them. Weird. ANNA HALLISSEY I know. Its so pretty though. Shooting stars graze the sky. One of them streaks across the sky above them, appearing to head towards the city. JACK Whoa! That one looked pretty close.

21. ANNA HALLISSEY Wow! I wonder if it hit anything? It couldnt have been very big though, right? JACK I dont even know if that was near us. Sometimes it just looks that way. Still, that was neat. ANNA HALLISSEY This place just keeps getting better. Id like to see someone try to put a damper on this vacation. JACK Yeah. Let them try.

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