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By: DWI DINAR 10188203003369 4K (10)



EXERCISES 2. Knowing that their teacher was sick, most of students did not go to school this morning After knowing/after they knew that their teacher was sick, most of them did not go to school this morning Setelah mereka mengetahui guru mereka sakit, sebagian besar murid-murid tidak masuk sekolah pagi ini.

3. Nothing wanting to hurt her feelings, he didnt tell her the bad news. Because he didnt want to hurt her feelings, he didnt tell her the bad news Karena dia tidak ingin melukai perasaannya, dia tidak menceritakan berita buruk itu.

4. Sitting on a large rock at the edge of a mountain stream, I felt at peace with the world By sitting on a large rock at the edge of a mountain stream, I felt a peace will he world Dengan duduk di atas batu di tepi tebing, saya merasakan damai duniawi.

5. Watching her pupils playing in the frond bard, the teacher suddenly remembered her own children at home While she watched her pupils playing in the front yard, the teacher suddenly remembered her own children at home. Ketika dia melihat murid-muridnya bermain di halaman depan, guru itu tiba-tiba teringat anaknya sendiri di rumah.

6. Reminded that her blouse was torn at the back, she put a large scarf on her shoulders After she reminded that her blouse was torn at the back, she put a large scarf on her shoulders. Setelah dia teringat bahwa blusnya robek di bagian belakang, dia menggantungkan/meletakkan selendang lebar/besar di pundaknya.

7. Convinded that she could never learn to play the piano, she stopped taking lesson. Since she convinded that she could never learn to play the piano, she stopped taking lesson. Sejak dia yakin bahwa dia tidak pernah bisa belajar bermain piano, dia berhenti les.

8. Having forgotten to bring enough money, he could not buy meal for lunch. Because he had forgotten to bring enough money, he could not buy meal for lunch. Sebab/karena dia lupa tidak membawa cukup uang, dia tidak bisa membeli makan siang.

9. Given a simple map, he could find the way easily After he was given a simple map, she could find the way easily. Setelah dia diberi peta sederhana, dia dapat menemukan jalan dengan mudah.

10. Being a married man, I have lost of responsibilities Since the man is married, I have lost of responsibilities Sejak laki-laki itu menikah, saya lepas dari tanggung jawab.

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