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Risk Assessment

By Aisha Aden

What sort of risks are there?

In The Bedroom 1. Wires - Some body may trip over it. 2. Hurt your foot at the side of the bed 3. Trip over the bin - ( Bin is small and may not be since) In the library 1. Wires 2. Trip over books - ( somebody may drop by accidents) 3. Dropping books - Someone could trip over them 4. Tripping over chairs Chairs which are not tucked in could cause people to trip over and hurt them selves In The Park 1. Weather If it rains it would ruin our film and we would have to re-schedule it. 2. Following over stones and sticks 3. Animals Dogs which are let loose could chase us and ruin our chance of filming.

How could these risks be solved?

In The Bedroom 1. wires We could un-plug them or tuck them under the bed so nobody trips . 2. Tripping over the bin Move the bin 3. Make people aware of so that they could slowly passed it In The Library 1. Wires Move them while we are filming 2. Tripping over books Place the book back on the shelf before filming 3. Dropping books Make people ware of the books and ask them to be careful. 4. Tripping over chairs Tuck all the chairs in and warn people to be careful. In The Park 1. Whether - Before filming we could check the whether forecast , to make sure that it not going to rain. 2. tripping over stones and sticks The place were going to film we could move stones and sticks so that nobody would fall over. 3. Animals - Make sure that the gate is locked

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