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CAPITULO 1 - Why was the authors birth considered a difficult one?

Because both mother and son almost died. - Why wasnt the author given a name immediately after his birth? Because, after the birth Chris and his mother needed to stay in the hospital. - When Chris was 5, something happened that changed his life. What was it? He was with his sister Mona and his brother Paddy in a room. Mona and Paddy were writing on a slate. Chris wanted to do the same, and he took the chalk out of his sisters hand with his left foot. CAPITULO 2 - Why did Christys mother start to teach him the whole alphabet? Because he couldnt speak, so the unique way of communication was teaching him the alphabet for he could write words. - How did she teach him to write the alphabet? She wrote the letters and then she deleted them. Chris tried to write them again. - Why was he reluctant to use shoes? Because unique way of communication with his family was writing whit the left foot. - Why didnt his mother want Chris to grow up to be illiterate? Because Chris can never go to school. CAPITULO 3 - How did Chris manage to move around? He crawled as quickly as he could into the kitchen before Sally. - What did he do when Charlie and Sally were kissing each other inside the bath? He put his forehead against on of the taps, and he twisted with his head. The water running into the bath where Sally and Charlie were. CAPITULO 4 - When his brothers took him out for walks people sometimes stared him. How did he feel about this? Chris knew that he had something wrong, but he didnt want to think about this; he wanted be happy. - How did he feel when his go-cart broke down? He was sad,

because with Henry (the go-cart) he could go out with his brothers and play. When his go-cart broke down, he didnt returned to walk with them. CAPITULO 5 - Why did Chris hate mirrors? Because he saw himself and he didnt like himself. Then, he started to compared with his brother. He was so sad. - After he realised he was different from the others, he felt vary depressed. How did he overcome his depression? One Christmas, we received a box of toy soldiers, and his brother Paddy a box of paints. He liked it so much, more than his present. When Chris had the chance, he gave his brother his soldiers and Paddy gave him his paints. Chris loved to paint. - Who was Katriona Delahunt? She was a slim and tall girl. She was a student social worker at the hospital. She was 18. She talked with Chris mother and she went to med him. - Why did Katriona Delahunt come to visit Chris? Because She talked with Chris mother and she went to med him. CAPITULO 6 - According to Chris, there was something special about Delahunt. What was it? He was happy when she visited him. It wasnt necessary talk to understand. She was his dream-girl. Maybe, Chris fall in love with her. - Why did a newspaper reporter and photographer come to visit Chris? Because he participated in a Christmas painting competition and won. - How did the family find out that Chris had won the competition? Because his father saw the notice in the newspaper. CAPITULO 7 - Why didnt Chris use his left foot in the presence of other people? Because people thought use the left foot to paint and write was a privilege. But Chris wanted to be ordinary and to be like the others boys. - Why did Chrisy decide to begin writing stories? Because he wanted to try new experiences.

- How did Chris fell when he was 17? He was so sad. He knew he wasnt a normal boy; people saw him and laugh about him He wanted to be free and can do the things by himself. CAPITULO 8 - Why did Dr Collis come to visit Chris? To tell him there was a treatment for cerebral palsy. - How did Chriss prospects change after Dr Colliss visit? First, he was confused, but then he was happy. He hoped he could be a normal boy. - How did Chriss mother make her husband and children build Chris a house in the garden? The kitchen was a small room; Chris needed more space to do his exercises. So his mother thought maybe was a great idea to build a house in the garden. She bought material and she started alone. When the father saw her, he and the children helped her to build it. - Why did Dr Collis decide to send Chris to London to see his sister-in-law? Because Mrs Eirene Collis was a specialist in cerebral palsy, and she must examine Chris to know if it was possible the treatment CAPITULO 9 - What did Mrs Collis tell Chris when the examination was over? She told him that he could be cured, but he must leave to use his left foot. - According to Mrs Collis, why did Chris have to stop using his left foot? Because, if he continued using his left foot, it wouldnt be good for him physically. CAPITULO 10 - On the first day at the clinic, Chris was told to relax and watch. What did he gain from that experience? He saw the other happy children playing. Chris discovered that they were lucky, because the children werent aware of their physical and intellectuals limitations. But Chris knew he wasnt a normal boy, so he was determined to continue with the treatment, because he wanted to recover. CAPITULO 11

- What effect did Chriss experiences at the clinic have upon him? He wanted tell everyone his experiences; but he couldnt because he mustnt use his left foot. - How did Chris manage to write the first manuscript? He helped his brother Eamonn, so he must do the same. Chris told him that he must write. - What did Chris realise after they had written almost four hundred pages of manuscript? Chris felt the manuscript was awful, because he had a poor vocabulary. So he decided to write a note to Dr Collis, to help him with the manuscript. - According to Dr Collis, Chriss manuscript hadnt been written in vain. Why? Because Dr Collis knew Chris could became a good writer if he practiced. CAPITULO 12 - In the new clinic in Bull Alley Street, there were three rooms. What did the children do in each one? The clinic had got three rooms: treatment room (where they sis their exercises), schoolroom (where they studied) and the playroom (where the children played and made exercises). - What was the first thing Chris was taught? The first thing he learned was to relax himself, to control his breathing and to free his mind. - Why did Chris praise the clinic staff so highly? Because the clinic got that two girls improved so much. CAPITULO 13 - Why did Dr Collis look for a private tutor for Chris? Because Chris will never become a athletes, or have a physical job. So in his case, education was very important, because he could be a writer, painter - Why did Chris break the promise he had made to Mrs Collis and start to use his left foot again? He knew he could improve with the treatment, but he knew too he will never be a ordinal boy with a girlfriend. He was furious, so, to liberate some moment, he started to write with his left foot. CAPITULO 14

- When did Collis get the idea of giving a concert in Dublin? When he saw Burl Ives singing. - Why did Collis ask Chris to be with him at the concert? Because Collis wanted to read the chapter of Chriss autobiography. - What happened after Collis stopped speaking? People were silent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Captulo 1 - Por qu fue el nacimiento de la autora considera un ao difcil? Debido a que la madre y el hijo a punto de morir.

- Por qu no fue el autor le da un nombre inmediatamente despus de su nacimiento? Porque, despus del nacimiento de Chris y su madre necesita para permanecer en el hospital.

- Cuando Chris tena 5 aos, sucedi algo que cambi su vida. Qu era? l estaba con su hermana de Mona y su hermano Paddy en una habitacin. Mona y Paddy estaban escribiendo en una pizarra. Chris quera hacer lo mismo, y l tom la tiza de la mano de su hermana con su pie izquierdo. Captulo 2 - Por qu la madre de Christy comenzar a ensearle el abecedario? Debido a que no poda hablar, as que la nica forma de comunicacin le estaba enseando el alfabeto para poder escribir las palabras.

- Cmo se le ensea a escribir el alfabeto? Ella escribi las letras y luego los elimina. Chris trat de escribir de nuevo.

- Por qu estaba reacio a usar zapatos? Como nica forma de comunicacin con su familia estaba escribiendo pice el pie izquierdo.

- Por qu no quiere a su madre a Chris a llegar a ser analfabetos? Debido a que Chris no puede ir a la escuela. Captulo 3 - Cmo se las arreglan para Chris moverse? Se arrastr tan rpido como pudo en la cocina antes de que Sally.

- Qu hizo cuando Charlie y Sally se besaban en el interior del bao? l puso su frente contra la de los grifos, y se torci con la cabeza. El agua corriente en el bao donde Sally y Charlie eran. CAPITULO 4 - Cuando sus hermanos lo llevaron a cabo para la gente camina a veces lo miraba. Cmo se sinti al respecto? Chris saba que tena algo malo, pero no quera pensar en esto, quera ser feliz.

- Cmo se sinti cuando su go-cart se rompi? Estaba triste, porque con Henry (el go-cart) que poda salir con sus hermanos y jugar. Cuando su go-cart se rompi, l no volvi a caminar con ellos. Capitulo 5 - Por qu Chris odia los espejos? Debido a que l mismo vio y l no se gusta. Entonces, empez a comparacin con su hermano. Estaba tan triste.

- Despus de que l se dio cuenta que era diferente de los dems, se senta deprimido varan. Cmo super su depresin? Una Navidad, recibimos una caja de soldaditos de plomo, y su hermano Paddy una caja de pinturas. Le gust tanto, ms que su presente. Cuando Chris tuvo la oportunidad, l dio a su hermano a sus soldados y Paddy le dio sus pinturas. Chris le gustaba pintar.

- Quin era Katriona Delahunt? Ella era una muchacha alta y esbelta. Ella era una estudiante de trabajo social en el hospital. Ella tena 18

aos. Habl con la madre de Chris y se fue a med l.

- Por qu Katriona Delahunt vienen a visitar a Chris? Porque ella habl con la madre de Chris y se fue a med l. CAPITULO 6 - De acuerdo con Chris, que haba algo especial acerca de Delahunt. Qu era? Estaba feliz cuando lo visit. No era necesario entender charla. Ella era su sueo de nia. Tal vez, Chris se enamoran de ella.

- Por qu un periodista y un fotgrafo venido a visitar a Chris? Debido a que l particip en un concurso de pintura de Navidad y gan.

- Cmo la familia saber que Chris haba ganado el concurso? Debido a que su padre vio el aviso en el peridico. CAPITULO 7 - Por qu no Chris usar su pie izquierdo en presencia de otras personas? Debido a que la gente pensaba que usar el pie izquierdo para pintar y escribir era un privilegio. Sin embargo, Chris quera ser normal y ser como los chicos otros.

- Por qu Chrisy decide comenzar escribiendo historias? Porque l quera probar nuevas experiencias.

- Cmo Chris cay cuando tena 17 aos? Estaba tan triste. Saba que era un chico normal, la gente lo vio y se ren de l ... l quera ser libre y puede hacer las cosas por s mismo. Captulo 8 - Por qu el Dr. Collis vienen a visitar a Chris? Para l, decir que haba un tratamiento para la parlisis cerebral.

- Cmo perspectivas de Chris cambiar despus de la visita del Dr. Collis de? En primer lugar, que estaba confundido, pero entonces l era feliz. Confiaba en que poda ser un nio normal.

- Cmo fue la madre de Chris que su marido y los nios a construir una casa de Chris en el jardn? La cocina era una habitacin pequea, Chris necesitaba ms espacio para hacer sus ejercicios. As que su madre pens que tal vez era una gran idea para construir una casa en el jardn. Se compr material y empez a solas. Cuando el padre la vio, l y sus hijos le ayudaron a construirlo.

- Por qu el Dr. Collis deciden enviar a Chris a Londres para ver a su hermana-en-ley? Debido a que la seora Eirene Collis era un especialista en parlisis cerebral, y se debe examinar Chris para saber si era posible el tratamiento CAPITULO 9 - Qu hizo la seora Collis a Chris cuando el examen haba terminado? Ella le dijo que poda ser curada, pero debe dejar de usar su pie izquierdo.

- De acuerdo a la seora Collins, por qu Chris tiene que dejar de usar el pie izquierdo? Debido a que, si continuaba con su pie izquierdo, no sera bueno para l fsicamente. CAPITULO 10 - En el primer da en la clnica, Chris se le dijo que relajarse y ver. Qu gan de esa experiencia? l vio a los nios felices a los dems a jugar. Chris descubri que tenan suerte, porque los nios no eran conscientes de su salud fsica y limitaciones intelectuales. Sin embargo, Chris saba que l era un chico normal, por lo que estaba decidido a continuar con el tratamiento, porque quera recuperar. CAPITULO 11

- Qu efecto tuvo Chris experiencias en la clnica tienen sobre l? Quera decirle a todos sus experiencias, pero no pudo porque no debe usar su pie izquierdo.

- Cmo se las arreglan para Chris escribir el primer manuscrito? Ayud a su hermano, Eamonn, por lo que deben hacer lo mismo. Chris le dijo que deba escribir.

- Qu hizo Chris darse cuenta despus de haber escrito casi 400 pginas del manuscrito? Chris sinti que el manuscrito era horrible, porque tena un vocabulario pobre. As que decidi escribir una nota al Dr. Collins, que le ayudara con el manuscrito.

- Segn el Dr. Collis, manuscrito de Chris no haba sido escrito en vano. Por qu? Debido a que el doctor Collis saba Chris podra convertirse en un buen escritor si l practica. CAPITULO 12 - En la nueva clnica en el callejn de la calle Toro, haba tres habitaciones. Qu hacen los nios en cada uno? La clnica haba conseguido tres salas: sala de tratamiento (en el que sis sus ejercicios), aula (donde estudi) y la sala de juegos (donde jugaban los nios e hizo ejercicios).

- Qu fue lo primero que Chris se le ense? Lo primero que aprend fue a relajarse, a controlar su respiracin y liberar su mente.

- Por qu Chris alabar al personal de la clnica tan alto? Debido a que la clnica tiene que dos nias mejorado mucho. CAPITULO 13 - Por qu el Dr. Collis buscar un tutor privado para Chris? Debido a que Chris nunca se convertir en unos cuantos atletas, o tener un trabajo

fsico. As pues, en su caso, la educacin era muy importante, porque podra ser un escritor, pintor ...

- Por qu Chris romper la promesa que haba hecho a la seora Collis y empezar a usar su pie izquierdo otra vez? Saba que poda mejorar con el tratamiento, pero saba tambin que l nunca ser un nio ordinal con una novia. Estaba furioso, por lo que, para liberar algn momento, l comenz a escribir con su pie izquierdo. CAPITULO 14 - Cundo Collis la idea de dar un concierto en Dubln? Cuando vio a Burl Ives cantando.

- Por qu Collis a Chris para estar con l en el concierto? Debido a Collis quera leer el captulo de la autobiografa de Chris.

- Qu pas despus Collis dejado de hablar? La gente estaba en silencio.

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