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English Week Speech Assalamualikum and a very good morning to our headmistress Puan Fauziah , teachers and my fellow

students . Last week we had and English week launching, and it is an excellent time to have chances to improve your English: through reading, writing, speaking and listening. Children, in our school, there are chances all around you to improve your English. When you hear people speaking English, you should use your skills learned here at school to try to understand them. You may even be brave enough to try speaking to them. Last week I had opened the opportunity to you to speak English during the week but I could not find one who brave to speak English with their friends. Just for your information We can learn English from English media: books, newspapers, movies and television. You should take advantage of these chances to read and listen to English. Personally, This method can helped you to understand English better. Di mana ada kemahuan disitu ada jalan (Where there is a will, there is a way). Without further a due Know I will give the presents to the winners who had take part in the competition.

Congratulation to those who have succeeded and to those who failed, dont get upset but try again until you gain the success. Thank you.

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