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Appendix C Parachute Assessment

4 (Exceeds the Standard) Student will be able to demonstrate cooperative skills while safely participating in physical activity and be identify safety rules and rules of play for the activity. K&1-cooperation, following directions 2- all of the above plus following parachute program

3 (Meets the Standard) Student will be able to demonstrate cooperative skills while safely participating in physical activity. K&1-cooperation, following directions 2- all of the above plus following parachute program

2 (Partially Meets the Standard) Student is sometimes able to demonstrate cooperative skills while safely participating in physical activity. K&1-cooperation, following directions 2- all of the above plus following parachute program

1 (Does not Meet the Standard) Student is unable to demonstrate cooperative skills while safely participating in physical activity. K&1-cooperation, following directions 2- all of the above plus following parachute program


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