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RANCANGAN PENGAJARAN HARIAN (MATEMATIK TAMBAHAN) CONTOH : 1 Learning Objectives Add Maths 4 IT 7.40 9.00 am 2. Quadratic Equations 2.

.2 Understand the concept of quadratic equations Learning Outcomes At the end of the class students will be able to : i) Determine the roots of a quadratic equation by : a. factorisation b. completing the square Activities 1. Students are required to write QE in general form. 2. Teacher gives a few example of how to factories on writing board & asks students to try it. 3. Teacher checks the answer & introduce the next alternative method to solve QE. 4. Teacher explains the steps of completing the square method (refer to Math Info page 31) until they understand. 5. Class activity on the completing the square. 6. Teacher gives appropriate exercise base on exercises 2.2.1, Question 1-a,b,c,d,e,f 2-a,b,c,d,e,f BBM - GSP Reflection -20 out of 25 achieved the L.O. -5 students need further actions and require remedial class. page 32


Learning Objectives Add Maths 5 IR 11.55 13.05 pm REVISIONS Focus on items: Q4. Quadratic Equation. Q5. Quadratic Inequalities Q8. Change of Base and Laws of Logarithms. Q10. Line Segment.

Learning Outcomes At the end of the class students will be able to : 2.2 Form a quadratic eqn. from given roots. 3.4.1 Determine the ranges of values of x that satisfies quadratic inequalities. 5.3.2 solve problems involving the change of base and laws of logarithms 6.2.2 find coordinates of a point that divides a line according to a given ratio m : n

Activities 1. Teacher asks those students who answered correctly to explain the answers . 2. Teacher emphasis suitable method or technique of answering the questions. 3. Reinforcement If necessary.

Reflection: -5 out of 25 able to answer all the items. -the rest need further reinforcement

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