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The Human vs.

the Frog

There are many similarities and differences between the body of the human and the body of the frog. First, the digestive system which in both bodies works as a series of hollowed tubes to help digest food and nutrients which all lead to the anus. To begin the similarities are: both bodies have the esophagus which is a tube that the food moves trough into the body. Both frog and human also have the gall bladder, which holds bile from the liver. As well, both contain the small and the large intestines. The small intestine works to absorb all the nutrients into the blood stream which helps break down large structures. The large intestine is the waste collector the body where wastes settle into feces. Also we both have the stomach and the liver. The stomach works to process food and the liver produces substances that help break things down. There are also many differences. In the human we have the rectum and urethra while the frog has only the cloacae. The frog also has (2)eustacian tubes which help equalize pressure in their bodies. Humans only have one set of teeth while the frog has vomine teeth as well as maxillary teeth. The frog has a gullet opening for their food to go through. The human also has an appendix, which the frog does not have at all. The respiratory system in the frog and the human works to supply the blood with oxygen, which pumps all over the body for it to function. Similarities include: both have lungs which add fresh oxygen to your blood. Both have nostrils that take air in and a windpipe that carries oxygen to the lungs. Both respiratory systems work to take in oxygen and release CO2. (2)As well, both the frog and the human have a glottis which helps sound pronunciation. The differences between the frog and the human respiratory systems include: the frog has a larynx; which is also called a voice box. The frog also uses

their skin as a device to take in air. The humans have ribs in their bodies which protect their organs, while the frogs only have their skin to protect theirs. The skeletal system in the frog and the human work as the framework of the organism; to support it. In both there is the femur, in the leg and of course both are supported by bones. Also both have a sternum in the chest and bones in both bodies help provide red blood cells. Some differences between the skeletal systems would include: (1) the human body has 206 bones and the frog has 159 bones; also the human has 24 different vertebrae while the frog has only 9. Lastly, the human has a rib cage for protection while the frog doesnt at all. The urinary system in both works to release unwanted fluids from the body. Both organisms have a bladder, kidney, urethra, and uterus. The kidneys in both work to filter unwanted fluids, the uterus drains the fluids and the urethra releases the fluids. Some differences include: the frog has a cloacae which is where all fluids and wastes and reproductive organs are released.(3) The human, however, is different. We have a urethra to release urine and a rectum to release solid wastes. Also, the humans release reproductive organs through different reproductive parts that arent in the frog. Lastly the muscular system, in both the Human and the Frog, works to help the body move. (4) Both systems provide movement for the body and protect the interiors. Both muscular systems work on top of the skeletal system, attaching to the bones. Both have different types of muscles including cardiac muscles, which squeeze the walls of the heart inward. (5) Skeletal muscles are striated muscles that attach to the bones and smooth muscles are only found in certain parts of the body such as the stomach or the liver. (5) Some differences in this system include: the frog has more muscles in their hind legs for jumping (4) and their tongue is also attached backwards in comparison to the humans. (4/5) Also, the frogs muscles have to work harder for protection of their internal organs because they dont have a rib cage like humans do.

There are many more similarities and differences in the frog and the human, but as you can tell they are way more similar than different.

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