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The old hospital in the old town shocking people. Lately, many patients died after receiving injections of a mysterious nurse. The nurse used to come to room patient on Friday night when the clock struck 12 times. No one knew who the nurse who used to wear a blue jacket ... Of the victims are, it is known that blue berkajet regular nurses visit patients who had severe pain. Mysterious nurse will inject the patient, then on Friday morning, the people will find that the patient was dead. Rudi found the story of the people who visit other patients. Rudi, a college student in the old city of his legs broken in an accident while driving a car. His car collided with a truck. Truck driver died on the spot, while Rudi survived despite two broken legs and had to undergo treatment for many months at the old hospital. The recent news that Rudi got yesterday was Friday morning there were only victims who allegedly died after a night nurse injected a blue jacket. A grandmother died on Friday morning as the other victims. It makes people suspicious and thought that would be grandma in the room at the corner of the old hospital and died due to attend a nurse injected a blue jacket.

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