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Clay County Community Health Committee April 4, 2012 Present:

Marie Headlee, Clay County Hospital Linda Schnepper, CCH Brenda Streif, CCH Angela Wenthe, American Cancer Society Alex Haglund, Advocate Press Vickie Simpson, Clay County Hearts Recorder: Gretchen Paule Agenda Item Presenter Discussion/Report I would like each Subcommittee to complete the Strategic Issue Worksheet. The worksheet is a tool that will assist each subcommittee in formulating its objectives and interventions for each identified health priority. In an effort to create a sustainable marketing and promotional effort, it is important that we create a unique brand for our health improvement plan. We will form a Branding Subcommittee to assist in the development of a new brand for our IPLAN efforts. Once we finalize our health plan, we will use the newly created brand to officially launch our community health improvement initiatives to the community-at-large. If you are interested in being part of the Branding Subcommittee, please mark the appropriate box in the sign-in sheet or contact me via phone or email. Action Required Each Subcommittee needs to complete the strategic issue worksheet. Form Branding Subcommittee and hold meeting develop a marketing strategy to launch the community health plan into action. Meeting; TBD Ariane Souder, Clay County Health Department Deena Mosbarger, CCHD Tammy Byers, CCHD Gretchen Paule, CCHD Trevor Bissey, Village of Clay City Stephanie Bailey, Village of Louisville Edith Greenwood, Shelley Callahan, Clay County Girl Scouts Erin Maxwell, U of I Extension, INEP Shannon Hohlbauch, Clay City Schools

Strategic Issue Worksheet Branding Subcommittee

G. Paule G. Paule

Subcommittee Breakout Session:

The Subcommittees proceed to breakout into their respective groups to further develop their health improvement plans.

Subcommittees should continue to meet as needed to develop their health improvement plans and prepare for group presentations scheduled for May 2nd. Prepare presentations for meeting on May 2nd.

Next Meeting

G. Paule

Our next meeting is scheduled for May 2, 2012 from 12 pm 2 pm at the Clay County Health Department. Each subcommittee will present their ideas for proposed programs and interventions that will address their respective health priority.

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