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Corporate Learning World

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Corporate Learning World Calgary, AB, CANADA

Nine Essential Soft Skills

Personal Attributes and Interpersonal Abilities that enhance an individuals interactions, job performance and career prospects

What's important to realize is that companies are aware that a person's soft skills is an important part of their individual contribution to the success of an organization.

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Esperanza Montalvo
Corporate Trainer / Facilitator & Entrepreneur My intention is to bring out the potentiality of our clients - whether they are in a company or working for themselves, which in turn impacts their personal effectiveness.

Gustavo Munvar
Strategist, Entrepreneur and Innovator
My primary focus is creating learning experiences that build upon existing knowledge and skills; solve fundamental challenges and needs in learning; and tracking training impacts in financial terms.

Corporate Learning World


Nine Essential Soft Skills

The rules for succeeding in business are changing daily talented, knowledgeable people plus innovative products is what contributes to success

Why this e-Book?

This free e-Book shows you the 9 Essential Soft Skills and gives you some Tips for each of them. You can also find out, on a Survey, your level of awareness regarding Soft Skills. Note: All of us need to continuously work on our Soft Skills since continuous learning is perhaps one of the most important ones. In this e-book, we will discuss some of the recommended strategies to enhance your Peoples Skills, key pitfalls to avoid, and tips to consistently improve your Inter-relations and Results. Keep this e-book as a quick reminder and reference. Give to others and encourage them to visit our Blog & Website. You can browse this book however you choose. Go from page to page or jump to wherever you desire!

Experience the Nine Essential Soft Skills required to succeed!


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Why this e-book? 3 Introduction 6 Nine Essential Skills Categorized as People Skills 7
Communication Skills . 9 Local Language Skills .. 10 Presentation Skills .... 11 Small Talk 12 Leadership and Initiative 13 Conflict Resolution and Negotiation ... 14 Accepting Constructive Criticism . 15 Flexibility .. 16 Business Etiquette .. 17

Bonus Skill One of the most important Skills 18 Questions & Answers 19 Your Soft Skills Survey .. 23 CLW SOFT SKILLS Solutions, Services, and Products 24

There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth not going all the way, and not starting.
-- Hindu Prince Gautama Siddartha, The founder of Buddhism, 563-483 a.c.

. . . . . . . . . . Introduction
The Corporate Learning World has been developing training experiences on Soft Skills for your benefit.

What's Soft Skills Got To Do With You?

Enhancing your Soft Skills at critical times can make the difference between a promotion and a


successful one. It is often a significant success factor in

capturing your potential versus wasting it, and can mean the difference between a career turnaround or termination.

How Can People Skills Be More Impactful?

We will discuss: Nine types of skills categorized as People Skills Impactful implications when lacking these skills In-the-moment soft skills techniques Specific recommendations for each of the skills Practical application of an essential skill - Conscious Feedback You and your Soft Skills competence

Who Needs Soft Skills and Why?

Everyone from all levels of the organization Companies Dont succeed. People Do!

Why Companies benefit from Consultants Expertise?

Although senior leaders and managers see the value in gaining soft skills for their employees, they are inconsistent because they feel they don't have the time Some leaders lack soft skills themselves Soft Skills expertise is different than managerial or leadership expertise Consultants are relatively neutral, confidential and focused on the leaders / managers developmental success, not their performance evaluation/ranking They are not constrained by internal work deadlines and crisis and can provide the needed structure and time for incorporating / expanding soft skills in pursuing professional and business objectives

Nine Essential Skills Categorized as People Skills

Join CLW Webinar Series on Soft Skills

Thrive in your job and receive the promotions and recognition you deserve. Establish the connections required to create Performance & Results in any area of your life. From showing empathy while giving feedback, and optimism when dealing with obstacles, to self-awareness so as to know whats going on around you and others - these and other competencies are now becoming an integral part of progressive organizations. Benefit from the programs on Soft Skills we have developed at Corporate Learning World. Visit

You can browse this book however you choose. Go from page to page or jump to wherever you desire!

The first step in finding your way somewhere is to discover where you are, to begin with.
-- Polly Berends, 1990

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Corporate Learning World

Nine Essential Soft Skills


Esperanza Montalvo
Join us Twitter using #CorpLW

Reflecting on people skills New Economy = New Reality The 9 Soft Skills known as People Skills Food for thought! Questions & Answers

Did you know?

Companies Dont Succeed. People Do!
Tom Peters, Management & Leadership Consultant

New Economy
Whats the message?

The 9 Soft Skills

Soft Skills = People Skills

1. Communication Skills Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
-- Martin Luther King

How do I communicate?

Communication Skills

Focus on the people receiving your message Use persuasive words, especially you Eliminate barriers to persuasive communication, like spelling mistakes

Tips for persuasive communication

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2. Local Language Skills

What are you saying?


Local Language Skills

In a corporate environment, your language skills have to evolve to understand local phrases and business jargon FYI, ASAP and ROI

Gatekeeper [n] - A person within an organization that controls the flow of information to and from managers. Can often be valuable friends. Hand-holding [v.] Helping someone perform a task that, because of inexperience or incompetence, they cannot complete on their own. Time-poor [adj.] Possessing little free time. True North [n.] The business direction that leads to success. "We've brought in some consultants to help steer us to True North." Sacred cow [n.] A program or product that can be unprofitable but cannot be questioned. Unpack [v.] To explore and examine on detail.

Tips on local language skills


3. Presentation Skills

Here I am

Presentation Skills

This could mean a formal presentation to clients or; a more casual way of presenting yourself in meetings and with colleagues

Focus on the audience We become nervous when we focus on ourselves Remember Peoples Names Connect with the Audience through Eye Contact and Pauses Do you know about Toastmasters?

Tips for presentation skills


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4. Small Talk

What Should I say


Small Talk

Water cooler chitchat is part of corporate life recognize which topics are taboo in Canada or/and in your Company

Stay away from religion / strong political beliefs Find common interests Listen & Ask Questions The best conversationalist is not the best speaker but the best listener!

Tips for small talk


5. Leadership and Initiative

Where is my place?

Leadership and Initiative

Staying invisible is why many professionals are overlooked when it comes to promotions Take initiative, share ideas, ask questions, and encourage others to collaborate


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6. Conflict Resolution and Negotiation

How could I deal with this?

6. Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Learn how to disagree with a co-worker or even your boss without getting emotional when things go to far, learn to apologize

Focus on the best solution, not my solution Always take responsibility when a conflict arises It takes two to tango Let go of desire to win. Work towards to Resolve.

Tips for conflict resolution


7. Accepting Constructive Criticism

What about feedback?


Take suggestions irrespective of who suggest them look at the suggestion and not who is doing it Dont take it personal Take your time to Reply First start with what you agree then what you disagree with

Tips for receiving criticism


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8. Flexibility

Changing again?


9. Business Etiquette

What do I need to do?


Business Etiquette

Workplace customs and practices may be different in Canada

Communicate more with spoken word than body language Keep personal distance Prefer details and backup evidence such as examples Expect others to speak in a straight forward manner

Tips for business protocol


. . . . . . . . . . Bonus Skill
Bonus Skill - One of the most important Skills

Contiinuous Learniing Cont nuous Learn ng

If we dont grow, we shrink! There is no staying the same. We either grow or shrink. As we learn each day, our mind and perspective towards life and work expand, leading us towards the direction we desire.

Food for Thought!


Questions & Answers

By Esperanza Montalvo

How can I make a difference between chitchat and gossiping?

Chitchat is talking about trivial information and it is done as an icebreaker or simply filling time. Gossiping, on the other hand, its a harmful conversation that only produces an environment of resentment and discord. Avoid gossiping by walking away from it, or Changing the subject.

Become known for being someone who detests gossiping.

When a conflict has started, what do I need to do?

You have two choices: Feed into the conflict; or Stop the conflict and create a Dialogue (instead) Often its our desire to be right what feeds a conflict. Ask inwardly: what did I do or said to cause this. As soon as we begin listening to the other point of view, and understand that the other has the right to his opinion, we began a dialogue where both parties are listened to respectfully. It takes an attitude of respect for the opinions of others to create Dialogue and stop a conflict.


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What do I need to do to improve my presentation skills?
Practice, practice, practice. Ask your team leader to give you the opportunity to present as much as possible. Create opportunities for yourself at a community centre, a church, a club. Join Toastmasters International (Google). Choose one Tip (on slides) and practice it until you master it, then choose the next one.

Is there a method or technique to quickly learn a specific industry jargon?

Go to the library. You will find books on every industrys jargon. Easier yet, Google it. You will find jargon for engineers, lawyers, business, accountants, you name it. Pay attention to your colleagues. When you dont understand an expression, ask confidently what it means. Ask, Ask, Ask.

What do you recommend us to improve our communication skills?

Decide that you want to improve your communication Use words of affirmations: I am an effective communicator. I am connecting with others as I communicate, etc. Listen with the intention to understand and connect not to win, be right, or better than others. Be willing to learn from others so pay attention to what they say. Communication is more an attitude than anything else. As we change our attitude, the way we communicate changes.


What do I do when I have a conflict with a colleague?

Always make yourself 50% responsible and have the attitude of solving a problem where you are also the cause. Clarify the problem and invite the other to resolve our problem not his or hers. Listen actively without interrupting. Always thank the other person for wanting to work on solving the conflict.

What is the best way to get feedback about work that has been done? Usually here they dont tell you anything and I have to assume.
If feedback is not given to you, your job is to ask for it. Some managers believe that only when things are not working, should feedback be given (this is the old style of leadership). Take initiative and ask for it. Be willing to hear about areas for improvement, and welcome all suggestions (if provided).

What would you do when you are dealing with a manipulative person, whom you need to keep a long term relationship with, for instance, your boss, your best customer, etc.
First of all, look at your perception a manipulative person. When we learn that others only treat us as we allow them to, we are ready to solve the problem. Step #1 - Look within yourself. I could say, be assertive and confident, ask for what you want and so on. Yes. This is one way. I also know that we need to keep our jobs and relationships. We call 'manipulative' people those who can trigger our sensitivity and get us to do what 'they' desire. So, your job is to become aware of where and when this person plays with your weaknesses. Pay attention. You need to "Know Yourself" to respond not from a place of Fear but from a place of Awareness.


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Step #2 When you feel manipulated, ask yourself: what is he or she doing that makes me feel this way? Pay attention and begin discovering the reason you feel such way. For now, you asked the question so you are on your way to solve the situation. You are now aware that something needs to change. Step #3 Begin changing within yourself what needs to be changed. Perhaps you are uncomfortable with conflict. Perhaps you are uncomfortable expressing your opinions, etc. You need to discover what your fears are and work on them. When we look within, we Awaken!

Corporate Learning World


Your Soft Skills Survey

Heres an opportunity for you to figure out whether you have or lack Soft Skills. Beside each question, write the number that most closely represents how youd react, most of the time. For the best results, go with your first reaction. 3. Most of the time 2. Sometimes 1. Mostly No

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Can you be optimist when others arent? Do you speak well of your employer? Do you follow instructions willingly? Do you keep promises? Do you know your weaknesses and work to improve them? Do you respect other peoples opinions? Can you adapt easily to new and unexpected situations? Do you tend to be enthusiastic about whatever you do? Are you a good listener Can you disagree without being disagreeable? Do you usually speak well of others? Do you generally look for opportunities and the bright side of things? Are you enthusiastic about other peoples interests? Are you comfortable asking questions? Do you understand that your success is about your Personal Development

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Do you tolerate other peoples beliefs? Can you work with someone you dislike? Do you admit your mistakes? Do you avoid gossiping and complaining? Do you ask questions and take initiative? Do you involve others on a day to day conversations? Are you familiar with taboo topics in your organization? Are you willing to give presentations when asked? Do you connect with people easily? Do you learn peoples names easily? Do you ask questions out of your interest to others? Can you take and give feedback understanding its value? Do you follow Business etiquette in your interactions? Are you familiar with cultural differences? Are you a continuous learner?

_____ Total (Maximum score: 90 )

Total your score and rate yourself according to the following scale: 80 90 59 79 38 58 Your Soft Skills are terrific! Your Soft Skills are definitely admirable! Your Soft Skills need work in certain areas

Below 37 Your Soft Skills need a lot of work. Take a close look at them and do something about it.


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You can rely on our expertise

Let us help you expand your Soft Skills
Online Conscious Feedback Course Discover the world of people's motivation and build your knowledge upon a variety of situations.

Conscious Coaching Communication with Impact Emotional Intelligence Interpersonal Skills Leadership

Well see you soon!

Corporate Learning World


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