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Removals & Storage

The Magazine of the British Association of Removers


July 2012 // Issue 456 // 4 On the cover

MD George Rose of Rose Removals & Storage of Devon talks about the companys new marketing initiatives. See pages 42 and 43.

Rose Removals: The Yellow Rose of Devon

Inside this Issue Industry News
>> VED reforms >> New plans for road network

BAR News
>> Gary Wheadon, BARs new Vice-President >> In the Xpress Lane

>> Interview with Chris Hoar, FMA >> The new Working Time rules explained

Breaking News
>> Peter Weltenius appointed to QSS board >> BAR Members showcased at Surrey County Show
July 2012 Removals & Storage


Removals & Storage July 2012


July 2012 Removals & Storage

Industry News BAR

Removals & Storage July 2012

Contents Industry News

06 News from Watford
Why June was a busy month at BAR and how using BAR communications tools can enhance your profile.

Enterprise bill disappoints

Business and industry associations have given a lukewarm response to the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill presented to Parliament.

07 Industry News
Just a snippet... Treasury discusses VED reforms New plans for road network Government to clamp down on fuel retailers? Basil Fry and Maidmans Removals: 20 years of business Essex Bodies build two new Cadogan Tate vehicles

Gary Wheadon
Find out what new BAR Vice President Gary Wheadon considers to be the secrets to success in the removals industry in the current economic climate.

20 BAR News
BAR Members showcased their vintage vehicles to a massive crowd at the Surrey County Show, the UKs largest agricultural show.

Chris Hoar, FMA
Chris Hoar, Chief Executive of The Facilities Management Association (FMA), on the opportunities for BAR and FMA Members to work together.

28 Olympics Monitor
As the Olympic Games kick off this month, traffic restrictions will be in place in many parts of the country. Find out about the latest news affecting how you plan your customers removals.

30 QSS Update
Peter Weltenius joins the QSS Board.

24 BAR Services 34 Group News
Commercial Moving

36 Overseas Group News

New website and new premises for ICM Gerson.

50 Diary Dates 52 People News 54 Letters & Emails 56 Membership

42 Features
Rose Removals: The yellow rose of Devon Self employed drivers and the new Working Time rules explained New Member: Kwik Move

38 Training News 40 European News

On the cover: George Rose proudly displays the Certificate of Merit awarded to Rose Removals at this years Commercial Mover of the Year awards.

July 2012 Removals & Storage

Industry News BAR

Contact Details: Editorial

Contributions on all aspects of the removals and storage industry are welcome, together with photographs if appropriate. Please contact the Managing Editor, Louise Gale on: Tel: 020 3235 1806 Email:

News from Watford

For all enquiries and bookings, please contact Steve Pearce on: Tel: 0117 957 5400 Email: Deadlines: The booking deadline for all display advertisements for the August 2012 issue of R&S is 10th July.

Removals & Storage is subscribed to by members of the British Association of Removers in the UK and Overseas. Current annual subscription is 48.00 in the UK and 72.00 overseas. Additional subscriptions are available from BAR (see contact details to the left). Registered as a magazine The British Association of Removers 2012. ISSN 0034-4265
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be scanned, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in part or whole in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the British Association of Removers. Opinions expressed in Removals & Storage are not necessarily those of the publisher, British Association of Removers. The description of a product or service in this publication does not constitute endorsement by the publisher. The publisher does not accept any responsibility for any claims by advertisers. The articles in this publication are for general information only and are not intended to be advice to any specific person. Readers are recommended to seek professional advice before taking or refraining from taking any action on the basis of the contents of any article in this publication.

Over a month has elapsed since the very successful conference and exhibition in Windsor and it only seems like yesterday. The BAR Annual Conference was fully reported in Junes edition of R&S and we hope that you liked the look, feel and enhanced content of the new format. Let us know your views, we are always looking at ways to improve, so your feedback is welcome. June was a very busy month. We collated and reported on the feedback from the Conference, which will allow the Conference committee to structure next years event in Newcastle in accordance with the requirements of those who support this event. In addition, the BAR Services Board has met, as has the QSS Board, the National & European Council, the Overseas Group Council, the Commercial Moving Group Council and the main Board. What is particularly striking about this is the amount of work put in behind the scenes by the volunteers and elected representatives of the Membership, who sit on these Boards and Councils, which often goes unseen and unappreciated by the wider Membership. Hot topics discussed were the Membership Criteria following a period of detailed consultation, a review of this years DMotY and CMotY and plans for next year, a review of the Conference and plans for next year, subscriptions, training, the removals Apprenticeship (watch out for the newsletter for some exciting news on the Commercial Moving Apprenticeship), BAR marketing plans, the CMG website, the soon to be developed Overseas group website and so on the list is extensive. BAR is always looking at ways to improve

The British Association of Removers Tel: 01923 699 480 Fax: 01923 699 481 Email: Tangent House, 62 Exchange Road, Watford, Hertfordshire WD18 OTG
President: Ian Studd Director General: Stephen Vickers Company Secretary: James Falkner
Removals & Storage is designed on behalf of The British Association of Removers by: Rubicon Marketing Ltd. Tel: 0117 957 5400 Email: Removals & Storage is written and edited for the British Association of Removers by Analytica Media Tel: 0203 235 1800 Email:

communication to Members. The introduction of a weekly newsletter towards the end of last year was one such method. Disappointingly only about 30% of recipients of the newsletter open and read them. This is surprising as the content of the newsletter, apart from keeping Members informed on the latest BAR events and activities, offer a significant amount of business advice, help and support. For instance, during the last month there have been articles and advice on the effect of the transport issues during the Olympics and how Ts & Cs can be strengthened, dealing with employee absence, an update on pension reforms, employment law update, advice on the new EU cookie regulations, Fedemac update and lots more. As well as the BAR LinkedIn group, which all Members are welcome to join to discuss and debate subjects of mutual interest, we also have a presence on Facebook and twitter follow the links in the newsletter. All of these communication platforms also significantly increase the profile of BAR to your customers, so join in, use them and enhance your own communications.

Copy and advertising deadlines 2012 for future issues of R&S magazine
Article submission: 2nd of the month preceding publication Booking of display Adverts: 10th of the month preceding publication Booking of classified adverts: 10th of the month preceding publication Booking of trade adverts: 10th of the month preceding publication Artwork for adverts: 15th of the month preceding publication

Removals & Storage July 2012

Industry News

Government to clamp down on fuel retailers?

Another area on Transport Secretary Justine Greenings to-do list is to consider legislative action to force petrol retailers to pass on cuts in the wholesale price of fuel. According to the Department for Transport, despite a 10p fall in prices since April, prices at the pump were just 7p lower at the end of May.

New plans for road network

Transport Secretary Justine Greening has set out the first steps in a plan to increase the quality and efficiency of the national road network and to reform the Highways Agency. Ms Greening also published the terms of reference for a feasibility study to look at innovative ways of attracting private sector involvement in the road network. The study was commissioned by the Prime Minister in March and is intended to increase efficiencies and make the money that the motorist already pays go further. Ms Greening said our motorways and major A roads are the backbone of Britain, getting people to and from work, powering the economy and keeping families connected. It is vital that we start taking positive steps now to improve how we operate, maintain and enhance our major roads. My goal is to transform the Highways Agency in to a best in class organisation...this paves the way for a more efficient, business like and commercially focussed operator, which crucially does much more to listen and respond to the needs of road users. Together with the terms of reference for the feasibility study, this constitutes an ambitious integrated programme for reforming the road network in both the short and long term. The feasibility study will explore a range options to increase private sector involvement and investment in roads, but will not consider road pricing. It will also determine the role of tolling in the provision of new infrastructure, but it will not consider tolling existing capacity. The study will provide a report to the Prime Minister this Autumn. Rhian Kelly, CBI Director for Business Environment policy, said the Governments response has fallen short. Its intention to set a long-term vision is laudable, but delaying its decision on the Highways Agencys status is a missed opportunity.

There are reports that the fuel retail industry will have to prepare a code of conduct to make sure that prices in the wholesale fuel chain are passed onto the forecourts without delay. Ms Greening said that if no voluntary code of conduct can be agreed, new legislation might have to be enacted as has been done in countries such as Austria, Denmark and Germany. The Road Haulage Association welcomed the announcement. We are constantly highlighting the slowness of filling stations to lower their prices to correspond with the price of oil, said RHA Chief

Executive Geoff Dunning. We have all seen pump prices shoot up when the wholesale price of oil is high but the corresponding drop in price when the wholesale price reduces can be painfully slow and pump prices often fail to reach the pre-price hike level. The RHA will continue to oppose the proposal of a 3 pence per litre increase in fuel duty on 1 August. However, Geoff Dunning said this latest initiative will go a long way to bringing some relief to all road users.

Dartford charges rise

From October 2012, the level of cash payments at the Dartford Crossing in London will increase from 1.50 to 2.00 for cars, from 2.00 to 2.50 for 2 axle goods vehicles, and from 3.70 to 5.00 for heavy goods vehicles. The Department for Transport said that funding from the charge increase will help to pay for free-flow electronic charging which will be introduced by Autumn 2012. Road Minister Mike Penning also said the Government will build a new crossing in the Lower Thames area. As part of the changes, discounts for those paying the crossing charge in advance through the electronic Dart-Tag system will remain. The enhanced discounts provided to local residents will also be retained with no changes to the levels of charges. A second increase will be made at the point that free-flow charging is introduced currently forecast as October 2014 to 2.50 for cars, 3.00 for 2 axle vehicles and 6.00 for heavy goods vehicles. Although welcoming the introduction of free flow tolling, the Freight Transport Association has voiced its disappointment at the news of the rise as it had recommended pegging the Dart-Tag fee rather than increasing tolls.

July 2012 Removals & Storage

Industry News

Scottish drink driving crackdown

Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill has confirmed that proposals to lower the limit from 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood to 50mg will be brought forward later this year. Brake, the road safety charity, has welcomed plans to lower the drink-drive limit in Scotland as a priority. Brake would now like to see the British Government also lowering the drink-drive limit. However, a 50mg limit does still leave some level of confusion for the general public about what is safe, according to the charity. While the charity would ultimately welcome a limit of 20mg or less, the best message to send out is one of zero tolerance for driving after drinking. In 2011, Northern Ireland Environment Minister Alex Attwood announced a package of measures to tackle drink driving, including introducing a lower drink drive limit.

Room for improvement in container industry

A new report from Drewry Maritime Research has revealed that industry-wide vessel schedule reliability improved to 72.3% in the first quarter of 2012, but carriers service standards for some commercial processes remain as low 40%.

Breath test numbers fall

Drewry now monitors container carrier service quality monthly or quarterly against 7 Key Performance Indicators, including vessel schedule reliability, elapsed time between shipping instruction and bill of lading issue, on-time shipment of cargo and port-toport transit time against schedule. The latest result represents a 2.9 percentage point improvement on the previous record 69.4% on-time average recorded in the last quarter of 2011 and means that there have been reliability gains in four consecutive quarters.

The most reliable carriers in the period were Maersk Line and its sister company Safmarine, followed by Hanjin Shipping. The low success rate of the key performance indicator for elapsed time between shipping instruction & bill of lading issue, showing that roughly only 40% of shippers obtain bills of lading after three days of submitting the original shipping instruction, suggests that there is still a lot of work required to improve certain commercial processes, the consultancy said.

Hammersmith flyover finally reopens...

Hammersmith and Fulham Council has given a mixed response to the reopening of the flyover and called for a tunnel to replace the structure. Cllr Nick Botterill, deputy leader of H&F Council and cabinet member for environment, said the repairs are only temporary and TfL has admitted its workers will have to return next year to continue fixing the structure. The lanes are narrower with concrete barriers in the middle of the road, and that, coupled with a lower speed limit of 30mph, will lead to a reduced capacity on the road. He said now was the time to think about alternatives and that many local people, including local architects, are starting to think about a tunnel which could bring environmental, economic and social benefits and have a regenerative effect by reconnecting the town centre with the river. local council calls for tunnel Hammersmith and Fulham Council has given a mixed response to the reopening of the flyover and called for a tunnel to replace the structure. Cllr Nick Botterill, deputy leader of H&F Council and cabinet member for environment, said the repairs are only temporary and TfL has admitted its workers will have to return next year to continue fixing the structure. The lanes are narrower with concrete barriers in the middle of the road, and that, coupled with a lower speed limit of 30mph, will lead to a reduced capacity on the road. He said now was the time to think about alternatives and that many local people, including local architects, are starting to think about a tunnel which could bring environmental, economic and social benefits and have a regenerative effect by reconnecting the town centre with the river.

Ten per cent fewer drivers were breathalysed by police in England and Wales in 2010 than 2009, according to government statistics. Police conducted an average of 13 tests per 1,000 people in the population, but variation in frequency of testing was high across forces. North Wales Police conducted 43 tests per 1,000 residents, while drivers in the West Midlands were subject to only test per 1,000 people. Road safety campaigners Brake have warned that cuts to roads policing across Great Britain would make it harder for the police to provide an effective deterrence against drink driving. In 2010, one in seven road deaths in the UK involved drink drivers. 250 road deaths and 1,230 road casualties occurred when someone was over the drink drive limit.

Removals & Storage July 2012

Industry News

Road safety spending declines

Local councils in England slashed their road safety budgets by 15 per cent (23m) last year compared to average spending cuts of six per cent for other council services, according to road safety charity the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM).
This includes cuts to services such as rehabilitation courses for motoring offenders, training and information for young drivers, safe routes to schools schemes and school crossing patrols. The research also shows that over half of English councils cut their spending on road safety and traffic management by more than ten per cent. Of the 152 councils contacted, 81 replied. Spending on road safety saw huge variations. For example, Londons Camden Council cut road safety spending by more than 70 per cent (4m), despite the fact that road casualties have increased by 10.6 per cent in this borough since 2006. More than 100 people were killed or seriously injured on Camdens roads in 2010. At the same time, neighbouring Islington Council increased funding for road safety and traffic management by 134,000. Spending on roads also varied. Thirty councils (37%) cut spending on road maintenance by more than ten per cent, but generally, road maintenance fared well with an overall increase of 0.37 per cent. For example, Northumberland Council cut road maintenance by 63 per cent while Blackpool Council increased it by 34 per cent. IAM chief executive Simon Best said in difficult times, councils can be more innovative and flexible

Freight traffic to Europe dips

In the first quarter of 2012, 608,000 goods vehicles travelled from Great Britain to mainland Europe, down 4 per cent on Q1 2011, according to the Department for Transport. Of these good vehicles, 455,000 were powered vehicles and 154,000 were unaccompanied trailers, down 2 per cent and 11 per cent respectively on Q1 2011. 19 per cent (85,000) of the powered vehicles were UK registered, compared with 20 per cent in Q1 2011 (95,000). The DfT said that since the early 1990s there has been a significant rise in the number of foreign-registered powered vehicles, from 0.48 million in 1996 to 1.45 million in the year ending Q1 2011. Of these foreign-registered vehicles, 274,000 were Polish-registered, followed by the Netherlands (198,000), Germany (127,000) and France (119,000). In the year ending in Q1 2012, 2.44 million goods vehicles travelled from Great Britain to mainland Europe, 2 per cent lower than the year ending Q1 2011, and 49 per cent higher than in 1996, but 16 per cent lower than the peak in 2007.

in their approach by working with the voluntary and private sectors to provide the services they can no longer afford. He said that cutting road safety so hard makes no sense, particularly in the context of road fatalities. The average wage of a lollipop lady is 3,000 a year while the cost of each road fatality is 1.6m. So the returns on investment are huge. As well as calling for the restoration of casualty reduction targets so that councils make road safety a priority, the IAM is also concerned that patchy spending on maintenance will not keep pace with crumbling roads.

Eurotunnel traffic and revenues up

Total revenue for the Eurotunnel Group in the first quarter of 2012 reached 222.5m, an increase of 21% compared to 2011. Shuttle traffic increased significantly in all areas compared to the first quarter in 2011, particularly for the Truck Shuttles which are all the more competitive in the current state of the cross-Channel market. During the quarter, Eurotunnel benefitted from the transfer of some traffic from SeaFrance which ceased operations in November 2011. The number of trucks transported by Shuttles increased to 364,724, 21% more than in the same period in 2011, due in part to a higher than forecast level of express deliveries in a market which grew by an estimated 2 to 3%. Revenues from the core business, the transport of trucks and passenger vehicles by Shuttles, reached 101.7m, an increase of 21% compared to the same period in the previous year.

Port of Tyne acquires more land

The Port of Tyne has acquired 10 acres of land adjoining its Tyne Dock estate in South Shields. It is a strategic acquisition which will support the Ports plans for future growth in both its existing business sectors and new areas. The acquisition is an important addition to the Ports Tyne Dock Estate, which currently offers 750 metres of operational quayside. The McNulty site provides an additional 250 metres. The Port of Tyne is one of the UKs major deep sea ports and recently announced record cargo volumes and record financial results for 2011. It recorded a 30% increase in turnover and doubled profits, based on growth in its bulk cargoes such as coal, steel and wood pellet, its container terminal and logistics businesses, and its car terminals. The Port is further investing in its container and car terminals and plans to expand its handling facilities for wood pellets, which are used as well as coal by power stations to generate electricity.

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Industry News Features

Michelin launches guide to tyre labelling

Michelin is helping truck, bus and coach fleets get to grips with the new EC/1222/2009 regulation on tyre labelling, which will come into force from 1 November 2012. The company has launched a dedicated tyre labelling information module at http:// which explains everything fleet operators need to know about the legislation, including why it is being introduced, what tyres it covers, an overview of the different rating criteria and what benefits it offers fleets. Michelins online tyre labelling guide provides essential information on the three criteria included within the legislation energy efficiency, wet grip (during braking) and external rolling noise plus details on what each individual rating will mean. Michelin advises: tyre labelling will be a good starting point when it comes to choosing tyres, but fleets should remember that this information must be considered in conjunction with their own specific business requirements. Its vital to choose a tyre offering the right balance of performance. Other factors to take into account include tyre longevity, braking on dry surfaces, resistance to aggressive surfaces, load capacity, road holding, traction and total cost of ownership. Plus, for bus and coach operators in particular, passenger comfort. We recommend fleets utilise the new tyre labelling information in conjunction with the advice available from respected tyre manufacturers and service providers.

World Economic Forum gives thumbs-up to UK trade

The Global Enabling Trade Report 2012, released by the World Economic Forum has given a strong rating to Europes major economies for their ability to enable trade, with Finland and the United Kingdom both advancing six places to 6th and 11th, respectively, and Germany and France remaining stable at 13th and 20.

Highway Code on smartphones

In its 81st year, the Highway Code is now available as an interactive app for smartphones. Much of the Highway Codes content has changed considerably since its launch in 1931. For example mirrors were not even mentioned in the first edition and drivers were advised to sound their horn when overtaking. The new app includes the complete contents of the Highway Code with a search facility making it easy to find rules and information. There are also interactive features like quizzes, a stopping distance calculator and a tool to help users identify road signs. The Official Highway Code app is available on iTunes for 3.99.

The report, which is published every two years, also says that East Asian economies have recorded marked improvements in their ability to enable trade, while traditional frontrunners Singapore and Hong Kong retain a clear lead at the top of the global ranking. Other large economies fare less well: the US continues its decline to 23rd, as does China (56th) and India (100th). Among emerging economies, Turkey (62nd) and Mexico (65th) remain stable while Chile (14th), Saudi Arabia (27th) and South Africa (63rd) climb in the ranking. ASEAN members Thailand (57th), Indonesia (58th) and the Philippines (72nd) also improve. The adoption of policies that enable trade will become increasingly important, not only for

enhancing development in individual countries but also for generating prosperity in their trading partners, according to the report which covers 132 economies worldwide. A widely used reference tool, the report measures the abilities of economies to enable trade and highlights areas where improvements are most needed. It helps countries integrate global value chains and companies with their investment decisions. We learn from this report that a supply chain approach to easing border barriers while maintaining quality, security and integrity is increasingly important to success in trade facilitation, said Ronald Philip, Manager, Supply Chain & Transport Community at the World Economic Forum.

Treasury discusses VED reform

The Treasury has confirmed that is looking to make changes to Vehicle Excise Duty charged on cars, to protect the tax taken by the Government in an era of more efficient cars which incur less VED because they emit less carbon. Treasury minister Chloe Smith said that the Government is considering whether Vehicle Excise Duty should be reformed to support the sustainability of public finances and to reflect the improvements in vehicle fuel efficiency. The AA has said that this could be a signal that the government could scrap the tax-free status of the cleanest cars, such as hybrids. It believes that the move is connected to the need to raise funds to pay the operators of privately run motorways and roads. There are reports that an on-off up-front charge could be charged on new vehicles when they are sold, replacing the current annual VED payments. In the Budget George Osborne announced VED would rise by inflation, but road hauliers would be exempt from the increase. VED raises almost 6bn a year for the Treasury.


Removals & Storage July 2012

Industry FeaturesNews

July 2012 Removals & Storage


Industry News

Tax overhaul plan

The 2020 Tax Commission, a joint project between the Tax Payers Alliance (TPA) and the Institute of Directors (IoD), has called for radical reform of the UK tax system. In a 400-page report, the Commission calls for the abolition of eight taxes and the creation of a Single Income Tax. The 2020 Tax Commission said its proposals would result in substantial tax cuts for all households and provide a significant boost to economic growth. For example, a two earner household, with an income of around 28,000 would receive a tax cut of around 3,400. According to an analysis of the proposals by the Centre for Economic and Business Research (Cebr), an economics consultancy, the changes would increase GDP by 8.4% over 15 years. Taxes on capital and labour income disguised as business taxes should be abolished and replaced with a tax on distributed income, the 2020 Tax Commission said. Income Tax and Employees and Employers National Insurance would be merged into a single tax on labour income, with rates levelled down so that certain groups dont face higher bills. Corporation Tax and Capital Gains Tax should be replaced with a single tax on capital income dividends, interest and rent at a rate of 30%. There would also be a Fuel Duty cut of 5p a litre and the abolition of Air Passenger Duty.

Motoring tax income to fall despite rise in traffic

Future Chancellors of the Exchequer will need to fill the hole in the public finances caused by a relentless decline in the amount of revenue collected from fuel duty and Vehicle Excise Duty (VED), according to a report from the RAC Foundation.

New ferry operator for Northern Isles

Serco Ltd has won the contract to deliver Northern Isles Ferry Services in Scotland, worth 243m over six years. Serco is taking over from Northlink on these routes to Orkney and Shetland. Serco said the contract will build on Sercos experience of managing and transforming critical local transport services such as Northern Rail, Scatsta Airport on the Shetland Islands and Londons Woolwich Ferry Transport Minister Keith Brown said passengers will see improvements to the journey experience with improved ticketing arrangements, premium reclining seats added on board overnight services, and improved catering, hospitality and customer care facilities. Mr Brown added that the Government aims to implement RET-based fares (road equivalent tariff) across every ferry route in Scotland, including the Northern Isles.

The fall has already started and comes even though traffic is predicted to grow strongly over the coming decades. The collapse in income from motoring taxation will be caused by increasingly fuel efficient petrol and diesel cars, and the predicted large-scale take-up of electric vehicles. Projections show the amount of fuel duty revenue collected by the Exchequer currently stands at 1.7% of GDP, but will tumble to 1.1% of GDP by 2029. Unless policy is changed VED will also drop from 0.4% of GDP to 0.1% over the same period. The combined fall will leave a 13bn hole (in todays money) in the Treasurys coffers. The forecast is drawn as part of a detailed analysis of motoring taxation in a report called Fuel for Thought - the what, why and how of motoring taxation, commissioned by the RAC Foundation from the independent Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS). One way a future chancellor could make up the shortfall would be by lifting the fuel duty rate by 50%. To put this in perspective, 13bn could also be raised through a rise of just over 3p in the basic rate of income tax. Professor Stephen Glaister, director of the RAC Foundation, said as drivers endure record prices at

the pumps they might be surprised to learn that future governments face a drought in motoring tax income. He points that the the irony is that while ministers encourage us to buy greener, leaner cars, they are being forced to look at ways of clawing back the money motorists think they will be saving. This isnt scaremongering. The Treasury has already announced a review of VED bands to ensure drivers make a fair contribution to the public finances even as cars become more fuel efficient. If the Chancellor was faced with a 13bn shortfall in motoring tax revenue today he would need to push the rate of fuel duty up from 58p per litre to 87p per litre to fill the financial black hole. Clearly there is no guarantee that future rises in duty rates will be limited to inflation as is current policy. The report concludes that the Government has hard choices to make. Amongst the options are: foregoing the money it gets from drivers, pushing up duty on petrol and diesel, or starting to tax green forms of energy such as the electricity used in battery powered cars. And, that none are appealing: the first blows a hole in the Treasurys budget. The second blows a hole in drivers budgets. And the third risks stalling the decarbonisation of road transport.


Removals & Storage July 2012

Industry News

Enterprise bill disappoints

Business and industry associations have given a lukewarm response to the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill presented to Parliament in May.

The Bill aims to improve the employment tribunal system by encouraging parties to come together to settle their dispute before an employment tribunal claim is lodged, through Acas early conciliation and greater use of Settlement Agreements. It will also make the determination of less complex disputes quicker and cheaper for employers and employees alike, through a new Rapid Resolution scheme. The Institute of Directors said The changes to Employment Tribunals are the closest that the Government gets to the red meat of the issue.

Disappointingly, the Bill signals another missed opportunity for the Government. The CBI said it will be looking for measures that will boost confidence, free up businesses, and avoid imposing new barriers to growth. We would like to see a transformational change in the Governments approach to regulation. There are some promising ideas in this Bill, such as the power to apply sunset clauses to all regulations, and changes to the employment tribunal process. But companies will judge the Governments progress by what changes in

their business on the ground. So far, there has been too little progress in too many areas, with the Governments intended changes yet to filter through. Business Secretary Vince Cable said that the legislation would also reduce inspection burdens on businesses of all sizes and increase SME access to reliable, consistent advice on complying with regulations in areas such as trading standards, health and safety and environmental health.

Star role for Bray and Sons Eric

Before heading to the BAR Annual Conference in Windsor this year (see R&S June 2012), Bray and Sons classic vehicle was in North Berwick, Scotland filming The Railway Man. The film is based on the true life experience of a man who had been working on the Thai/Burma railway and stars Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman. George Bray told R&S: The film is based on a book written by Eric Lomax. Our vehicle is nicknamed Eric which all the production team found ironic. Our vehicle was used outside the film location on the sea front, and was used as a removal vehicle. The vehicle was loaded and unloaded as part of the story line and hopefully this will be seen in the final screening of the film.

The right to request flexible working

Did you know that parents of children aged 16 or under (or of disabled children under the age of 18), and also carers of adults have the right to request to work more flexibly, and the employer has a statutory duty to consider it? Acas has produced a free short leaflet setting out guidance for employers, working parents and carers on flexible working that can be downloaded from the publications section of their website. Go to and click on Advice Leaflets.

July 2012 Removals & Storage


Industry News

Excellence award for Reason Global

EUROMOVERS International has presented BAR Affiliate Reason Global, with an award of excellence at their annual global conference in Nice, France. The award created especially for Reason Global recognises the company for their outstanding services towards the Groups growth. Reason Globals Graham Puddephatt collected the award on behalf of the specialist insurance brokers, in recognition of his work creating special insurance packages promoting EUROMOVERS, which comprises more than 70 experienced and reliable moving companies located across the globe. Speaking at the conference, Thomas Juchum, managing director at EUROMOVERS said: Reason Global has always been a valuable and faithful supplier. However, during their last two years as a co-operative partner with EUROMOVERS, Graham Puddephatt has truly gone the extra mile to support our Group, as well as to deliver dedicated services to all individual partners. He has pioneered a concept for the partners of our group, which includes beside general insurance coverage an integrated payment protection programme and the ability to generate additional income for every individual network company. He truly deserves to collect this award on behalf of Reason Global for his tireless efforts. The award of excellence follows Reason Global achieving preferred supplier status at last years EUROMOVERS conference.

Bourne takes a Tumble for charity

Tom Bourne from Bournes Removals joined the Inspire2Live organisation in the challenge to conquer the Tumble in South Wales in its second annual Tumbleup4Life cycling event in early May.

As a worldwide network, UniGroup Worldwide UTS is supporting the Inspire2Live organisation by promoting and supporting its events and encouraging teams from its 1,300 worldwide service centres to join the challenges and raise funds for this worthwhile cause. The challenge took place on the Blorenge otherwise known as The Tumble near Abergavenny for Cancer Research UK. Everything began at 5

oclock in the morning by candle light. The candles are lit in memory of the people who have been lost to cancer or to be thankful for those who have survived. In total 67 participants climbed the Tumble, with a total of 359 climbs on bike or foot (walking or running).This years event has seen the fundraising total increase to 15,000 raised for the work of Cancer Research UK.

Essex Bodies builds two vehicles for Cadogan Tate

Essex Bodies, which has been building vehicle bodies for Cadogan Tate for over 10 years, has just supplied the company with another two vehicles, designed and built to their exact specifications. One of the vehicles is to be used to collect and deliver antiques and works of art that are bought and sold through a very well-known London auction house. According to Steve Thomson at Essex Bodies, the loading and safe carriage of these potentially extremely valuable items required a great deal of planning. I was glad to be able to sit around the table with the guys who do the work to get their thoughts and ideas, Steve told R&S. Several ideas were put forward including the large cantilever tail lift, which is capable of lifting 2,000kg. A final specification was then agreed. One of the benefits of using our construction is that we can build into the body the ability to alter it at a later date should it be required, Steve explains. In this case, Cadogan Tate requested that the two bodies have only one door to the nearside. However, while following this requirement, Essex Bodies also designed the framework in such a way that a further three container size doors can be added in the future.

Denis Zonneveld, Chairman of the Board, EUROMOVERS International S.A presenting the certificate of Excellence to Reason Globals Graham Puddephatt

There are also retractable pallet table supports and internal lighting fitted in the correct places, thereby offering versatility and keeping the costs of future modification to a minimum. The colour scheme and livery as well as the conspicuity markings were all completed by Essex Bodies themselves. I would like to thank Cadogan Tate on behalf of Essex Bodies for its very valued and continued support, Steve says. We were delighted to be asked to build their latest two vehicles. Another very special vehicle is being built as we speak so watch this space for the next instalment!


Removals & Storage July 2012

Industry News

Harrow Green moves luxury shoe store

Following five months of planning, Kurt Geiger, the internationally renowned luxury shoe and accessories retailer, has moved into its new head offices. Harrow Green was appointed to coordinate and carry out the relocation from multi-floor premises in Regent Street and Bermondsey to new headquarters in Farringdon, EC1. One of the challenges of this move, said Harrow Greens Wayne Buller, who managed the project, was the access and parking restrictions that apply to Regent Street, which meant we could only start loading at midnight. Harrow Green moved the entire staffing departments from boardroom and directors to marketing, merchandise, finance, customer service and other office teams, along with furniture, filing systems, desktops and servers into their new location. The move entailed packing more than 1,000 crates of merchandise, including 900 crates of shoes and the Kurt Geiger mockshop that acts as a showcase of luxury branded shoes and fashion accessories. By working through the night from Friday afternoon to a tight schedule, the Harrow Green team were able to ensure that Kurt Geiger staff were back at work on Monday morning without any disruption to their working day.

Basil Fry and Maidmans celebrate 20 years of business

2012 marks the twentieth year of the Maidmans Removals and Basil Fry relationship.
Both of the companies have evolved dramatically during the period Maidmans Removals is now a major player in the Southern Area having developed the business dedicated to Commercial Moving, Domestic Moving and Self Storage through the associated business of Store and Secure Limited. Maidmans Removals was the winner of the Domestic Remover of the Year in 2011 which topped off over thirty-three years of hard work and dedication to the industry for Director, Brian Maidman. Brian has also dedicated a lot of his time to shaping and influencing policy within the BAR via the local area meetings where he has held a number of posts (Area Chairman, Area Secretary, Area Chairman and TMI /CMG Councillor for the last 12 years) and more recently, as a Directly Elected Director to the Board of the BAR. BARs commercial benefits Brian freely admits that for the first fourteen years of trading outside of BAR membership much time was lost. Once we had filed our application to join and were introduced to fellow members and affiliates we were soon doing business with Basil Fry & Co as our preferred insurance brokers. All those years ago after meeting Philip Wildman, I felt comfortable that we were with a specialist broker that only dealt with other professional removal companies. This relationship has certainly stood the test of time and our business has grown via their input and advice which has been invaluable. Since 1992, Basil Fry & Company has
Greg Wildman and Brian Maidman toast the new three year agreement between the Companies that was finalised at the BAR Conference in Windsor.

changed dramatically. Greg Wildman comments: in 1992 we had a staff of around 15 some of whom are still with us today. Our staffing levels have increased dramatically in the past 20 years and we now employ close to 35, on a full and part time basis. Greg says success stories like Brians are relatively rare the nation has suffered some difficult trading spells over the last twenty years and it is testament to the efforts put in by Brian and his staff that the company has expanded to become such a major player in the area.

Leatherbarrows solve Gordons kitchen nightmare

Most days in the removals industry can be interesting but some can be more interesting than others, and so it was at Britannia Leatherbarrows offices in Bournemouth recently. First thing on a Wednesday morning an email was received from a Mrs Ramsay needing to move the contents of a four-bedroom house along with a full-size tubular steel football goal from Hampshire to London, including a full packing service by youve guessed it, the Friday, Leatherbarrows Managing Director Rob Dance told R&S. A quick phone call to the client by Sales Estimator David Bigglestone, established that indeed the property needed to be cleared within a day and, youre probably a step ahead here already, this was Mrs Tana Ramsay, married to Gordon, the acclaimed chef, TV personality and author. all hands to the pump. An urgent call to the Ramsays was made to arrange a survey at 16:30, and by 17:00 a quote had been organised with the job confirmed just past 18:00 that evening. The following morning a crew, vehicle and materials were in place by 09:00 and the whole house had been packed and loaded ready for delivery by late afternoon. Fantastic efficiency, said Tana Ramsay when she called to say thank you, adding: The crew were great and it was so nice to deal with a company who just set to work right away and got the job done without any fuss. And the goal? David Bigglestone says: Dismantled and loaded into the van with six inches to spare! Now thats what I call accurate estimating! But then I would say that wouldnt I!

Operator Richard Fisher and Sales Estimator David Bigglestone

Never one to shirk a challenge, the Operator Richard Fisher started checking all the existing bookings and scouring the rest of the network for resources. It was touch and go at one point but then the break he needed arrived with a last minute postponement for the next day. It was now

July 2012 Removals & Storage


Industry News

P. Fahey & Sons make the Rightmove

P. Fahey & Sons recently carried out the relocation of Rightmove to new offices in Milton Keynes. The relocation of 160 employees started on the Friday evening when all the computers were powered down. The process carried on throughout the Friday night until 1200 and continued from 8.00am Saturday morning, transferring desks, cabinets, chairs and crates of filing systems, led by Project Manager Ged Whitley. The whole relocation was complete by 9.00pm Saturday evening, working to a colour coded floor plan, with 4 x different coloured low adhesive labels provided by P. Fahey & Sons. All workstations were set up with computers, pedestals, chairs and crates sitting next to desks ready for the Rightmove staff on Monday morning. The P. Fahey & Sons crew also carried out the floor clearance at the old premises, disposing of any redundant furniture, which was taken away to be environmentally disposed of, on this occasion given to a charity to make money for a developing country. P. Fahey & Sons have carried out relocations for Rightmove over the last 5 years, working both at the Head office in Soho Square in central London and the offices at Milton Keynes. Rightmoves Facilities Manager Anne Foster said the service offered by P. Fahey & Sons is fantastic; I find that nothing is too much trouble and the boys have always carried the work excellently and provided a service beyond the level I have ever found from a commercial relocation company. Thanks again guys for making this intricate project a seamless process!

New Scania for Wardle & Keach

Wardle & Keach International Ltd has taken delivery of the 23rd vehicle in its fleet, an 18 ton Scania.
Established in 1890, the company was purchased by Paul and Sue Henry of Henrys Removals in 1986. In subsequent years the company was strengthened and the fleet increased through acquisitions: Frosts Removals (1987), William Olivers (1991), Hillyards (1998), Strongbox (2000), B.W Pitthams (2006) and, this year, P. P. Removals and Pip Ewart & Sons from Leicestershire. The companys fleet now includes transit vans, 7 tonners, 15 tonners and 17 tonners for all domestic, commercial and overseas moves and removals & storage. Wardle & Keach was and has remained a familyrun concern now with the children Hannah and James in managerial positions always striving for perfection and displaying a caring attitude and a commitment to quality, Sue Henry says. These are the same values which have helped bring about our

Keys Hand Over: Paul Henry Wardle & Keach and John Biggin Truck East.

success during this century and with the addition of our new Scania and with our young managers we are looking forward to the next 100 years.

ONeil and Infolinx partner for document management

BAR Affiliate ONeil DataTech which is a provider of cloud-based commercial records management services has partnered with InfolinxSystem Solutions, a provider of physical records management, to provide an integrated solution for managing physical documents, stored in off-site record centres, directly from the Infolinx product. This solution allows end users to manage their own content in a consistent manner, using their in-house software, thus increasing productivity, efficiency and accuracy. The well-engineered integration that Infolinx has achieved with ONeil DataTechs series of web services (RMBridge) offers a new level of convenience. It provides end users with simple, seamless and secure access to their corporate records, stored at off-site record centres, said Ian Thomas, Executive Vice President of ONeil Software. Infolinxs knowledge of physical records management complements ONeil DataTechs cloudbased offering, resulting in a unified records management solution for handling large volumes of data.

Crown make wishes come true

Staff at Crown Records Management have raised nearly 44,000 for the charity, When You Wish Upon a Star. As a thank-you for all the teams hard work and donations, the charity invited one of the dedicated fundraisers, Donna Jones, a Sales Coordinator from Crown Records Management, to accompany 80 children with life threatening illnesses and their parents on its annual day trip to meet Santa in Lapland. Donna said it was great to see the children singing Christmas carols to try and attract the attention of Santa. Eventually after singing loud enough, Santa made his way through the snow with a single reindeer and bulging Christmas sack over his shoulder and the children went wild with excitement. It was so lovely to be part of the experience as they each took their turn to sit on his lap and receive a present. Barry Koolen, Regional Managing Director for UK, Ireland & Scandinavia at Crown Worldwide Group, said the Crown UK & Ireland teams have been a true inspiration; theyve put lots of time and energy into raising money for this charity. Im delighted that Donna was able to accompany the children on this magical trip to see what a difference our donations have made.

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Removals & Storage July 2012

Industry News BAR News

July 2012 Removals & Storage


Industry News

House prices stable

House prices in the UK remain largely unchanged, as a lack of new housing supply in the market offsets the economic pressures of the double dip recession and rising unemployment.
Nationwide, which is based on a sample of loans issued in any given month, reported that house prices across the UK rose by 0.3% in May and were 0.7% lower than in May 2011. The price of a typical home is now 166,022. Chief economist Robert Gardner said demand for homes remains subdued on the back of weak labour market conditions, but the lack of homes coming onto the market is providing support for prices. This is in part a reflection of the low rate of building in recent years which has failed to keep pace with household formation. Nationwide said that house prices remain high relative to incomes, at more than five times average earnings, well above the long run average of four times earnings. Halifax, which bases its index on a sample of each lenders own loans each month, said that on a monthly basis house prices around the UK increased by 0.5% in May. The UK average price in May 2012 was 0.7% higher than in December 2011, at 160,941. Housing economist Martin Ellis said that whilst there has been a modest improvement in the trend for house prices recently, the current average UK price is very similar to the levels both a year ago and at the beginning of this year. We expect this situation to continue with prices likely to still be around todays levels at the end of 2012 as the on-going tough economic environment constrains housing demand. Figures from The Land Registry (based on actual sale prices achieved for sales in England and Wales) for April record an annual decrease of 1.0% with the average house price in England and Wales at 160,417. Monthly house prices also fell 0.3% since March 2012. The region in England and Wales which experienced the highest increase in its average property value over the last 12 months was London with a movement of 5.1%. London also experienced the greatest monthly rise with an increase of 5.1%. Yorkshire & The Humber experienced the greatest annual price fall with a decrease of 5.6 %. West Midlands saw the most significant monthly price fall with a decrease of 2.7%. Figures from the Office for National Statistics show that UK house prices in March 2012 were 0.4 per cent lower than a year earlier. Despite the slight decline, house prices continue to lack any real movement with the current UK average price little changed from where it was at the beginning of 2011. This is with the exception of Northern Ireland, which has experienced strong falls in house prices since 2008. In the 12 months to March 2012, average house prices decreased by 0.3 per cent in both England and Scotland and 10.7 per cent in Northern Ireland. These decreases were offset by an increase of 0.4 per cent in

Demand for homes remains subdued on the back of weak labour market conditions.
Robert Gardner, Nationwide Chief Economist

Price Change by Region

source: Land Registry


Removals & Storage July 2012

Wales. The annual decrease in England was driven by decreases in London, which fell by 0.2 per cent, the South East, which fell by 1.4 per cent, and the North East, which fell by 0.9 per cent. This was the first year

on year decrease in London since October 2009. The largest annual increase in regional average house prices was 2.2 per cent in the South West of England.

Industry News

July 2012 Removals & Storage


BAR News

BAR and its Members at the Surrey County Show

BAR Members celebrated the Diamond Jubilee in style, showcasing their vintage vehicles to a massive crowd at the Surrey County Show, the UKs largest agricultural show. The public was fascinated by the collection of vehicles. The display by the BAR and its Members enjoyed a high level of media exposure, and raised the profile of their brands to a large and interested audience.

BAR and a select band of Members, including Bray & Son Removals, Fox Moving and Storage and Specialised Movers, celebrated Her Majesty The Queens Diamond Jubilee at the Surrey County Show, in Guildford on 4 June 2012. Members used the Show to exhibit for the first time a unique collection of impressive vintage removals vehicles, ranging from horse drawn pantechnicons and vintage commercial vans, to early-modern removal vehicles. The exhibition presented an ideal occasion for any vehicle or history enthusiast to see how removal vehicles evolved from 1890 through to 1971. Director-General Stephen Vickers told R&S: BAR and its Members were absolutely delighted to be invited to attend this show to display their historic vintage vehicles for the pleasure of every generation. For every BAR Member that participated and exhibited their vehicles at the Show, this was also a fantastic opportunity to promote themselves to the public and meet their potential customers of the future. With over 500 stands at the Show, the very special visit of HRH The Earl and Countess of Wessex, and a wide range of demonstrations and exhibitions, the biggest agricultural show in the UK attracted an impressive foot fall of about 40,000 visitors. A day to remember Both BAR and all Members present enjoyed a huge amount of publicity as their vehicles received a halfpage promotion in the County Show programme, and were displayed and presented twice in the Grand Arena as part of one of the main attractions receiving excellent media coverage. There was strong interest in this very niche display, open to the public for the first

time. Local reporters from BBC Surrey Radio also broadcast a special feature about the display and interviewed Stephen Vickers and ex-BAR President Paul Fox, Managing Director of Fox Group (Moving and Storage) Limited. It was a great opportunity to display our history and heritage as a trade association and as an industry, Paul told the BBC. Catching up with R&S after the event, he pointed out that the beauty of this Show was that it was an event for the general public to see the spectacular vehicles of the removals industry: they are after all our customers, he said. Graham Bray of Bray and Son told R&S: We had a great time at the Surrey show on the Jubilee Bank Holiday weekend and thoroughly enjoyed the circuit in the ring. The show was worth every moment spent there. It has been an experience not to be missed. Graham extends particular thanks to Paul Fox of Fox Moving and Storage and his son who were very helpful with whole experience at the Show, and to Nigel Shaw of Specialised Movers and his drivers who gave helpful advice and assistance to try to start our classic vehicle, which unfortunately had a broken part. Graham and Simon Bray were also very grateful for the support of Stephen Vickers who went out of his way to help us, offering his time and effort allowing us to get to home safely. Following this years success, Stephen says that the BAR hopes to be able to provide Members with similar opportunities to promote their business in the future. We would like see more of our Members participating in these kinds of events as they definitely help removal companies increase their public profile, Stephen said.


Removals & Storage July 2012

BAR News

July 2012 Removals & Storage


BAR News

Gary Wheadon: BARs new Vice President

After three years as a Directly Elected Director, and nearly twenty five years as a BAR member, Gary Wheadon has now taken on the position of BAR Vice President.
Gary is the owner of Sullys Removals, a small but well known removals firm in South London. Hes been working in the Removals Industry since 1973 when he joined the family business after leaving school, before moving to Sullys in 1988 and acquiring the company in 1990. Its a background that gives him a real understanding of the issues and problems faced by BAR Members across the country, and he is passionate about the need for removals companies to share their concerns with each other and with the BAR. A problem shared is a problem solved, he says. Our industry is unique in the way competitors get together, discuss problems and help each other out. Were rivals but were all friends. Ive been in this industry for nearly 40 years, and I know how helpful it is to be able to pick up the phone and talk to someone in another company were all going through the same situations. It can make a real difference to bounce ideas off someone else. One of the best ways for Gary to meet others in the Removals Industry over the years has been through attending BAR area meetings. I know from experience how helpful these meetings can be to gain local information, and network with peers, especially in the current economic conditions, he says. Indeed, one of the highlights for Gary as a Directly Elected Director was the visits he made to many of the BAR areas. During my time as Directly Elected Director, it was very fulfilling to talk to Members about their concerns and take any messages back to the Board. As Vice President, he will now visit every BAR area over the next two years, to update Members on BAR and industry developments. Gary is concerned by the financial difficulties facing many companies in the industry. He says his term as Directly Elected Director coincided with one of the worst recessions in memory, which has had a lasting impact on removals: More than ever before, what you need now in this business is determination and trust in others, he says. He is adamant that the secret to success in the removals industry is for a company to know its costs and put the right pricing in for a job. This race to the bottom has to stop, he says. Its not good for anyone, except possibly the customer. I would say to every BAR Member get your pricing right! The new cost modelling tool from BAR is a fantastic way to help every Member accurately determine margins. Its not acceptable in this day and age for people not to know their costs. Get out there! Gary often known as Bert, after legendary guitar teacher Bert Weedon is a keen golfer and squash player. Despite his love of sport, he is also a committed Brentford supporter! In business, Gary also makes sure he is on top of the latest trends in information technology and the Internet. Hes an active member of the LinkedIN forums of the BAR, and is building up a social media presence for Sullys, using both Facebook and Twitter. In London nearly everyone has a computer and I find I get many leads from BARs online lead generator, he says. Anything that means people can talk to each more has got to be good! And, thats what Gary hopes to do in the next two years as BAR Vice President; talk, listen and respond. The BAR exists for its members, he emphasises. Now its up to all of us to get the most out of the association and help influence its direction in these challenging and exciting times for the removal industry.


Removals & Storage July 2012

A problem shared is a problem solved. Our industry is unique in the way competitors get together, discuss problems and help each other out. Were rivals but were all friends.

BAR News

BAR membership criteria review

BAR Area meetings around the country have been having lively and detailed debates on the new membership criteria that BAR put out for consultation by its Members.
A recurring question for the South West Area in relation to the majority of criteria being proposed was How do we police it? with the conclusion that all the criteria must be measureable. Sussex Area Members were particularly interested in criteria relating to independent residence terms, as well as levels of staff training and proportions of staff undergoing this training. There has been a mixture of views from Members about the requirement for businesses to be run from an office rather than from a residential address, with suggestions that a residential address could be used in cases where there is a designated office space at the residence. While the Western Area Members were in principle in favour of BARs proposed criteria, they have expressed specific concerns or suggestions in relation to premises, staff training and O licences. Yorkshire Area supports VAT registration At their meeting in April, the BAR Yorkshire Area, Members from the Area endorsed the ideas that as part of the BAR Membership Criteria, companies must be VAT registered, possess as a minimum a Standard National Operators licence and pay an additional 120 per annum per location as a contribution to attendance at Area Meetings and Social events. They also suggested that in a new Members first year, they would be eligible for probationary membership. Like many other BAR Areas, for the Yorkshire Area, the issue of VAT registration is crucial. Philip Kidd, managing director of Kidds Services, has written to BAR Director General Stephen Vickers to stress the importance of VAT registration. With modern computers and packages there is no argument for any business not being registered for VAT. It is unfair that one part of the economy has a 20% price advantage, particularly when this crosses over also into the area of jobbing builders, who also undertake moves on a Friday/Sat, Philip wrote. The last Government TV campaign, which focused on cash payments, was testament to the success of BARs work in this area, at the time. That time has again returned. This is another opportune moment, for BAR to demonstrate its effectiveness, in the return to profitability of the industry as a whole....I am confident that in this economic storm, the removal of the 20% price advantage will assist all small members. For more information, please see Resources/MembershipCriteria.aspx Please note this consultation has now closed.

BAR Lead Generator

June produced another good mix of leads for BAR Members throughout the UK through the BAR Lead Generator.

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More than 250 leads were passed on to Members, predominantly for domestic removals from houses and flats, with a number of enquiries for European and Overseas moves. Roughly one quarter of the enquiries required full packing and just over 7% also requested storage.
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July 2012 Removals & Storage


BAR Features BAR News Services

BAR Services supports the SSSIG

BAR has recently responded to the needs of many BAR Members who offer self storage as part of their service. The BAR Self Storage Special Interest Group (SSSIG) has been created to provide such companies with a forum to be able to promote their business and to ensure best practice within the self storage industry. Having been involved with supplying the self storage industry for nearly ten years, BAR Services wholly supports such a group and feels this will be vital to the members.
BAR has recently responded to the needs of many BAR Members who offer self storage as part of their service. The BAR Self Storage Special Interest Group (SSSIG) has been created to provide such companies with a forum to be able to promote their business and to ensure best practice within the self storage industry. Having been involved with supplying the self storage industry for nearly ten years, BAR Services wholly supports such a group and feels this will be vital to the members. In early 2003, BAR Services saw an increasing trend within the removal industry towards a new type of storage service known as self storage. Having seen the success of the self storage industry in the USA, the UK started to follow suit with a boom in companies converting their warehouses and opening their doors to the public for self-service storage. Over the years BAR Services has identified the principal products that are required by a self storage facility. It has listened to its customers and developed a core range of good quality retail products and has again used the benefit of its bulk purchasing power to bring the cost down. This includes a range of padlocks for their customers, managers padlocks, polythene covers, air bubble film, handling products and a core range of cartons the idea was to keep it simple. Please note the offer is exclusive of own print packaging and cartons. Since it began supplying the self storage industry, BAR Services has been advocating the supply of ancillary retail products within your facility as this too can drive invaluable income with high profit returns.
BAR Services believe that a combination of its in-depth packaging knowledge and the forum provided by the SSSIG will be invaluable to BAR Members who are moving in to self storage. It will help them to identify exactly what products and services they should provide. For the past 8 years, BAR Services has been successfully selling its range of ancillary retail products and has become increasingly pleased to see a rise in BAR Members making the most of existing facilities and branching out in to self storage. For this reason, readers will be pleased to hear that BAR Services will be offering BAR Self Storage Members an exclusive 10% discount on retail products for the first order. BAR Services is looking forward to supporting BAR in this much needed interest group. If you would like any further information or to place an order with your 10% discount, please call sales on 01342 870087 or email


Working for you

Dont miss out on our low cost dolly trucks!

Supplied in a useful 600 x 400mm size with four swivel 75mm wheels, the Unidolly is capable of handling loads of up to 300kgs. A handy carry hole allows easy portability. Not only do these benefit removal companies who often see expensive equipment go missing, this sturdy but economical truck is also invaluable if you own a self storage facility. At this price you can either sell or hire them to your customers for a healthy profit!

BAR Services Moorhall Sandhawes Lane East Grinstead West Sussex RH19 3NR Tel: 01342 870087 Email:

Pack of 4 - 17.50 each Pack of 8 - 16.80 each

* Offer subject to stock. The price is ex VAT and inclusive of delivery to the UK mainland (extra charges may apply to deliveries in Scotland & Northern IrelandPlease ask for a quote)


Removals & Storage July 2012


July 2012 Removals & Storage


BAR Profile BAR News Features

European Young Movers go East

By Loren Webster, BAR Training Services This year, the European Young Movers Conference was held in the Hungarian capital of Budapest, an ideal location for us all to meet with 32 countries represented.

Young Movers at Heroes Square in Budapest

Situated in central Europe, the city provides breathtaking views of the Danube from the spectacular Margaret bridge. Split into the east side of Pest, where you can see the iconic St Istvan Basilica and the west side of Buda with its older architecture such as the historic castle district, both parts of this vibrant city offer magnificent sights. We arrived to the Novotel Congress hotel in central Budapest to be welcomed by the warm Hungarian hospitality of the organising committee consisting of three member companies. Arnaldo Righetti, President of FEDEMAC, opened the evening event where we met with old friends and saw some new faces. We familiarised ourselves in our new setting over a traditional Hungarian meal, watching as the photographs of all conference delegates appeared on a large screen, cheering as we recognised our international friends and colleagues before enjoying the welcome party, which always tends to be a lively affair. The business sessions this year were excellent, on the first day we heard from Gerard Geijtenbeek of Roldo Rent providing information on how to be effective in the current tough economic times. Krisztin Hackl gave a motivational session providing a guide to different personalities which had us all on our feet and sharing ideas. The next evening consisted of traditional Hungarian entertainment with some fantastic horseriding skills in an amazing show after travelling in style on a fantastic river boat cruise along the Danube
Removals & Storage July 2012

followed by horse drawn carriages to our destination. We enjoyed the traditional Hungarian dish of Goulash which was absolutely delicious and the fine wine flowed as we networked with our peers before going to a nearby nightclub for an impromptu party. On the second day of the business sessions, we heard a fantastically well-presented seminar from Brian Limperopulos of IAM which gave us an insight into online marketing solutions and the future intentions of IAM, followed by information for successful pet transportation from Faruk Berberovic of G.K. Airfreight Service. Without our leader, Denis Caulfield, the Peter Pan of the industry, we did not have our annual scene play unfortunately but we heard from Denis over a Skype connection and wish him all the best and a speedy recovery.

Andrea Mller from Euromove & Relocation was one of the event organisers

In the afternoon we visited the Budapest Zoo to take part in team challenge games with huge African hissing cockroaches and a competitive hunt for a team picture of our allocated animals which I am sad to say, my team did not win but fun was had by all. We took a group photo at the spectacular Heros Square, perhaps the most iconic image of Budapest before heading off to our Gala dinner at the beautiful Symbol restaurant and nightclub for our closing party sponsored by Move One, where, over dinner we all gave our hearty congratulations to Matthieu Odijk of Voerman in Holland on his engagement and upcoming nuptials to another of our Young Movers, Tina Larsen from Denmark. Save to say that you arrive back home to feel pretty exhausted after a jam-packed exhilarating conference which was clearly very well prepared and planned by the wonderful minds and talents of our Hungarian organising committee. To coin an English phrase...... hats off to them! They did a really brilliant job of showing us their beautiful city, a real taste of Hungary and including some of the most interesting business sessions I have seen so far, being it so that I have attended quite a few conferences in my time, it really is quite something for me to say that this has been my favourite. Andrea Mller (Euromove & Relocation, Budapest), one of the event organisers, says: It is essential to have a separate event for the young people involved in the moving business as it definitely provides different ways of connecting people.


July 2012 Removals & Storage


Olympics Monitor BAR News

> Olympics monitor >

This section informs Members of the latest transport information and tips to face the challenges over the next couple of months as the UK hosts the largest sporting event in its history.

Teacrates Sheehy carries the torch

Patrick Sheehy, PHS Teacrates National Sales Manager completed his leg of the London 2012 Torch Relay between Gloucester and Hartpury on 24 May. Patrick has inspired others through his charitable work, which has been the basis for his nomination and resultant success at being awarded Olympic torchbearer within his community.

Minimising disruption, managing absences

More than half of employers are making changes to their working practices during the Olympics to enable staff to work more flexibly or enable them to watch key events at work, new data released by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) shows. Almost three in ten employers say they will try and accommodate requests from employees to work from home, 17% will extend flexible working opportunities, while 13% will actively encourage staff to work from home. The survey findings were released as the CIPD launches new guidance on Sporting events and absence management which highlights the range of options employers can consider to minimise disruption to the business and help employees make the most of the Olympics and other sporting events such as the European Football Championships.

Patrick Sheehy, PHS Teacrates National Sales Manager

Planning tools launched for Londons roads

As announced by David Silvey (pictured) at the BAR Annual Conference (R&S June page 46), Transport for London (TfL) has launched an online Temporary Road Changes planning tool and the Freight Journey planner. The Temporary Road Changes tool enables road users to see how different areas in London will be affected, postcode by postcode. The new service can be accessed at and includes information about the Olympic and Paralympic Route Networks (ORN/PRN) and the Road Event routes in London, as well as traffic management around the Road Events routes and venues. The Freight Journey Planner (FJP) is designed to help freight operators plan their route for a specified size of vehicle, and identify where to stop legally. The area of coverage is within Greater London. Routes can also be generated from or to any junction of the M25. Users can select up to a maximum of 26 separate locations for each journey. Each drop off can be assigned a stopping time for loading and unloading thereby creating a total

journey and delivery time. An accurate estimated time of arrival is calculated for each route based on historic traffic information to enable the tool to display an accurate journey time for the route generated by the FJP. For more information, see or go to the Olympics 2012 area of the BAR website www. aspx.

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Removals & Storage July 2012

Olympics BAR News Monitor

FTA calls for sensible enforcement during Olympics

The Freight Transport Association has stressed the importance of logistics to the success of the Olympics and the need for the public and customers to be aware of the demands the Games are placing on transport companies.
Natalie Chapman, FTAs Head of Policy for London, gave evidence to the House of Commons Transport Committees inquiry into transport for the Olympics Inquiry, alongside representatives of London Councils, the Federation of Wholesale Distributors and the Licensed Taxi Drivers Association. The inquiry was looking at the transport challenges posed by the Olympic and Paralympic Games, including the impact of Games Lanes and the Olympic Route Network on road transport in London. Natalie Chapman told the inquiry that the industry was largely prepared and ready for the challenge that the Games will pose. However, FTA members are concerned how those reliant on logistics are preparing and adapting for the challenges of the next few months. She also raised concerns regarding the additional costs that the industry will face in servicing customers during the Games. Many companies have had to hire in additional vehicles and drivers for the Summer even if these do not foresee an increase in trade as productivity will slump due to a reduction in road speeds and an increase in congestion. Ms Chapman said the vast array of additional restrictions that will be implemented for the Olympics and Paralympics such as the Olympic Route Network, Games Lanes, banned turns and loading bans are likely to cause confusion even to drivers how know Londons streets like the back of their hand. We hope that the boroughs and Transport for London will take a sensible approach to enforcement and will focus their efforts on compliance and assisting drivers. Welcoming the decision by the Mayor of London and the Secretary of State for Transport to reject the increase in PCN levels to 200 as requested by London Councils and the Olympic Delivery Authority, she warned: if 130 fines are issued like confetti, we will as an industry, have a very big bill to pick up at the end of the Summer.
Natalie Chapman, FTAs head of Policy

BAR Training Services

Training from the Removals Experts
Selling Skills/Promoting the BAR OFT Code of Practice
This 1 day course is designed to enhance sales skills and to demonstrate the most effective way of promoting the BAR OFT Code of Practice to win business, covering topics such as: The Role of the Salesperson Marketing Prospecting & Negotiating Promoting the OFT Code Communication & Presentation Identifying Customer Needs Closing the Sale

Course Dates 2012

11 July 19 September Course to be held at BAR, Watford

Just 99 + VAT p/p (BAR Member)

To book Call: 01923 699484 or email:

July 2012 Removals & Storage


QSS Update BAR News

Peter Weltenius: a passion for quality

Peter Weltenius, founder of Expect Move Management, is the new Director of Quality Service Standards Ltd. He spoke to R&S about his experience in removals and the role that quality and standards play in todays fast changing industry.
Like many people in the industry, Peter started out working on the trucks during his summer holidays from school. After compulsory military service in his home country of Sweden, he started working full time in 1988, before joining Pickfords in the UK as a business development manager, followed by a stint at Momentous. It was in 2000 that Peter struck out on his own, establishing Expect Move Management in Greenford. The company is heavily focused on international relocations; Peter estimates that 95 per cent of its work is international, including a lot of trade service to and from Sweden and other Nordic countries. Throughout this long and varied career, quality has always been a priority. Peter was awarded the FIDI diploma back in 1992 (top student) and subsequently became a member of the FIDI 35 Club board (youth sections of FIDI). Without high quality service, I dont believe that Expect Move would have any enquiries, Peter says. All of our enquiries come from recommendations our best sales people are our clients. Peter is now looking to see how to apply this philosophy to Quality Service Standards Ltd, whose Board of Directors he joined as of 18 May. Ive always had a strong interest in quality, he says. In the last 20-30 years the industry has changed, but the quality hasnt changed, and hence our prices havent changed. This industry needs to improve its quality if it is to increase its margins. Everyone in the industry has a responsibility to see that happen. As this is Peters first senior position with a BAR entity, he believes he will be able to give new input into the quality arena, coming at the issues from a different angle, and contributing, in particular, the international perspective that he has acquired on the ground and from his experience with FIDI. However, he wholeheartedly agrees with many of the BARs top brass that standards should form a part of membership criteria. BAR may not need more members, but it does need members with higher quality standards, he argues. For Peter, standards allow Members to charge more and get a reasonable margin. Too many removal companies are operating at cost or even below cost, he says. Understandably, many company owners and directors feel they are too busy and have other priorities than attaining standards. Theres a lot of pressure on the industry, Peter tells R&S. But standards are an important way of demonstrating quality. For this reason, Peter is strongly supportive of the series of new initiatives from the BAR Board in the area of quality. Right now theres a strong push from the Board to raise quality and improve membership criteria. BAR also needs to make sure that corporate procurement departments and consumers know about the criteria for membership. Keeping things in perspective Peter says these are tough times for the industry; he believes a priority for BAR Members should be how to manage client expectations, as clients are under increasing pressure themselves. He cites examples of increasing numbers of domestic removals where customers are forced to move, and on the corporate relocations front, some companies have slashed removal allowances for their employees and imposed tighter cost controls and restrictions. In these stressful and pressurised times, Peter believes that providing a quality service is one way of ensuring a successful move and a satisfied client. But he is also keen to point out that standards are not all that matters in the removals world: in these conditions, it is more important than ever to get the work/life balance right. We all need to have a good quality of life, have hobbies and look after our personal lives. I run half-marathons; its a great way to relieve stress and stay in shape for all the challenges in the business.
Quality Service Standards Ltd (QSS) is a wholly owned subsidiary of BAR. QSS is an independent audit body. It helps BAR Members achieve and maintain certification for the specialist industry standards BS EN 12522 (Domestic), BS EN 14873 (Storage), BS EN 15696 (Self storage), BS 8522 (Commercial) and BS 8564 (Overseas) as well as ISO 9001 (Quality Management Systems), ISO 14001 (Environmental) and the standards for shredding and document storage.

Peter Weltenius, Director of Quality Service Standards

This industry needs to improve its quality if it is to increase its margins. Everyone in the industry has a responsibility to see that happen.

Do you have any news to share with R&S readers?

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Removals & Storage July 2012

BAR News

July 2012 Removals & Storage




Removals & Storage July 2012


July 2012 Removals & Storage



The Commercial Moving Group (CMG) is a dedicated group of companies within the British Association of Removers that specialise in all aspects of commercial relocations.

In the Xpress Lane

Xpress Relocation is a family run business based in Milton Keynes, specialising in commercial moving, particularly in the education, aviation and healthcare sectors. The company has an enviable list of bluechip corporate customers and public organisations. Despite difficult market conditions, it is continuing to invest in its fleet and preparing for future opportunities.
Since its establishment in April 1996, Xpress Relocation has focused exclusively on commercial moving, with most of its businesses coming from the education, aviation and healthcare segments. Over the years the company has developed an impressive portfolio of clients, and has recently worked with household names such as Virgin Active, Red Bull Racing and Lloyds Pharmacy to take care of all their moving needs. We have a major client, with current contracts in place, in each of the sectors and together these make up around 50% of our workload, Sales and Marketing Director David Stanley says. The remainder of our business comes from the banking / legal / accounting sectors, as well as one off moves obtained through our sales and marketing efforts in any industry throughout Milton Keynes and the Home Counties. David himself has been at the company for almost ten years, after fourteen years at a major commercial mover in London. In those ten years, he has helped Xpress Relocation grow into a force to be reckoned with in its market. We have recently secured a five year contract with a major defence client to supply all their office furniture as well as the space planning and installation works, in addition to all the moves that go with it, David adds. In the public sector, we have also secured a three year deal at the Open University sites throughout the UK to carry out all their moves and also provide a full design and implementation service for the moves and changes that they carry out on all sites. Investing in the fleet Economic conditions have led to some belt-tightening at the company, which streamlined its operations recently, but it has also been able to invest in 2012 in adding to its fleet of vehicles. In May, the company took delivery of a brand new 16 tonne vehicle with Air Ride suspension, and earlier this year it updated its 7.5 tonne fleet due to the new emission regulations in force in Greater London. The tightening of standards in the Low Emission Zone in London is just part of the recent trend of increasing legislation on the transport and removals industry, and rising customer expectations. David says that the greatest challenge members now face is in integrating this legislation at a time where there is a weak economy and pressure on company finances across the industry.
Removals & Storage July 2012

David Stanley and Jade Taylor promoting Xpress Relocation Ltd to FMs on their stand at the Facilities Show at the NEC in Birmingham

David says that the downturn in domestic moving has had a knock-on effect on the commercial moving segment, where domestic movers are now competing at very low profit margins. The only winner is the client in this situation, he says. This needs to be addressed somehow otherwise smaller independent movers will not be able to continue trading on such margins the near future. The company is also eyeing up the opportunities for growth in the current climate. David says that as things begin to pick up, which I feel may take another 2-3 years to do so, we will see many mergers and takeovers taking place, with the survival of the fittest being the key indicator. Branch and network closures always create business opportunities. We also have to be prepared to take on works that in the past we would have passed on, such as site clearances; in utilizing our business partners in the recycling and environmental disposal fields, we can supply our clients with the necessary WEE / Recycling certification. Xpress Relocation also provides DSE Assessment for businesses. DSE stands for Display Screen Equipment and applies to all businesses with more than 15 people. As part of the Health and Safety Regulations Act 1992, DSE is an assessment that employers must carry out for employees and their workstations

And as the removals industry continues to transform, David believes that standards-based membership of the CMG is of course essential, but is less convinced that it is important for domestic movers. Many clients may have heard of the BAR and the sign of the badge says what it should, but quoting BS 1234 in order to secure the move will mean nothing to the general public, he argues. However standards are essential in the Commercial Moving Group, as the industry expects this and many clients also insist now on BS 8522. Reflecting that commitment to standards, in March this year, the Xpress Relocation passed its BS 8522 re-assessment for the fifth consecutive year, cementing its status as one of the UKs leading commercial movers.
For more Information Xpress Relocation Ltd Tel: 01908 374999

CMG News BAR News

Mark your calendar: CMG business and golf day

The 2012 CMG Business Seminar and Golf Event will be held at St Pierre Golf Course, Chepstow, on 2 October 2012. The business seminar will take place in the afternoon, from 14:30 to 18:30. Topics and speakers will cover a wide range of topical issues in todays commercial moving industry. There will also be many networking opportunities throughout the day, both before and after the golf. As a novelty this year, suppliers to the commercial moving industry have been invited to promote their service in a mini-exhibition during the day, by CMG invitation only. The golf event itself will last from 10:00 to 16:00. The format will be an individual and Stableford Competition, using full handicaps (max 24 for men, 30 for ladies), played within a drawn three-ball. Prizes will be for 1st, 2nd & 3rd places for CMG members, dependant on numbers. Prizes will be awarded for the best placed non-members, along with a longest drive prize and a nearest the pin prize, not forgetting the occasional spot prize! In the evening, dinner will be served in the Boardroom, where the Competition winners and prizes will be presented. The after dinner speaker will be the comedian, John Stiles brother of famous 1960s footballer Nobby Stiles. Overnight accommodation is available and rooms have been reserved. The event, which continues to attract the kind sponsorship of Basil Fry & Co, should be a very enjoyable day of business and pleasure. Book now to reserve your places! For more information, see

Commercial Moving Group Seminar, Golf Day and Awards

Tuesday 2nd October 2012

The CMG Chairman, CMG National Council and Basil Fry look forward to welcoming you on the day.
This year we are promising an excellent networking opportunity for all BAR Members, CMG Members and Facility Managers whether you enjoy your golf or not.

St Pierre, a Marriott Hotel & Country Club, Chepstow, Wales.

Afternoon seminars are set in the relaxed atmosphere of the St Pierre Country Club and the day finishes with John Stiles, our after dinner speaker, who promises us an entertaining evening and awards presentation. Sponsored by:

Golf, Seminar & Dinner Golf, Seminar, Dinner, B&B Seminar, Dinner, B&B Seminar & Dinner only Golf Buggies
VAT included in above prices

48 145 125 28 30

For more information please visit: or email:

July 2012 Removals & Storage


Overseas Group News BAR Features

New website and new premises for ICM Gerson

As ICM Gerson goes live with its new website, R&S caught up with Managing Director Niall Mackay to discuss how the company has grown and adapted to the many changes in the market since Michael Gerson founded the firm back in 1961.
ICM Gerson Ltd can trace its roots back to 1961 when Michael Gerson founded Michael Gerson Ltd as the successor to the Pall Mall Deposit and Forwarding company of The Haymarket. Growing steadily over the years, in 1978 the company moved to a purpose-built facility in Whetstone, north London and opened a second warehouse on the same site in 1982. In 1988, the company also opened its own purpose-built long-term storage facility in Daventry, Northamptonshire where it had previously operated premises since 1973. Current Managing Director, Niall Mackay, joined the company as a trainee Import Clerk in October 1983 and has been with the company ever since in a variety of positions in both London and at the Daventry depot which he managed from 1995 to 2002. All of us who joined were given a very thorough grounding and education by Michael Gerson and Brian Charles (the companys then MD), whether wed worked in the industry before or not. Attending BAR courses was more or less a must but I have no complaint about that as the courses were generally well run, helpful, and are at least partly responsible for me doing the job I am doing today. However, I can still recall with some discomfort being sat down by Michael shortly after I had joined (and after 7 years in the industry with other companies) and being grilled over a small amount of demurrage and dock rent that had been incurred on an import container I had handled: I seem to remember the phrase he used was Now, young man, you havent learnt much in 7 years with the other people, have you? That little lesson was over 28 years ago and I still havent forgotten it! These days, as in previous decades, the company continues to focus on international corporate moving, private moving and storage, as well as having developed relocation services to about 15% of its turnover, but it still retains its worldwide reputation for the high quality service in both moving and relocation. From that point of view, nothing has changed from when the Gerson family owned and ran the business, Niall says. We still want to have the best staff administering moves packed by the most skilled packers: we still sell those skills to all our clients as we believe that is what anyone would want, given the choice. Access to global business accounts Whilst the companys activity focus may not have changed much over the years, the methods by which it sells itself are almost completely different from even 5 years ago. ICM Gerson has just gone live with its new website ( and Niall says he

is really looking forward to an influx of new corporate and private moving business because of the extra visibility the new website will bring, and looking forward to keeping it fresh and attractive to clients and search engines. Given the large volume of happy clients we have, their comments will form a significant part of the new website. Selling the service is as tough as it ever was though, with if anything more competitors trying to work a smaller pie. As well as this, more companies in the industry are prepared to work in several moving disciplines rather than, as used to be the case, concentrating on one area of operation. So, one of the things we have done, says Niall, to counteract both of these problems, is to join the Unigroup UTS Worldwide network. They can give us access to the major global corporate accounts in a way that we on our own in one country cant get and in return we can contribute corporate presence and tonnage in the London market that they havent previously had. It also allows us to sell a more united approach when our competitors on an individual job might be one of the bigger companies with operations in several countries. The Gerson family sold out in 2002 and management owned and ran the business with the backing of HBOS until 2008 when HBOS forced the sale of the business at the height of the financial difficulties of that year. After a short period in the majority ownership of ICM Kungsholms of Sweden during which the company changed its name to ICM Gerson Ltd the business became wholly owned by Abels Moving Services Ltd in December 2010. How does Niall look back on the last three turbulent years? Very tough, but we have survived just as most others in the industry have by cutting back wherever

possible. In our case, we also had the unforeseen problem of having significant loan arrangements with a bank that literally ran out of money as the recent FSA report shows and that bank had to sell everything and anything it could so as not to fall over: we happened to be one of the things they sold! But we are now in safe and creative hands with Abels and I am looking forward to the future together with them. In 2010 ICM Gerson moved out of its long standing home in north London and took on new premises in Potters Bar, just 6 miles north. At the same time, Niall used the opportunity to shrink its footprint in the London area and enlarge it at Daventry. We now have two-thirds of our warehousing in Daventry and one-third in the South, rather than having it the other way around as it was previously. Its a much cheaper arrangement!

For more Information, see


Removals & Storage July 2012


The Professional Advisers Panel is a brand new initiative specifically designed to offer members extended support across every aspect of their business. This is a development of our highly successful Insurance Broker Panel scheme whereby BAR members receive unlimited support, guidance and advice from qualified specialist companies within the UK. We are constantly

looking at ways to support our members businesses; therefore, if this initiative proves to be a success, we will develop the Professional Advisers Panel even further into other relevant areas such as Health & Safety and Environmental services.

For any FREE* independent insurance, financial or legal advice, please contact a BAR Professional Adviser partner.

Basil Fry & Co Ltd Reason Global Insurance

Tel: 01372 385 985 Email: Website:

Tel: 01273 739961 Email: Website:


Backhouse Jones Solicitors

Tel: 0207 630 6665 Email: Website:

Tel: 01254 828 300 Email: Website:

in association with
July 2012 Removals & Storage


Training News BAR Features

BAR Training Services carry out a range of training courses for removals companies. Peter Walters, BARTS Field Trainer, provides a roundup of the courses recently delivered. For more information on all courses, please go to

Overseas Skills Training

Delegates from a number of Overseas Group member companies followed a 3-day course in May at BAR headquarters on Overseas Skills training, funded by the Overseas Group. Topics covered in the course included air freight, sea freight and the different methods for shipping cars, completing documentation and export packing. The delegates were particularly interested in the various forms used in shipping, air freight and overviews of the logistics in overseas shipping. Bilcole Haulage (BHL) At the end of May 2012, Peter Walters delivered a bespoke training course on Tail Lift and Pallet Truck Training. Although Tail Lifts are reasonably easy to operate, the consequences when things go wrong can be very serious. BHL carry out a large percentage of their work for GlaxoSmithKline transporting office furniture, laboratory equipment and machines and to handle this type of work they have a fleet of vehicles fitted with Cantilever Tail Lifts. The course covered Safety, Falling Goods, Surfaces and Footwear, Safe Systems of Work, Fall Protection Hand Rails, the Law and Tail Lift Operation, pallet truck operation and the dos and donts. The course was divided into 2 half-day sessions to an equal amount of delegates in each session and most sessions were mainly classroom-based followed by the practical exercise where the trainees satisfied Peter that they could operate the tail lift safely while communicating at all times after their training. According to Peter: All of the trainees took the course seriously and had some of their own ideas for safe systems of work, which I felt, if put into practice would prove effective.

Feedback includes:
Chris Jones, Fox Moving and Storage: The course is a good basic overview into International Shipping for a new starter into shipping and removals. Karen Cook, Pearson Home Moving: I will go back to my office with a greater knowledge of what my colleagues are discussing. Jenna Ewer, Greens Removal and Storage: Peter made all feel welcome and comfortable, always open to any questions and full of removal information. He was willing to listen to the groups thoughts and suggestions. Nick Proud, White and Company: The course was presented in a manner which made a potentially boring subject seem fun, which made learning easy and the subject more enjoyable.

Adams Express, Oslo

Peter travelled to Norway in mid-April to provide a 2-day refresher course in Packing, Export Wrapping and Vehicle Loading at the Adams Express depot in Vestby, just south of Oslo in Norway. The course focused on the standard required for wrapping and packing as well as the different materials that can be used. The first day was taken up by the theory side of all three topics and a practical demonstration on packing. It seemed apparent that the some of the trainees thought that speed was all important when packing and export wrapping, Peter reports. Although speed is important, I emphasised the fact that the standard should be met first and that through experience, the speed will come naturally. During the practical session, the trainees demonstrated that they can meet the standard required if time and care is taken. Hege Strand commented I like the background of the course leader and his experiences in different moving work.

Peter delivered a 1-day course in Manual Handling and Furniture Handling Skills to eight trainees. Homeaid is a not-for-profit volunteer organisation which collects items of furniture from donors which it supplies to homeless people taking up tenancies and also sells to the public in West Lothian, Scotland. The morning session was theory-based focusing on the damage to the body that can done if you dont adopt the correct lifting techniques, the correct lifting procedure, lifting aids and manual handling equipment. The afternoon session was used for the practical demonstrations and exercises, which included securing doors on wardrobes and fragile items of furniture and also the use of lifting aids.
Removals & Storage July 2012

Feedback includes:
Andrew Henderson: I learnt some useful tips. Mark Mcdonald: Great course and now I have more understanding of how to make handling furniture easier with the use of webbing. Steven Trump: Its been a good course and good learning some new things as well. Patrick Healy: Course was very informative and can be used in the workplace.

BAR Training Services


Training from the Removals Experts

BARTS 2012 Training Dates All courses taking place at BAR Watford*
BTEC in Removals Management
The course can now be completed in 5 days meaning less time away from your place of work! Upon completion of the later exam, successful students will be presented with a nationally recognised BTEC qualification.

Introduction to Estimating
Ideal for staff who are new to the role. This 1 day course focuses on teaching students the unit system, methods of estimating, risk assessment, the role of the Estimator and selling services to the customer Quantity Assessment The Role of the Estimator Health & Safety Contract Conditions Communication Techniques Removals Insurance

Course Dates 2012

24 & 28 September

Course Dates 2012

16 July 10 September 5 November


for 2012!

1,675 + VAT p/p (BAR Member)

BTEC Award in Practical Estimating
This 2 day course is practically based and is designed to teach students the art of estimating as well as face to face sales techniques, covering topics such as: Quantity Assessment The Role of the Estimator Health & Safety Contract Conditions Communication Techniques Removals Insurance

Just 199 + VAT p/p (BAR Member)

Selling Skills/Promoting the BAR OFT Code of Practice
This 1 day course is designed to enhance sales skills and to demonstrate the most effective way of promoting the BAR OFT Code of Practice to win business, covering topics such as: The Role of the Salesperson Marketing Prospecting & Negotiating Promoting the OFT Code Communication & Presentation Identifying Customer Needs Closing the Sale

Course Dates 2012

17 & 18 July 11 & 12 September 6 & 7 November

Course Dates 2012

11 July 19 September


545 + VAT p/p (BAR Member)

1 Day (7hours) Driver CPC
*BAR Training Services train you at BAR in Watford, In the BAR areas or at your premises.

Just 99 + VAT p/p (BAR Member)

Course Dates 2012
04 July & 29 August


prices start from as little as 49.25 + vat per driver, delivered on site at your premises

129 + VAT per driver (BAR Member)

To book Call: 01923 699484 or email:

July 2012 Removals & Storage


European News Industry

IRU calls for action on European security

Addressing the EU Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting on preventing and combating road freight crime and providing secure truck parking, IRU General Delegate to the EU, Michael Nielsen, called for urgent action from Member States against the increasing problems of attacks on truck drivers, their cargo and fuel.
According to the IRU (International Road Transport Union) 1 in 6 drivers have been attacked in a five year period resulting in costs of over EUR 7bn. Mr Nielsen urged countries to establish national multidisciplinary consultation platforms involving all actors in combating road freight crime, and highlighted the benefits of the IRU online app TRANSPark, which gives transport operators access to the location of secure parking areas to keep their staff, cargo and fuel safe from attack by road pirates. Mr Nielsen welcomed the EC proposal for secure parking areas every 50km on the European core network in the TEN-T proposal, but insisted that location data for all parking areas, including information on crime hot spots, should be provided to the IRU by responsible authorities. Reinstatement of TIR The IRU also called for European countries to reinstate TIR to enhance competitiveness among SMEs and thus stimulate growth, generate employment and increase revenues for EU Member States. The Transports Internationaux Routiers (TIR) system allows consignments of goods to travel internationally with the least amount of intervention from customs officials. The IRU said that reinstating the TIR System would provide 600,000 road transport operators mainly small or medium sized businesses (SMEs) which account for 85% of employment with an attractive alternative to the current mandatory T System, which is controlled by a handful of freight forwarding companies, which cater mainly for multinationals. Such a reintroduction of the TIR System on EU territory would be very timely, as the EU customs code is currently being revised, the IRU said. The President of the IRU Goods Transport Liaison Committee to the EU, Alexander Sakkers, said the TIR System facilitates and secures the transport of goods by road and offers guarantee to customs that customs duties will be paid. Shippers and road transport operators need the freedom to choose which guarantee option best suits their business needs and should not be constrained to the mandatory T System which is run by a small freight forwarder community. Forcing operators to use one system with no access to viable alternatives is detrimental to the EU economy. A disadvantage of the T System is that it only covers individual packages, unlike TIR which can guarantee entire containers or trucks at once, thereby simplifying customs procedures, reducing time and costs. As entire consignments are covered, freight can be secured and sealed under customs control thereby providing greater security from organised crime an essential security not provided through the T System. Mr Sakkers said the present arrangement forced on road transport operators raises transport costs and the risk of cargo crime. Lower costs and secure goods transport are vital if we are to see an increase in trade and growth. Increased costs and heightened insecurity suffocates the activity necessary for economic recovery within the EU. Yet, to reintroduce TIR in the EU requires the simple inclusion of one line, at no cost, to the EU customs code. This is the most cost effective way to ensure growth in the EU.

Road charging plans to be fair to all drivers

The European Commission has issued guidelines warning that under EU law road charging schemes must not discriminate against foreign drivers. The aim is to assist Member States who are considering introducing new charging schemes for private cars. Vice-President Siim Kallas said nondiscrimination is a fundamental right under EU law. It must be as easy for a French or British citizen to drive across Slovenia or Belgium as it is for a resident driver. Road charging systems must be transparent and fair to all. Seven Member States Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia have time-based vignette charging schemes for private cars. Belgium is currently working to introduce one. The Netherlands and Denmark have discussed introducing road charging systems, including for private cars. The EUs Eurovignette directive sets out a transparent list of costs that can be charged for heavy goods vehicles, such as the cost of the infrastructure and externalities such as air pollution and noise. For private cars, there are no such rules. Over the years, road charging schemes for private cars have given rise to numerous complaints to the Commission and some have fallen outside EU rules. In 1996, Austria had to modify its plans for a vignette system after the European Commission said that offering only a yearly pass would be unfair to foreign motorists. In 2008, the Commission launched infringement proceedings against Slovenia because it was only offering half-year vignettes. The authorities introduced weekly passes. The Commission has expressed a clear preference for distance-based toll systems as being inherently fairer and more effective in sending price signals than a time-based vignette sticker system. If they are not designed carefully, vignette systems are more likely to cause unwarranted problems for foreign drivers who are simply passing through a country, a Commission spokesperson warned.

Green light for Antwerp port expansion

The Flemish government has opened up the possibility for the port of Antwerp to expand further in the coming decades. A land use plan has been drawn up, offering a clear framework for companies, potential investors and local residents. The port says it will be able to develop more than 1,000 additional hectares for port activities in future. The growth opportunities for the port were created by a decision of the Flemish government in April, giving its approval to the initial draft of the regional land use plan entitled Delimitation of the Antwerp seaport area. The plan will be made definitive in 2013, representing a major step forward in land use planning for the port. On the right bank the option being pursued is inward expansion, i.e. making more intensive use of the existing area. There are more opportunities for outward expansion on the left bank. The Flemish government has reserved more than 1,000 hectares for port activities in the Saeftinghe Development Area to the North of the existing port. The definitive allocation of land for maritime, industrial or logistics activities will be decided later, but other important investments have already been made possible. These include the Schijns and Waasland logistics parks, the expansion of rail infrastructure (Main Hub and Freight Village), a holding dock for barges and two parking areas for trucks.


Removals & Storage July 2012

European News Industry News

Eco Taxe is on its way!

From 2013 an environmental levy will be payable on French routes nationales and dual carriageways by trucks over 3.5 t. In April 2012, BAR Affiliate DKV signed an agreement with the French operator Ecomouv paving the way for automatic collection and billing via an on-board unit.
DKV will be offering a new on-board unit for the collection and billing of all road tolls in France. The new DKV Box will be compatible with the French toll scheme TIS PL, automatic collection by DKV will therefore make it much easier to use and pay tolls on the entire toll routes in France and at the Liefkenshoek Tunnel in Belgium. Plans are already in place to extend this to Spain. Discounts With the new DKV Box, DKV customers will benefit not just from easy payment facilities but also attractive discounts of up to 13 per cent on TIS PL and up to 10 per cent on the Eco Taxe levy under the Post-Pay scheme. DKV also offers customers a complete package: a comprehensive toll service from just one service provider from ordering terminals to billing and VAT refunds. For more information about this and the DKV Route planner with toll calculator, see or call free phone 0800 3160465.

Are we your preferred supplier - if not, why not?

Our companys sole purpose since its inception in 1977 is to serve the membership to supply good quality, innovative packaging products at low prices. This is achieved by buying jointly on your behalf and passing on the discount achieved from this bulk purchasing power! As a member, we should be your preferred supplier but are we? For many of you the answer will be yes but for those of you that say no then we would like to know why? Your feedback is important so please ring us on 01342 870087 or you can simply email We look forward to hearing from you.

July 2012 Removals & Storage



Rose Removals: The Yellow Rose of Devon

George Rose and some of the Rose Removals team

Rose Removals & Storage of Devon won a Certificate of Merit in this years Commercial Mover of the Year 2012. R&S caught up with MD George Rose to discuss how the business has grown over the years, how it is diversifying into new services, and how innovation and high quality have been the key to the companys success.
Over the last 35 years, the canary yellow vans and lorries of Rose Removals have become a familiar sight on the roads of the West Country and beyond. It was in 1976 that a young plasterer named George Rose first set up the company to provide delivery services first for shops and then for households all over Devon. Almost four decades later, and Rose Removals has grown into one of the largest family-owned removals companies in the country, with 28 vehicles, two warehouses totalling 50,000 square feet of space, and 23 full time staff. What hasnt changed, however, is Georges central role at the company at all times. Im an early riser. For many years I would be in at six oclock every morning, warming up the vehicles for the staff, George says. I think part of the reason for the success of the company is that I only have myself to answer for. It would be harder to make the difficult decisions if another partner were involved. I spent 26 years on the vans and know the business inside out so Im very much a hands on owner! George says the growth of the company would not have been possible without the team of people he has working at Rose Removals and the investment that the company has made in its staff. You need to have your staff behind you at times like these, he says. They are the key to everything. Efficiency, timekeeping, good humour and teamwork will be essential for any company that wants to make it through the recession. Rose Removals doesnt employ temporary staff or casual labour, always using its own professionals. George reckons that it takes three years for a new staff member to be fully trained in all aspects of the business and take them to the highest standards. At Rose Removals, we like to think that the standards we meet are second to none, in our staff and also in our materials and suppliers, George says. I insist on the highest standards in everything, including the packing materials we use (for example quilt covers and vinyl rather polypropylene tape), so that the job is easier and everything that we move is well secured. Innovation While the bulk of the companys work is domestic removals, Rose Removals also carries out a large amount of commercial moves, often with repeat customers such as the University of Exeter, a regular customer for the last 21 years. Weve done a lot of very interesting work for the University, George says, including moving famous sculptures, grand pianos and whole libraries of Islamic books stacking 300 tons of books in Arabic script in the right place was a real challenge for the team! Rose Removals is always ready to innovate to tackle these challenges, such as designing a special piano shoe with a steel support, for moving a 10-foot long Petrov piano from the Universitys music department. A few years ago, when carrying out a move to southern France for none other than Noel Edmonds, the company also started using a unique shuttle van to transport goods from a road train to a property near Nice, where access was very difficult. And to transport a concrete cow (!), George specially reinforced the strength of the chassis of a vehicle so that he could put a 3.5 ton forklift on its back for the job. Removals can be a hard job, and its important to keep reinventing things and designing ways to make moving easier and safer, he says. We like to think there is no job too difficult for us, whether its moving safes or pianos or even dinosaur fossils. We pride ourselves on our repeat business. Some people have moved with us up to 15 times over the years. And not only in the West Country: we are applying these standards to deep sea routes such as Australia and New Zealand, which seem to be very popular now, as well as countries such as Switzerland, Italy and Portugal.


Removals & Storage July 2012


Saying ahead Membership of the BAR and its Commercial Moving Group (CMG) has been a crucial factor in the success of Rose Removals, George believes. Being a BAR Member means that you have set standards in your own company and it shows customers you are trying to achieve the highest standards, he says. On the commercial side, its increasingly a prerequisite when contracts come up for renewal, such as the University of Exeter, to be a CMG member in order to participate in the tender. BAR membership and high standards are especially important in light of the current economic downturn. Right now it feels a bit like the Grand National, George says. Its been tough for a lot of companies and about 25% of our industry have fallen at the fences. Its not about profits at the moment its about holding on and making sure you provide the best service possible. The market is very competitive in terms of prices and were really focused on maintaining margins, minimising expenditure and becoming more competitive.

Rose Removals has also diversified into new business lines, including using its facilities as conference rooms for organisations, as well as renting out crates and warehouse space, supplying packing materials and moving into Storage to your Door, in which the company rents out smaller steel containers to households. The company has developed a novel marketing campaign, with a professionally filmed video embedded into the Rose Removals website which shows off some of the companys smart looking staff and stylishly branded vehicles on removals jobs such as moving the striking sculpture commemorating the Tiananmen Square event. George says the pace of business has quickened noticeably over the last four decades; customers now want to move across the world the following week, and often provide notice of under 24 hours. But Rose Removals is remaining busy, averaging up to eight moves per day, and making full use of its manpower and its recognisable fleet of canary yellow vehicles. And the future of the company looks to be in strong family hands. Daughter Kim worked in the business until she went travelling and is currently living in

Swindon, middle son Ashley also worked for the company and is now pursuing a career as a vehicle body sprayer, and Georges eldest son Jamie works as a remover and estimator at Rose Removals and is keen to take over the business. So it really will be Roses all the way. But George says he is no hurry to retire yet. Age before beauty, he says. There are still a few fences left for me to jump!

Moving the Tiananmen Square sculpture at the University of Exeter

Jamie Rose and George Rose with the CMotY 2012 Certificate of Merit

Im an early riser. For many years I would be in at six oclock every morning, warming up the vehicles for the staff. I think part of the reason for the success of the company is that I only have myself to answer for. It would be harder to make the difficult decisions if another partner were involved. I spent 26 years on the vans and know the business inside out so Im very much a hands on owner!

Rose Removals fabulous vehicles plus management and administration team (left)

July 2012 Removals & Storage



The R&S Interview

The Facilities Management Association is the leading body for Facilities Management service providers, representing excellence in the Facilities Management industry. R&S Managing Editor Louise Gale interviewed Chris Hoar, Chief Executive of The Facilities Management Association (FMA), to find out how the sector works, its priorities and the opportunities for BAR and FMA Members to work together.
R&S: How large is the UK FM market and is there a trend for growth or contraction in the current economic climate? Chris Hoar: Official Government figures state that the FM market in the UK is worth in excess of 100bn per year. The importance of the FM industry to the UK economy is indisputable. During the recession, this market is certainly growing, as the trend for outsourcing increases. Organisations are increasingly outsourcing their non-core business, in order to enable them to focus their internal resources on core business activities. The trend towards TFM (Total Facilities Management), globally in some cases, also makes the FM sector very attractive. R&S: What sorts of companies compose the market? Chris Hoar: The FM industry comprises companies of all shapes and sizes. Whilst there are a number of large service providers; companies like MITIE, there are also a number of SMEs and family run businesses operating within the sector. Our membership represents companies which fall into each of these categories. R&S: Can you provide us with a few vital statistics regarding the FMA, for example, its key roles, info about its membership and membership criteria? Chris Hoar: The FMA currently has over ninety corporate members, of many different shapes and sizes. Collectively, they have a turnover in excess of 50bn and employ over one million people. The FMA has a number of important roles to play, as the only trade association representing the Facilities Management sector. We are constantly striving to raise awareness of the excellent work that our members are involved in, and their importance to the UK economy. We work hard to develop those working within the industry, and to bring new people into FM. Furthermore, we provide a vital forum for thought leadership and innovation in the sector. R&S: What are the main regulatory issues for the FM sector and the main lobbying issues for the FMA? Chris Hoar: Currently, the main regulatory issues for the FM sector include the minimum wage, sustainability and Health and Safety. Evidently, these are issues that affect all of our members. At the FMA, we use our position on the Trade Association Council at the CBI to do all lobbying. R&S: How does the FMA promote quality in the sector? Chris Hoar: In order to promote quality in the sector, the FMA has established a number of different working parties, made up from our membership base. For example, our Health and Safety working party carry out benchmarking. This includes benchmarking for accident rates and many other important elements for Health and Safety, to provide vital resources to our membership base. Secondly, we have recently established a Technology working party, to promote quality in the sector, and best practice as members. R&S: What is the FMA doing to improve training in the industry and encourage young people to join? Chris Hoar: At the FMA we are passionate about helping to up-skill the industry, and demonstrating that, as Facilities Management is now recognised as a profession, there is a clear route to progression with a career in FM. Firstly, we endorse member training for others working in the industry, helping to ensure that the highest possible standards can be attained in the sector. We are also currently working on a distance


Removals & Storage July 2012


learning project for our members, to enable career progression opportunities, and formal qualifications to those who have a lot of experience of working within the industry. We are also particularly keen to encourage young people to join the industry, as they bring with them fresh ideas and innovation. Our Young Managers Forum (YMF) has been established to enable senior managers of tomorrow to develop ideas and champion initiatives that will affect the industry in the future. Our dedication to training and development means that we can also support these young FMs to develop their careers. R&S: Can you give any examples of how the FMA is working with BAR? What opportunities are there to work together for mutual benefit? Chris Hoar: The FMA and BAR have an established memorandum of understanding currently, and this is only one of many ways in which they work collaboratively. For example, we have previously staged a joint event, which we may consider again in the future. We have also been invited to speak at a previous event hosted by BAR. We talk on a regular basis, and I am sure that there will be many future opportunities to further work together.

R&S: When do facilities management companies and removal companies work together? Where are the synergies? Chris Hoar: FM companies frequently enlist the services of a removal and storage company when they are relocating, or simply moving vast amounts of office furniture and equipment. A number of removal companies now offer complementary services that are of particular use to facilities managers, such as space planning. At a time when maximising space, and minimising overheads, is so important, this is a particularly useful service for FMs. We currently only have about 3 members that are also members of BAR. We are talking to many other members, however, as synergies between FM companies and removal companies continue to develop.

July 2012 Removals & Storage


The removals industry, just like the FM sector, must invest in the learning and development of those working in the industry. This is vital if removals is to be recognised as a career.


Self employed drivers and the new Working Time rules explained
Steven Meyerhoff (pictured above) of Backhouse Jones solicitors skilfully guides us on the dos and donts in relation to these new rules.
The headline rights under the Working Time Regulations are well known; namely, an average 48 hour working week together with breaks after 6 and 9 hours with additional rules to protect night workers. There is also a 60 hour maximum in any week. Since 2005, the Working Time Regulations have provided additional rights for employed workers, coupled with additional responsibilities with their employers. However, one group of drivers who were able to avoid the impact of the Working Time Regulation were those that were self employed. So what has changed? From 11 May 2012, the UK Government has incorporated the issue of self employed drivers for working time purposes into the UK Working Time Regulations. What are the implications for an Operator? The new regulations which amend the original road transport Working Time Regulations to include self employed drivers do not significantly alter the regulatory burden for the operator. However the onus for ensuring compliance and in particular recordkeeping rests with that of the self employed driver. That said, it is important to highlight that operators who frequently use self employed drivers must not knowingly operate in a way that puts a self employed driver in breach of the Working Time Regulations. To do that would commit an offence themselves and they could also be subject to criticism under the operators licensing regime. Self employed? What you need to know... Mobile workers (including self employed drivers) governed by the EC Drivers Hours Rules who work fewer than 11 days (in a 26 week reference period), or in all other cases fewer than 16 days in a reference period of any length do not have to comply with the regulations. In short, for most self employed drivers who do very little EC drivers hours controlled driving (10 days or less in a standard 17 week reference period), these rules do not apply. As an aside, a 26 week period is an optional reference period. It is up to the self employed driver to decide whether 26 weeks would be beneficial, concerning the organisation of their work. If so, a self employed worker can undertake up to 15 days EC driving within the period without triggering these obligations. Working Time Limits For self employed drivers, the average working time is calculated by taking the total number of hours worked during the reference period, divided by the number of weeks in the reference period. The average must be 48 hours or less. Therefore the obligation is on the self employed driver to manage their health and safety and comply with the 48 hour limit. To ensure compliance with the regulation, the self employed driver must take all reasonable steps to have breaks in accordance with the regulations; if the total amount of work undertaken exceeds 6 hours but not 9 hours, then a 30 minute break must be taken. However if the working period exceeds 9 hours then a 45 minute rest period is required. The breaks can be split into blocks of no less than 15 minutes. For the avoidance of any doubt a break is not required where less than 6 hours work has been undertaken. If self employed drivers undertake night work, working time must not exceed 10 hours in any 24hour period. Night work is defined as the period between 00:00 and 04:00 for goods vehicles. The 10 hour limit may be exceeded if this is permitted under a collective or workforce agreement.


Removals & Storage July 2012

Features BAR News

The paper trail All self employed drivers must retain adequate records which demonstrate that he/s she is complying with the regulations. Records must be kept for a To add another dimension, the definition of working time also excludes general administrative work that is not directly linked to the specific transport operation underway. This is somewhat vague but clearly allows general administrative work to be excluded from transport related work and therefore not aggregating to the 48 hour average working week or indeed any of the working time limits. VOSA have indicated that they will not adopt a strict enforcement policy for the first 6 months of the self employed drivers falling within this regulation. Over the past few years there has been a reasonably educated focused regime and it is hoped that for the self employed drivers that this 6 month period will actually involve more flexibility over a longer period of time.

For more Information For all related enquiries or for self employed drivers to obtain specific advice on best practice in retaining records or whether or not it is advantageous to opt for, for example a 26-week period, please contact Steven Meyerhoff at Backhouse Jones 01254 828300;

July 2012 Removals & Storage


It is important to highlight that operators who frequently use self employed drivers must not knowingly operate in a way that puts a self employed driver in breach of the Working Time Regulations. To do that would commit an offence themselves and they could also be subject to criticism under the operators licensing regime.

New Features Member

Military precision helps to drive Kwik Moves success

Bristol-based Kwik Move is one of the leading removals companies in the West Country. R&S caught up with transport manager Gary Morgan to discuss how this award-winning company has grown in the last three decades and to talk about its plans for the future as a new BAR Member.
Its probably the military background of Kwik Move that explains part of the companys nationwide reputation for well-organised, well-disciplined removals and the highest standards of professionalism. Richard Davey, managing director, founded the company in Bristol almost 20 years ago on leaving the army. He was joined shortly afterwards by Gary Morgan, another former military man who has gone from being Kwik Moves first ever CPC qualified lorry driver to the transport manager of the entire operation. Providing essential support to management in the office, Richard and Gary are ably supported by office manager Jane Fitzgerald. Its an award winning operation that is now joining the BAR in order to raise the companys profile with the public and consolidate Kwik Moves culture of being absolutely committed to quality and standards in all areas of the business. The bulk of the companys business is comprised of local domestic household removals in the south west region, where Kwik Move is one of the leading removals players. Kwik Move is also building up its commercial and international businesses. These are tough times in the domestic residential market, even for regional leaders such as Kwik Move. Gary says the business appears to be reverting to seasonal patterns not seen for ten or fifteen years. In the boom years, the work was pretty much year round for us and probably for all removals companies, he says. But now its going back to what it was back when we were starting out, with very clear seasonal trends summer and Easter above all. But Gary is confident that the worst of the downturn is now behind us and that Kwik Move is well positioned for a recovery in the economic cycle and housing market. Yes, theres less work than there used to be, we have adjusted to that. People have less money to move house and less houses are being built. We have streamlined the operation and lowered our prices a bit. Were doing a bit more for a bit less money, but were not compromising on quality of service. Reputation is everything in this business and the awards that we have won show just how good our reputation is.


Removals & Storage July 2012

At the same time, Gary and Richard are also adapting to the ever-increasing reams of regulations coming out of Whitehall and Brussels; Kwik Moves drivers are currently immersed in training for their CPCs. And after a period of streamlining, Kwik Move is even looking to expand its workforce and has just begun a process for recruiting an apprentice. The work is there to

justify us taking on an apprentice, Gary says. Its good to be in a position to be able to employ a youngster and pass on our values and the way of life that we lead at Kwik Move. Business is showing signs of picking up. We are a responsible supplier and a responsible employer, and were really looking forward to being part of BAR and working with other BAR Members.

Gary Morgan, Kwik Move

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July 2012 Removals & Storage

The work is there to justify us taking on an apprentice. Its good to be in a position to be able to employ a youngster and pass on our values and the way of life that we lead at Kwik Move. ... We are a responsible supplier and a responsible employer, and were really looking forward to being part of BAR and working with other BAR Members.

New Member Features


Diary Dates BAR News Features

Diary Dates
BOARD, COUNCIL AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS 2012 Board of Directors December 5 - 10.00am-14.00pm National Council October 9 2012 Overseas Group Council October 3 2012 CMG Council October 11 2012

Do you have any Diary Dates?

E-mail them to: To view diary dates/events, please log into MyBAR and click on the Calendar/Events and BAR Calendar tabs where you can view full details including time, date, location and agendas (when available). To view area minutes, please log into MyBAR and click on the BAR Areas tab and then one of the 16 areas listed. Minutes from past 2012 area meetings can be viewed and downloaded (where available). North West Area Contact: Annette Harris 0161 6534455 Northern Ireland Area Contact: Dominic Murray 02890 748588 Dominicmurray@coastways Scotland Area Contact: Georgina Berry 0151 502220 Southern Area Contact: Peter Doman 01372 385985 July 10 - Romsey Golf Club Golf - 10.30am Meeting -16.00pm Barbecue and drinks - 18.00pm South Wales Area Contact: Andrew Robbins 01792 584229 July 19 - Brewery visit an/or South Western Area Contact: Sue Christophers 01637 872529 Sussex Area Contact: Miranda Hyder 01342 870087 Western Area Contact: Ria Russell 01278 447099 ria@britannialanesofsomerset. West Midlands Area Contact: Sarah Pargeter 01384 377786 Yorkshire Area Contact: Graham Puddephatt 0845 6021775 July 19 - Brewery visit and/or barbecue with Northern Area

BAR AREA MEETINGS 2012 East Anglia Area Contact: Gary Beattie 01767 312869 East Met Area Contact: Paul Freeman 0800 413335 East Midlands Area Contact: Andy Wade 01476 579210 Kent Area Contact: Tom Bourne 01797 228000 New Met Area Contact: Julie Thompson 01932 410100 March 12 2013 - AGM Novotel Hotel, Heathrow Northern Area Contact: Alan Hoggin 0191 5491194 July 19 - Brewery visit and/or barbecue with Yorkshire Area


Removals & Storage July 2012


July 2012 Removals & Storage


Industry News People

Obituary: Jane Shaw

It is with great sadness that we report the death of (Gertrude) Jane Shaw a former BAR board director and former Chairman of The Institute of the Furniture Warehousing & Removing Industry (IFRWI) in 1988/89 (before it was renamed the Movers Institute in 1993). Jane had also been President of Shaws Removals, Worthing, West Sussex.
Robert Syers told R&S: I first met Jane Shaw nearly a third of a century ago, when I joined the IFRWI as a (relatively) young student of the industry, keen to learn as much as possible about the arcane world of removals I had found myself in. Jane took great pleasure in supporting and encouraging me, first to participate in, and later to contribute to the work and activities of the Institute. Jane belonged to a proud tradition of dedicated movers who gave freely of their time and energy in supporting, tutoring and mentoring those wishing to improve their professionalism and knowledge of the industry. She believed passionately in the importance and value of training and developing young people. She enthusiastically embraced the ideals of the Institute and memorably likened it to an extended family in her conference Dear Octopus speech. I remember working with Jane as a member of the Examinations Committee which involved innumerable meetings poring over the minutiae of question setting, timetables and marking schemes. Jane was always reliable, dedicated and cheerful. She was to use a hackneyed phrase which, nevertheless, I think she would have enjoyed a real trouper. She was immensely proud when, in 1988, she became the first female chairman of the Institute, and the first to take on a two-year term of office. In a somewhat chauvinist industry, that was quite an achievement and one which was not to be repeated for another fourteen years. Jane will be remembered as a committed and enthusiastic person who genuinely loved the removal industry and the people in it. For many years no

Former BAR President moves up in Rotarians

Many Members will remember Robin Mason, a former President of BAR and National Chairman of the IFWRI. Robin is now about to take a senior position in Rotary International and Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland. As from this month he will become District Governor for District 1270 in GB and Ireland . This District covers 49 Rotary Clubs and approximately 1600 Rotarians in East Yorkshire, parts of Lincolnshire, parts of south Yorkshire and parts of West Yorkshire. Robin spent some 40 years in the Removals and Storage industry and retired in 2008 when he sold the business of Selles Ltd., based in Hull, which he and the family had owned for 20 years.

conference business session would be complete without the sight of Jane and her husband Des promptly installed on the front row ready and eager to take in every last word of wisdom, or otherwise, that the great and good of the industry were about to dispense. David Trenchard of Leatherbarrows served with Jane as a Board Director of BAR. Jane was a great supporter of training in the Removals Industry and particularly keen to encourage young people to be more professional, he told R&S. She gave unstintingly of her own time and in her own way made a useful contribution to the continuance of the Institute.. Jane passed away following a short illness. She was aged in her late eighties. Her husband Desmond Shaw predeceased her a few years ago. Jane is survived by her daughter Jane Davis, son Clive Shaw and daughter Debbie Canham.

Robin Mason with his wife Jane

Crown appoints Soukup in Vienna

Martin Soukup has taken over the responsibility of leading the Crown Austria head office in Vienna. As of 2 May, he has been managing its operations, further developing the branchs growing portfolio of clients and enforcing the highest quality of services being delivered to Crowns customers in the region. Soukup has spent the last fifteen years in the moving and relocation industry. His successful track record in sales and account management, as well as expertise in all areas of relocations management, will add to the growth of Crowns business in the region. He sees plenty of business opportunities in Austria: In 2011 at least 200 international companies opened branches in Vienna. In addition, 300 globally operating companies have their Eastern European Headquarters in Vienna. I am excited to seize the opportunities on behalf of Crown and honoured to be a part of the Crown Worldwide family.

He still keeps in touch with the Industry through a number of Rotarians in the District who are involved in the business and also by receiving Removals and Storage every month. It is going to be a very busy and challenging year as the District Governor is expected to visit every Club in the District at least once during the Rotary year, Robin said. It is a bit like BAR in that there are various committees, councils etc. to chair as well as attending meetings at Rotary HQ in Alcester. I am really looking forward to the year and with the support of my wife Jane, who many of you know, I am sure it will be as rewarding as being President of BAR was all those years ago, Robin tells R&S.

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Removals & Storage July 2012

Industry News

July 2012 Removals & Storage


BAR News Letters

BAR Conference
I have just attended an excellent BAR conference. Well organised in a great venue. However, the keynote speaker was Mr Mike Nattrass of the UK Independence party. I had assumed Mr Nattrass would be providing some insight into transport policy in relation to our industry. Instead we got a party political broadcast on behalf of himself and UKIP consisting of the usual Daily Mail style, out of context quotes and half truths. I suppose we have to be grateful that we did not hear more about banana straightening along with the other EU urban myths. Whatever ones views of membership of the EU it does not seem appropriate for them to be aired at our conference without an opportunity for other political parties to air theirs. I look forward to seeing a representative from the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrats (and/or any others who may have a point of view) at the next conference to enable a balanced picture to be presented. The BAR is, after all, a non-political organisation and to be seen to support one party could set a dangerous precedent. Andy Wade, F & N Worldwide

Please Note: BAR approached the European Parliament (EP) Transport Committee to invite their members to participate at the Annual Conference. Only Mike Nattrass MEP offered to come to speak to BAR

Members. Like any politician, Mike Nattrass has views which not everyone shares. BAR Members were given the opportunity to challenge these views at the end of his speech. In addition to an EP speaker, to ensure balance, BAR spent more than eight months planning with the UK Government Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) for a representative to speak at the Annual Conference. They were repeatedly let down. Then, just before the Conference, the agreed representative moved to a different department and therefore could not attend and it was too late to find a replacement!

Fallen off their pedestal

Maybe I have been here too long, but operating our Mallorca Depot for over ten years now has proved to be quite interesting. In these competitive markets its just amazing what companies from all different nationalities which operate in and out of the Balearics can get up to. With regard to Worldwide Shipping, there are not many shipping lines that call into the Balearics; Containers are primarily shipped from Barcelona or Valencia, sent over on the horrendously expensive ferries that link the mainland with the islands. My Balearic company exports a lot of effects worldwide, primarily through our UK office and associated colleagues. What I find interesting is that on the occasions I have shipped direct from Spain, there is a difference in Destination Agents requirements in spite of the excellent FIDI guideline. From my experience, there are ways to ensure costeffective options. I had an enquiry, an Import, volume of 2,600 cu ft., ready to be collected across the Pond from my clients Storage company. I could have arranged this myself, but instead decided to get a few quotations from suitably qualified Shipping Agents. The one I chose had more qualifications and badges than a Chief Scout at a jamboree; my enquiry was answered and dealt with by various members of this organisation and, going by the myriad of names and accents, it felt like I was dealing with the United Nations. A price agreed, sole use of a 45 ft. LCL and I paid for this by return (yes, by return!) Collection date set, I receive an email from my Agent to confirm that collection crew on site, Job is not Export wrapped as expected. Oh dear, contingency plans now come into play, it appears the collection crew have had to travel some distance to collect, and now they need to arrange overnight accommodation and packing materials, I phone my client to advise that the Job was not packed as they had advised me. Over the next 24 hours I am copied into quite a few emails from not only my client, my Agent but also the Storage Company. I am now told that the volume of the effects as collected has now gone to 3,915 cu ft., I tell my client, who in turn contacts their Storage Company, and their reply is; they have sent a bunch of !!!!! to collect it. Your alarm bells ringing yet? My Agent is now onto me to say that the price has now gone up over 100 % to cover the Packing and Wrapping, Additional Container now needed and they want paying for everything before it even leaves the country! Now I wont be held to ransom, Ive used this company before, and said we will have a site meeting when the containers arrive. The Agent is charging for a 45 ft. LCL full, and a 20 ft. LCL with 715 cu ft. in it. Over the next few weeks whilst the Containers are in transit, I receive constant emails from my Agent requesting payment now somebody is getting very paranoid here, and its not me! Minor issues are set aside with Customs Clearance, the date is set, the Containers are arriving and it is agreed that my Agent will have senior management on site to oversee the unloading and resolve any issues there and then. I ask my son to be on site for the reveal, at 09:00 hrs my Agents excellent warehouse staff are on hand for the grand opening of the 45 foot: yes, it is full, the standard of wrapping is average, inventory makes no sense whatsoever, items marked crated and charged for, were not! At 09:30 the 20 ft. is opened: what, have we been robbed? In the corner, is at best 300 foot. Exactly what we thought, we were being ripped off, and our reason to withhold payment fully justified. My son has to fetch the management from their offices and now they are there to view the crime, more excuses and mutterings about their Collection Agent, but they reiterate that their MD has insisted that everything should be paid before it is unloaded. My son demanded to speak to their MD, who was on site but reluctant to put in an appearance. After a while he appeared, and clearly was not best happy about being abstracted from his Ivory Tower. It was a pointless exercise, every excuse and pure arrogance. Now, my argument, and please let me know if you think I am wrong, my contract is with my Agent, not whom they used to collect it. Should a company wish to pontificate and stand on a pedestal about their qualifications and standards that should include and take responsibility of their subcontractors? I see it a little bit too often that when a company gets outside the immediate glare of all these standards, rules and tribulations of working within the UK Removal Industry, they are as likely to cut money corners as a back street operation to whom they often have the audacity to complain about. Who is this Shipping Agent? Lets say they are most probably closer to you, than they are to me! I fell off my pedestal years ago! But I never did profess to be a Saint in the first place. Bill Webb, Palma de Mallorca

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Trade Features Memberships Services

BAR Memberships July 2012

Registered: The following Member has registered: Additional Trading Name Apak Relocations an ATN of Eurogroup International Movers Ltd Memb No: E034 Trafalgar House Trafalgar Business Park Dereham Norfolk NR19 1JG Applications: BAR has received the following application for: Additional Trading Name Britannia Cestrian an ATN of Britannia Fleet Removals Memb No: F011

Any Member wishing to make any comment regarding an application should do so in writing to BAR Head Office within 21 days of receipt of this notification. Details of membership applications in process may also be found on the BAR website:

Do you have any news to share with R&S readers?

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BAR Training Services

Training from the Removals Experts
Introduction to Estimating
Ideal for staff who are new to the role. This 1 day course focuses on teaching students the unit system, methods of estimating, risk assessment, the role of the Estimator and selling services to the customer Quantity Assessment The Role of the Estimator Health & Safety Contract Conditions Communication Techniques Removals Insurance

Course Dates 2012

16 July 10 September 5 November Course to be held at BAR, Watford

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Trade Services Features

Channel Islands Ireland

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Scotland/Europe Scotland and Islands


Removals & Storage
Units 5&6, Lower Blackhill Ind. Estate, Lerwick, ZE1 ODG

Regular nationwide service

Tel: 01595 696268 Fax: 01595 693515

July 2012 Removals & Storage


Trade Services


Germany and Austria



Weekly Groupage Service

Full origin and destination services available. German speaking staff Contact Darrel or Justin Tel: 0208 144 0734 Fax: 0844 770 7111 Email:
Italy Germany

We offer Trade storage at competitive rates. Undercover Loading & Unloading Flexible hours 6.00 p/w no handling charge

Tel: 0800 1389242 or 01708 552981




Regular runs to all areas Full or part loads Receiving depot 10mins from M25 J5 ...or we collect All deliveries and collections carried out by our own crews Phone Paul for advice and genuine delivery/collection times


Removals & Storage July 2012

Trade Services
Europe Greece

GREECEd by Roa
7 day transit time Twice-monthly departures British Crews & Professional Service Highly recommended in Greece
00 44 1733 311 561 |
Cyprus and Malta Spain

Purely The Balearics, No Bull!


Weekly Scheduled Service, Containerised Storage Depots Holder of Spanish Transport Licence for our Tranship vehicles Unrivaled Infrastructure in Mallorca, Menorca & Ibiza Excellent Rates, Payment in Euros or GBP accepted UK Office: 01843 585055, Mallorca Office: 0034 971 693566, Trade website:



Weekly Service for the Trade. Call now for best rates Depots in Preston, Chester, Alicante, Malaga Email: Web:

France - Spain - Portugal - Italy PRESTON 01772 651570



TEL: 01202 576514 FAX: 01202 574011

Memb No: W001

This space is available from just 33 per month

July 2012 Removals & Storage


Trade Services
Scandinavia India


United Arab Emirates



Qatar Space to Hire Caribbean

South Africa

Web Banner Offer for Display Advertising

Advertise in Display for 5 or more issues of Removals & Storage magazine and get a free static banner on the BAR website with a direct link to your own website.

Call Sandra on 0117 957 5400 for details

Removals & Storage July 2012

Trade Services
G&R Advert 60x60mm:Layout 1 Piano Specialists 20/10/08 16 Trade Storage




A family run business, Est. in 1968.


Recommended by the worlds finest piano manufacturers, auctioneers, music colleges & academies.


Mem. No G005

Call BARTS on 01923 699484 or email

Trailer Hire

100 BOLLO LANE, CHISWICK, LONDON W4 5LX Tel: +44 (0) 20 8994 9733 Fax: +44 (0) 20 8995 0855

Warehouse Containers

to Hire Space to Hire

This space is This space is available from just available from just 33 per month 33 per month


1/4 Page from just



1/2 Page from just


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or email:

0117 957 5400

call Sandra Zealand on:

July 2012 Removals & Storage


Classifieds Features
For Sale Removals, Storage & Shipping Business for Sale (West London based) Fantastic opportunity to acquire a well established business.Specializes in Domestic, Overseas & car shipping world wide Excellent staff, 6 vehicles, good storage revenue, turnover in excess of 850k/pa Sale due to moving abroad. Contact: 079 0934 8328 For Sale

Purpose Built Removals Depot in Wheatley, nr Oxford. 22,000 sq ft. 4 container high. Secure Yard. Diesel tank. 5 per sq ft pa rental or 1.25m freehold. Please contact 07933 123 123

Are You Looking To Sell?

We are looking to buy good quality household moving and storage companies in London and the home counties. Please call 07933 123 123 in full confidence for a quick decision.

Do you have any news to share with R&S readers?

Send to:

Its your magazine!

If you have any news or comments about your business, the economy, and the industry in general, please send in your information, letters or articles.
We have now been running R&S Magazine for just over one year and we know some of you, but not all of you! Please let us know if you are not receiving and want to receive our monthly email reminders for submitting ideas, news, comments and events to include in future issues of the magazine, and the deadlines for submissions. While we cannot promise to publish all your news and information, it does help if submissions are received within the copy deadlines. Please also send us your feedback on the content of the magazine and your ideas for new regular sections or other improvements made.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

The Editorial Team at R&S E: T: 020 3235 1806


Removals & Storage July 2012

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Industry recognised annual awards: - Domestic Mover of the Year (DMotY) - Commercial Mover of the Year (CMotY)

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July 2012 Removals & Storage




Removals & Storage July 2012

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