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CIRCUIT DEBUGGING Rules 1. Maximum two members are only allowed per team. 2.

Circuit design and debugging must be done on OrcadPspice platform. 3. Prelims will be held to shortlist the number of teams. 4. The judges decision will be final. 5.Registration fee Rs>50/- per head.

MAGLEV What do you think is the key to success in todays competitive world? Strategy, Technology, Marketing, Yes but ruling over all these the main factor is TRANSPORTATION. How fast you can transport decides how fast you are in race. "Alike poles repel." This simple 'Material Property' revolutionized transportation in Japan and China. Now it's our turn to prove India is 'Ready for Rivalry' on wheel-less rails. Technozion presents "MAGLEV" an event where you build a 'Magnetic Levitating Train' that stays afloat on a magnetic track and race to the finish. Come join the frictionless Euphoria.

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