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Chapter 1: Isnt One Bad Enough?

First day of junior year and Emma Baker was just coming into the school after moving to the town of Lexington. I was a shy girl, not really the one to meet new people. I spent the first few minutes before school by standing by my locker just looking around. Hey is that the new girl right there? I heard someone say behind me. Yeah thats her. Why? You know what Im thinking. Come on, lets get to first class. he said as the bell rang. Too bad I didnt see who they were, because then I couldve kept an eye on them all day. Entering the room I saw every seat filled, except the last seat in the back corner. Oh great. I mumbled before sliding into it. Looking around at everyone else I felt really uncomfortable, and then I heard those two voices again. Yeah we saw her like five minutes ago. Wait a minute; is this the mysterious new girl right here? He said putting a hand on my shoulder. I nearly jumped a mile before turning around. Whoops. My bad. And you are? I asked in an unpleasant tone. No need to be rude. I was just kidding around. Im Joey Nielson. So, whats your name? Saw you this morning, looked a bit out of place. I could show you around the school if youd like. Emma. After what you said this morning to your friend Id rather not trust you with bringing me around the school. I said as the guys around him began to laugh. I didnt say it to my friend; I said it to my brothers. These are them, Jesse and Josh. Hopefully theyre nicer than you are. Im sick of getting treated like I am lower than everyone just because I am the new girl. I noticed one of them staring at me but didnt say anything. I just turned around and ignored them for the rest of the period. But wherever I went they went. We had a single block of history then two periods of math. And yet again I had to sit near them, in every class! I overheard them whispering during math and I tried to ignore them but couldnt. My mind was going crazy the rest of the period before the first lunch bell rang. Finally, time to get away from these three.I said to myself getting up. Just as I got to the lunchroom I remembered I didnt have my bag. Oh no. I said running back to the classroom. Before I could get in I found my bag in the hallway. How nice of them.I mumbled before taking my bag and heading back to the lunchroom. Looking around I found an empty table and sat down. Going through my bag I took out my water bottle and lunch bag. Oh how sweet of them to put this in here.I said taking out a banana peel. Gross. Walking over to where they were sitting I pushed the peel to the middle of the table. Who put this in my bag?I asked sternly. What do you mean? We would never do something that mean.Joey said sarcastically smiling at his brothers. Dont do it again. I swear if you three try to pull anything on me, you wont like what will be returned. Karma boys, what goes around, comes around.

Wow, we really have do have a very difficult problem on our hands. This is going to be fun. Jesse I presume? I asked him. No, Im Josh. This is Jesse. Just dont do it again. And I am serious. Dont. I said walking away before something hit my back. You didnt just do that Josh. I said without turning around. Whoops, it slipped! Sorry Emma. It slipped my foot! You are such a jerk! I said before grabbing my bag and running out of the cafeteria. Seriously guys? Come on shes already having a bad day as is. Jesse said getting up. Going out into the hallway he found me sitting there my head in my hands. Emma. Jesse said softly. Go away. I dont want to talk to anyone. Emma Im sorry my brothers are being such jerks. They just havent matured like I have. Here if you want you can wear my sweatshirt. Jesse said. Looking up at him a smile began to break out on my face. Thanks. Youre much nicer than your brothers. Well thats because rather than being a jerk with my older brothers, I became a very conservative person. Then why do you still hang around them? I asked getting up. Well, because we are triplets, we go everywhere together. He said smiling at me. I rolled my eyes walking away from him. Jesse watched with his smile growing bigger, before there were hands on his shoulders. Falling for the new girl? Josh asked him. She has a name. And, no Im not falling for Emma. We are just friends. Yeah just friends, you were practically melting in her hands. Joey laughed. Shoving his brothers away Jesse walked away from them entering the T.V. Media shop. Just when he thought he was safe from everyone he saw his cousin Blaine smiling at him when he opened the door. Not you too? When did you find out? Jesse asked sinking into the chair beside him. Well, I found out just a few seconds ago. But there is good news along with me knowing. Blaine said a smirk on his face. Jesse began to think what his cousin meant then the door behind them opened. Swiveling around in the chair Jesse almost fell out of it. Embarrassed a bit I blushed when I saw Jesse. Uh, is this T.V. Media? I asked trying to avoid his eyes. Those bright green eyes were looking back at me without a movement. There was silence until Blaine got up. Yeah it is. Youre joining this shop? He asked looking back at Jesse smiling. Jesses mouth turned into a scowl as he got up and went into the studio. Did I do something wrong? I asked looking through the window.

Jesse had his head down on the desk, a notebook in front of him. The pen was tight in his hand as he furiously wrote on the paper. Is he okay? He seems a bit upset. Was it because I came?I asked without taking my eyes off of him. No, no. Jesse is just a bit, stressed lets say. He has a lot to think about and do.Blaine answered taking his seat back. Quite interesting that you would join this shop. You do know you are the only girl here, right? He asked his eyebrows rising. No, no, I didnt. Tell me something. Are Jesses brothers in this shop? Before he could answer me again I felt two arms around my shoulders. Does that answer your question, new girl? Joey whispered into my ear. Shrugging them off I turned to them. Maybe you guys could tell me, whats up with your brother? He seems very, odd, mysterious, unlike you two.I said looking back at Jesse. Like he heard me his head shot up. I quickly turned from him looking at his brothers. Maybe he is nervous, I mean, a pretty girl like you, talking to him? Joey started. I narrowly looked at him. I mean look at him. Joey finished pointing at his brother. Jesse was staring down at the desk, like he was trying to mesmerize the words on the page. Is he always like this, or is it me? Did I do anything to him? I asked again. Everyone looked away from me as if they didnt know me. Guys, dont be like that, tell me! Please someone tell me whats going on! I yelled as a few more people filed in. I felt really embarrassed now as most of them went to their positions for the show. Sitting down I held my head in my hands. Will one of you tell me? You guys know him the best. Please? I asked again as Josh shoved some papers at me. What is this? I questioned confused. You are anchoring today. Here are your stories. Go sit in the other chair out there. Josh said it so seriously I looked around confused. And Im, Im anchoring with, with Jesse? They all nodded and I felt like crying. Oh goodness But I have never done anything like this. You should be a natural. Just relax and get out there. Joey replied taking my hand. Sitting down I felt awkward near Jesse. He quickly flipped his notebook to the first page where he had written things already. Fixing my mic for me Joey looked at his brother. Like he knew what Jesse was saying he finished quickly and left. I didnt want to look over at him but it was so hard not to. We are going on soon, get ready. He whispered to me. Looking way from him I looked into the control room. Josh was standing with the headset on, Joey was in the studio with us getting ready for sports and weather, and Blaine was fixing the camera on us. I looked down at my phone one last time then looked back at the camera.

Almost immediately we were on the screen. Good morning I am Jesse Nielson and this is one of our newest in the school Emma Baker. So Emma why did you want to come into this technical area? Well, I guess, I dont really know. I thought because of my father at the news station I would enjoy working on the show with all of you. I answered not trying to stumble with my words. Well, we hope to have a good show in the future. Now we should see how the weather is outside with Joey. The rest of the show was going on as usual, or as they told me. After an hour we switched the jobs we had. Fortunately I had camera. But unfortunately Joey had director. Josh and him wouldnt stop with the various things they were saying to me over the headsets. I had to wait a very long hour till I could finally be rid of them. In the bathroom I sat on the sink looking at my reflection. Why are they trying to ruin my life? I have never seen them. Now they are probably bothering Jesse about all of this. I told myself before hopping down and returning to the studio. The cool air brushed against my cheek and I shivered a bit. Cold new girl? Joey asked in front of me. I still had Jesses sweatshirt on and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. Shut up Joey. I muttered before taking the sweatshirt off. Throwing it over at Jesse I made my way to the control room where I locked everyone else out. Taking my phone out I began dialing my best friend, Diannas number. I waited then the picked up. So, hows Lexington? Hows school? Before I could answer I began to cry. Dee, I cant stand it here. I feel wherever I go, I am always being harassed by someone! I wish I were back with you and Danny and everyone else in Sebago. The only people I know are idiots who dont care, they want to ruin my life Dianna! Whoa, Em, calm down a bit. I bet you they are just trying to get used to you. Well, maybe, or they are just trying to ruin your life. But hey, dont worry about anything. Everything will be fine, okay Emma? I looked around the control room the phone to my ear. I noticed the window and it wasopen! I gotta go Dee, Ill call you back in a bit.I said angrily before ending the conversation. Looking out the window to the studio I saw that the lights were off. What the hell? I looked into the office and no one was there also. Oh no.I whispered to myself before opening the door to the edit room. Looking out into pitch black I stood in the doorway. A flashlight flicked on showing Josh and Joey. I tried not to roll my eyes as I looked at them. Oh yes Emma, we are going to make your life a living hell. We already started. Why dont you sit while we explain to you. I thought I was in a bad dream as I fell into the chair. Suddenly the lights turned on blinding me. Couldnt have gave me a warning?I asked blinking off the pain. Nope. See since we already know you from the obvious stuff you have told us, we can practically rule your life.Joey said sitting across from me, his feet on the desk.

First off, you dont know me. You have known me for four hours. Second, you have no idea where I live. And lastly, you cant reach me anyway. You dont know my cell number or my phone. On the contrary little girl. He said an odd smile on his face. Not really a smile, but an evil sort of grin. I began to look away from him before he tossed something at me. Catching it I looked at it. What he threw at me was my phone. When did you take this from me? I asked amazed looking up at him. We have an excellent person; I wont say names, who can get things for us easily. Now, wherever you go, we go. He said. The little menace was looking back at me as I got up. Oh and dont worry about Jesse knowing. He wont know unless of course you tell him. Because we certainly wont. I backed the chair up and walked out of the office. Grabbing my bag I started for the double doors before my phone rang. Have a nice night Emma Grace. ~Joey Great he knows my middle name. Who knows what else he knows. I thought as I got into my older brothers car. Without saying anything he knew there was something wrong with me. What happened Emma? He asked driving out of the parking lot. Two people are ruining my life. End of story. Emma, sometimes when you are new to a school, He started. Oh yay, the new person speech again. People just dont know how to treat you. They think you are different because you are new. Are these two guys or girls? Guys. I didnt want to answer as we got into the driveway. I ran from the car up to my unpacked room. I began to pace as the music from my IPod came out. I began to think how I could get out of this scheme Josh and Joey were planning. I got it! I yelled as my favorite song came on. I began to sing along before I heard the doorbell ring. I ran down the stairs to open it before my younger brother, Kevin got there. Opening the door I saw Joey and Josh there. Great, just what I wanted. My plan is unfolding. Joey, Josh. What are you two doing here? I asked crossing my arms over my chest. Well, our mother baked your family her amazing cinnamon apple pie. She wanted us to bring it over. Wheres Jesse then? Shouldnt all three of you be bringing it over? Jesse is at practice. Just take it so we can go home. Kevin already had his hands on the platter before I took it from him. Dont be rude Kevin Adam. Well, tell your mother thank you and we would love to have your family over soon. Maybe tonight when Jesse gets back from practice. Not. I smiled before shutting the door. Setting the plate on the table I told my mother about inviting the neighbors over. That would be wonderful. We should get ready for their arrival. Go tell your brothers to wash up. I smiled walking out of the kitchen as I whipped my phone out. See you guys tonight. Your family is coming over. ~Emma

Hey Josh, look at this. Joey said giving his brother the phone. You thinking what Im thinking? He asked smiling. Looking out of their window they saw me. I was at the mirror getting ready. Yeah get all pretty for Jesse, Emma Grace. Tonight will be quite a night for impressions. Good luck. ~Joey I dont believe in luck, only love. ~Emma I smiled as I finished at the mirror. Laying on the bed I began to sing again. They say that good things take time but really great thing happen in the blink of an eye.I sighed. If only that could happen in real life. Yet again my phone began to ring. Rolling my eyes I got up slowly and looked at it. Beautiful voice for a beautiful person. Cant wait to meet your family tonight. ~ Jesse I was amazed at what it said. I looked across the way but no one was there. Then the doorbell rang. Well, here goes nothing. I said stepping out of my room. The family was just entering the house when I got down the stairs. It was like they were transformed. Each of the boys were in a nice dress shirt and tie. Joey and Josh looked at me smiling. I rolled my eyes dropping into line. Trying to backfire our plan Emma? Joey whispered to me sitting down. Maybe, why do you care? I answered. Just dont forget, we have ways to make you stop. We know about you liking Jess over there. Josh whispered as I felt my cheeks burn. Standing up I excused myself from the room. Getting up the stairs I tried not to slam my door. Just have to hold that over my head. Who knows what they will do next. I just wish I were one step ahead of them. Aww, does little Emma feel uncomfortable? We are so sorry. He really does like you Emma. If you dont believe us ask him yourself. ~Josh. Why cant they just drop it! I yelled. Laying on the bed I began to think. My IPod was still on. They say that good things take time but really great thing happen in the blink of an eye. Thought the chances of meeting a person like you were a million to one. Sitting up I felt a tear. I cannot believe it; youre one in a million. One in a Million. Great song. I know a better one if you would let me in. I was confused as I wiped away the tears. Opening the door I saw Jesse there. What are you doing up here? I asked looking away. I heard you singing. Are you okay? He questioned. Oh Im just so bright and cheery right now. I retorted looking through my IPod. No need to be sarcastic now. He said following me over. May I look? He asked. Go ahead. But I must say I dont have much on there. Looking through it he began to smile. There is a good mix here. Maybe I could make you a C.D. for you. He stopped at one song. This is my favorite. He said starting it. Desperate for changing, starving for truth. I'm closer to where I started, chasing after you, I'm

falling even more in love with you, letting go of all I've held onto, I'm standing here until you make me move, I'm hanging by a moment here with you. He sang. I stopped the song. Looking at him I began to smile. Youre a great singer. I never thought you of all people would be a singer. I also act. He smiled before we got interrupted. His brothers were leaning against the doorframe. Now I have to burn it. I muttered. Jesse held his laugh back as he looked back at me. Its been a while since youve been downstairs Emma. Do you remember what it looks like? Josh asked. Very funny. I was just going to go down there. I said looking back at Jesse. You coming along? I kidded. I made my way out of the room before Joey caught my shoulder. Be careful, we may trick you one day. Shrugging him away I began down the stairs. Following me we all made our way back to the living room. Sitting on the couch I began to think. Is he the one? Could his brothers be lying to me? Well look at him, I mean, he is so Jesse. There is nothing wrong with him, well, maybe there isbut that cant stop me from liking me can it? My thoughts got disturbed as they walked back into the room. Sitting on both sides of me Joey and Josh settled in as if I were their best friend. Just relax. This will be over soon. Just relax Emma. Just ten minutes later I was getting a bit tired and I rested my head against the couch cushion where I fell asleep. Mom, dad, maybe we should go now. Lets give the Bakers the rest they need. We can always come over again.Jesse said as I felt a blanket touch my body. We should be getting home. We had a wonderful time here. Poor Emma must be so tired from the long day at school.Their mother said. Suddenly I felt lips at my ear. Sleep well Emma, see you tomorrow. That night I was tossing and turning, hearing the words over and over again. alone! Stop! I woke up in a cold sweat. The clock said 3:53 A.M. and I knew I only had a few more hours until I was back to being in hell. But I couldnt sleep for those last few hours. Once the show was done I rested my head behind the desk where no one could see me. But they found me. We need your help Emma. We are doing something for shop and we need someone to ask the question. Ask someone else, I am trying to sleep. Ask your brother or someone. We need you. The teacher wants us to teach you how to do this. Plus we wanted to ask you about something that has been bothering us. What the hell do you want from me now?! Cant you two leave me alone for one damn day? We need to ask you about Jesse. No.I said getting up. Josh turned the camera on as I started to walk away. Come on Emma. Jesse really likes you and he wants to know if you feel the same way. Just tell us.Joey kept pushing on.

I dont know Joey. I guess I do, I dont know. It has been two days since I met him. Just leave me alone. I said opening the door. Catching it behind me Joey pulled me back. Come on Emma, he just wants to know. Yes or no? Joey asked me looking into my eyes. If I tell you will you leave me alone? I asked looking at him. Thinking for a second he nodded yes. Okay, I do, hes really interesting. Mysterious, much more than you two are put together. Josh smiled as he nodded at Joey. Thats great.He paused. Come on Josh; lets go edit that footage now.He said taking the tape out of the camera. Looking at them my jaw dropped. You two didnt! How dare you invade my privacy and do that! I screamed following them into the edit room. He wants to know, hell get it. Joey said already uploading the footage. Joey dont do this please! Come on, your brother can find out himself. If he is too cowardly to ask me himself then he shouldnt send his brothers to find out for him! Just please dont show this to him. I pleaded. I dont know Emma, he really is shy. Josh said. If he were shy he wouldnt come up to me and make me feel welcome to the school. Unlike you two. I pointed out. Plus, he wasnt that shy last night when he practically serenaded me. Maybe thats where he always disappears to on Thursdays. Joey said thinking. Down at the music room. I wonder if hes He paused. Looking at Josh they zoomed out of the room. Running down the halls they pierced through the door to see Jesse sitting there. Jesse Ian Nielson! They both yelled. Oh no. Jesse muttered under his breath. Why are you two here, I am very busy. Do you need something from me? He asked. As a matter of fact we do! Are you trying to kill our relationship? Whatever happen to we dont let each other down? Because right now, you are kind of doing that to me and Joey. Josh responded. You have totally floored it Jesse! If you like her take it slow. Dont be a fool again. Joey said. Im not going that fast. Its justHe paused. After what happened to Elizabeth, I just dont want Emma to get hurt. But that was a problem in itself. Taking my bag from the ground I made my way to the nurses. Passing the music room they all looked at me. What are you all looking at? I asked stopping. A look of worry was on Jesses face so I decided to leave them be. Well shes in a good mood. Joey said. I rolled my eyes as I continued to the nurses office. Leaning my head against the wall I waited for the nurse to come out of her office. May I help you Emma? The nurse asked me.

Im just here for my medication. Every day after lunch. Havent forgotten it for a while. I smiled getting up from the chair. Taking the pill from her I swallowed it and made my way back to shop. Opening the door I felt an odd presence. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. Looking behind me I saw no one. What are you all looking at? I asked now mad. Jesse is looking for you. Hes in the studio. Josh said turning back to his computer. Sighing I dropped my bag and walked into the studio. Sitting at the desk where we were just a few hours before he looked up. I guess you heard from my brother. I really need to talk to you Emma. Yeah, well I kind of need to talk to you too Jesse. I said sitting down. What do you have to talk about Emma? Well Jesse, I kind of need to tell you, if we ever do get together-I stopped myself. Looking up at him I sighed. You go first Jesse. What did you have to say? Well, Emma, if we do ever get together, I just want to tell youI really protective. My last girlfriend I had, Elizabeth, she got murdered. And I just dont want you to get hurt like she did. Jesse responded. Sitting on the desk I looked at him. Im sorry Jess; I wish she didnt get hurt. I said looking away. I didnt want to tell him but his eyes caught mine and I couldnt look away again. Whats wrong Emma? What did you need to tell me? He asked. Gosh, why did I have to open my big mouth? Well, Jesse, I have to tell you right now that I have both a breathing condition, asthma, and I found out last year I have a collapsed lung. He looked at me, a worried look on his face. Is- is that why everyday you go to the nurse after lunch? Jesse asked his voice shaky. Yes, I just havent told anyone. I didnt want everyone to be all around me. Too much worrying. I said looking away from him again. My father passed away a few years ago, he got murdered, I wish I could have been in his place instead of him. Getting up from the desk I walked over to the wall. Setting my head down I began to mumble to myself. Im so stupid. I shouldnt have told you Jesse. Walking over to me he leaned against the wall. You arent stupid; youre a wonderful, smart, amazing girl. You are just saying that Jesse. I need to learn how to keep my big mouth shut. Come on Emma, it isnt that bad. He said lifting my head so I was looking at him. Did you not hear everything I just said? You are amazing! You are just saying that Jesse. Im not amazing, Im just Emma. I said looking away. You can stand up to my brothers, youre different Emma. Nobody has ever stood up to them like you have. Taking my hand he smiled. But I cant Jess. I muttered. Come on, whats bothering you now? He asked me.

Its nothing. I said taking my hand back. Well whatever it is it must be something. Come on you can trust me, right? I guess, but, its just, your brothers, they have beenI paused. Looking back at him I sighed. Your brothers have been holding something over me for a while. I think I know what it is too Emma. My brothers havent been the nicest to everyone they meet lately. Including me. You must have been gone that day, I was on the phone with my friend Dianna and they were listening. They said that they would ruin my life. Who said that? Jesse said alert. Joey did, why? I asked looking at him again. No reason, I just wanted to know. But beside the fact, I wanted to ask you something Emma. My breath stopped as he took my hand again. My eyes couldnt stop looking around and before I knew it

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