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West Toronto KEYS to Inclusion together with their many friends and supporters celebrated on the evening of Wednesday Oct 3 2012 at the Community Junction, owned and operated by Community Living Toronto. KEYS stands for ( Knowledge + Experience = Your Success). We believe that neighbourhood opportunities for knowledge and work / volunteer / social experience are KEYS to the successful creation of strong, vibrant communities which include people of ALL abilities. And there was cause for celebration: 1. KEYS is celebrating its first Birthday of Lunch n Learn at the Junction. 5 years ago a dream was shared by 8 families whose young adult was graduating from high school and wanted to be active and visible in the community. Lunch n Learn kicked off in September 2011 with Meghan Bruni as the Leader. Today the many talents of Jenny Saundercook lead our participants to new discoveries about themselves, their community and nutritious and delicious meal planning and preparation. Much of this has been made possible because of our second success 2. KEYS wonderful partnership with Community Living Toronto who so generously have given us the beautiful shared space at Community Junction to use daily for KEYS Lunch n Learn. In addition, Community Living Toronto has provided invaluable volunteers to assist at Lunchn Learn as well as collaboration with KEYS to create choices for our young adultsthe most recent being the monthly Friday night social called Function at the are welcome to attend if you are under 30 . 3. Our most important success is KEYS participants and their abilities A picture is worth a thousand words so lets watch this 5 minute video (click on 5 min video to watch) created by Ihor Macijiwsky. It captures the spirit of our stars and KEYS to Inclusion!


Canadian Charitable Registration # 80687 5894 RR0001

Thank YOU to all of our friendsincluding the many prize sponsors who are listed at the end. It is through your generous support that our participants continue to have keys to good cooking, to continued learning, keys to friendships and keys to community placements in the neighbourhood. An evening like this could not have happened without the tremendous team effort of the Friendraiser Planning team led by KEYS Treasurer and Fundraiser extraordinaire Susan Spencer Macijiwsky. Cindy Abols, Christine Miokovic, Janis Todd, and Amanda Salzberger all contributed over the last three months their creativity, their contacts and their energies to make the evening magical THANK YOU! We believe that neighbourhood opportunities for knowledge and work / volunteer / social experiences are KEYS to the successful creation of strong, vibrant communities which include people of ALL abilities. The monies raised will give us more keys to help open doors of opportunity for our young adults with an intellectual disabilitydoors to learning, friendship and active community participation. We hope YOU can join us at our next celebration stay tuned! Best wishes,

Hlne Paulyn Murray, President

Friendraiser Oct 3 2012

10/31/12 Canadian Charitable Registration # 80687 5894 RR0001

We gratefully thank our very generous and kind PRIZE DONORS AND SPONSORS

The Abols Family Accessorize Me Marilyn Barrett The Basket Company Kristina Beaubien Massage Therapist The Brady Family Breathe Yoga Studio Lyn Bryans Butcher by Nature Cappucci Hair Salon and Spa The Changing Nest Cheri di Novo Cherry Bomb Chocolateria Cinelli Hair Salon Quinn Corkal Digsville Downward Dog Yoga Studio Ganz Guelph: Bulk Barn / Everyday Style / Food Basics / Freshco / Roys No Frills Hachette Publishing Helga Designer Boutique
10/31/12 Canadian Charitable Registration # 80687 5894 RR0001

HERS Boutique Beth Hetherington High Park Nails and Spa Hughs Room International Cheese Co Ltd Jack Astors Restaurant Labatt Breweries La Roche Le Dolci Cupcake Bakery Liaison College Lida Boutique Ottawa Maple Leaf Sports Entertainment The Macijiwsky Family Jan McCrae Robert McKay Lanark Mildred Pierces Temple Restaurant Milestones Christine Miokovic The Murray Family No Frills Pacific Avenue Pelee Island Winery Pollocks Carpet Market Procter & Gamble Queensway Volkswagon Sobeys The Grid The Potted Garden
10/31/12 Canadian Charitable Registration # 80687 5894 RR0001

The Sunday Drivers / Cyncity Band Janis Todd Toronto Argos Toronto Blue Jays Roxanne Tull Vesuvios Restaurant Villa Restaurant The Wingrove Family Tina Zorzi


Canadian Charitable Registration # 80687 5894 RR0001

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