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Date: 14-01-2013

Vicerrectorado de Profesorado,Titulaciones, Ordenacin Acadmica, Coordinacin y Campus


Vicerrectorado de Profesorado,Titulaciones, Ordenacin Acadmica, Coordinacin y Campus

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I.-Subject Identification Type Teaching period N of credits Language in wich the subject is taught FORMACIN BSICA 2 curso, 2Q semestre 6 English


Attention to diversity in education is a fundamental aspect of equal opportunities between groups, and therefore can not be treated as an aspect which refers to cultural or ethnic issues, but also those related to the independent functioning of the human being , coming into play in this content, therefore, attention to people with disabilities and their educational needs. It is therefore of special interest subjects such as successful completion of education theory, social psychology of education or educational sociology, as they anticipate a necessary foundation for understanding the different aspects within this field will submit. In this way, they acquire knowledge in addition to covering specific skills of the level of primary education, the right to acquire the generic skills of all first degree, as - Promote respect for fundamental rights and equality between men and women. - Promote respect for and promotion of Human Rights and the principles of universal accessibility and design for all in accordance with the provisions of the final disposition tenth of the Law 51/2003 of December 2, Equal opportunities, discrimination and universal access for persons with disabilities. - Promote the values of a culture of peace and democratic values.

III.-Competences Generic competences CG1. Ability to analyse and synthesise. CG2. Ability to organise and plan. CG3. Spoken and written native language communication. CG4. Knowledge of a foreign language. CG5. Knowledge of information systems relating to the field of study. CG6. Ability to manage information. CG7. Ability to solve problems. CG8. Ability to make decisions. CG9. Teamwork. CG11. Interpersonal skills. CG12. Recognition of diversity and multi-cultural situations. CG14. Commitment to values. CG15. Ability to study independently. CG16. Ability to adapt to new situations. CG18. Leadership. CG19. Knowledge of other cultures and customs CG20. Initiative and entrepreneurship CG21. Motivation for quality CG22. Sensitivity to environmental issues Specific competences

Vicerrectorado de Profesorado,Titulaciones, Ordenacin Acadmica, Coordinacin y Campus

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CE1. Ability to understand the complex nature of educational processes in general and teaching-learning processes in particular. CE2. Knowledge of content to be taught, understanding its epistemological relevance and specific didactic nature. CE5. Respect for cultural and personal differences between students and other members of the education community. CE6. Design and development of education projects and programmed units that enable study programs to be adapted to social and cultural situations. CE7. Ability to perform a tutorial function, orientating students and their parents and coordinating educational activity addressed to a group of students. CE8. Commitment to strengthening academic performance of students and scholastic progress, in an integrated educational framework. CE10. Analysis and understanding of educational processes in and outside the classroom relating to children of 6-12 years of age. CE14. Design and control of areas of learning in different contexts to deal with gender equality and respect for the human rights that comprise citizen educational values. CE15. Promoting of coexistence in and outside the classroom, resolving disciplinary problems and contributing to the peaceful solution of problems. Encouraging and valuing student effort, consistency and personal discipline. CE16. Knowing how Primary Schools are organised and how their different activities work. CE17. Ability to perform a tutorial function, orientating students and their families, dealing with the specific education needs of students. Acceptance that teaching has to improve and adapt to scientific, pedagogical and social change throughout life. CE22. Possess and apply information and communications technology in the classroom. Carefully choose audio-visual information to contribute to learning, social training and cultural wealth. CE24. Ability to effectively deal with infant learning situations from a globalising and integrating perspective of cognitive, emotional and drive, linguistic and self-control dimensions (globalising perspective). CE25. Create learning environments that encourage empathy, social conduct, autonomy and multi-cultural co-existence, systematically observing social, family and school environments (contextual and social-natural perspective). CE26. Design, application and evaluation of didactic work intended to develop physical, cognitive, social-affective, drive and linguistic skills, recognising biological, psychological, social and creative factors that determine learning (early-learning and playing methodology ). CE27. Acquiring of strategies, based on coordinated work between different professionals to guide families on issues relating to the development and education of students aged from 0 to 6 years of age (coordination with other professionals and family guiding perspective). CE28. Identifying of possible student difficulties and determining of didactic strategies and curricular adaptations that take into account the diversity of children whilst promoting their educational and social acceptance (diversity-focus perspective). CE33. Designing of experiences to get to know the world of nature by perceiving senses (on sensorial and experimental development).

Vicerrectorado de Profesorado,Titulaciones, Ordenacin Acadmica, Coordinacin y Campus

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IV.-Contents IV.A.-Syllabus

Bloque temtico


Apartados Introductory aspects in describing the diversity and richness, different abilities and different ways of operating. Implications for inclusion and integration into the group.

Unit 1. General principles on functionality, ability, disability and inclusion

I.- Introduction and development of the infant. Unit 2. Normal child development

Normal motor and psychological evolution of the infant from birth until the end of this phase.

Unit 3. Language acquisition

Normal evolution and language acquisition as a capacity Most common types of disabilities. Limitations and implications for education for skills development. Most common types of disabilities. Limitations and implications for education for skills development. Most common types of disabilities. Limitations and implications for education for skills development.

Unit 4. Physical disabilities

Unit 5. Sensory disabilities

Unit 6. Mental and cognitive disability

II.- Functional diversity and specific needs

Unit 7. Immigration and minority situations

Implications of immigration on education. Reference network

Unit 8. Gifted children

Description of the gifted and implications for the teacher Definition and types of mental retardation. Impact in the classroom Dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia and dysorthography. Problems and implications for the approach of the student.

Unit 9. Mental retardation

Unit 10. Specific alterations on learning

III. Implications for education

Unit 11. Attention to special educational needs

Role of educator with special educational needs. Obligations and resources. Multidisciplinary team

Vicerrectorado de Profesorado,Titulaciones, Ordenacin Acadmica, Coordinacin y Campus

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Unit 12. Universal accessibility and design for all

Concept of universal accessibility and design for everyone. Applications in the classroom and teaching.

IV.B.-Compulsory activities (assessable) Type Reading Title Comentario de los documentos pdf facilitados por el profesor. Resolucin de problemas planteados por el docente (actividades a realizar desde enero hasta abril) Resolucin de casos prcticos aportados por el profesor (actividades a realizar desde enero hasta abril) Desarrollo y exposicin de los temas en grupos, mediante el uso de la documentacin facilitada por el profesor a lo largo del curso. Todos los grupos deben desarrollar cada uno de los temas respondiendo a las cuestiones planteadas por el profesor y los subirn al campus virtual para ser evaluados y discutidos por el resto del grupo. A este trabajo se dedicarn las horas de clase ya que no se impartirn lecciones magistrales. Aportaciones grupales: cada grupo debe realizar al menos una aportacin original al contenido de la materia que se facilitar al resto del grupo bajo el formato que se acuerde con el profesor, en funcin del tipo de material trabajado y del tiempo disponible.

Practical / Problem solving

Practical / Problem solving



Vicerrectorado de Profesorado,Titulaciones, Ordenacin Acadmica, Coordinacin y Campus

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V.-Student worload Lecture classes Pratical classes/problem-solving, case studies, etc. Practical sessions in technological laboratories, hospitals, etc. Tests Academic tutorials Related activities: conferences, seminars, etc. Preparation of lecture classes Preparation of practical classes, problem-solving, case studies,etc. Test preparation Total student workload VI.-Teaching Methodology and Organisation Type Period Content Semanalmente se trabajar sobre un tema, debiendo ser entregado al finalizar la misma Se plantearn actividades que complementan a los temas de forma semanal 0 48 0 0 12 0 23


45 150

Group work

Semana 1 to Semana 12

Pratical classes

Semana 1 to Semana 12

Vicerrectorado de Profesorado,Titulaciones, Ordenacin Acadmica, Coordinacin y Campus

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VII.-Assessment methods VII.A.-Continuous assessment The evaluation system of degrees in the EEES framework is continuous assessment. In the continuous assessment system, class attendance is compulsory and its assessment within the process of continuous assessment will be established by the teachers in each subject. % Minimum class attendance: 80% (If a student is not allowed to sit for a test because he/she has attended less than 80% of the classes, this must be justified by using some type of proof) Only those evaluation activities used by the teacher in the assessment design should be indicated in the table, considering: Comments El mtodo para la obtencin de la calificacin final consistir en sumar el 40% de la media de los trabajos realizados, el 40% de la media de las aportaciones originales de cada grupo y el 20% de la calificacin de las prcticas y actividades propuestas. No haber obtenido ninguna calificacin en alguno de estos tres apartados implica el suspenso en la asignatura por no poder continuar con el proceso de evaluacin continua. En el caso de tener que someterse a evaluacin en la prueba de junio, la evaluacin de la asignatura consistir en la superacin de un examen global de la materia (tipo test, 50 preguntas verdadero falso, donde restan los errores y es necesario obtener un 5 para aprobar) junto con la presentacin de un trabajo cuyo tema ser indicado por el profesor, debiendo aprobarse ambas partes por separado. Este sistema de evaluacin ser aplicable a aquellos alumnos que soliciten dispensa acadmica. Assessment activity Limit Percentage Date Contents Temario de la asignatura Aportaciones originales presentadas por grupos Desarrollo de las actividades propuestas con carcter prctico

Desarrollo de los temas


Semana 12

Aportaciones originales


Semana 12

Prcticas y actividades propuestas por el profesor


Semana 12

VII.B.-Percentage for the assessment of part-time students To be assessed usung this method, the student should obtain "Academic Exemption" for the subject, applying for it to the Dean or Director of the Faculty/School in which the subject is taught."Academic Exemption" does not exclude students from continuous assessment. This kind of assessment will be decided by the teacher, assisted by the degree coordinator. The syllabus adaptation will be established in accordance with the characteristics of each specific case. VII.C.-Revision of the assessment tests A fundamental element in this new teaching-learning system and continuous assessment is the permanent feedback that students receive regarding their work. This entails giving students accurate, objective and immediate information concerning the results of their performance, in order to monitor their effort and regulate their work, at the same time that this information offers a motivating element.With this goal in mind, teachers will have to establish a revision procedure of the tests and activities, indicating in each case and depending on the characteristics, the way in which this revision will be carried out, either in the classroom or during the subject tutorial.

Vicerrectorado de Profesorado,Titulaciones, Ordenacin Acadmica, Coordinacin y Campus

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VII.-Bibliography Generic Adaptaciones Curriculares. Gua para los profesores tutores de Educacin Primaria y de Educacin Especial GARRIDO, J. y SANTANA, R. CEPE Las TIC para la igualdad nuevas tecnologas y atencin a la diversidad Cabero Almenara, Julio MAD Tcnicas de individualizacin didctica adecuaciones curriculares individualizadas (ACI) para alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales Ruiz i Bel, Robert Cincel Atencin educativa al alumnado con enfermedades crnicas o de larga duracin Grau Rubio, Claudia Aljibe Cmo escriben los alumnos sordos Gutirrez Cceres, Rafaela Aljibe Atencin educativa al alumnado con dificultades de visin Miambres Abad, Amparo Aljibe Complementary

IX.-Lecturers/Teachers/Professors Lecturer/teacher/professors name E-mail address Department/field Category Academic qualifications Subject Coordinator Academic tutorial timetable N of Quinquenios N of Sexenio Stretch Docentia Ricardo Moreno Rodrguez CC. Educ., Lenguaje, Cultura y Artes Profesor Colaborador Doctor Yes martes de 9 a 12 2 0 1

Vicerrectorado de Profesorado,Titulaciones, Ordenacin Acadmica, Coordinacin y Campus

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