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' Marton ,- L. A,, 90026 . ' MA 5-"-8427
( : .
October, 1967
.. MASSES OF 'GOLDEN .BOPPI2S, blue lupin and other wildflo'ers
will e:r:eet ,visitors to Elysian Park next Spring. Plantine; of seeds
;Will pl:ace-this Thursday, Oct; 26, at 9 a.m. Participants will
meet,, at. the. picnic site east o!' Stadium ,fay and south o.f Horton Place.
,All 'are invited -,-'teenagers and adults-- to help enttance the beauty
of the park. ,
. i'Hs' andorg:anized by Mrs. Juliet B.
Shutt, of the AtlZsns CammJ.ttee . James Seaman, president of the
Tbe,odore, Payne Foundation is orovidin;z seeds on behalf of
the Foundai:ion. Ri'chard E. Eullard,'horticulture-supsrvisor of the
,Recr:e<?tion and Pa:rks .. Dept., has had the ground prepared and sprink- installed, and is fUrnishinrr technical Miss Beverly
))!ason, pr,incipal of Elysian Heights t>nd Clifton Street Schoe>ls, is
supplying student gardeners to. help sow seeds and care for plants

, . J.. I
. . .A:N2W COUNCIL to .conserv2tion efforts in the Los
Angeles ree:iori is no'tl in l::'eing. Comp::>sed of representc:tives af ex-
isting, ors:anize,tians -"" and ind'ividuels -- it will pt'avide a clear-.
. ',I .
lng holl,S':J through 1,;'1ich WOt'd. of :threats to hills, pat'ks and beeches
c:eil be. rapidly c'om!liunicated;
, THS' CITIZ':i:NS is one of 10 foundin;z members. It
pledsed $10. a month to the. council, tentatively named the Cauncil
for Planning\ and. Conservation. organizations r;,tein full
.au,tonomy. ;Ind,ivtdua:l msmbat'ship is a y3ar. For infot'm1tion,
write executive sec rata qr .Ellen Ste t'n Harris, 522 H. Foothill Road,
Bever1y Hills, '9:0210, '::>r phone GR.6-26B5 or OL 4-0877. -
/. s'i.vEH.I\.ZARD ASS'N wi'n cro to court in the near.future to
tes't the city 'Charter provision that. pat'ks must be used ex-
clustvely for par:, purposes d>n be enfarced, 1.8
.-lvers will-appear
"' before the juds:re for a nrstrial hsariYJet Dec. '4. The trial will be
COf3tly .. ,Donations. can be sent to :?.0. -Box 2q4 'Terminal Annex, Los
Angele-8; 90054 . T?.IS IS URG.i:JH!
. rnoJYf rE::VPCRT .B-;;::.1\.CT-! on the sauth to Zuma Eeach on the n:Jrth,
,our'bieaches' are under attack. The State Lands Commission, has agreed'
to iiivs l!ewport 's :sack Bay to the Irvine Cot'p. fot' private exploita-
' .tion, i:n exch?nge :far inland propst'ty. The Stc.t:e Bighway
wants :/ill, .R::>P:ars Peach for a fr>esway. That beach and Santa
Beach are by il pt'oposed cause>vey; five miles beach
would be lost; Zu'lle Beach has taen picl,ed for a SSI-18e'e dJ.sposal
plant, 'Cabrill.o,Bsach. fore marina.
ESAG::\ is controlled by the Harbor Commission but.
'; .leased to the Recreation and .Parks Dept., and is used by 2,600,000
p,eoplEi"aC!Ch.year. A hearine- is 'scheduled :fot' Nov. 2 st 11 a.m. be-
. fot' the R.ecreation and Pat'
;:s G::>rnroissi::>n, Room 505 City Hall. 'Better
cp,.ect:. (MA 4-5211, . E:xtensi on 1555 fat' confi rmat ian.) Ths Citizens
C'ommitte3 to .$ave C:abrilla T:'each, 521 S. Pacific Ave.nue, San Pedro,.
needs .
, ON MT.
MT. HOLL:(JOOD, Griffith P8rk lPndmark, will ce topped for
. coromeN::ial. ventures, if Recre8t ion and Pa rzs .plans o':-ta in City Coun-
. cil approval. -Pl8t'lS call f:Jr restaurants, shops, a cioeroa mu.seum,
etc . on the flattened summit, to be reached by overhead tramway from
.tl1e:$oo,parkine: lot . -altarna.te proposa1_11ould use a nearby hill
0\'itl"\;Jd by Lorna L'i:nd8 University. Alth::>ue-h fltlal date for receipt of
. proposa'].s W?s Sept. 28, tbe City Council has not yet been consulted.
FUNDS. -- Cit ize.n C omroi t tee funds a t'e J:'t1nn i. ne: 1 ow. Please
send. in membership renewals, or donatians. Thsnks.
:'II "1,'/ ''f.:.'

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