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Monica Gibbs

SCED 6924: Alternative Masters Art Education (P-12) Unit of instruction Art I
Unit of Instruction: Color Theory Goal: To understand how color is achieved, color terminology, the foundations of color and how to mix and make colors and their tints, shades and tones. Rationale: For students to understand how important color is in our daily lives; why certain colors are used for certain things and how they affect us. Teacher or Instructional Goals: "I want my students to know....." 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. key color-theory terminology how we see color The color wheel how to mix/make secondary colors what complementary colors are what warm and cool colors are how colors affect us what Pop art is

Student Objectives: "Students will be able to....." 1. define key vocabulary associated with color-theory (hue, pigment, value, primary colors etc.) 2. understand the meaning of these key terms (quiz) 3. describe in writing how we see color (bell-ringer) 4. describe orally how we see color (color spectrum, prism) (reading) 5. define what the color wheel is 6. create a color wheel (painting or crayon) 7. define secondary colors 8. create secondary colors (using paint or crayon) 9. add secondary colors to color wheel 10. define complementary colors 11. color in activity sheets exploring complementary colors 12. define color schemes 13. paint warm and cool color schemes (worksheets) 14. paint a combination of the warm and cool colors 15. create their own warm/cool color combination color schemes 16. observe several color scheme examples from pop culture 17. describe why these choices of schemes were chosen 18. color worksheets using a color scheme of their choice 19. describe in writing why they chose this color scheme 20. define Pop art 21. describe in writing who Andy Warhol is 22. describe orally what color schemes Warhol used in popular pieces Materials List: crayons tempera paint

paintbrushes paint containers (for each table) small plates/palettes cups/water containers paper towels sponges (cleanup) Arttalk books (for students) Arttalk vocabulary quiz printouts Smartboard or Elmo How we see color handout Color-wheel handouts Secondary colors handouts Complimentary colors handouts Color intensity handouts Color tones handouts Color value handouts Color schemes handouts Warm & cool colors handouts Color scheme Powerpoint Pop art Powerpoint

Teaching Strategies: (small group, inquiry, discovery, etc.). Each strategy that you select to use is explained as to why you are using a particular strategy and when you will use it (which day) Day 1 Direct Instruction: (How we see color) Wanted to begin the first day with direct instruction on the science behind how we see color so that students will get a foundation on what we're going into with color-theory. It also gives them the opportunity to take notes and begin to write down the vocabulary and vocabulary worksheets to learn the terms for the upcoming quiz and unit information. Day 4 Small group (3): (Color worksheets) There will be a series of color worksheets so that students will get the hang of mixing and making secondary colors, tonal values, tints and shades. I initially want them to start of working in groups together, assisting each other in learning how to make colors appropriately (ex. The math behind secondary colors like green 3 parts yellow to 1 part blue pigment) and complete several of the worksheets together. Day 10 Andy Warhol bell-ringer: (Andy Warhol) A quick paragraph on both Pop art and on Andy Warhol will be posted as students enter. They will be instructed to write down this information. Later, they will be asked to recite what they wrote. This is just a quick introduction to the lesson and a way to get them thinking about the next topic in color-theory. Day 10 Lecture Discussion: (Color schemes) Students will work on producing the various color-theory worksheets for several days. At the completion of these these sheets, I will briefly touch on Andy Warhol and Pop art, as his pieces deal in vivid color and tie in well with colortheory. Will give quick introduction of who Andy Warhol and tie this in with color schemes. I will then provide examples of color schemes in pop culture (ads, logos etc.) and allow students to discuss whey they believe these colors were used. Students will then have several color worksheets that both continue to explore color-theory in complementary colors, analogous colors etc. as well as Pop art.

Quizzes/Tests Evaluation plan for the unit (50% tests/quizzes; 20% journals; 15% activity sheets; 15% project) 15% test 15% vocabulary 70% completion of color worksheets (10 in all) Ancillary Materials: N/A Bibliography: Chapman, C. (2010). Color theory for designers, part 1: The meaning of color. Smashing Magazine. Retrieved March 20, 2010 from Peterson, E. (2009). Color psychology in logo design. Logo Critiques. Retrieved January 11, 2013 from Ragans, R. (1995). Arttalk (2nd ed.). Woodland Hills, CA: Macmillian/McGraw-Hill.

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