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S H. Hosseini and E. Babaei .

Electrical Engineering Department, Tabriz University, Tabriz, IRAN P.O.BOX 711-51664-IRAN : Tel : (98) 411-3342160 FAX : (98) 411-3344287 e-mail : hosseini@ark.
In this paper, we try to introduce a new modulation algorithm for matrix converters, whit an alternative PWM strategy, regardless of type of inputs and outputs (AC or DC), and also the number of input and output phases, by suitable toggling matrix switches, such that favorable output patterns is achieved (with variable amplitudes and frequency). The switch tinctions in such a converter, ensure that the switches do not short-circuit the voltage sources, and do not open-circuit the current sources, thus we have the continuous currents at output terminals, also if we have the number of input-phases equal or less than the number of output-phases, then we have the continuous current available at input terminals. The advantage of this approach is, it can be developed to any kind of matrix converter. It is illustrated that even under unbalanced and highly distorted input voltage waveforms the output waveforms tum out to be reasonably clean and balanced. Here the topology of a DC to Single-phase AC converter and Single-phase to Three-Phases AC/AC converter are presented, and also the mathematical results that the direct matrix converters operate with the suitable outputs was provided by the analyses which is coming from switching matrix approach.

vi,( t )= vi C O S ( W i t )

vi2( t ) = v, cos(wit--) n


=vi c o s [ o , t - ( n - l ) - ]27r

Where Vi denotes a peak value of input voltages and wi is an angular frequency of input voltages. The output voltages will be as:

v,, ( t )= v, cos(w,t) v&)


v,cos(w,t --)2w m

2w v,,(t) = V, cos[w,t-(m-I)-] m
angular frequency of output voltages.

The matrix converter offers an all silicon solution for AC/AC conversion, removing the need for reactive energy storage component used in conventional rectifier-inverterbased systems. Matrix converters offer many advantages overtraditional topologies, such as the ability to regenerate energy back to the utility, sinusoidal input and output currents and a controllable input current displacement factor. The size of the converter can also be reduced since there are no large reactive components for energy storage[l 1,[21,[31,[41. Consider a matrix converter with n-input, m-output (Fig. I). This converter consists of a matrix of input and output lines with n*m bi-directional switches connecting the n-input to the m-output at the intersections. Its instantaneous input voltages are vil(t), vo(t), ...,vh(t). It comprises n*m ideal switches, capable of conducting current in both directions, blocking forward and reverse voltages (symmetrical devices) and switching between states without any delays. The input voltages will be as:

Where Vo denotes a peak value of output voltages and ub is an

I _

Figure 1: The Matrix Converter topology

0-7803-7090-2/01/$10.00 2001 IEEE. 0


ISIE 2001, Pusan, KOREA

This paper proposes an alternative PWM strategy for matrix converters. Although the output harmonics can be minimized by using PWM voltage control scheme, but it suffers from a disadvantage that the maximum output to input voltage ratio turns out to be less than unity.

In this new strategy, the sampling time Ts will be divided in to qtime intervals tl, tz ,... and 6 based on whether n greater than m or not (Fig. 2). If n>m then q = n else q =m.

We can see that the combination of input voltages at time intervals tl, t2 ,... and tq can produce a suitable set of output voltages. For example, v,l(t) only for time interval tl, va(t) only , for time interval t2, .... and v,(t) only for time interval t combined together for establishing vOl(t).Based on the above equations, one can conclude that the switching pattem tl, tz ,... and 6.It is obvious that during nthsampling time T ,the time , intervals tl, t2 ,... and t, , must justify the eqn. (3) and also the following equations:

0 S t i n 5 T,
In the matrix form (5) yields :




I .

T .


Figure 2: The sampling time, T,

An unique solution of (7) exists when det [ V i ( t ) ] # 0.

During any nthsampling time T, related with time intervals t l , t2 ,..& as follows :


=tin + t 2 n+ . . * + t q n


In this approach, we first form the switches matrix, S (eqn. 4). If this is not a square matrix and this causes uncontinous currents at output terminals, with repeated rowdcolumns begining from the lth, 2Ih and ... rows/columns, the square matrix can be formed, assuming that this repeated rowdcolumns do not cause short-circuit the input voltages sources.

Since in practice we do not use voltage sources more than three inputs and outputs, here we have studied at most three inputs and outputs. After inspection of (7) infinite number of solutions for [t] existed, since det [vi(t)]+. Hence, we assume one of times 6 and calculate others. Fortunately there is a constraint during any nth sequence which was defined by (3). It follows :

Substituting (8) into (7) only an unique solutions for time intervals [t] can be evaluated. Based on type of inputs and outputs (X or AC) and number of phases (both inputs and outputs) there are different cases, that some ot them will be as follows: 1) DC to Single-phase AC matrix converter 2) DC to Two-Phase AC matrix converter 3) DC to Three-phase AC matrix converter 4) Single-phase AC to AC matrix converter 5) Single-phase to Two-Phase AUAC matrix converter 6) Single-phase to Three-phase AC/AC matrix converter 8) Three-phase to Three-phase AClAC matrix converter



In switching approach, at tl time interval, the switches in the major-diagonal will be turned on, and the remaining switches will be o f and at t2 time interval, the switches in the minorf, diagonal (next to major-diagonal) will be turned on and the remaining switches will be off, and this procedure continues for other time intervals. Therefore, the average output voltages can be described as eqn. (5).


Here we introduce the circuit and switching pattern for some of above matrix converters, and complete analyzes and simulation results will be shown in the forthcoming papers.
2.1. DC to Single-phase AC M t i Converter arx

The DC to single-phase AC matrix converter is presented schematicallyin Fig. 3. Its input voltage is Vk and its output voltage is v,(t). It comprises four ideal bi-directional switches SI,
S2r s3, s4.

The matrix converter will be designed and controlled in such a manner that the fundamental of the output voltage is :

v, ( t ) = v, cos(w,t)



ISIE 2001, Pusan, KOREA

Figure 3 : DC to Single-phase AC matrix converter circuit configuration the matrix switches, S, is as follows :



v, cos(w,t) v,, + vr cos(0,t)


+ vo

1t VdC v, cos(w,t) + p 2 =2= 2 T s

v, cos(u),t)

From eqns. (6) and (1 5) we get :

the sampling time, T,, will be divided to 2-time intervals tland , tz. During any nthsampling time T related with time intervals tl and t2 as follows :

2.2. The Single-phase to Three-phase AClAC Matrix Converter

T, = t l n +t2"
By this approach : at tl : SIand S4 will be on, and S2and S3 will be off at tz : Sz and S3will be on, and SI and S4 will be off Therefore from eqns. (9), (IO) and (1 1) we have:

The Single-phase to Three-phase AC/AC Matrix Converter is presented schematically in Fig. 4. Its input voltage is: (17) .~ The matrix converter will be designed and controlled in such a manner that the fundamental of the output voltages are :

vi ( t ) = 5 C0S(Wit)

vpb t ) = v, cos(w,t) (


2x = v, cos(w,i - ) 3

v ( t ) = v, cos(o,t + -3 , )

The sampling time, T,, wilt be divided in to 3-time intervals tl,tz and t3:

T, = t l n + t,n + t,"
From eqns. (6) and (12) we get : If we form the switching matrix, then we have :


I If V,js is unbalanced (the input voltage is v&(t)), then in eqns. (12) we replace constant input voltage, Vdc, with vdc(t). Therefore the condition in eqn. (13) is different. For example if we assume that, the input voltage has a ripple V, cos( W rt) as follows [5]:
V d C ( t )=

v, + v,c o s ( q t ) ,vt :

V d c ( f )> 0


then the equations in eqn. (12) will be as follows:

Figure 4 : Single-phase to Three-phase AC/AC matrix converter circuit configuration


ISIE 2001, Pusan, KOREA

The equations in eqn. (25) must be justify the eqn. (6). If vi(t) is unbalanced, for example if we assume that, the input voltage has a ripple V, cos( W $) as follows [SI: Because, this is not a square matrix and this causes uncontinuous currents available at output terminals. To solve this problem, we repeat la row, as 3'h row, then we have square matrix as follows :

vi ( t )=


+ V, COS(W,t)
V, sin(@,t + -)J L L


4 1


4 2

4 3

then the equations in eqn. (25) will be as follows:


We emphasis that this repetition does not cause short circuit the input voltage sources. By this approach : at tl: ~ 1 1 ~and ~2 1 will be on, and the remaining ~ 2 3 switches will be off at t2: s12,s23and SI)will be on, and the remaining switches will be off at t3: sI3,s21and SI, will be on, and @e remaining switches will be off As a result of high frequency of the converter, the average output voltages during any nthsampling time ,T,,can be written in the matrix form as follows :

p =-=-+tl 1 I Ts 3


V, cos(w,t)+V, cos(w,t)

V, sin(w,t) (27) 3 V, cos(w,t)+V,C O S ( ~ , ~ ) V, sin(w, t --) 2n p -1=-+t 1 J i 3 3 T, 3 3 Vi c o s ( q t )+ V, cos(w,t)

t, 1 p 2-=- = -+-




: '1[;]

The equations in eqn. (27) must be justify the eqn. (6).


We use the Simulink Matlab Software. It proves that we can obtain the expecting result. According to the operation principle, the input and output current and voltage waveforms may be determined by the digital simulation method. Figs. ( 5- 6) show the simulation results for DC to Single-phase AC matrix converter. The matrix converter was loaded by a R-L (R=20S2 , L= 40 which can be an induction motor .In DC to SinglePhase Matrix Converter the relation between the output voltage and the output current for the passive R, L load is given by:

In other words :




A unique solution of eqn. (23) exist when, det[K(t)] # 0 since det [ f i ( t ) ] infinite number of solutions for tl,tZ and t3 =O, existed. To solve this problem, we assume one of times, tl,t2or t3 and calculate others, here we assume :

v,(t) = R i , ( t ) + L -

di, ( t ) dt

t , =T,- t , - t , sin(w, t + -) 3 cos(w,t)


From eqns. (22) and (24), for balanced input voltage we have :


p =-=-+-- & V , t 1 C I T, 3 3 vi

Keeping in mind that the load of the converter is almost always a lowpass filter (R, L load) the output cumnt waveform contains less high order harmonics than the output voltage. The relation between the output current and the input current is given by:,

i i ( t )=


at time interval tl at time interval t,

- io( t )



I S E 2001, Pusan, KOREA





on2 " 1



.4 1


. on3 Ti"





Figure 5: Simulation results for DC to Single-phase AC Matrix converterunder balanced condition with Vk=lOOv, fs=lKHz V,=50V,f0=50H2.


.. ....:. ..... ..... . .....




F 1 : i m : I










............. : . . , . l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , ~ , .


z 1









" 1




Figure 6: Simulation results for DC to Single-phase AC Matrix converter under unbalanced condition with Vo=5Ov, fo=5OHZ,fs=lKHz Vdc(t) 1 0 0 + 5 ~ o s ( l 2 0 ~ ) ~ . =


ISIE 2001, Pusan, KOREA


This paper describes a new switching strategy for any kind of matrix converter regardless of type of inputs and outputs (AC or DC), and also the number of input and output phases. The switch functions in such a converter, ensure that the switches do not short-circuit the voltage sources, and do not open-circuit the current sources, thus we have the continuous currents at output terminals, also if we have the number of input-phases equal or less than the number of output-phases, then we have the continuous current available at input terminals. Also, under unbalanced and/or distorted input conditions the outputs him out to be balanced and of significantly low harmonic content.

[2] A. Zuckerberger, D. Weinstok and A. Alexandrovitz , Single Phase Matrix Converter, IEE Electric Power Applications, VOL.144, NO. 4, PP. 235-240, July 1997. [3] X.F.Zhuang, The Control Theory And Implementation o f AC/AC Matrix Converter, Proceedings O The First f International Power Electronics And Motion Control Conference IPEMC94, PP. 851-856, 1994. [4] Miro Milanovic, A Novel Unity Power Factor Correction Principle in Direct AC to AC Matrix Converter, IEEE, 0-8034.189498. PP. 746-152, 1998.
Hosseini, M.M. Yari, J. Senthil, R.M. Mather , A [ 5 ] S.H. New Generalized Direct Frequency Converter, IEEE-CCECE 97, Canada, PP. 423426, May 1997.

[I] Tenti P. ,Malesani L. ,Rossetto L. ,Optimum Control Of N-Input K-Output Matrix Converter, IEEE Trans. On Power Electronics, VOL. 7, N0.4, PP. 707-713, Oct. 1992.


ISIE 2001, Pusan, KOREA

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