General Assembly Building

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Virginia General

Assembly Building
201 North 9th Street
Richmond, VA 22319
Report of Facilit Condition
Prepared For:
Commonwealth of Virginia
Department of General Services
1100 Bank Street
10th Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
Prepared By:
1725 Duke Street
Suite 200
Alexandria, VA 22314

1725 DUKE STREET SUITE 200 ALEXANDRIA VA 22314 PH 703.684.6550 FX 703.684.8590
!anuary 13, 2013

vlrglnla ueparLmenL of Ceneral Servlces
1100 8ank SLreeL
10Lh lloor
8lchmond, vA 23219

ALLenLlon: Ms. Shlrley McnuLL, vCCC, vCC
Manager, ConsLrucLlon and laclllLles rocuremenL

8eference: 8eporL of laclllLy CondlLlon AssessmenL
Ceneral Assembly 8ulldlng
201 norLh 9
8lchmond, vA 22319

uear Ms. McnuLL:

lalLhful+Could, lnc. has compleLed a reporL of our laclllLy CondlLlon AssessmenL of Lhe Ceneral
Assembly 8ulldlng locaLed aL 201 norLh 9
SLreeL ln 8lchmond, vlrglnla (Lhe roperLy"). 1hls reporL
provldes a summary of Lhe pro[ecL lnformaLlon known Lo us aL Lhe Llme of Lhe sLudy, Lhe scope of work
performed, an evaluaLlon of Lhe vlsually apparenL condlLlon of roperLy, and a forecasL of anLlclpaLed
caplLal expendlLures requlred over Lhe nexL Len-years.

1hls reporL was compleLed ln general accordance wlLh Lhe AS1M L2018-08 SLandard Culde for roperLy
CondlLlon AssessmenLs: 8asellne roperLy CondlLlon AssessmenL rocess, and lalLhful+Could's roposal
for laclllLy CondlLlon AssessmenL servlces daLed november 16, 2012 as auLhorlzed by Lhe vlrglnla
ueparLmenL of Ceneral Servlces Lhrough urchase Crder L933887 daLed november 26, 2012.

lL has been a pleasure worklng wlLh you on Lhls pro[ecL, and we look forward Lo worklng wlLh you on
oLher pro[ecLs.

Very 1ru|y ours,

8lchard A. needler, AlA 8en[amln !.M. uuLLon, M8lCS, MClC8, ll8
Chlef laclllLy Assessor Scope & 1echnlcal Compllance 8evlew

Ceneral Assembly 8ulldlng
201 norLh 9
SLreeL !anuary 13, 2013
8lchmond, vlrglnla 2321

8eporL of laclllLy CondlLlon AssessmenL l+C ro[ecL no. l09936311


1.0 LkLCU1IVL SUMMAk .......................................................................................................................... 1

2.0 IACILI1 CCNDI1ICN ASSLSSMLN1 ...................................................................................................... 2

Executive Summary
vlrglnla Ceneral Assembly 8ulldlng
201 norLh 9
SLreeL !anuary 13, 2013
8lchmond, vlrglnla age 1 of 4

8eporL of laclllLles CondlLlon AssessmenL l+C ro[ecL no. 100032237


1.1 Introduct|on

lalLhful+Could was reLalned Lo compleLe an lndependenL ob[ecLlve assessmenL of Lhe condlLlon and code
compllance of Lhe Ceneral Assembly 8ulldlng (CA8). 1hls execuLlve summary provldes an overvlew of Lhe
deLalled reporL. lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe Lhe CA8 was developed as four separaLe bulldlngs (l.e., WesL, LasL,
8road SLreeL, LasL, CaplLol SLreeL, and connecLor" secLlons) beLween 1912 and 1963 and comblned lnLo a
slngle bulldlng ln 1976. Lach of Lhese four secLlons has unlque characLerlsLlcs LhaL add slgnlflcanL
complexlLy Lo Lhe bulldlng sysLems and also creaLe subsLanLlal lnefflclencles.

1.2 Summary of Issues

1he currenL condlLlons lndlcaLed LhaL Lhe CA8 has a slgnlflcanL accumulaLlon of deferred faclllLles
malnLenance. As a resulL, and also due Lo Lhe presence of hazardous bulldlng maLerlal (asbesLos) ln Lhe
WesL secLlon, Lhe necessary repalr of componenLs and replacemenLs and modernlzaLlon ln Lhe CA8 have
noL been compleLed. 1he resulL ls a bulldlng whlch conLalns severely deLerloraLed, obsoleLe, non-code
compllanL, and lnefflclenL and lneffecLlve sysLems, exposlng Lhe SLaLe Lo slgnlflcanL rlsk of buslness
lnLerrupLlon, loss of conLlnulLy of use, and compromlsed occupanL safeLy. 8ased upon our experlence wlLh
slmllar bulldlngs, lL ls our professlonal oplnlon LhaL lf Lhe Ceneral Assembly wlshes Lo conLlnue Lo use Lhe
CA8, slgnlflcanL and prompL caplLal lnvesLmenL ls requlred. lallure Lo compleLe Lhls work wlll soon change
Lhe bulldlng managemenL sLaLus from conLrolled sysLem refurblshmenL Lo expenslve, emergency
replacemenL of falled sysLems. CondlLlons can be grouped lnLo Lhree prlmary and lnLerconnecLed lssues
and concerns (envlronmenLal, code compllance, and deferred malnLenance):

1.2.1 Lnv|ronmenta| Concerns (Asbestos, Western sect|on of the GA8)

1he prlmary envlronmenLal concern ls ln Lhe WesLern secLlon, and lL lnvolves Lhe orlglnal consLrucLlon's
spray-applled asbesLos-conLalnlng flreprooflng on Lhe sLrucLural deck and lLs elemenLs (l.e., sLeel beams,
glrders). 1he underslde of Lhe sLrucLural deck where Lhe flreprooflng ls locaLed ls screened by a suspended
acousLlcal Llle celllng sysLem. 1he resulLlng plenum (l.e., Lhe space above Lhe suspended celllng and Lhe
sLrucLural deck) ls used for supply and reLurn alr dlsLrlbuLlon for Lhe heaLlng, venLllaLlon, and alr
condlLlonlng (PvAC) sysLem LhroughouL Lhe bulldlng. 1hls condlLlon poses numerous concerns.

1he flrsL concern ls LhaL Lhe flreprooflng has severely degraded and, as lL conLlnues Lo degrade, asbesLos
conLalnlng maLerlal (ACM) may be lnLroduced lnLo and clrculaLed wlLhln Lhe forced alr heaLlng and coollng
sysLems. We have had flrsLhand experlence wlLh slmllar bulldlngs, where Lhe ACM flreprooflng has
slmllarly degraded and been lnLroduced lnLo Lhe PvAC sysLem and lnLerlor spaces. ln Lhese lnsLances, a
LoLal bulldlng shuLdown was requlred and all lmpacLed spaces had Lo be vacaLed lmmedlaLely, wlLh Lhe
bulldlng owners faclng llLlgaLlon from occupanLs, vlslLors, malnLenance sLaff, eLc. Whlle prevlous alr LesLlng
aL Lhe CA8 has lndlcaLed LhaL Lhls lnLroducLlon of ACM lnLo Lhe lnLerlor spaces has noL yeL occurred, Lhe
rlsk of conLamlnaLlon greaLly lncreases wlLh Llme, as Lhe flreprooflng furLher degrades.

Secondly, Lhe degraded naLure of Lhe flreprooflng has requlred Lhe resLrlcLlng of access above Lhe celllng
sysLem for malnLenance of plenum equlpmenL. 1hls llmlLed access has prevenLed Lhe normal
vlrglnla Ceneral Assembly 8ulldlng
201 norLh 9
SLreeL !anuary 13, 2013
8lchmond, vlrglnla age 2 of 4

8eporL of laclllLles CondlLlon AssessmenL l+C ro[ecL no. 100032237

malnLenance, repalr, and replacemenL of several above-Lhe-celllng bulldlng sysLems (l.e., PvAC, alr
handllng unlLs, elecLrlcal sysLems, flre proLecLlon sysLems). 1hls, ln Lurn, has creaLed a slgnlflcanL deferred
malnLenance bubble" ln Lhls WesLern secLlon of Lhe CA8.

1.2.2 Code Issues (Non Comp||ant Cond|t|ons and Mandated Upgrades)

As noLed ln lnspecLlons by Lhe SLaLe llre Marshal's Cfflce, Lhe CA8 conLalns a slgnlflcanL number of acLlve
bulldlng and llfe safeLy code vlolaLlons. ClLed vlolaLlons lncluded obsLacles Lo emergency exlLlng (doors and
hardware, sLalrs, paLhway obsLrucLlons), unproLecLed openlngs ln flre-raLed floors and walls and
unproLecLed sLeel supersLrucLure. Also noLed durlng our assessmenL were numerous grandfaLhered code
lssues LhaL do noL conform Lo currenL codes. We anLlclpaLe LhaL Lhe bulldlng wlll largely lose lLs
grandfaLhered sLaLus as slgnlflcanL sysLems replacemenL work ls compleLed and may be requlred Lo meeL
currenLly enforced sLaLe bulldlng, flre, and accesslblllLy codes. 1hls wlll resulL ln a need for furLher
slgnlflcanL expendlLures Lo compleLe Lhe necessary lmprovemenLs.

1.2.3 Deferred Ma|ntenance

uesplLe Lhe compleLlon of some componenL replacemenLs over Lhe lasL 13 years, many of Lhe ma[or
bulldlng sysLems daLe Lo elLher Lhe consLrucLlon of Lhe parLlcular wlng or Lhe lasL ma[or renovaLlon
compleLed ln 1976. 8oLh Lhe assumed fundlng consLralnLs and Lhe presence of envlronmenLal
conLamlnanLs have resulLed ln Lhe fallure Lo perform as-needed componenL replacemenL

and sysLem
modernlzaLlon. 1hls lack of modernlzaLlon has

resulLed ln defecLlve, lnefflclenL, unrellable, malnLenance-
lnLenslve, obsoleLe and lneffecLlve sysLems. 1hese condlLlons have greaLly lncreased Lhe rlsk of sysLem /
bulldlng shuLdown, have reduced occupanL and vlslLor safeLy, and have resulLed ln a need for slgnlflcanL
near-Lerm expendlLures Lo allow conLlnued operaLlon of Lhe bulldlng.

1.3. n|gh k|sk Items. 1he mosL slgnlflcanL areas of rlsk requlrlng lmmedlaLe aLLenLlon are hlghllghLed
ln 1able 1-1 below.

1ab|e 1-1 - n|gh k|sk Items

Item Comment
llreprooflng aL
Celllng lenum
(WesL 8ulldlng)
CondlLloned alr aL Lhe WesL 8ulldlng ls clrculaLed Lhrough Lhe celllng plenum LhaL
also conLalns asbesLos-conLalnlng sLrucLural flreprooflng. AlLhough alr quallLy LesLs
reporLedly do noL lndlcaLe asbesLos has clrculaLed wlLhln Lhe alr sysLem, Lhe
poLenLlal exlsLs LhaL, as Lhe flreprooflng furLher breaks down, lL wlll be clrculaLed
wlLhln Lhe bulldlng. As seen ln comparable bulldlngs, lf/when Lhls happens and alr
quallLy LesLs resulLs Lhe presence of asbesLos, Lhe lmpacLed areas wlll need Lo be
vacaLed. 1hls poses slgnlflcanL rlsk, llablllLy and cosL. Powever, even wlLhouL Lhe
asbesLos maLerlal acLlvely clrculaLlng wlLhln Lhe bulldlng, lLs mere presence and lLs
apparenL deposlLlng on Lhe Lop of celllng Llles represenLs a slgnlflcanL rlsk Lo
malnLenance persons worklng wlLhln Lhe plenum and presenL a barrler Lo effecLlve
malnLenance of bulldlng (l.e., PvAC ) sysLems.
llre Marshal ClLed
ln a 2010 lnspecLlon reporL, Lhe SLaLe llre Marshal's Cfflce clLed 41 concerns wlLhln
Lhe bulldlng relaLlve Lo emergency exlLlng and Lhe proLecLlon of flre-raLed
assemblles. ln a subsequenL uecember 2012 reporL, addlLlonal, slmllar deflclencles
vlrglnla Ceneral Assembly 8ulldlng
201 norLh 9
SLreeL !anuary 13, 2013
8lchmond, vlrglnla age 3 of 4

8eporL of laclllLles CondlLlon AssessmenL l+C ro[ecL no. 100032237

Item Comment
were noLed. lallure Lo correcL Lhese condlLlons may resulL ln Lhe need Lo llmlL Lhe
bulldlng's occupancy levels and ulLlmaLely reduces Lhe safeLy of Lhe bulldlng

1.4. Moderate k|sk Items. 1he areas of moderaLe rlsk requlrlng aLLenLlon ln Lhe nexL 1-4 years are
hlghllghLed ln 1able 1-1 below.

1ab|e 1-2 - Moderate k|sk Items, |n Crder of r|or|ty

Item Comment
8ullL-up 8ooflng
1he bullL-up rooflng sysLems of Lhe LasL secLlons are severely deLerloraLed,
allowlng waLer Lo enLer Lhe bulldlng and Lhe exLerlor wall sysLem. lf unaddressed,
Lhls wlll lead Lo furLher damage Lo Lhe bulldlng lnLerlor, Lhe poLenLlal for mold
growLh and ulLlmaLely a requlremenL Lo vacaLe porLlons of Lhe bulldlng.
Wlndows ln Lhe LasL secLlons are deLerloraLed, wlLh glazlng becomlng deLached
from Lhe frames. 1hls may resulL ln wlndow unlLs or glazlng becomlng compleLely
deLached and falllng onLo pedesLrlans, as well as lnLroduclng humldlLy and alr leaks
lnLo Lhe bulldlng and creaLlng poLenLlal for mold growLh. Lach condlLlon (alr/waLer
lnfllLraLlon, falllng componenLs, mold) represenLs slgnlflcanL rlsk.
Alr Pandllng unlLs
1he vlnLage (1976) mechanlcal sysLem alr handllng unlLs and assoclaLed Lermlnal
boxes ln Lhe LasL secLlons are deLerloraLed. 1he equlpmenL ls no longer
manufacLured and replacemenL parLs are noL readlly avallable. unlLs ln Lhe WesL
secLlon are also ln a sLaLe of dlsrepalr, and Lhe presence of asbesLos wlLhln Lhe
sysLem furLher llmlLs malnLenance / repalr / replacemenL of Lhe sysLem and lLs
componenLs. lf Lhe sysLems fall ln Lhe WesL secLlon, porLlons of Lhe bulldlng would
need Lo be vacaLed Lo allow for Lhe repalr of Lhe unlLs.
LxLerlor lacade
LxLerlor componenLs ln Lhe LasL and WesL secLlons are deLerloraLed. uamage
lncludes crumbllng / cracklng of llmesLone and granlLe panels and falllng sealanLs
LhaL leave openlng for waLer lnfllLraLlon. ueLerloraLlon aL brlck facades (LasL
secLlons) lncludes proLrudlng brlck secLlons, damage Lo supporLlng sLrucLure and
flashlng, open cracklng and morLar deLerloraLlon. 8oofLop concreLe balusLers have
open cracklng, surface spalllng and eroslon LhaL approaches sLrucLural fallure, wlLh
ad[acenL brlck plllars havlng falled morLar and loosened and cracked brlck (LasL
secLlons). Several of Lhese condlLlons creaLe Lhe rlsk of porLlons of Lhe exLerlor
falllng onLo pedesLrlans.
LlecLrlcal sysLems ln Lhe LasL secLlon daLe Lo orlglnal consLrucLlon or Lhe 1976
renovaLlon. SysLems fall Lo meeL Lhe needs of modern offlce funcLlons and
equlpmenL, prlmary equlpmenL ls obsoleLe and unrellable, load bearlng walls
creaLe obsLacles Lo addlLlons / alLeraLlons of Lhe sysLem, ma[or equlpmenL
(swlLchboards, panelboards, Lransformers, wlrlng) havlng been ln servlce for 40 Lo
60 years, exceedlng useful llfe, wlLh replacemenL parLs dlfflculL Lo obLaln. 1he
aglng sysLem componenLs lead Lo frequenL, expenslve repalrs and lncreased rlsk of
8eplace LasL
Coollng 1ower /
lnsLall AddlLlonal
1he bulldlng ls provlded wlLh lnadequaLe coollng capaclLy. 1hls largely prevenLs
Lhe bulldlng from belng fully occupled wlLhln Lhe summer monLhs.
vlrglnla Ceneral Assembly 8ulldlng
201 norLh 9
SLreeL !anuary 13, 2013
8lchmond, vlrglnla age 4 of 4

8eporL of laclllLles CondlLlon AssessmenL l+C ro[ecL no. 100032237

1.S. Cther Iac|||ty Issues. lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL Lhe above llsLs are noL all-lncluslve, lnsLead, lL
hlghllghLs Lhe hlghesL and moderaLe rlsk lLems. CLher lower rlsk lssues lnclude:

uaLed and deLerloraLed lnLerlor flnlshes elLher dlrecLly conLalnlng envlronmenLal conLamlnanLs
(l.e. lead based palnL, asbesLos) or lnsLalled over such conLamlnanLs.
lnLerlor conflguraLlons LhaL provlde lnefflclenL space use, excesslve clrculaLlon and llmlLed access
Lo core amenlLles (elevaLors, resLrooms).
SlgnlflcanL barrlers Lo dlsabled accesslblllLy, lncludlng bulldlng enLrances, door hardware and
Lhresholds, slgnage, resLrooms (maneuverlng area, LolleL comparLmenLs, flxLure and accessory
helghLs and clearances), and drlnklng founLalns.
Lack of a consolldaLed bulldlng auLomaLlon sysLem Lo monlLor and manage bulldlng sysLems Lo
opLlmlze operaLlon and energy usage.
lallure of Lhe sldewalks, resulLlng ln waLer lngress aL Lhe basemenL level and sLrucLural
delamlnaLlon of concreLe, where Lhe basemenL exLends beyond Lhe upper bulldlng fooLprlnL.

Lower rlsk lLems are hlghllghLed ln furLher deLall ln Lhe reporL.

1.6. Interconnected Nature of Issues. lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL many of Lhe above ldenLlfled lssues are
lnLerconnecLed, especlally ln Lhe WesLern secLlon of Lhe bulldlng. As an example, lf Lhe asbesLos conLalnlng
flreprooflng were addressed/abaLed ln Lhe WesLern porLlon of Lhe CA8, lL would also be prudenL Lo
concurrenLly address oLher relaLed above Lhe celllng lssues (l.e., PvAC/alr handllng). Cr slmllarly, lf Lhe
PvAC/alr handllng sysLem (wlLh many componenLs more Lhan 30 years old) falls ln Lhe WesLern secLlon of
Lhe bulldlng, ln order Lo compleLe repalrs, Lhe asbesLos above Lhe celllng wlll have Lo be addressed/abaLed.
lurLhermore, Lhese repalrs wlll severely damage Lhe aglng suspended celllng sysLem and lnLerlor flnlshes.
As a resulL, lL would be cosL efflclenL Lo concurrenLly replace Lhe deLerloraLed lnLerlor consLrucLlon and
flnlshes durlng Lhls phase of Lhe work. 1herefore, a LoLal renovaLlon of Lhe WesLern secLlon ls
recommended as a cosL-efflclenL, prudenL soluLlon, when Lhe hlgh rlsk lLems ln LhaL secLlon are addressed.

1.7 ro[ected Cap|ta| Needs - Summary

a. 8enovaLlon addresslng hlgh rlsk lLems ln 1able 1-1 and concurrenLly compleLlng a full renovaLlon
of Lhe WesLern secLlon: $60M.
b. lull renovaLlon: $112M.
c. 8eplacemenL bulldlng (assumes same slze bulldlng and no land cosLs, demollLlon of exlsLlng CA8
lncluded): $170M.

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