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FnoM 1ur Pns1ons Drsk

God is Love.

It sounds simple enough doesnt it, but those three
words have some serious consequences for those who
claim to believe those words. Because if we choose to
believe that God is, in fact, Love, then we are called to
act as if Love is at the very centre of our lives and is
the prime movaon of everything we do.

The way we act, we way we think, the way we speak
should all be movated by Lovenot because its the
right thing to do, but because God has loved us rst. In
fact God loved has loved us so much that he sent his
only Son that all who believe in him might have
eternal life (Jn 3:16).

We can be tempted by the society in which we live to
act from a dierent place, and it is all too easy to
surrender to that temptaon, but as Chrisansthose
who bear the name of Christsurely we are called to
surrender not to temptaon but to love, and more
importantly to Gods love.

The further reality is that Gods love is not exclusively
for me as an individual, but for me as part of the Body
of Christ. The way I treat others, speak to others, does
not simply impact on my relaonship with them, but
also on my relaonship with myselfsince we are all
connected because of, and through, Gods love for us.

Do we act as though love is at the centre of lives? Do
we live as though we have been loved by God?

Perhaps as we get close to the great penitenal
Season of Lent, we might focus our aenon on how
much God loves usand what God has done for us
because of that loveand look at the way we live our
lives in response.

Its worth a thought isnt it?

Unl next week Fr Andrew
Fr Andrew Doohan (Parish Priest)
Mr Greg Byrne (Pastoral Associate)
Mrs Sharon Fowle (Administraon)
Sr Kathryn McCabe (Aboriginal Catholic Ministry)

The Parish Oce is at the rear of the Parish Hall and is
staed on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10am to 4pm.

33 Lake Street, Forster NSW 2428
PO Box 67, Forster NSW 2428
P: (02) 6554 6304
F: (02) 6554 6425
E: or (Fr Andrew)
Holy Name Parish School (K6)
Mr Mark Mowbray (Principal)

41 Lake Street, Forster NSW 2428
PO Box 243, Forster NSW 2428
P: (02) 6554 6504
F: (02) 6554 8895

Items for inclusion in Bridgeside Bullen can be sent
to the Parish Oce or Fr Andrew, preferably by email
or wrien note, by midday on Thursday.

Bapsms are celebrated on Sundays, either during
any of our Sunday Masses or aer the 9am Mass.
Bapsmal Preparaon meengs are held on the
second Monday of each month at 7pm in the Meeng
Rooms of the Parish Hall at Forster. Please contact the
Parish Oce for more details, or visit the Parish

Weddings are celebrated by arrangement and with at
least three (and preferably more) months noce.
Please contact Fr Andrew for more details, or visit the
Parish website.
Sunday 3rd February, 2013
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
Bridgeside Bulletin
The weekly bullen of the Catholic community of
Forster and Tuncurry
Holy Name of Jesus Parish Church
33 Lake Street, Forster
St Mary, Star of the Sea Church
Cnr Kent & Peel Streets, Tuncurry
Proclaiming Christ to the communies of Forster, Tuncurry and the surrounding districts
Find the
Parish on
Wun1 1ur Cuuncu iN Aus1nntin is SnviNc
For those with access to the internet it is easy to stay
in touch with what the Catholic Church is saying on
issues of public importance in Australiasimply visit
the Churchs website ( and go to
the Media Centre for the latest media releases and
public statements.
Srcutnn FnnNciscnNs
The Secular Franciscans will next meet on Wednesday
6th February, coming together for the 9am Mass,
followed by a cuppa at 9:30am and then the meeng.
EvrNiNc Pnnvrn & BrNroic1ioN
Our monthly celebraon of Solemn Evening Prayer
(Vespers from the Divine Oce) & Benedicon will
take place today 3rd February in the Tuncurry church
commencing at 5:30pm. All welcome.
Tur Pnnisu Dinnv(for the week ahead)
Tue (5/2) 9am Chrisan Meditaon
(Bob 6555 5914)
3:30pm Holy Hour @ Tuncurry
4:30pm Mass @ Tuncurry
5:30pm Chrisan Meditaon
(Bob 6555 5914)

Wed (6/2) 9am Mass @ Forster
9:30am Men Alive Group @
9:30am Secular Franciscans
Meeng @ Forster
11:15 Novena to Our Lady of
Perpetual Help @ Forster
2pm Anoinng Mass @
Kularoo Gardens

Thu (7/2) 9am Mass @ Forster

Fri (8/2) 9:30am Anoinng Mass @

Sat (9/2) 8:30am Reconciliaon @
9am Mass @ Tuncurry
4:45pm Reconciliaon @ Forster
(unl 5.15pm)
6pm Vigil Mass @ Tuncurry

Sun (10/2) 7am Mass @ Tuncurry
9am Mass @ Forster
IN voun cunni1v, rtrnsr rnnv ron:

Recently Deceased: Josie Keang, Malveena Jones,
Ann Tull

and all those who are sick in our parish.
MrN Ativr Gnour
The Men Alive Group will next meet on Wednesday
6th February meeng aer the 9am Mass to discuss
the Scriptures. New members always welcome.
LrN1rN Rrrtrc1ioN Gnours
Our Lenten groups will be in operaon during lent
giving parishioners the opportunity to come together,
pray, reect on the gospels and share their life
journey. Anyone wishing to host a group in their home
please see Fr Andrew or Greg Byrne.

A list of groups is available in both Churches this
weekend. If you would like to join one of these groups
please add your name to the poster, or contact Greg.
Srrcint Rrticious Eoucn1ioN Mnss
Bishop Bill will preside over the Annual Mass for our
SRE Teachers (Catechists) on Friday 8th February at
7pm in the Sacred Heart Cathedral, Hamilton. All are
welcome to join him in acknowledging and celebrang
this important ministry in the life of the Church.
PnNcnkr Tursonv
As we prepare for the Season of Lent, please join us
for a celebraon of Pancake Tuesday on 12th February
in the Parish School grounds commencing at 5.30pm.

FnirNosuir Gnour (SrNions)
Our next oung is on Tuesday 12th February for lunch
at Greenhouse Coage, Clarkson St, Nabiac. We will
meet at the Tuncurry Church at 11:30am in order to
carpool. Contact Lorraine 6554 7056 or Ley 6554
9670. New members and friends are most welcome.
We welcome to our community of faith Xavier James
Laurie, son of James and Lyndall, who will be bapsed
with water and the Holy Spirit during Mass this
AovnNcr No1icr
Given the relavely short period of me between the
end of the Christmas Season and the beginning of the
Season of Lent, there are a number of Diocesan
celebraons which you may wish to be aware of:

As has become the custom in recent years, Bishop
Bill will be travelling around the Diocese on the
Fridays of Lent to preside over a series of Lenten
Prayer for Hope and Healing. Our Parish will be
hosng the rst of these on Friday 15th February in
the School Hall beginning at 7pm. All are invited to
join with Bishop Bill as we pray for healing and
hope during the Season of Lent.
The annual Chrism Mass will be celebrated on
Tuesday 26th March in the Cathedral Church
beginning at 7pm. Again, all are welcome to join
with the Bishop to celebrate this important event
in the yearly life of our Diocese.
A Nrw BrciNNiNc
Beginning Experience is a personal encounter
weekend for those who are grieving the loss of a
partner through death, separaon or divorce. Closing
the door on the past gently by geng in touch and
dealing with the feeling resulng from the end of the
relaonship is an important part of making a new
beginning. The next Beginning Experience weekend is
on 13 March 2013. For informaon and an
applicaon form please contact: Lee (02) 9449 5317,
Lynne (02) 4627 2084, or Kevin (02) 4981 0626.
HvMNJus1 Likr You PnoMisro

Just like you promised, youve come
Just like you told us, youre here
And our desire is that you know
We love you, we worship you,
We welcome you here.
New rosters are available from the rear of the Church.
We are using a new soware program to develop the
rosters. It is able to automacally send reminders to
those who have an email address. If you would like to
receive these nocaons, please contact Sharon at
the oce at
A11rN1ioN SiNcrns nNo MusicinNs
We have a need to learn a new hymn for the Lenten
Liturgy with Bishop Bill on 15th February (see page 3).
Lets gather together at the Tuncurry Church at 7pm
next Tuesday 5th February (as we did for the Carols
late last year).

In addion, we will look at a new Mass seng for use
both within the Parish and for Diocesan events, and,
over coming weeks, begin to plan for the music for
Asu WroNrsonv131u Frnnunnv
The Season of Lent commences with Ash Wednesday,
which this year falls this coming Wednesday, 13th

As a Parish community, we will mark the beginning of
this penitenal season of prayer, self-denial and
helping others with a number of celebraons:

9am Mass with the Imposion of Ashes at Holy
Name Church, Forster.

12:30pm Liturgy of the Word with the Imposion
of Ashes at Holy Name School, Forster.

6pm Mass with the Imposion of Ashes at St
Mary, Star of the Sea Church, Tuncurry.

Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and
absnence. The law of fasng binds those who have
completed their eighteenth year, unl the beginning
of their sixeth year; the law of absnence binds
those who have completed their fourteenth year.

Catholics are obliged to receive holy communion at
least once a year; in Australia and New Zealand, this is
between Ash Wednesday and Trinity Sunday.
Pnnisu Orricr
The Parish Oce will be unaended this week as Greg
is aending a conference in Adelaide.
Oun Li1uncv Toonv

Responsorial Psalm
Response: I will sing of your salvaon.

In you, O Lord, I take refuge;
let me never be put to shame.
in your jusce rescue me, free me:
pay heed to me and save me.

Be a rock where I can take refuge,
a mighty stronghold to save me;
for you are my rock, my stronghold.
Free me from the hand of the wicked.

It is you, O Lord, who are my hope,
my trust, O Lord, since my youth.
On you I have leaned from my birth,
from my mothers womb you have been my help.

My lips will tell of your jusce
and day by day of your help.
O God, you have taught me from my youth
and I proclaim your wonders sll.

Gospel Acclamaon
Alleluia, alleluia!
The Lord sent me to bring Good News to the poor
and freedom to prisoners.
IN1rncrssonv Pnnvrn Gnour
To request prayers for someone, or to join the Group,
please contact Bob Cashman on 6555 5914 leaving
your name and contact details.
Cn1uotic Lrnorn & Cn1uotic Wrrktv
The Catholic Leader (Brisbane) and Catholic Weekly
(Sydney) newspapers are available at the rear of the
churches at a cost of $2 each.
Scnir1unr RrnoiNcs

Today Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19
1 Corinthians 12:3113:13
Luke 4:21-30
Monday Hebrews 11:32-40
Mark 5:1-20
Tuesday Hebrews 12:1-4
Mark 5:21-43
Wednesday Hebrews 12:4-7, 11-5
Mark 6:1-6
Thursday 12:18-19, 21-24
Mark 6:7-13
Friday Hebrews 13:1-8
Mark 6:7-13
Saturday Hebrews 13:15-17, 20-21
Mark 6:30-34
Next Sunday Isaiah 6:1-8
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Luke 5:1-11
SitrNcr iN 1ur Li1uncv
We observe silence during our liturgy (on Sundays and
weekdays) at the following mes:

1. During the Penitenal Act, aer the Presider invites
us to prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred
mysteries, in order to recollect ourselves;
2. During the Collect, aer the invitaon of the
Presider to Let us pray, again in order to recollect
ourselves; and
3. During the Liturgy of the Word, at the conclusion of
the rst & second reading and the homily, in order
that we might meditate on what we have heard.
Oun Pnnisu Cottrc1ioNs
a) The Parish Collecon, providing for the needs of the
parish and its ministry, is taken up during the
presentaon and preparaon of the gis (the
oertory). This is the envelope collecon.

b) The Diocesan Clergy Collecon, providing for the
remuneraon and support of the clergy of the
diocese, will be taken up aer communion (during the
Thanksgiving Hymn or a similar me).
RrcriviNc CoMMuNioN
So that we might receive Communion in a t and
proper way, please be aware of the following:

When we process forward to receive Communion,
we are asked by the Australian Bishops to adopt a
common and unied gesture of reverence before
doing so. In Australia that gesture is a bow of the
head and shoulders (GIRM, 160). Any other form of
reverence, such as a genuecon, is to be avoided,
both because of the Bishops request for a common
gesture, and because it is contrary to the nature of
the Communion procession itself.
Communion by self-inncon is never permied,
since we never take Communion but rather receive
Communion. Please refrain from doing so.
We do not have the physical facilies to oer
communion while kneeling, and kneeling while
processing forward is inappropriate as it is contrary
to the nature of the Communion procession. Please
refrain from the pracce kneeling to receive
Communion in our churches.
Look toward the Lord and be radiant;
let your faces not be abashed.

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