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Book: Professors KEY TO BANK JOBS 19th Edition, January 2013.

1. Page-08, Q. No. 66: Right Answer: B Explanation: In every number except 383, we can get the middle digit by multiplying the first digit with last digit. Example, 3*1= 3, 4*2= 8 etc.

2. Page-09, Q. No. 69: Right Answer: B Here, 84% - 16% =68%. Then, 478/68*100 = 700. See S@ifurs math percentage chapter.

3. Page-256, Q. No. 59:

Right Answer: C

All of these are common types of monitor.

4. Page-273, Q. No. 62: Captain Monsur Ali.

Right Answer: E

5. Page-647, Q. No. 11: Source: Wikipedia.

Right Answer: D

6. Page-696, Q. No.16: Right Answer: B Source: Dictionary

7. Page-734, Q. No. 16: 2000 ( 1 + .08/2 ) 2 =163.20.


Right Answer: B

8. Page-740, Q. No.29: Right Answer: A 60/2= 30, 60/3= 20, 60/4= 15. So, Total bowl= 30+20+15= 65. 9. Page-747, Q. No.30: Right Answer: D Greatest possibilities: 30*15=150. Then, 150*12%= 18.

10. Page-786, Q. No.20: Right Answer: D Declassify means to remove the classification from (information, a document, etc.) that restricts access in terms of secrecy, confidentiality, etc.

11. Page-789, Q. No. 59:

Right Answer: John Kerry

12. Page-809, Q. No. 32:

Right Answer: D

Adept Synonyms : skilled - skillful - skilful - proficient - expert deft, expert - connoisseur judge - master proficient 373.3717.2-1j0j2j2j0j1.6.0...0.0...1c.1.7.psyab.kksaZq6vGC8&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&fp=e7876a8438064f&biw=1280&bih=634

13. Page-810, Q. No. 48:

Right Answer: D

14. Page-899, Q. No. 57:

Right Answer: B

15. Page-899, Q. No. 58:

Right Answer: C

16. Page-902, Q. No. 14:

Right Answer: B

17. Page-1008, Q. No. 56:

Right Answer: C

Explanation: A=1, , D=4, E= 5, H=8.

18. Page-1056, Q. No. 17:

Right Answer: B

19. Page-1076, Q. No. 80:

Right Answer: C

Service provides 52.76% to GDP.

20. Page-1095, Q. No. 48:

Right Answer: C

21. Page-1105, Q. No. 52:

Right Answer: A

22. Page-1181, Q. No. 46: 2010 world cup winner: Spain.

Right Answer: E

23. Page-1202, Q. No. 18:

Right Answer: D

Shakuntala written by Sharat Chandra Chattapadhay.

24. Page-1241, Q. No. 31: 25. Page-1241, Q. No. 33: Right use of preposition.

Right Answer: C Right Answer: D

Prepared By:
Shakil Ahmed, Department of Management Studies, University of Dhaka. Cell no. 01686303190. Mail ID.

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